NOT Grounded! And sorry for the real late update…*slowly backs up against the wall*
Uh, 346 reviews? My, my, these AWESOME readers have been busy. Please don't kill me?
I really am to young to die…
Disclaimer: I was so down but you turned it around, I couldn't think of something funny, cause of my frown, so now I'll just act like a silly clown, who doesn't own Pjo cause she doesn't even live in the right town. (This was completely random, hope it made you smile?)
WARNING: the following will either make you gag at fluffiness or say, "Really Vicky? You're a genius, that was HILARIOUS! Even if you didn't update for 2 months!"
Nah- just kiddin, you won't say that, you'll review it. =) … hopefully
Chapter 16: You. Me. A Movie and Dinner.
Annabeth POV
What am I going to wear? What am I going to wear? What am I going to wear?! Gods, I never really thought movies were this accurate.
Here I am, Annabeth Chase, intelligent self dependent person with a bit too much pride, fussing about what I am going to wear to a date. A boy really can change a person.
Blue sundress?
Jeans, leather jacket?
Maroon? Green? Blue? Grey?
Grrrr….. I only have 40 minutes to get ready and I am literally playing a part in almost every single chick flick that has ever been created. Face-palm.
Ok, ok, calm down…
I am going to wear my… white denim pants, beige short boots, loose light green shirt with that nature design, and my beige leather jacket. Simple, casual, and pretty. Perfect for a movie and dinner.
After 30 minutes, I went downstairs and said bye to the Jacksons. Percy texted me to wait outside earlier. I did. 10 minutes later Percy was there in his black convertible. He looked nice in a white polo and dark blue jeans. His hair was messy as usual.
He left the car, closing his door and coming up the steps, I smirked at him.
"It's 7:05 Seaweed Brain."
Instead of blushing, he put a hand through his hair smugly.
"Did you ever hear of being fashionably late, Wise Girl?"
"I didn't think the same rule applied to dates, especially when we live in the same house." I replied, still smirking. We went down the steps.
"Well, that's really too bad. I'd hate to cancel this date and have another that starts at 7:15 just so that you have your perfect first date. Especially when you look so nice. Did I mention that green looks good on you? Though I think I like it better when you have leaves in your hair and you're admitting your love for me, no offense." He told me. I blushed as he went to open the car door.
(I loved writing that -^-.) ^.^ random wolf
Or at least, tried to open the door. It was locked. He turned around to face me and smiled sheepishly.
"Uh, one sec. I kinda locked the door." He rubbed his neck.
"No kidding." I giggled.
He went around and unlocked his door. I heard the click, just not on my side. He tried it again. Still not working. Blushing redder than before, Percy opened his door, got in, reached across to my door, and unlocked it.
I was about to enter when he said, "Uh, no you don't. This will be perfect."
He left his seat, came back around, and opened my door. By now, I was barely containing my laughter.
When we were in the car, I looked at him. He looked back. Then we both burst into laughter.
"We just managed to recreate a scene from a movie Seaweed Brain!" my grin stretching across my face.
"Do you remember which one Wise Girl?" he said with a grin of his own, starting the car.
"Of course I do. But I think our scene has three teensy little problems." I replied, unable to lose this grin and good feeling in my heart.
"And they are…?"
"One, I'm the new girl here, not you; though technically you're a boy. Two, we're not going to a dance. And three, we actually managed to do it without acting thanks to you." I concluded.
"Well, if you want… I can take you to dance after dinner?" he looked at me then back to the road as he left the driveway.
"Only if it's out of town. Wouldn't wanna get caught dancing, now would we?" I teased. He chuckled at my lame joke.
"No, we certainly wouldn't." We were now on the road. I remembered watching footloose when I was smaller. I watched it with my dad. After, like, five minutes, I grew bored.
"Can I put the radio on?"
"Go ahead."
"Loose, footloose kick off your Sunday shoes! Please, Louise pull me off a my knees! Jack, get back c'mon before we crack! Lose your blues everybody cut footloose!"
As soon as the verse was out, me and Percy looked at each other. I saw the smile on his face grew. I bet mine did too.
And that's why we made our way to the movie theater singing Footloose at the top of our lungs. Rest assured, many strangers looked at us weirdly. Too bad we were enjoying the beginning of my perfect first date to pay attention.
-Now I have footloose stuck in my head. Great. Well here's a line break-
When our movie finished, The Avengers, we went outside. Yeah, I know, not a romantic movie. But I didn't want one. I hadn't watched it yet and it was playing. Percy was ok with it and it was fun. He kept pestering me with questions about the movie sometimes and one time I just stuffed a handful of popcorn in his mouth. After he swallowed he pouted. I just smiled and leaned into him, "Will you shut up now Seaweed Brain?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"Not really."
