April 20


The walk to the bus stop was quite. The ride back to central Shibuya was quite. In all honesty because it was Mai the dark haired teen was sharing the silence with it worried him. She hadn't spoken a word since he'd retrieved her. The only sound that he heard from her was a sniffle or two and one soft choked sob, after which he'd ended up taking her hand. After that she seemed to calm down a lot and that he was glad for because he didn't know any other way to comfort her, and he doubted the little coin trick he used on her once would work now. When they got off the bus Naru still held on to the girl's small hand which firmly grasped his. Although he noticed that her hand couldn't quite fit all the way around his.

At a slow pace Naru walked in the direction away from his office where he knew was in the direction of Mai's apartment. As they walked Naru's curiosity began to bubble up to the surface. What had happened to her? It was obvious someone had hit her because her lip had once been bleeding and from what he could tell it looked like a bruise was forming on her jaw. Unconsciously he gripped his assistant's hand a little tighter. If he ever found out who hit her he'd…I'd what? He asked himself as he tried to quell his anger. Hurt the person? Kill the person who'd done that to Mai? No, because Mai wouldn't want that. She would probably beg him to just drop what happened, and of course he would because it was her asking him to.

"Ow." Mai said softly as her hand squirmed against his. Snapping out of his thoughts he looked down at Mai who was staring up at him with those large brown eyes he'd come to adore. Wait what? The male questioned his adoration of the girl's eyes but pushed it off because he was still gripping the girl's hand.

"Sorry." He mumbled then lessened his grip on her hand before looking away from her. Silence settled back in once again after his grip had softened and the same worry he felt earlier crept back in with the silence. But this time Naru decided to break the silence because he had questions that needed to be answered.

"So who hit you?" He asked Mai without sparing her a glance. Without even looking at her he could tell that she was now looking at him with confused eyes wondering how he knew someone hit her.

When he felt her eyes move off of him he glanced down at her to find her staring at the side walk below them. "I don't want to talk about it…" She said softly.

Naru frowned, not liking that she wasn't telling him anything that happened. When he didn't say anything back to her silence began to settle in once more but it didn't last for long because they were now nearing the apartment complex where Mai lived. "I'm sorry if I've caused you trouble." His assistant suddenly said making him look down at her with an annoyed expression.

"You haven't caused me any trouble." He replied back in an irritated tone that made the girl flinch, thus in turn making him feel guilty. Situations like these were never his forte. Once again Mai grew quiet and the only sound that filled the air was the sound of their feet tapping against the metal as they walked up the stairs to the second floor. As they neared Mai's apartment door Naru let go of her hand and Mai began her search for her keys. After she'd found them she shakily attempted to put the key into the hole but she failed to do so. Naru sighed then took the keys from her gently as not to make it seem like he was irritated with her and unlocked the door for her. "Thank you…" She said softly before taking her keys back and then opening the door. Naru watched as the girl turned to him and looked up at him. "I know this may be asking too much…but…" Mai tried off making Naru stare at her intently with eyes that commanded her to continue.

"Would you stay with me?" She completed her request in a soft tone. The male stared at her for a long moment, should he? No, he shouldn't. It would be unprofessional of him to do so as her boss. Plus…In his mind there was the feeling of attraction towards the girl that had been suppressed due to the situation. If that got out of hand he didn't know if he could stop himself if he was let alone with her. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked…" Mai suddenly said snapping him out of his thoughts. Naru stared down at the girl then scoffed. "You could give me time to answer." He said in the regular insulting tone he usually used with her. "I'll stay with you but only this one time because of the situation." Naru found himself answering despite his better judgment. At that moment for the first time that night Naru saw a spark of light in Mai's eyes. Inwardly he felt pride well up in him because that spark of light was caused by him but he instantly reminded himself that he was only there as an image of a comfort until she bounced back to her normal self.

"Thank you." She said with a hint of relief before stepping aside to let him inside. When Naru stepped in he removed his shoes then squinted at the change of lighting when Mai turned on the lights. Her apartment was plain. There was the living room connected with the kitchen, and a small hallway with a door on each wall, one door he presumed was the bath room and the other door he guessed was Mai's bedroom. For a student he thought the apartment was rather impressive. "Would you like some tea?" Mai's voice brought him from his thoughts and he looked over at her to see that she was still clutching his jacket around her shoulders.

"No." He answered her before stepping toward her. Now that they were in a brighter light he could now fully see the condition the girl was in. Her face was tear stained and her jaw now was bruised blue and her lip was swollen and split. Naru grimaced then reached out to touch the bruise on Mai's cheek, and before he could realize what he was going his finger tips gently ran across the girl's jaw. "That looks bad. You should put some ice on your jaw." He said monotonously before coldly pulling his hand away from her once he'd realized that his body had betrayed him.

