I do not own SD3 and their characters, some lucky game company does. ;_;

In this story the characters don't know each other and everything that took place in seiken densetsu 3 never took place. I'm just using the characters and places from it so that's just about it.

This is a new story I'm working on. Treat it nicely. I finally get to write a story without mentioning Jessica! Yet.

Please read and review!



Am elderly woman gracefully walked down a lit hallway carrying a sleeping young blond child resting peacefully in her arms. Stroking back a strand of his hair, she smiled as she reached the little boy's bedroom, ready to put him to sleep. The large doors gave out a small creaked when she tried quietly to open them. Walking into an elaborately decorated room she inaudibly strolled over to the perfectly made bed. Pulling back the covers she gently placed the young prince on his soft satin bed. Tenderly tucking the child in she kissed the young child on the forehead and tranquilly whispered to him.

"Sleep well prince Elliot."

She rose from her position and silently walked towards the door and quietly shut it, but not without it creaking a bit. Turning right, she headed towards the next bedroom next to Elliot's, hopeful that his older sister was there. Gently opening the door she peered into the dark room, and it obviously gave sign that no inhabitants resided in the dim chamber at the moment. Giving out a sigh, the woman shut the door, turning to only be confronted by a pair of sapphire eyes.

"Alma? What are you doing here?"

A soft voice escaped from the young woman's voice in front of her. The blond-haired girl, holding her weapon walked past her child-hood nurse and entered her bedroom flicking on a lighter and tossing it in the fireplace. Within seconds the fireplace roared with fire, and lit the shadowy room.

Alma sat down on a chair smiling at the young princess, as she watched Riesz place her spear up against the wall and sighed jumping back on the bed. Giggling a bit she turned her direction to the woman staring at her.

"So, do you have something to tell me?" Riesz asked, looking at the old woman sitting across the room from her. She always liked talking to Alma; she was like her mother in the absences of her own mother who died so long ago.

Alma fidgeted with her apron she had on and sighed. Looking at Riesz straight in the eye. With that look Alma gave the Amazon princess gave Riesz the idea of what the conversation was going to be about. The princess turned her head and frowned, "I'm not interested." She said bringing her knees up to her chest.

Alma gave out an irritated sigh; Riesz had always had this behavior to the subject and it disturbed her so much that she was like this. It wasn't as though Riesz never been in love with anyone, she indeed was. But every time she ran into a relationship she would always end up with her heart being ripped to shreds. Alma despised those young foolish men that could of grown to see the wondrous beauty Riesz had grown up to be, not the tomboy she was when she was just a petite girl.

"Riesz, you're growing up to be a beautiful young woman, and your father and I decided that you should get married. Besides, Elliot would probably love a older brother." Alma said softly, not in the demanding voice her father would use on her if he had talked to her about this. Riesz glared at her trusted nurse and shook her head.

"Am I not good enough for Elliot that he needs an older brother? I am not going to get into a commitment with false feelings for someone! Or else I might get hurt again."

The Amazon princess said as unshed tears glistened through her eyes. She's been in love so many times; her young heart had been deceived so many times that she couldn't take it anymore. She had vowed that she wouldn't fall in love with another man until she knows he is the right one.

The real reason why King Joster wanted his daughter to get married was for someone to calm her bleeding heart. She worked too hard looking after Elliot and the kingdom. He wanted her to have someone special besides the royal family, someone she can love and run to, and spend the remainder of her years with.

Sighing one last time Alma stood up and headed towards the door, figuring that the princess would want some time alone.

"Think about it okay?" She asked softly and exited the room without a single word.

Riesz watched the door close shut, and let her tears run down freely. Acting brave and not hurt was hard to do; she had her heart damaged so many times.

Lies, they were all lies, those double-crossing bastards.

Riesz looked at her spear, then decided to go out and slay some monsters to past the time or anything at all to get her mind off the emotions and unleash them on the monsters. Grabbing for her spear she quietly opened the door and tiptoed outside only to be encountered by some of the Amazons on the way out of the castle.

"Princess Ri-"

Riesz glared at them, she hated being called princess. She just wanted to be called by her given name, not some name that held a high rank in a monarchy. The Amazon smiled and corrected herself.

"Riesz, where are you going? The King forbids you to go anywhere without some of the Amazons with you." The Amazon said.

"I am not a child." Riesz spat at the Amazons that blocked her way.

"To the king you are." Another said.

Riesz hung her head low, and gave in. "Very well." She said and quickly ran off, hoping to lose the Amazons, but they were right behind her so she just stopped to her normal pace, giving in to them.

The golden-haired young woman hiked upon a dusty mountain trail, holding her sharp weapon in hand; ready to take down any kind of monster that popped up. Leading her Amazon army she showed no signs of fear or regret. The expression that graced her face was a determined one and by the way she held her spear, she was prepared to fight.

Following back behind the young amazoness were other women that were worried and a bit protective over the young woman before them. Riesz had been pushing herself so much lately that they were concerned for the young girl. As much as the Riesz' father, their lord, told her to stay put in the castle she always disobeyed and she would always want to venture out farther and farther away from Rolante.

Riesz reached a high peek that over looked some of the forest areas of the kingdom. Smiling and inhaling she inwardly smiled. She loved this place; it was so relaxing and calms her soul. She loved this spot so much, since her mother died; she always came here to cry. She would never cry at the castle because it showed the Amazons that their princess was weak.

