Hey if your reading this then thank you so much, I don't know if i will continue

this story. It depends on the reviews i get i guess because I haven't gotten many

at all on my last story, your reviews are loved. I am sorry in advance for this

horrible thing i call a fic, rated for my paranoia and Romano's mouth. Have a nice


"Damn it Romano, why do you have to be so difficult and stubborn all the time?!" Spain

shouted angrily, his voice rising again, more in frustration than anger, at his partner.

This had started out like any other fight between the two, Romano had broken something, again, and not wanting to give Spain the chance to react to it, had started a fight.

A look of annoyance flashed across Romano's face as another name was added to the long list of people who had called him that. He would never be as good as his brother and even Spain knew it, it was something he hated himself for.

"If you wanted some pushover boyfriend you should have chosen my brother like everyone else you idiot!" Romano shouted to mask the pain and regret he was feeling from the fight.

"Romano you know thats not what I..." anger suddenly flared up in Spain's heart and he lost control of himself as he said the words he knew would hurt Romano more than


"Maybe I should have chosen Feliciano!" Spain shouted instantly regretting it

but not being able to stop himself. "After all everyone knows that your worthless and will

never be as good as your brother."

Romano's eyes widened as his worst nightmares became reality.

"Your worthless and no one could care less about you because you can't do anything right, you mess up everything and don't care about anything!" Spain stood in horror as he watched Romano's eyes fill with pain and start to tear up, his body shaking.

Spain couldn't believe what he was saying but he couldn't stop. 'I don't think

that, what am I saying?!' his head screamed, 'What am I doing to mi tomate?' To angry

to stop he continued, it seemed as if he had no control over his words.

Feliciano walked into the front door just in time to hear the next onslaught of venomous words aimed at his brother, "I don't care about you, I never have and no one ever will, even your own grandfather chose your brother over you..."

"Big brother Spain what are you saying?!" Italy yelled in shock at the awful things he had heard.

The words that left Spain's mouth after that were ones he would regret for the

rest of his life, he would have given anything to take them back.

"Everyone would be better off if you were dead!" Spain yelled.

Italy ran across the room and grabbed Spain's sleeve, "Stop it!" he yelled as Romano sank to his knees with his hands over his ears, the look in his eyes was that of utter pain and betrayal. Feliciano dropped to his brothers side and watched him shake violently, eyes fixed on the floor.

He didn't know if he should try to comfort his brother or chase Spain away before he said anything else.

'What did I just say!?' Spain thought, "Romano, I..." he started, but before he or

Feliciano could say anything else, Romano got up and ran out the front door into the rain.


"Why...?" Romano thought as he ran, tears fogging his vision. "He was the only person

who didn't choose Feli over me... or at least thats what I thought, I'm such an idiot!"

Two hours had passed before he stopped running. Soaked to the bone and with no clue

were he was at, Romano sat in front of an old building with his knees against his chest and cried.


It had been three hours since Romano had ran out into the rain and Italy had begun to

cry. Germany sat with him at the table. Spain had called Prussia and France after the

incident and the three had just returned from looking for him soaking wet.

France went upstairs to change out of his wet clothes and Spain sank into a chair at the table.

"We looked everywhere West, but we couldn't find him..." Prussia said still standing in the doorway. Feliciano, who had been watching them in hopes that they would have good news, began to cry again and Spain wasn't far from tears himself.

Prussia hated seeing his friend like this and he new it hurt Germany to see Italy like that.

"There is no way he is still out in that rain," France said as he came back down the stairs "He may be rash, but he isn't stupid, we will look again tomorrow."

Germany put his hand on Feliciano's shoulder comfortingly, "He probably went to an old house of his, we'll find him in the mo..."

Germany was interrupted by Italy jerking away from him and standing up. Shaking with rage and worry Feliciano grabbed his jacket and walked towards the door.

"I know my brother, this isn't the first time something like this has happened..." Feliciano

said stopping in the middle of the room. Everyone was waiting for him to continue, not

wanting to say anything.

