A/N: I know it's been like, half a year, but high school has really taken a lot out of me :P Student council rep really takes a lot of my free time, plus I've also been acting a few plays and helping in game shows for the local community center :D

EDIT: Hey guys! So, I re wrote this chapter, so if you are reading this again, then it going to be a lot different than the first time you read it.

Chapter 1: Enter Uzumaki Naruto

High school. The tortuous and depressing hellhole that all teenagers must go to if they ever want to be successful. Of course there are some who enjoy the place but trust me on this, I'm not one of them.

Well, hi guys. My name is Uzumaki Naruto, I'm 17 years old and I go to Konoha High School; grade 11. I'm just you're average student... well, except for the part that I have no friends or family. Apparently, my parents were named Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.

You must be wondering why I have my mothers maiden name, it's because my father wasn't exactly the 'cleanest' person in the world. His job (Whatever it was) involved the yakuza, so to be safe I got my mothers name.

Anyways, I'm on my way to school so I guess I might as well talk about my classmates. First is the bitch, Sakura Haruno. I've got two words for you: Total. Whore. I was out of my mind to have a crush on her in our first year, and also, it's all her fault that everyone avoids me.


I was all ready for school, 'maybe this time I can made some friends' I thought to myself optimistically- boy, was I wrong.

Walking to class while humming a tune from a song I liked, I saw a really pretty pink haired girl. At the time, I thought trying to talk to her was the smartest thing on the planet, so I did it. "Uhh, hi! Do you know where class 1-8 is?" I asked her.

She turned to me and scoffed, "Why should I tell trash like you?" She laughed with her clique. A guy from her group pushed me to the floor and yelled at me. "Don't even TRY and get into our ranks loser." He laughed and they left.

'Well, so much for trying to get that bitch.' I thought while I sighed.

When I entered class, I was surprised. The pink cockroach was in my class, and when she saw me, she nudged the guy next to her, whispered in his ear and laughed. 'ok, crazy bitch...' I thought and took a seat, only to be pushed back. "Hey asshole," The guy said faintly, then he yelled the rest of his sentence out. "Anyone who becomes friends with this loser with never be happy at this school." He finished, then went over to the pink haired slut and kissed her long and hard.

I looked up, well, what do you know, I finally made it to class.

I walked into my first class, which just happened to be French, the only class I liked. The truth is, I'm a quarter French, my bright blonde hair kind of proves it. As I sat down my chair was roughly pulled away from none other than the pink cockroach, Sakura. She started to laugh loudly; spitting in my face as she walked away. I looked up and saw her boyfriends. They all glared at me and were about to attack me, but I ran out of class before that could happen.

'Why does this ALWAYS have to happen to me?!' I thought as tears threatened to fall from my cascade eyes, when suddenly, I bumped into an old man.

"Ow..." I rubbed the back of my head as I started to get up, then looked at the person I knocked over.

He was an elderly man, about the age of 50-60, his hair was pure white, with bits of dirt from the floor on his head, his eyes were charcoal black, with wrinkles on his skin beside his eyes and mouth, showing me that he smiled a lot, that's when I noticed that he wasn't getting up.

"Hey, uncle, are you ok? Want some help?" I asked, not calling him gramps even though I REALLY wanted to.

"I'm fine, but yes, I would like some help getting up." His voice was so calming, like a father or grandfather, not that I would know. I wiped my tears quickly and stuck out my arm to help him up.

After, he looked at me all weird like, then smiled kindly. "Um, I'm sorry to ask anymore of you, but can you please help me out? I seemed to have pulled my back." He sighed. "Although I understand if you are busy..."

"Of course I'll help you! Tell me, where do you live?" I asked boldly after all, this old guy is the only person that didn't hate on me right after we met!

"Actually, I need to go to work... I work at StarPOP main office."

HOLY CRAP. The old man said StarPOP, the most famous magazine out there! I don't care about fashion or anything like that, but even I know how big it is. "Ok, sure." I replied and pulled his arm around my shoulder and tried to carry him to the office, which was about a 10 minute walk.

'Finally made it.' I thought to myself. "Ok, Jiraiya-san, we're here." I turned my head to face him. On our way here we had a conversation about ourselves, he told me his name and vice-versa.

