Hi guys! This is a story that popped into my head, I hope you like it!
Disclaimer: I do not own PJO
The Exchange Student
Chapter 1: One Word…Wow!
Annabeth POV
I was in a student exchange program. I was from Alaska. The Jackson family was letting me stay with them. Sally Jackson has two little kids with her husband Paul Blofis. She also has a 17-year-old son with another man. His name is Percy. The little ones are Zach, a six year old little boy, and Coral, like ocean coral, a 12 year old girl. Zack was sweet, but shy, and Coral was a very pretty sixth grader, who loved to gossip.
My only regret of accepting the trip was Percy. He was a hot, handsome, junior, who was the single most perfect boyfriend in the universe. His black hair and sea green eyes were irresistible, but he had a girl. Yes, maybe I do like him a little, but he's too much of a pain in the ass to be my type.
Anyway I had just arrived at their apartment, from the airport. Paul had come pick me up. They lived in a pretty town house, and had the most beautiful backyard. There was a pool, a giant garden, and hot tub near the porch. It looked like it came from a movie. Literally. I didn't exactly come from the richest family. Actually, after my dad died, 6 months ago, I had begged my horrid stepmom to send me here. She had agreed.
As I entered the front door I saw a magnific living room. There was a handsome 17 year old sat on the couch with a little boy in his lap. A tween, probably 12, sat next to him helping her older brother tickle the little boy. When they saw me the older boy got up and offered me his hand to shake.
"Hi, I'm Percy." He said in a.
"Hi Percy, call me Annabeth." I said admiring the muscles in his arm.
"Hey Annabeth, I'm Coral. This is my little brother, Zack." She also shook my hand, then gestured to the little boy.
"Hi…" I told the little boy. He hid behind his brother's leg and looked up at me shyly.
"Hello, there Annabeth. I am glad you're here. How was your flight? Would you like anything to drink?" said a pretty woman, with a sweet and tender look about her. She looked to be about in her early 40s.
"The flight was okay, and no, no, I'm fine. Although I would like to leave my things in my bedroom." I said sweetly.
"Percy, darling, show Annabeth her bedroom, and then give her a short tour of the house, ok?" said Mrs. Jackson.
"Sure thing mom." Said Percy as he led me upstairs.
"Your rooms on the third floor next to mine, but we have to share a bathroom, if that's okay with you."
"Yeah, it's fine." We were at the third floor. There were two doors down a hallway. We passed the first door and continued to the last. Percy opened the door and let me in. It was beautiful! There was a small balcony looking out to the backyard on the left side of the room. The bathroom door was on the right next to the closet. A small desk with all the supplies I need for school this year was in the corner next to the doors to the balcony. The walls were white and the floor was grey soft carpet. The twin bed in the middle of the room had light blue sheets, and fluffy pillows. The entry door had a mirror on the back.
"Wow…Thanks" I said as I dropped my bags on the floor. I took my jacket off and threw it on the bed. It was a Friday morning and next Monday started school. I had been cooking in the clothes from Alaska.
"I'm glad you like it. My mom wanted to make it all girly like Coral's room, but I stopped her." He said still leaning on the door frame. I removed my boots as I said thanks. When I was only in my jeans, sneakers, and a t-shirt, I explored the bathroom.
There was a door on the other side, probably leading to Percy's room. The shower/bath was big and there were some supplies in a corner that Percy probably used. I wondered if it would be weird to share a bathroom with a guy…what if I had to shower or brush my teeth? I don't use that much bathroom time in the morning but it still took me 30 minutes to shower, do my hair, brush my teeth and 'anything else'. I chose to ignore that and we continued to Percy's room.
It was bigger than my room and he had a queen size water bed with blue lava lamps. He also had a balcony, and his desk was larger. It had a laptop and computer chair filled with clothes and papers. His bed was all messed up. The carpet was turquoise and the wall was black. All the wooden furniture was dark brown. Although the floor was pretty clean you could see some stuff sticking out from under the bed. The bed was in the corner that my desk was in, his desk faced the wall of to the hallway, and his closet was a walkthrough that probably led to the door of the bathroom. The back of the door I was leaning on had a mirror on it, like mine.
"Sorry bout the mess. I don't usually have guests." Percy said as he cleared the stuff off his bed.
"It's okay. You have a lot of stuff…" I said as I saw his iphone in a music player and a tv with a bunch of videogames connected to it. There was even a black wooden bookcase with more cool electronics and some books.