"It was a day just like this and Grandpa said something to Romano during a fight that he has never recovered from, he said..." Italy paused and shot a glare at Spain shocking everyone. "He said the very same words you did, he said we would be better off if fratello was dead." he said.

All eyes were now on Spain and he reluctantly told them the horrible things he had said.

"What happened last time?" Prussia asked Feliciano.

"He ran out into the rain, two hours later grandpa sent out a search to find him, they finally did five hours later, he was barley conscious and by the time they got back to the house he had passed out. We brought in a doctor who told us that he had a bad fever and that he would most likely die, he was sick for three weeks and just when we had lost hope the fever broke and he woke up... the doctor told us that we were lucky but that if it ever happened again, we wouldn't be so lucky twice." Italy trailed off as he saw the shocked faces in the room around him.

"I'll come with you to look." Prussia said.

Germany got up, "No I'll go, you shouldn't go back out into the rain." he said.

"You have to stay here and help France with Spain otherwise they will both be wasted and laying on the floor when we come back, and if I stay it will happen anyway." Prussia said trying not to laugh.

Without another word tItaly and Prussia walked out into the rain leaving the rest in the room to stare at a closed door.


The rain beat down on Romano relentlessly but he didn't care. He new he should get

out of the rain before he got sick but he couldn't bring himself to move.

'Why does it always have to be like this...' he wondered. 'I wish I could just die already...' he thought. He thought he heard voices calling his name as he lost consciousness.


After another hour of searching they finally found him.

"Romano!" Prussia called out to him, and Italy did the same. When Prussia got to Romano he was shocked to see the state he was in.

Romano was unconscious, soaked to the bone, deathly pale, and ice cold.

"We need to get him out of the rain and fast." Prussia said picking him up in his

arms bridal style.

Neither Feliciano or Prussia knew whether to be happy they found him

or worried because of the condition he was in, in the end they were both.


"Uhh! When are they going to get back? I'm getting a little worried..." France said. He

was sitting by the window watching the rain pour down, Spain was sitting in the same

spot in the kitchen, staring at the door.

Germany was sitting on the couch calmly but he

really was worried too. "I'm sure they are fine and on their way back now." he said.

Through the window, France saw Prussia and Italy come around the corner towards the

house, Prussia was carrying a very pale looking and unconscious Romano.

"Well you got half of that right." France said to Germany just before Prussia and Italy came into the house, and hanging limply from Prussia's arms, was Romano.

"Spain don't stare like an idiot get some towels and another pair of Romano's clothes! France call the doctor and West take care of Feli, he'll catch cold, he's soaked." Prussia barked and everyone went to do their part.


A phone-call and a change of clothes later... Romano lay in one of the beds upstairs with a terrifying fever and Italy and Prussia both had a small cold.

Italy had asked for a specific, rather old, doctor but didn't say why. The doctor had a grim look on his face as he came down the stairs, Italy trailing behind, into the living room were everyone else was waiting.

"I have done everything I can... the rest of it is up to him." the doctor said, then as a second thought, added "Call me if anything changes in a few days but I really don't think he will make it, not this time... I'm sorry Feliciano." after that he left.

Italy had a very grim look of pain on his face that didn't suit him. Feliciano was shaking but none of the nations new if it was from sobs or anger. He walked over to Spain and when he was just close enough to touch him, he slapped him across the face with a resounding *smack* sound.

Everyone was stunned that Feliciano would hit anyone, and then he started yelling.

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! MY BROTHER IS GOING TO DIE AND ITSALL YOUR FAULT...!" he screamed falling to the ground sobbing.

Spain felt like he had just been stabbed through the heart, the love of his life was going to die and it was his fault.

Feeling the tension in the air Prussia decided to take France and Spain out to thebar, to avoid another fight, obviously. He grabbed them both and dragged them away saying, "Okay time to go to the bar and one of you has to drive us home so you both have to come otherwise the two who go will be drunk and die hahaha." stupidly.