A/N: So I post this little one shot I had the idea for and suddenly, boom! So what do I decide to do, right a sequel of course!
Young Justice Unlimited
A small group of kids watched as a building collapsed in DC. They had heard that four sidekicks had been seen helping out with a fire, but had disappeared into the structure. They had been debating which ones were inside, but with the collapse, they weren't sure who to mourn for. That was before a kid in a torn white jumpsuit lifted a large chunk of rock. Grinning, they left to tell the couple who had walked off.
Down at ground zero, the others climbed out from beneath, smiling at their new member, Superboy. The four others, Robin, Kid Flash, Artemis, and Aqualad, had come to a mutual agreement that forming a team was the right thing to do.
"See that," Kid Flash said, pointing to the glowing orb in the sky. "That's the moon, Supey. We keep our promises." Superboy appeared to be in awe, looking up at the moon. His eyes narrowed.
"Somebody is coming." The rest of the team looked up, staring at the moon. A second passed before the form of a man with a cape appeared, descending towards them.
Kid Flash smiled. "And look, here comes Superman. Told you we keep our promises." They watched as not only Superman arrived, but the rest of the Justice League. The entire League looked down at them, unsure of what to do. Superboy took a couple steps forward and lifted up a torn part of his solar suit, revealing the 'Superman S' emblazoned on his chest.
Superman was the first to react. He flinched, and then narrowed his eyes as if he had made a final judgment in his head. Artemis could imagine him damming the clone already, not even giving him a chance.
"Is that what I think it is?" Batman asked. Wally walked up beside Superboy.
"He doesn't like being called an it," Kid Flash warned.
"I'm Superman's clone," Superboy declared before the entire Justice League. Everyone appeared confused, shocked by the revelation. The sidekicks just watched on, waiting to see what would happen.
"Start talking." Robin stepped forward, nodding to the others.
"It began when you all left to aid Zatara with Wotan. Having heard your concerns about Cadmus and dealing with Speedy's departure, we decided as a group to investigate. Kid Flash and I did drag Aqualad into it, but Artemis was almost out the door by then.
"When we arrived," Robin continued, "we helped with the rescue effort and put out the fires. However, KF noticed a strange being on the second floor with us. We regrouped and chased after him, hoping he would be of use in the investigation. He walked away and we followed. Before we could nab him, he got onto an elevator. Aqualad opened the door and we descended using my grappling gun and one of Artemis's trick arrows.
"The first human we met down there was Guardian." Batman glared.
"Why didn't you contact the League then?" They all shrugged, looking at the ground. Superboy paid no attention, glaring at Superman. Batman sighed. "Continue."
"It turned out that whatever they're making down there, minus SB, were controlling him, so we ran for it. We ended up on floor 52 and went into a room for a 'Project Kr', which I had found suspicious after hacking into the system. When we got inside, we discovered Superboy inside a capsule. We decided to release him, which at first seemed to be a mistake. He took out KF, Aqualad, and myself."
"I was smart enough to hide up in the rafters," Artemis commented. "Superboy didn't know I was there, thus it was easy to hide from the genomorphs. That's what the creatures inside are called. I followed them to discover they were planning on cloning the other three so they could become moles for whoever runs Cadmus; moles against the League."
"While we were in there, Aqualad was able to convince Superboy to help us by asking him 'what would Superman do?'. He freed us and we destroyed the clones in progress, eliminating all DNA evidence," Robin said, returning on. "it took me too long to get out of my binds, but I still got out. After this, we ran, trying to figure out how to escape. Superboy led us out until we reached the higher floors of the underground facility. There, Dr. Desmond injected some drug they had been working on called 'Blockbuster'. He transformed and attacked us. We ended up in the upper building's lobby, where we destroyed the ceiling supports to take him out.
"Superboy pushed the rubble of us and then you all arrived." Batman was unreadable. He turned and walked to a Black Canary and Red Tornado. Before the kids could do anything, Flash, Green Arrow, and Aquaman swarmed in around them.
"Good job kids," Flash said. "If Bats is thinking of doing what I guess he may, you'll be seeing more action."
"I wouldn't be so sure," Aquaman said. "They did disobey orders to stay at the Hall."
"That was about Wotan," Artemis said. "You said nothing pertaining to Cadmus other than Batman was suspicious." Before anyone could continue, Batman returned.
"You five will report to Mount Justice in three days. You'll be given a new teammate there. Until then, you are dismissed." The Justice League turned away, most of them either gone or transporting Blockbuster. They all stood there, confused for a second.
"Wait, so we just got our own team?" Kid Flash asked. They all nodded, except Superboy who went off to confront Superman. "Well, I guess I'm starting a new souvenir shelf."
"You have a shelf?" Artemis asked. Wally grinned.
"Actually, a bookcase in my room. Your arrow is there."
"Arrow?" Aqualad asked.
"Long story, Kal," Robin said. He looked around. "Well, our work here is done. I'll be seeing you all in three days. That day will be the day."
A/N: There's the beginning! Leave a review with what you'd like to see. I have a plan of what I want, but throw up anything from season 1.