"Yeah… but I bought all of the things I don't need with my money, minus for the laptop, that was a birthday gift. I have a job near the city. I'm a waiter."
"That's cool of you. Don't you get an allowance though?" I asked with curiosity still staring around the awesome room.
"Yeah, but I'm saving 75% of it for college. The rest I use with gas. My real father had a car saved for when I was 16. It's a black convertible." He explained.
"Cool…"I said in awe, "Let's go to the next room."
Down the stairs there were two bedrooms, a extra bathroom, and a small laundry room. Zack's room had blue walls and superman stickers all over. His bed was also decorated in comic book characters. The floor was white carpet and his closet had a mirror door.
The adult's suite had beige walls and dark furniture. It was very organized and easily the largest room in the house. It also had a walkthrough closet and a balcony facing the side of the house.
"Where's Coral's room?" I asked confused.
"You'll see." He led me downstairs and showed me the kitchen and the dining rooms. Once I knew exactly what all the cabinets and drawers of the kitchen held we made our way to a door which I guessed led to the basement.
As we descended down the stairs I heard music coming from one of the three doors the stairs led you to.
"Would you like to see the game/ party room first?" Percy asked politely.
"Game room?" I asked.
"Yeah, it was a gift from our rich aunt." He said plainly. We entered the door on the left.
Now I know where the music came from. One word…WOW! There was a dance floor that lit up dead center of the room, a small arcade area in the corner with an air hockey table, ping pong table, and mini soccer table. The floor was black tiled and carpet in a few areas. There was a small stage in front of the dance floor with a karaoke machine and a full set of drums and guitars, plus a electric piano.
The corner diagonal from the arcade had a small bar with a popcorn machine, a ice cone machine, a smoothie maker, and more expensive looking stuff. The counter top was black marble and Coral was playing PacMan in the arcade area. The ceiling was lined with lights, black, red, white, purple, green, blue, and more. It looked better than a night club…
"Wow. Hi Coral…" was all I could think of saying.
"Hey Annabeth! Cool, right?" Coral said.
"Yeah…" my jaw still dropped.
"Can I show you my room?" she asked excitedly. "You can go now Perce." She then said rudely to her brother.
"Fine! Tell me if you need anything Annabeth!" he said as he left the room.
"This is going to be so much fun! I've always wanted an older sister!" said Coral extremely excited. She grabbed my arm and led me to the next room. As soon as she turned off the light in the game room the whole room turned off.
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Coral had convinced me into letting her give me a makeover. Her room had hot pink carpet and white walls. All her furniture was black. Her room was bigger than Percy's but smaller than her parent. Her closet space though, made up for it. The other door near the stairs led to the adult's study. It had white wall, and wooden floor like the living room's. that furniture was also dark.
As she applied gray shiny eyeliner to my startling grey eyes, I noticed how pretty she was. Her dark short smooth, slightly curly brown hair, with side bangs, made her very pretty. She had a little bit of freckles, and naturally rosy cheeks. Her eyes were a pretty shade of brown. She had her brother's side grin, but her father's button nose. She now applied clear sparkly lip gloss to my dry, light naturally red lips.
"Done! You look pretty! Let's go show my brother!" she said as she handed me a mirror.
Before I could completely react to the fact that she made me look very pretty but natural at the same time she yanked me off the floor and we went upstairs.
"Percy! Percy! Come and see what I did with Annabeth!" she shouted as we reached the third floor.
"Wai-" She opened Percy's door before he finished. I had tried to stop her but too late.
Percy was in his swim trunks. And it looked like he was about to put his shirt on. He blushed.
"Doesn't she look pretty, Perce?" Coral asked.
"Uh-Yeah, she does."I blushed, "But you can't just barge in here sis. Knock, or at least make sure I'm dressed first." He said as he put his shirt on.
"What? It's not like I haven't seen you in your boxers." She said innocently. Percy and I blushed.
"Whatever, just knock next time, Ok?"
"Yeah, fine. What are you doing, anyway?" She asked pointing at his swimming trunks.
"I was going to call Rachael over for a swim, wanna join us?" He looked at me.
"Can we Annabeth?" she asked me pleadingly.
"Yeah, sure, but I don't own any swim wear." I said looking down.
"No problem, all ask Rachael to bring over one for you, she looks about your size. Doesn't she Coral?"
"Yeah, she does." Brother and sister looked at me from head to toe.
"Okay than…" I said.