Adverting her gaze at nature she looked down at the lake that was below the cliff. She gasped when she saw a body on one of the lower peaks. Quickly, without hesitation she jumped off the cliff she was on onto a lower one, then another until she reached the unconscious and wounded person.


The Amazons called out for her when they saw her jump off the cliff, but were relieved when they saw her safe and sound running up to a- body?!

Crouching down towards the seemingly male figure that was laid on his front. She quickly rolled him onto his back, laying his head on her lap. Stroking some violet hair off to a side, she blushed at his handsome tanned face. (A/N: Sound familiar? Hehe)

She found that he was wounded with many cuts on his arms and especially his legs. His breathing was very shallow. Ripping her sleeve and tearing it, (she's not wearing her amazoness outfit) she wrapped it around his deepest cut, which was on his arm. Waiting for the Amazons to come, all she could do was hope that this young man would survive. It looked as though these wounds were fresh and that he just came here. Noticing blood trickle down his head, she tore off her other sleeve and wrapped it around his head.

"Princess! What should we do?" An Amazon asked running up to her and a bit shocked to see Riesz's sleeves completely ripped off. "Take him back to the castle and call a doctor." Riesz said calmly picking up the stranger she just found, abandoned out of nowhere.


Alma was a bit surprised seeing Riesz bring back a young man from back from wherever she came back from. But was a bit relieved Riesz had given their conversation a thought; at least she thought she did. Walking towards the room where they kept the young man, Alma saw Riesz outside waiting for the doctor to finish his examination and work on the wounded foreigner.

Riesz noticed the old woman walk toward her, and before either one of them got to mention a word; the door opened reveling the doctor who gestured for Riesz to come in. Walking inside she saw that the young man's chest was bandaged with some blood seeping through them, and some bandages covering the ones she wrapped around him. The doctor gestured for Riesz to sit down, while Alma just stood watching.

"This young man had suffered from many wounds, and his legs are broken. He's also suffering from a blow to the head. But don't worry Princess, your boyfriend will be fine in no time." The doctor said and left after a bow, leaving a very confused and bewildered princess behind.

"Boyfriend?!" Riesz said a bit hysterically. Running towards the door she stepped outside the room and she faced the grinning doctor.

"He's not my boyfriend! You shouldn't jump to sudden assumptions!"

She shouted down the hall, which made the doctor chuckle and bow, "My apologies princess." And with that left to tend to another person wounded in the castle. Riesz just stood there blinking and with a little bit of red rising a bit on her face. Walking back into the room she saw a smiling Alma, which gave Riesz a very bad feeling. "I don't like that smile." Riesz said, taking a seat next to the stranger.

"Tell me Riesz, why are you so concerned about this young man? The elderly woman asked, out of curiosity, and amusement. The blond princess was a bit taken back but then narrowed her eyes at the softly chuckling Nurse. What really gave Alma hopes was that her young Riesz's face was turning darker shade of red.

"He's obviously from a region, and we found him in our kingdom badly wounded. Who wouldn't be concerned? He might be a spy from Navarre!" Riesz laughed at the possibility of it. Navarre and Rolante were enemies to say the least of everything. There was even rumors that a war would start between he two. Though the hate between the two enemy kingdoms happened hundreds of years ago.

A sudden motion drew her attention towards the violet-haired man. He quickly opened his eyes to only reveal two breathtaking golden orbs staring up at the ceiling. Blinking again he noticed he was in alien surroundings. Sitting up but groaning in pain he noticed the two unfamiliar people staring at him. Giving them a glare he tried to get out of the bed but the blond girl stopped him.

"Get some rest, you're badly wounded." She softly said, hoping that it calmed him down, which it did, a bit. Listening to her he rested his head on the soft pillows. The room fell silent, Riesz hating it, decided to say something but the foreign stranger spoke before her.

"Where am I?" He asked ignoring the big pain in his head.

Riesz exchanged looks with Alma then looked back at the stranger, who was patiently expecting an answer.

"You're in Rolante." Riesz softly answered him. The young man looked confused but believed the strange girl anyway, there was not much he can do.

"Where are you from?" The girl asked.

The stranger opened his mouth to speak but his mind was blank.

"I. Don't. Know."

The tanned young man answered which made him a bit apprehensive, and scared at the same time. His memory was a total blank; he couldn't remember anything that recently happened and that painful ache in his head made it even worse.

"You don't know?" Riesz asked, a bit confused and surprised, "Amnesia?" She murmured quietly under her breath.

"Can you tell us anything about yourself dear?" Alma politely asked.

The young man sat up using his elbows for support to keep him up. "I don't remember anything." He told the two stunned females in the room, trying to ignore the growing pain in his head. The two exchanged looks again and stared at him again, stunned. He really didn't like the looks they were giving him.

"Then do you know your own name?" The younger of the women asked him.

The young man closed his eyes bringing his hand up to his forehead, trying to remember anything that sounded familiar to him, and then something flashed in his mind and he smiled.



So? How was it? Please review! About my other story, I'm planning on rewriting it, making it more humorous than dramatic. Meanwhile I'll be working one this story, so yeah, review!


Bittersweet ^_~