Mai looked up at him confused then touched her jaw and winced when she done so. The male sighed as he watched the girl, while inwardly he was regretting he'd agreed to stay. If his body was going to start acting on its own like it just had he was going to be in trouble.

"R-right." Mai said before looking away from him. "Uhm, let me go get you a futon. You can ah…sit at the table." She said gesturing toward the low sitting table in the living room. Naru didn't say a word to his assistant as he turned from her and walked into her living room, taking a seat on one of the cushions that was at the table. Not a moment later did Mai return with the futon in hand. Because it looked so much larger than her Naru stood and took the bedding from the girl then spread it out on the floor near the table.

"You should go get cleaned up, Mai. I'll be fine." Naru said flatly as he stood to his full height after he got the futon situated on the floor. He looked down at his brown eyed assistant who only nodded before hesitantly leaving him. Naru sat down on the futon and let his eyes trail after the girl as she entered into one of the rooms that were down the hallway. When the light flicked on and illuminated the hallway and he heard Mai bustling around he guessed it was her room. The light suddenly flicked off and he watched as Mai emerged from the room and stepped across the hallway into the bathroom.

Softly the door shut behind her and silence filled the apartment. Naru laid back against the futon and crossed his arms over his chest before turning to lay on his side. The boy stared blankly at the wall in front of him as he let his thoughts drift elsewhere. Minutes past and Naru found himself drifting off to sleep until a small stifled whimper coming from the bathroom caught his attention. Out of instinct the boy's eyes flew open and he sat up quickly. He looked toward the bathroom door before standing and silently making his way across the apartment toward the door that belonged to the bathroom. Inside he could hear water running and soft sniffling noises.

"Mai. Are you alright?" He asked, as he tried not to imagine the girl in the shower crying. The last thing he needed to do as of right now was imagine the girl's clothe less body wet from the shower. He grimaced, well so much for that. He pursed his lips as he pressed back the image of the girl his imagination had conjured up.

There was silence and then the shower water cut off. A sniffle was heard and then the door opened. At first Naru was expecting to see Mai wrapped in a towel but instead he found her dressed in an overly large t shirt. Relief washed over him but it was replaced by shock when the girl ran into his arms and began to sob in his chest. Naru didn't move, he just looked down at the girl and let out a sigh. Cautiously he reached out and placed his hand on her head, then let his fingers gently run through her hair. Even though he was supposed to be comforting the girl he couldn't help but marvel at how soft her hair was under his finger tips. It sent a shiver up his spine before he managed to snap back to his normal self while Mai continued to cry into his chest.

"He- he…he tried to take advantage of me...That's what happened." Mai suddenly said through choked sobs.

The dark haired male stared down at Mai confused and not quite sure if he'd heard her right. But when he was positive he heard what he did anger bubbled up in him. "Who did?" He asked in a calm tone even though inside he felt like he could murder someone at any given moment. How dare someone lay their hands and try to take advantage of his assistant. He'd kill whoever it was if he ever saw them. Regardless of what Mai had to say about it. He'd be damned if he'd let someone do something like that to her and get away with it.

"One of the boys from school that was at the party. My friends and I were leaving and a few of the boys offered to take us home. Well before they took us home, they suggested that we go eat somewhere but I declined because I wanted to come home since I was tired…"

The rest was easy to fill in. Naru fought the anger that was currently spilling over inside of him. He needed to stay calm, it wouldn't help the situation any by him being angry. "How far did he go?" He managed to ask. Mai did say that he tried to take advantage of her instead of he took advantage of her.

"Not very far. I'd managed to push him away before he could…ah, touch me." She said softly as she continued to clutch to his shirt. From what Naru could tell she was still crying, but her sobbing had stopped.

"You should report him to the authorities." Naru said coldly as he stared down at his assistant who was still settled against his chest. She brought her head away from his chest to look up at him with tear filled eyes and he could've sworn his seemingly cold heart was about to be ripped into two.


"But what Mai? Are you honestly going to let some low life take advantage of you like that and let him get away with it?" Naru questioned her in a harsh tone. He was taken back that she would even object to the idea of telling someone.

"What if he gets mad and comes after me or something?" She asked in a worried tone. Of course she would think up something like that. Naru sighed then let his hand fall from her hair and down to his side.

"Then get a restraining order. The authorities will take care of it. You just have to trust them." He explained to her as he stared down into her cinnamon brown eyes that had seemed to have captivated him.

They stood there like that for a while, staring at each other without saying anything until Mai broke the silence. "Will you…go with me?" She asked him in a soft tone and suddenly he found himself sighing. Even though the girl was troublesome she was still his assistant…and friend, so of course he would go with her.