"Thanks a lot Naru-chibi" He smiled, but I saw a hint of a smirk there. "Uh... can you help me to the front desk? Sorry to impose and all..." he frowned. "I'm getting old, and this is becoming really annoying!"

I laughed, this old man was really cool! "Not a problem at all! I really like you. I mean, not many people want to talk to me..." I looked over to the old man and so his expression solem. "Oh! I'm sorry to ruin the mood! Please pretend I didn't say anything!" I said flustered.

"No, no! Naru-chibi... I was wondering... Do you want to be a model?"

... Wait... WHAT?!

"I'm sorry, I think I just misheard you, can you please repeat what you said?" I said while scratching my head with my free hand.

"Will you be a model for me? I think you're perfect for our new brand and you're so cute- err handsome! It's perfect! Please Naruto, it's an old man's dying wish" he pleaded with his eyes as large as they could go.

"uh... " I sighed. "Well, alright... but only because you asked me." I smiled, who could say no to that?

"Thank you! Let's go in... if you don't mind..." He said sheepishly. I laughed and helped him inside.

I looked around and saw huge nikon cameras, green screens plastered on almost all the creamy-white walls, wooden boxes filled with who-knows-what and a whole bunch of other gadgets. The room was empty, save a handful of people.

"HINATA!" Jiraya yelled out towards another room.

"Y-yes sir? What can I do for you- Oh! hello!" She bowed. This girl is pretty! Her violet purple-blue hair cascaded down her back to mid thigh, and although her clothes were anything but pretty she looked amazing in them.

"Can you please give this man a makeover? Make him... The cute and cool type!" Jiraiya said as I helped him sit down on a chair.

"Y-yes sir!" 'She stutters a lot' I thought as she dragged me to the room she came from, then it hit me! She was going to give ME the makeover!

Hinata walked over to the dresser on the side of the room and pulled a hair tie out of one of the drawers, then she tied the beautiful violet hair into a messy bun. She turned to me, and stared into my soul- I mean looked at me up and down.

"W-well, I see why the director chose you to be a model... Ok! Let's begin!" I took a step back, fearing for my life, but gradually went back to her to start this 'makeover'.

First she pulled out a sweatshirt and a pair of sweatpants, and told me to go change in the corner. When I got back to her I saw she had everything set up for a haircut. "Um... Hinata-san, I don't mind if you cut my hair but please don't cut it really short, or else I won't be able to cover my face from others..." I said. My hair was pretty long for a guy but it was short for a girl. It was wild and went everywhere, after all the last time I combed it was... crap. I don't know.

She smiled at me. "Y-you don't need to worry Uzumaki-san. You can wear a w-wig or something to school, we can provide it for you, now please have a seat." She pointed to the chair."Yes ma'am."

After I sat, Hinata pulled out a pair of scissors and started clipping away. 10 minutes later my head felt 1000 tons lighter. I was so scared she shaved my head bald, so I put on my glasses and looked straight into the mirror and boy was I surprised. My hair went up to my neck in layers and the bangs wisped towards the right side of my head instead of straight down and had a bit of dark blonde in it. "W...wow" I smiled and hugged Hinata.

"Thanks soooo much Hinata-san" I yelled quite aloofly. "No problem, but we still have some things to do" She giggled, then guided me to another room full of clothing, and blueprints.

Hinata told me to stay at the door as she started looking through a whole bunch of clothes, occasionally walking over to me and putting some shirt/pants in front of me then frowning and walking back to the pile and trying again. Finally, after a good 15 minutes, she handed me a pile of clothing and told me to go and put it all on, and so I complied.

I tried on the pants first. They were tight fitting skinny jeggings, almost too tight actually, after I got those on I looked skeptically at the shirt Hinata gave me. 'Oh well, no use in complaining...' I sighed and put on the tight black tee-shirt with a plaid open longsleeve on top. Then I put on the black-grey boots with lots of straps that I got with the outfit and walked out of the room.

"Uh, Hinata-san. I'm done." I scratched the back of my head. She looked me over like a piece of meat, then looked and my arm and ran away. 'Ok then.' I thought, then she came speeding back with a black leather strap for my arm.