All in all, it was really fun. As we went outside, it started to rain. Percy dragged me to the edge of the building. Now it was pouring.
"Oh my god!" I exclaimed loud enough for him to hear.
"Yeah! We have to run all the way across the parking lot!" Percy replied. I was about to reply when he got an evil glint in his eye. He leaned down.
"Consider this revenge for the popcorn." He whispered in my ear. Oh no.
Percy grabbed me by the waist and put me on his back, piggy back style. Then, he ran into the parking lot.
"Perseus Jackson! You are so dead!" the water was soaking through my clothes as he ran back to the car. I have to say, I still enjoyed myself.
We got to the car. He opened it and stuck me in. I was laughing as he put my seatbelt on.
"I can do this myself. Now, go! Before you get sick!" I told him. He chuckled, smiled a gorgeous smile at me, then got out. When he was back in, the first thing I did was punch his shoulder.
"Wise Girl,"
"Seaweed Brain."
Instead of responding he just looked at me.
"You know I love you right?"
I was taken aback. I stuttered, thinking on what to say.
"Uh, y-ye-yeah."
He shook his head, chuckling.
"I love you too Wise Girl, I love you too."
-Wasn't that sweet?-
"Where are you going Percy? Aren't we going to some restaurant?" I asked.
"Not really…" he kept his eyes on the road and I could see a smirk on his face. He is sooo annoying, but I guess it's one of the reasons I …love him.
"Where are we going?"
"Uh, it's a surprise?"
"You forgot to get a reservation, didn't you?"
"…maybe… maybe not…" he rubbed the back of his neck with his non driving hand. He looked back at me innocently.
"I'm taking that as a yes."
"What if it's a no?"
"What if it's a no that sounds like a yes?"
"What if it's a no that sounds like a no?"
I looked out the window and got lost in my thoughts. I watched as the city lights turned into trees.
"We're here."
I looked at Percy before exiting the car.
Once again, my only word was WOW. Percy never ceases to surprise me.
We were in a forest. There was a small area that was clear of trees and bushes. Instead, it had a glass table, 5 candles, and two steaming pots of some delicious smelling food.
"Are you sure those candles wont light this place on fire?"
Percy burst out laughing, "A simple thank you just isn't possible is it?"
"I think not, but…thank you Percy."
No one had ever done anything like this for me. Never. Not even my Dad, when he was still my best bud. Even when my family was still held together by that tiny fragile string cut by another woman.
"Thank you."
-Line Break-
After dinner, which was super delicious, Percy invited me for a walk.
"As long as you don't strand us again, Mr. I-Tripped."
"Are you never going to let that go?"
"Probably not."
I kissed his cheek and took his hand, pulling us through to a small path that was barely visible in the moonlight. Finally we reached a clearing, me humming to Footloose as I pulled us into it.
"God. The stars – I've never seen them this bright! How far away are we from the city! No way are we still in New York!"
"Yeah, but there not as beautiful as you – cue my blush – and yep, we're just a couple miles into Pennsylvania."
"Well it's beautiful. Thank you Percy. These past two weeks have been anything but peaceful, but I loved them. Thanks." I stared into his green eyes that reflected the half moon in the sky.
Percy's POV
"Well it's beautiful. Thank you Percy. These past two weeks have been anything but peaceful, but I loved them. Thanks." She stared into my eyes and I had the sudden urge to kiss her.
So I did.
A good for nothing peck on the lips that made me grin wider than a Cheshire cat.
"You're welcome. I love you."
I wrapped my arms around her waist and stared blankly in the sky.
"Don't you wish that sometimes, we could just, take a picture? Like – click! This moment will always be there. We could even touch it!" Annabeth said out of the blue.
"I know the feeling… but I have something better than a picture."
"What is better than a picture with you and me?"
"Us, in real life. Something more permanent than any picture could ever be."
Annabeth just stared into my eyes.
"When did you get so wise, Seaweed Brain?"
"Since I loved you, Wise Girl."
O my freaking god, I have tears in my eyes! That was sooo freakin fluffy. Damn Mark of Athena and the House of Hades cover, making me all fluffy.
Btw, about the cover. The Minotaur is chasing them in it. I wont tell you how I know. I only saw the cover, period. But when you read it in the book, I expect a review.
I don't really expect a review…
Vickydd! I'm back!