"Yes, I will go with you. We'll go tomorrow." Naru said sternly, letting his assistant know there was no room for argument.

"Okay." She replied before sniffling and pulling away from him. "Uhm…I'll leave you alone now. If you need anything just tell me. If you want to cut the lights off the switch is beside the door. I'm going to finish cleaning up…" Mai said softly without looking up at him. Usually she would've sprung back to her normal self but this time she wasn't. Naru watched her turn away and go back inside the bathroom, and as soon as she closed the door he felt helpless and it irritated him to no end. If only he could comfort her but he didn't know how. He supposed the only thing he could do was just to let him just being there suffice. The dark haired boy looked at the bathroom door one last time before he turned and briskly walked into the living room. He turned off the lights and navigated himself back over to the futon he'd earlier laid out.

Even though he was angry, and worried over his assistant he still found that sleep came to him easily. Usually when he was like this he couldn't sleep but this time he'd managed to drift off with ease. At some point he heard Mai come out of the bathroom and shut the door and then open what he guessed was her bed room door. He assumed she left it open because he didn't hear it shut. And after that silence filled the air once again that night.

When Naru awoke early that morning, before dawn, it was because he felt something nestling against his back and legs moving against his own. His eyes opened without haste and he turned to see who or what the culprit was. Low and behold there was his assistant curled up against him asleep. Naru's eyes widened as he slowly turned over to look at the girl. His first instinct was to wake her up and tell her to get out of the futon but then he thought he should just leave her as she was and let her do as she pleased. He sighed; this girl really was getting the best of him. Ever since he came back from England it was like she had this magic hold on him that made her putty in his hands, but he sure wouldn't ever admit that to anyone.

Slowly he turned as she made sure to be careful not to jar her awake. When he'd positioned himself to where he was turned toward her on his side he done something he didn't think he'd ever do with a girl in a million years. Naru slid his arm over the girl slowly then cradled her against him. The feeling of holding her to himself like this was foreign to him and it made him uncomfortable but slowly he found himself relaxing.

He watched as his assistant slowly took her breaths. Each time she would breathe out he could faintly feel her breath brushing against the skin above his shirt collar. She smelt like flowers and her shampoo smelt like jasmine. His heart then began to pound a little faster in his chest. Even though he usually wouldn't admit it but right now he found that the girl in his arms was utterly breath taking. Suddenly the girl began to stir and her eyes slowly opened. Out of instinct Naru closed his eyes. He was now suddenly afraid of having her finding him awake and holding her like he was. Not to mention it was unprofessional considering he was her boss.

Mai nestled against him and let out a sigh. Naru then felt her move once more and tried his best not to flinch or tense when he felt her hand move against his cheek. Her touch was feather light but warm. He remained still as he felt her fingers move from his cheek to his hair then gently over his eye lids. In his mind he was pondering why she was doing this to him. He wanted to open his eyes and demand what she thought she was doing but instead he let her do as she pleased.

But him doing so was a mistake because he then felt her fingers move down and across his lips. This made him become easy and suddenly he felt fire beginning to pump through his veins. He knew this emotion very well for it had ran through him this past week and drove him insane. And it was all because of that little incident at the office when he'd walked in on his assistant with only her underwear on.

Now he opened his eyes to see Mai staring at his lips as her fingers trailed down his chin and back to his cheek. Then she looked up at him, with child like eyes until they widened when she realized he was awake. "N-naru…I…" She stuttered "You're awake?" She said as if unsure of the reality of him being awake at the moment.

"What are you doing?" He asked her flatly as he watched her pull her hand back away from him. The girl, now flustered, blushed then looked down at his chest as she tried to come up with an excuse.

"Well, I uhmm." She began but ended up looking up at him with a determined face. "I should be the one asking that. You're the one with your arm around me."

"So." He answered flatly. Of course he was playing off what he was doing as if it was not anything compared what she'd been doing to him a few seconds ago.

"So?" She said in a ranting tone. The male inwardly smirked; it seemed Mai had sprung back to her old self again. Luckily it didn't take too long or else he probably would have had to console her more often than he'd end up liking to. "You have no room to talk."

"I suppose your right, but you still haven't answered my question." Naru said teasingly.

Mai glared at him and frowned like she usually done when she was displeased with him. If the girl could only see her expression she would then understand why he liked to tease her. She looked away from him then blushed. "It's just you looked so serene…is all." She said in a hushed tone.

Naru smirked at her answer, he felt flattered, so flattered he could almost say that her words boosted her ego but he wouldn't go that far. "Oh? That still doesn't explain why you were touching my lips a few moments ago. Could it be that you were thinking about kissing me?" And of course he would jump to the fact that she had touched his lips. He was sure that she probably wouldn't have kissed him because she didn't have the guts to but for the situation that they were in at the moment he wanted to tease her and say she was.

