I do not own any of the characters from durarara.

Warning: Yaoi (BoyXBoy)

Izaya was having a hard time understanding what exactly happened the night before.

He had called Shizuo last night, thinking that he deserved some sort stress relief after he had a tiring work day. Instead he got something he did not expect and it was making Izaya feel all types of emotions he didn't like nor really understand.

Of course Izaya shouldn't have been so surprised at Shizuo's unpredictability. The man was always so unpredictable and it made him both curious and frustrated at the same time. That's why Izaya had decided to change their little game of cat and mouse to something more thrilling and that was equally dangerous as their old game.

Sex with the Beast was... Well like having sex with a Beast. It usually ended with both bloody and sore all over their bodies, but satisfied none the less.

Lately, after almost a year of rough sex, Shizuo started doing weird things and acting odd. He would try to kiss him during and after their tryst (sometimes just randomly). Insist in staying the night or ask Izaya to stay the night at his place. Most importantly, he no longer got angry.

No matter how many hurtful remarks he made or even when he tried to mock him.

No longer did he get angry at Izaya for calling him Shizu-chan.

Or screamed at Izaya for bugging him at work.

Since they started this so-called relationship, which Izaya insisted was not close to any sort of relationship, (but none the less called it a relationship since he could not think of another word other than sex buddy to describe whatever they were doing with each other) they had stopped chasing each other because they had found a "replacement". It was almost like a silent agreement.

So Izaya did not find Shizuo not chasing him weird, but he did find it weird that when he stepped foot in Ikebukuro, Shizuo would no longer tell him to fuck off and leave. That was the one thing he still did even after they started their "relationship".

Those changes left Izaya feeling annoyed, since he felt that Shizuo was trying to get revenge, but what happened the night before was... was beyond annoying. Mainly because he felt that Shizuo was not trying to get some sort of revenge or even mock him.

Everything that happened the night before felt genuine.

Last night instead of their usual rough and hectic sex, Shizuo had gone slow and was attentive to his needs. That had been the first time anyone had done that for him and he didn't know what to feel.

The one feeling he did feel, which he hated to admit, was fear. He had never been so afraid in his whole life.

Give him a thousand, or even millions, of Shizuo's chasing him and Izaya would laugh and enjoy watching them try to find his brilliant hiding place.

But give him one Shizuo who was treating him as if he was the most important person in the world, and Izaya would tremble like a child who is afraid of thunder storms.

Emotional attraction did not happen over night.

Shizuo did not wake up from sleeping with Izaya for the first time and feel that he was madly in love with him. Nor did he wake up asking himself why he wasted so much time trying to kill the bastard when he should have spent that time in the bedroom.

No, emotional attraction did not happen over night.

In fact after the first time they slept together, both of them had done their business in the back of an alley and then left, without a word, to their own homes.

Shizuo had been fine with the change.

At first it had felt great being able to let loose and not damage anything but the flea (and the few walls he would slam him against). In the beginning, he did not care if Izaya got any pleasure out of it ,though he was sure he did since Izaya had been the one to begin this whole thing. He only cared about hurting him a bit and getting himself off to stop his anger; it worked.

Yes, it had worked for a while.

Sadly it did not last.

It couldn't have lasted because Shizuo was always known (by those who really knew him) for hating violence.

More specifically, Shizuo hated unjustified violence.

Before the change of their "relationship", the blond always believed that the fights he had with the brunette were justifiable since Izaya was always messing with his life. But once the change occurred, the flea was no longer a flea. The only way Izaya would mess with him now was before sex with his taunting and Shizuo was sure he only did it for the rough sex.

At first Shizuo was sure that the brunette was masochist and could only get off by getting it rough. That changed after one particular rough session at Izaya's place.

The brunette had gone to far with his taunting, saying something about him having some incestuous feeling for his brother. Of course Shizuo had been fuming with anger and had made it his goal to show Izaya how wrong he was.

That was the beginning of something he would have never predicted.

After he showed Izaya how wrong he was, Izaya had passed out and not from pleasure, but by the pain Shizuo had conflicted. The blond only stared at the brunette, horrified at the damage he had caused.

Izaya had bruises all over his body and was bleeding in places he had never seen with blood before. He remembered picking the brunette up from the floor and couldn't help but feel beyond disgusted with himself. Izaya had looked so weak and small in his arms at that moment, he looked even weaker when he laid him on the bed and he whimpered from the pain. Sure the flea had been wrong by saying those things, but it was Izaya, everything did was to make him angry.

Of course the next day Izaya had called him, and in his own bastard way, told him he was fine and not to worry (not those exact words but close to that).

Still that did not stop his self loathing and that was when things changed.

Shizuo had tried to stop the "relationship" all together, but found himself unable to. Without knowing it, he had become addicted to the closeness that only Izaya could give him since he was the only one able to handle it.

Since that had failed, the blond decided that the only way he could stay in the "relationship" was to change it into an actual relationship. Still he knew he couldn't just change the relationship easily, he had a feeling Izaya was not ready for that. So for a while he kept having rough sex with Izaya, though he was a little more cautious about it, and decided to take a slow approach to it.

Okay so I'm a little nervous about posting on here, but I hope my first story isn't that bad. I would be glad to read any comments on what any of you think so far. Anyway, thanks to all of you who actually read this :).