
"Shihihihihi! Don't you guys recognize me? It's me Luffy!" She shouted excitedly.

" Oh it's just Luffy... Wait what? Luffy's a guy! You can't be Luffy! " Zoro shouted angrily. He didn't like the idea that there was a girl who looked like their idiot captain and he liked the idea that the girl that could well be Luffy made him blush.

" But it's true... Why won't you guys believe me?" Luffy whined while rolling around on the deck. Suddenly she sat up and gave her signature grins.

" I know! I'll just say something that only our crew members would know! Hmm... Let's see... Oh I got it! Usopp is always telling me and chopper amazing stories. Nami loves beri more than anything in the world and she love her mikans. Sanji always gives nami and robin food first, and kicks me out of the kitchen..."

As Luffy went down the list Zoro started getting more and more worried. Shit Luffy's the only one here who knows about that. I can't let any one we know about it. If that girl is really Luffy than I have to stop her!

As Luffy continued, all the crew members were convinced that the girl before them was truly their captain. The only question was why in the world was Luffy a girl now?

" ... And Zoro mph mmm mmph mm...( keeps a secret diary under his bed)" before Luffy could spout out zoro's embarrassing secret he put his hand over her mouth. Before he even knew what was going on, his hair was set on fire and be was in his underwear. At the corner of the ship Sabo and Ace were making a mental note to teach the punk who dared to lay hands on their sister a lesson later.

" So captain san would you like to tell us how and why you turned into a girl?" Robin asked ignoring a burning and halfnaked Zoro.

" Well when I went to save Ace I got poisoned then healed and used some funny vigor thingy then I used it again!" Luffy said matter-of-factly. The only thing that was on the crew's mind was typical Luffy leaving out all important details.

At that moment Ace and Sabo decided to step in and explain what happened to Luffy. This time in a way that her crew could understand.

Meanwhile Zoro got dressed and Luffy had jumped on his back just like old times. However this time Luffy was a girl and her boos were pressing on zoro's back causing him to blush.

" Psst Sabo I think we need to teach that young punk some manners" Ace muttered. The next moment Sabo plucked Luffy of Zoro's back and placed her on the deck.

" Now now Luffy remember what I told you. It's not polite to jump in people backs." Sabo scolded.

" But Sabo nii Zoro is okay with it! Look he has a smile on his face!" Luffy countered.

" Don't worry Luffy me and Ade will have a nice talk with him..." At that moment the 3 of them disappeared.

" No fair! Sabo nii! Bring Zoro back! I wanna play with him!" Luffy shouted while jumping up and down. Suddenly nami noticed that Luffy's boobs were bouncing more than they should be.

" Luffy now that you are a girl you are wearing the proper equipment right? You know a bra." Nami asked. Immediately Luffy's face paled. As she turned and tried to make a break for it, hands suddenly sprouted from the ground and grabbed.

" Now now captain chan. It's not right for a girl to be running around without a bra. So I guess that means we're going shopping!" Robin beamed.

" Nooooooooooo!"