"Perfect." She nodded, then pulled me back to Jiraiya who, surprisingly was still sitting down, only this time he had a phone and was probably playing games judging from the sounds.

Jiraiya looked at me and smiled. "Amazing! You look amazing Naruto! I knew you were hot, but oh my..." He laughed., then he suddenly stopped. "Um, Naruto?" He looked at me expectantly."Y-yes?" I stuttered out. Crap, i've been talking to Hinata too much.

"I don't know how to say this, but oh well. I'm sorry, but is it ok if we start the photoshoot right now? I've already called the others.. so yeah." He laughed sheepishly.

"O...ok? But I know nothing about modeling!" I yelled out hysterically. "Oh, that's ok, just do what you think is right, I trust you." He winked. 'easier said than done...' I thought.

"Sasuke you idiot!"

"You're the idiot. Sai!"

We all turned around and saw the metallic door behind us opened and two hot boys walked in.

""Well, Atleast I never forget to make breakf- Oh! Sorry Jiraiya-san, we didn't see you or your friend" One of the boys said apologetically. He was a fourth taller than me -same as the other boy- he was wearing skinny jeans with a black long sleeve hoodie and black and white converse shoes. His hair was black and a bit shorter than mine.

"Hello Sai; Sasuke" Jiraiya smiled. "This is Naruto. He will be modeling with you."

"Oh really? Has he ever modeled before?" The other boy asked. He was wearing baggy light grey sweatpants with a tight long sleeve shirt and black checkered runners. His hair was also black and spiky and he had a black fedora on his head.

"Well, not exactly... anyways, Naruto! This is Sai and Sasuke. You will be modeling with them for a while. The concept of this shoot is 'Envy'. Basically, it's like this, Naruto is alone. He has no one, then he meets Sasuke and Sai who he becomes fast friends with, then a female -who we haven't quite found yet- will be jealous and try to attack Naruto, who will be saved by you two and everything is back to normal." Jiraiya voiced out.

The three of us nodded. "Well, let's go!" JIraya howled and tried to get up, only to have his back hurt more. "... Let's start in 20 minutes.. Hinata, can you get Kakashi for me?" Jiraiya asked as he held his back.

"Are you ok?" I asked Jiraiya. He looked down at me and smiled. "You're a good kid Naruto." I smiled.

"You're a really kind old man..." I smiled sadly..

Sasuke and Sai looked at me with concerned faces. "Are you ok?" Sai asked as I walked away from Jiraiya.

Sasuke gave me a smile. "Hey, Naruto, right? You're an interesting person. I think you are the first person to not start asking us for our autographs. Let me introduce myself properly, I'm Sasuke Uchiha. I've been a model for about a year now, and I hope we can become friends."

I smiled "I would love to be friends with you guys. I'm Naruto Uzumaki, and... Thank you."

Sasuke gave a small turn of his lips and placed his arm on my head. "You're welcome. "

"By the way Naruto, do you know that we go to your school?" Sai started.

"What do you mean?"

"We go to your school, and actually, we are in your class" Sai said.

"Although we look a lot different. Kinda like wallflowers, I guess. In school our names are Aoi and Suke, but our real names are Sasuke and Sai." Sasuke explained.

"Oh, I never really noticed! You guys never talked to me... Though, I understand. It's because of Sakura." I replied looking at the ground.

They looked at each other, then back at me.

"Once, I tried to talk to you but you just glared at me! " Sasuke boldly revealed..

And then, it hit me!

"He's such a loser!" one of the guys in my class yelled out once they threw a bucket of water at me, suddenly one of the guys helped me up, then pushed me back .

"Hah! Idiot do you really think anyone will help you?" Another guy smirked, then they left me. Alone.

"Are you ok?" I looked up and saw a male with brown hair messed up, and glasses with an oversized sweater reaching his hand out to me. I was about to grab it but then I remembered what just happened, shook my head and glared at him till he left.

After I explained what really happened, and the reason why no one would talk to me, they accepted my apology and we continued talking.

"So, does this mean you guys will talk to me in school, and be my friends?" I asked then looking up.

"Yup!" They looked at me and laughed, not at me... but with me. I felt so happy that in one of my years in high school, I finally had friends. We had a conversion, until we were called by Hinata to finish getting ready; not me, the other two.