Valentine's Day
"Happy Valentine's Day!" Katie grinned bouncing over with a bushel of flowers in her hands. Probably stolen from Lord Elrond's garden.
" Yeah… I prefer to celebrate cheap chocolate day, or pancake day." I shrugged. I don't hate Valentine 's Day, I just don't really buy into it, but I love the cheap chocolate the day after the holiday.
"What's Valentine's day" Bombur asked " what's chocolate?" Bombur asked looking at me as I continued on my way.
"Chocolate is a sweet dessert that most women really love. It's creamy, but you can put things like nuts and stuff in it if you want. "
" Food… that women really like, you think my wife would like it, and it must be expensive." He noted the fact that I had said cheap.
"Well no… it's just the more expensive kind is really cheap" I smiled " Typically you can have chocolate at any point or give it, but your expected to give it with a little valentine."
" What's a valentine?" Fili asked looking over his shoulder at me. I liked this brother, he kept his distance and wasn't overly in my face, the other one however….
" Well the was a Man name Valentine, who used to marry roman soldiers to women, even though it was forbidden to do you. It's also rumored that he was jailed, he wrote to a woman, and signed the card Your Valentine, so now, we write little cards or poems to each other, saying things like I've been struck by cupid's arrow, will you be my Valentine?" I explained to the other Kili finally deciding to jump in
"Who's cupid?" He asked pulling out his own bow. Dork.
"Cupid is a toddler figure who shoots arrows at people's butt to make them fall in love with each other" I sighed at the dwarf. Could anyone truly be that simple?
" So If I shoot an arrow at your rear, then I can make you fall in love with anyone I want you to?" He asked.
" Yes….. but only if you do it wearing nothing but a diaper." I smirked as Fili started cracking up at the thought, I myself giggling because it was indeed funny. Kili however didn't seem to find it as funny as everyone else and promptly turned his back to us.
" So where did cupid come from?" Bombur asked me curiously
" I have no sweet clue " I shrugged " but of all the romance things we could invent. Cupid is the stupidest. "
"Valentine … what happened to him?" Thorin asked with a frown.
"He was put to death for his sins and now he's a saint. Celebrated for his martyrdom "I said proudly. I might not like modern Valentine's Day but I'm a sucker for a romance story.
"well then, he got what he deserved." Stupid not romantic dwarf.