Author's Note: Hey this is a new story I made, Because, well. My computer crashed and my Total drama High files have been erased and got frustrated and didn't type anything. Then, I started playing Bully and other video games and just thought"Why don't I just make a Johnny fic just so I can feel a little better!" XP And here it is... A Johnny OC fic.

Genre: Humor, Drama, Action, Hurt/comfort, Romance

Pairing: Johnny/OC, OC/OC

Chapter 1: Impulsive

Johnny's in a crappy mood. He had just broken up with Lola. Again. Lately, he's been in an on and off relationship with her. His Clique, but mostly Peanut, has been telling him to break it off completely. And well. He'd give it a try it's just… No. He needs to grow some skin. Forget Lola!

An expensive car stopped in front of the school and a man in a suit came out and opened the passenger's door for a girl with long black hair, she stared at the gates and looked puzzled, but didn't say anything. Her father has applied her to this school Because he has a business trip over seas and won't be able to be home for a while. Also he said he heard Bullworth Academy is a very good school and he thought she can finally catch up with her studies there,

"Ah! You must be Kei. We have been expecting you!"

A woman in a very dated 50s Secretary style outfit came and greeted her. She nodded her head to her and the one that drove her to Bullworth spoke,

"I will be off now, miss. Take care."

She turned to him and nodded to him as well and spoke,

"Thank you for bringing me here. Tell my father to I've made it."

He nodded and got into his car and drove off. She turned back to the woman and she introduced her self,

"Welcome to Bullworth, Miss Ito! I'm Miss Danvers, you will be at home here! Come. The headmaster is waiting for you."

The Secretary then turn to the gates, expecting her to follow.

Johnny was getting close to the school entrance thinking he should just forget her by going to class. Surprise, surprise. If the teachers see him in their classes they'd be pretty speechless.

Miss Danvers chuckled as the two of them walked into the school grounds. The Secretary just talked about how the school is a great school and how the education is very important for them, also she said something about if Kei was ever in a bind, she can ask anyone there and they will gladly help her, but so far, Kei isn't very convinced. She could see how the school is starting to unfold in front of her, some white shirt kids were picking on this one kid as one of the white shirts grabbed the smaller boy's books and held it above his head and the other one then gave him a wedgy as the smaller boy was trying to reach out for them, then another kid being threatened by another kid who bigger than him to give up his money and the like. And her father said it sounded like a good school, too…

The lead Greaser just sighed as he headed towards the school, not caring about the kid getting a wedgy or that one other kid giving up his lunch money. Just minding his own business and heading to class. He made it to the school doors and entered.

Just as Miss Danvers and Kei walked into the school building, an empty glass bottle went flying to Kei's direction and nearly hit her. The bottle then landed in front of a Leather jacket wearing guy. He looked pissed.

"Which one a' you threw that? Huh?!"

Johnny yelled at the students in the direction the bottle came from, they didn't really say anything, so, Johnny assumed it was Gord, who was just innocently walking by minding his own business did it,

"You! You did it, didn't you?! You're dead!" Johnny yelled,

Gord didn't know what is going on,

"What? What ever are you talking about?" He asked confused,

"Don't play dumb! You're the one that threw that!" Johnny claimed angrily as he grabbed onto the collar of his shirt,

A fight was about to start and Miss Danvers was too busy talking about the headmaster to Kei to realize the fight that's unfolding in just a few feet away from her,

"Umm, Miss Danvers?" Kei called to her as the leather jacket boy and the other boy started fighting,

"Miss Danvers?!"

Nothing. She's now suddenly started to giggle giddily and let out a dreamy sigh. Now the fight got even worse. The two boys then started getting into fist fights,

"Miss Danvers!" Kei yelled again,

"What is it! You don't need to yell like that! It's rude to interrupt-"

As she turned around to scold Kei she was then greeted by a flying backpack to the face. The prefects were already breaking the fight up just as Kei manage to get her attention,

"What is the meaning of this?!" Miss Danvers yelled as she sees two students in the arms of Prefects looking like they've just been broken apart from a fight, they even looked all bruised up with all the punches they've thrown at each other,


Miss Danvers pointed at the leather clad boy,

"How many times do you have to visit the office, Mr. Vincent?!" she snapped at him,

Johnny glared at her,

"I didn't do nothin'! This asshole threw a damn bottle at me!" Johnny yelled,

"What?! I did not throw a bottle at you!" Gord yelled,

Kei watched the scene that's being played in front of her then sighed and mattered,

"Father… You are very wrong about this place..."

"That's it! You two come with me!"

They are then forced to get to the office, by Miss Danvers and the two prefects, Kei was not far behind.

The three kids are sitting down on chairs to wait for Miss Danvers who's talking to the Headmaster about the incident, Johnny is sitting with Gord and that one girl he doesn't know. She decided to sit in between them just because, he guessed just to make sure they don't start a fight or something. She's just sitting there reading a book. Now that he looked at her properly, She isn't wearing the uniform. So he thought she's new. Well, to be honest she picked the wrong school to go to. He looked at her face and could see she's kind of cute, though she doesn't really seem like the type to wear make up or what not. Her hair though, looks very well kept.

As he was looking at her, Kei turned to him staring and asked,

"Do you need anything?"

"Huh?" He looked at her confused,

"You're staring at me. It's highly uncomfortable." she told him,

Sheesh. He could hear the coldness in her voice. He didn't really like her tone. He just grunted at her and turned away,


She then turned back to her book. The three students are now just sitting there until the doors to the Headmaster's office finally opened and out came Miss Danvers just staring at nothing with a dreamy look in her eyes, she seemed pretty busy doing that it's as if she didn't see the two students and the student to be being there. Until she turned to their direction,

"Dr. Crabblesnitch is ready to see you, Miss Ito."

Kei closed her book, got up and took her bag and headed to the office. The Greaser sighed and slumped in his chair. Great. He has to wait a little longer, he really wants to get this over with and leave. He really needs a smoke.

Kei finally entered the office and was greeted by the Principal himself,

"Ah. You must be Kei Ito! Come. Sit, sit!"

She sat down just as he offered, Crabblesnitch sat in his desk and looked through the files on his desk,

"Now. I see you've got really good grades from your old school which was from two years ago, but the report from last year seems like you've never tried. How come?" He asked,

She couldn't really answer that question very well. He could see she doesn't want to talk about it,

"Well. Whatever the case, you will get your grades up while you're here in this school. Remember. We won't take kindly with anyone who slacks off in their studies and cause trouble." He told her,

She shook her head,

"It's not that I'm going to do that, but… Have you ever seen the students? They've been bullying each other."

"Nonsense! It's school spirit! Now. Your schedule and dorm room number will be with Miss Danvers. Enjoy the school year, Miss Ito."

She let out an annoyed sigh and picked up her bag and left the office, she went up to Miss Danvers' desk and asked if she could get the schedule and the dorm room number. Though it took her a while to get her attention. This school is eating at her already.