When all else fails,
And we find ourselves alone;

The love we have must not fail,
For with one another we find our strengths.

Wyatt sighed, looking at the potion, and then back to his father, "Make him pay, dad," he said simply and telekinetically forced the potion out of his father's hand and toward himself. With one final push, he forced Leo away from him.

The force of the Wyatt's push, along with the explosion, was enough to force Leo into the wall. The Elder screamed out for his son but it was too late. As the smoke cleared, nothing was left but ash. The potions were quite strong, blessed by the Charmed Ones while holding hands with young Wyatt, and finally blessed by Leo, an Elder. They also contained the blood of both Piper and Leo. Wyatt, the source, was dead. He would not be back to come after Leo or his family.

"Gideon!" was heard throughout the halls of Magic School.

Teachers and students alike stopped what they were doing. They filed out of the classrooms and into the hallways to see what was going on.

There stood a pissed off Leo, who looked as if he was about to kill someone. Those who knew better, which thankfully was everyone, stepped out of the way. There was no messing with a pissed-off Elder not that— thankfully— any of them had ever had to deal with one.

Even so, they knew better than to stand in his way. Why was he angry? No one knew. Why was he disrupting classes? They figured it was not the time to ask.

So as Leo marched down the hallway, he was relatively uninterrupted. It was until he got to Gideon's door that Sigmund decided to get in his way.

"Leo," Sigmund smiled at his friend, "How present it is to see you, especially on such a wonderful day."

The man in question just stared at the assistant who dared to get in his way, "Move." One word; that was all it took to make the shorter man shake in his boots and move out of the way.

Leo rattled the door as he opened it and then slammed it shut. There he saw a man behind Gideon's desk, just not the man Leo had been expecting. Behind Gideon's desk, he saw himself. Well, a version of himself that was not quite his own mirror image. Leo stared at himself and then said, "Who are you?" He sounded concerned and suspicious.

The other Leo shook his head, "I am, from another universe, and Gideon is not here. He was not in my universe either," he pointed over to the mirror seated by the desk, "My Wyatt is already missing. Is yours?"

Leo didn't even need to check, for he already had. The moment the older version of his oldest child had committed suicide, he had quickly returned to the manor to find the sisters old cold. They had been taken by surprise and were fine but he was otherwise unable to wake them.

Leo sighed, "Yes," he admitted, "How do I stop him?"

The other Leo shook his head, "You don't, Leo, but neither can I. Not alone. Together, perhaps we will be strong enough? You see, he is not only working with the Barbas from your reality but also the Gideon from my reality. They have joined forms, creating an imbalance to our two realities; one that must be ratified."

Leo growled and sighed, falling to the ground, "And how do you suggest we do this?"

The other Leo shook his head, "I would have originally suggested a great evil deed in your reality, for an equally good deed in mine, but now we are only left with one option."

Leo shook his head, "I do not understand."

The bearded, evil, Leo sighed, "We must, also, join forces. I will allow you to remain in control; I have no desire to fight him. I will give myself freely to you, so that you can take my powers and my abilities, to use me as you will. You see, the two versions of Gideon are fighting for control. The only way to win and, to restore balance, is for me; an evil version of you, to surrender peacefully. Then, the good version of myself, you, must take control hostelry and quickly. We do not—"

The bearded Leo had no chance to finish his sentence because, the good Leo of this universe, had seen what he must do. He had quickly orbed the other Leo into himself using a lightning-orb method, where he shot him with lightning and then orbed the other Leo's soul into himself before it could escape. Upon doing so, the body of the other Leo disappeared.

Leo then closed and reopened his eyes. He could immediately sense where Gideon and Barbas were. The two very different versions of Gideon were certainly fighting for control and, if Leo was correct, he did not have much longer. He could also sense his son. Leo, who had very little time, orbed to where he sensed the two Gideons, Barbas, and his son.

As Leo orbed into the dark and depressing lair, he had to wonder if all evil beings felt the need for such surroundings. Not that it really mattered of course, because soon he would be killing two more evil beings. So much for his pacifist ways.

Barbas was having quite enough of this madman that Gideon had become. He certainly hadn't signed on to be ordered around like some lackey; nevertheless, when he saw those specs of orbs forming into Leo he knew what had to be done. It was with this in mind that he put his hands up and began to force Leo to live his own fears.

As Barbas' hands were raised, Leo knew what he was doing. He was going to dodge or parry, whatever it took, but something told him to remain still. He did. It was then he realized that the other Leo knew what to do. Relying on the knowledge of the bearded Leo, our Leo remained calm and did not move.

To say that Barbas was confused would be an understatement. He was now in the manor behind a crystal cage. How in the world had he ended up here? Oh, no matter. He placed his hands up, expecting the crystals to obey and to move out of the way. They did not. In fact, he soon and quickly realized he had no powers.

The Charmed Ones orbed into view, aided by that half-breed of a sister, and they simply looked at him. "Not so tough now," Piper asked.

Barbas looked at the three women, "Shut up, you wench of a bitch, let me out and I will dispose of your wretched bones."

Suddenly, three more figured orbed in. Barbas recognized them. The grandmother, the mother, and the sister that was killed, by Shax. What were they doing it? Certainly Barbas had no idea, other than they wanted to vanquish him, but certainly one does not simply vanquish fear; so he laughed, he laughed at their stupidity of the witches, "Foolish mortals," he said, "you cannot vanquish me."

It was then that fourth sister laughed. What was her name?, thought Barbas. Ah right, Prudence Halliwell. "Why are you laughing, Prudence? Surely, you do not wish me to drown you in water. How about you?" He looked at the mother of the Charmed Ones, "Not afraid of some little teeny water, are you?"

All five of the women in front of him laughed. The laughter was becoming too much. Why were they laughing at him, the demon of fear? Certainly he deserved more respect than this!

Barbas glared at the five witches, but wait? There weren't just five witches; no. There were…oh, no. Every witch he had ever killed. Every victim he had ever murdered. All of the evils he had done to them. What were the witches doing? This had to be a dream. Right? It would end soon. It had to end soon. There was no way this was real.


Uh, right?

Please let it end soon

There's no way this is real.

So, I KILLED YOU; so what?

It's a war.

I'm the demon of fear.

I'm fear!

I'm Barbas and you do not scare me!

I am not afraid of you

I'm not afraid of you



Mommy, make it stop.