"N-no! I mean…well…I'm going back to bed." She hissed in her flustered state as she tried to wiggle out of his arms but Naru didn't allow her to. She had snuck in there to be with him and so there was no way he was going to let her off so easily. Now that he thought about it he needed to question her as to why she'd come in there to lay beside him.

"No you're not, we're still talking." He answered her as he pulled her closer to him. As he did so he inwardly enjoyed how her body curved against his, it reminded him of how she was pressed against him last week during their little incident.

Mai looked up at him with raised brows and wide eyes. Her face held the expression of surprise as she stared up at him before she blushed a deep shade of red. The male raised a brow at her. "Well are you going to answer me?" He asked her.

The girl frowned then looked away from him shyly but she didn't answer, and that tipped Naru off that she was in fact thinking about kissing him. "You know that's very unprofessional of you, trying to kiss your boss while he's sleeping and unaware." He said as he leaned down closer so his face would be nearer to hers. When Mai looked back up her face was only inches away from Naru. "It's kind of cowardly too. You could at least have the nerve to do it to me while I'm awake so I can respond." He answered her as he moved closer to brush his lips against hers and as he did so Mai stiffened then relaxed before closing her eyes and fully kissing him on the lips.

Seeing as it was his first kiss Naru found that the technique came quite natural to him. He moved his lips gently against Mai's and sucked on her bottom lip. After a moment the two pulled away. Naru's eyes that were usually cold were full of fire while Mai's were hazy. He smirked at the red blush on her cheeks before pulling her into another kiss. This time he decided to do what he often saw other teens doing from time to time. He licked her bottom lip lightly, demanding for entrance and Mai obliged and parted her lips. The moan that came from Mai as soon as Naru's tongue brushed against hers, sending a wave of heat down in the pit of his stomach. As he entangled his tongue with Mai's he let his arm around her waist pull them closer. Only for Mai to pull away gently as he did so but as soon as she caught her breath her lips was crashing back down on his.

But as she did so she moved against him as if she was trying to lean up further so she would have an easier time pressing her lips to his. The friction of her moving against him made him tense as he felt his sex twitch inside of his pants. Realizing that if this went on any further he would end up having an erection that he would most likely have to take care of later on, Naru pulled away from Mai then looked down at her. "We need to stop." He said, but as he looked down at her he felt the overwhelming urge to kiss her again. Apparently Mai felt the same way because now she was leaning up to kiss him softly. "Why?" She asked him, her lips brushing against his softly as she spoke. Naru captivated her lips with his once more for a moment before pulling away. "Because, I'll have to leave if we don't."

Now Mai pulled away to look at him with confused hazy eyes. "What do you mean?" She asked.

Naru sighed then looked away from her, how was he supposed to explain something like this to her? He felt like he was giving a child the "sex talk". "I mean that if we continue…dammit." He hissed as he became frustrated. He wished she would just catch on to what he was trying to say. And as if she had read his mind, the girl let out a small. "O-oh…" before growing quiet.

"Yes, oh." He answered with a sigh before removing his arm from around her and making the move to sit up. Unfortunately he only managed to sit halfway up before Mai grabbed him by the arm. Naru turned to look at her with questioning eyes but when he did so he watched as the girl suddenly became shy again, shier than he'd ever seen her.

When she didn't say anything he spoke, "What is it, Mai?" Naru asked.

Mai pursed her lips then inhaled before speaking what it was that was on her mind. "B-but what if I want to continue?" She managed to stutter out.

For the first time in his life Naru felt like gawking at someone. His mind slowly processed the girl's words as he stared at her intently, unmoving. Silence filled the air as Naru's mind tried to comprehend if she was being serious. He wondered if she really understood what she was asking. Besides some guy did just try to take advantage of her so why was she suddenly so willing to let him do the same to her?

"Are you sure that you'd want that? This isn't something you can take back, Mai." He said in a stern tone even though on the inside he wanted to take her right then and there, without any hesitation.

Lucky for him he'd managed to learn to control these feelings enough so he could restrain himself from doing such. "I understand that." She shot back at him, now she was looking at him with eyes that held only seriousness. He noticed the look in her eyes and he knew she'd made up her mind. Naru hesitated for a moment but considering that Mai had just given him the okay to continue he did. Not caring to hold back his emotions any longer, Naru turned to Mai and locked her chin between his index finger and thumb as he brought her into a needy kiss that slowly turned into a French kiss.

Okay guys, the mature scene is in my Live Journal. Go to my profile and copy the link to my live journal, and the mature scene to this chapter will be there!