You Know You're A Slytherin When...
Salazar Slytherin
Founder of Hogwarts greatest House.
You know you're a Slytherin when...
When your favourite colours are emerald and silver.
When you don't give up without trying all the options.
When you are prepared to do anything to get what you want.
When you'll push anyone down to get to the top.
When you break the rules when you know you won't get caught.
When you know that if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.
When you're too proud to admit you are wrong.
When you do something just to be better.
When you never back down from a challenge.
When you feel like you should hate Muggle-Borns even if you really don't.
When you are just that little bit vain.
When it's important to be original.
When you're destined for greatness.
When someone says they are better than you, and you turn around and say, Muggle please, I'm a Slytherin.
When you walk down the hall with your head held high and a smirk on your face like you own the place. (because really, we're Slytherins and owning it is what we do best.)
When you think 'Mudblood' instead of Muggleborn and don't even think about it.
When you have to be the best at everything.
When you know you are the best at everything.
When you reherse your comebacks in the mirror.
When you can't stop looking in the mirror.
When you're too sexy for your shirt.
When you won't take 'no' for an answer.
When you love being in charge.
When you let other people do your work for you and then take credit for it.
When lying is always an option.
When you crave power above all else.
And that, dear Snakes, is how you know you are a Slytherin.
A/N, this was a thing a group of us did on facebook, we all commented on the 'you know you're a Slytherin when...' post and this was born! I hope you liked it.
Xo Liza