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Percy POV
I texted Rachael as soon as the two girls left my room. Rachael is my girlfriend. We've been together for 3 months now. She is artsy, funny, popular, and hot. Even though she was one of the most popular girls in school because she dated me, she wasn't slutty, or mean, or most of the things the bitchy popular girls usually are. Her full name is Rachael Elizabeth Dare, I call her Red for short.
Hey Red, wanna take a swim my place?
Sure, when? (:
Now, but bring an extra swimsuit 4 the xchange studnt.
Kk, c u in 10 mins! Xs luv u
Luv u 2
10-15 minutes later…
"Mom, can you get the door, it's probably Red!" I shouted from my room.
"Who's Red?" asked Annabeth from her room next door.
"It's Rachael's initials. I call her that for short." I explained I heard Annabeth say "Oh"
I heard Red climbing the stairs. When she reached my floor, she entered my room holding an extra string bikini in one hand, with a stray designer beach bag in the other. She was wearing a see-through white loose shirt, 'string' bikini underneath, with jeans short shorts. Her red hair was held back by expensive looking sunglasses. She looked gorgeous as always. Her light green eyes open wide when she saw me.
"Hey, Perce! Where's the exchange student?" she asked cheerfully.
"The room down the hall, but don't I get a kiss first?" I said as I put my hands on her waist. She put her hands around my neck.
"What should I do that for?" she whispered seductively.
"I don't know… because you want to?" I whispered against her neck huskily. She kissed me, bingo.
I heard someone come up the stairs. Coral opened my half-closed door.
"Per-Ew, gross! Mom! Percy's sucking face with his girlfriend again!" Coral shouted, and we quickly pulled away. I kept my hand around her waist though, while smiling sheepishly.
"Percy! Stop sucking-face with your girlfriend!" my mom shouted back jokingly, although I knew she meant it.
Annabeth appeared in the doorway. Red's smile turned into a small scowl when she saw how pretty Annabeth was. Well, it would be a lie if I told you I didn't think she was pretty. Annabeth's face turned a bit bitter too, although I don't know why.
"Hi, I'm Annabeth." Annabeth said to Red.
"Hey, call me Red. See if this fits you. I brought another one just in case." Red said handing her the string bikini. Annabeth frowned at it than nodded and left for her room. While she was gone Coral showed Red her cute bikini.
"I'm going to look so good for the pool party this weekend!" she said
"What pool party? And don't look too good because if any boy touches you, their dead meat." I said like the caring big brother I am.
"Chill, bro. The end of summer pool party that Piper invited us to, yesterday. She says we can bring a friend and since Red is already invited I hoped we could take Annabeth." She asked sweetly.
"Yeah, su-" at that moment Annabeth walked back into the room wearing the bikini. She looked good, but she had her arms over her chest shyly. The bikini only covered the necessary areas, period.
Red saw me staring and stepped on my foot. "It fits, should we go outside now?" Annabeth said shyly.
"Yeah let's go!" said Red.
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Annabeth POV
I don't think I got a good look at the backyard when we drove to the house. There was a pool, alright, the size of a hotel pool. On the deep end there was a plank, and a large water slide at least a story high. On the other deep end of the pool was a secluded area that looked like it could be used for swimming. The area in between was full of expensive floaties of all kind. On one side of the pool were the types of chairs you sit in to get a tan, and a couple of tables. This house would be awesome to have a party.
Percy started the hot tub so that when we left the pool it would be hot. Carol got on the slide and was on a floatie in no time. Percy took off his flip flops and his shirt and jumped into the secluded area. I tried not to stare at his six pack, after all, how could I think a guy like Percy didn't have a girlfriend? And Red was nice, they deserved each other.
Percy hadn't come back up yet and it had already been a minute I got a bit worried. Apparently Rachael saw my expression and said "Don't worry, he's captain of the swim team. He's held his breath for 15 minutes once. It was scary. Plus he can swim really fast, so if he asks you to race him, don't." she explained. Percy head popped back up and he didn't even pant.
I walked to the plank on the other side of the pool and cannon balled in making sure there was a floatie nearby. I pushed off the floor of the pool and grabbed it. Red jumped in after me. Her bikini showed a lot more skin than mine.
"Hey, guys can we play Marco Polo?" Carol asked. Suddenly she was thrown up in the air. She seemed used to it though and cannon balled back in.
"Sure, Carol. I'll be Marco." Percy popped out of the place where Carol had been.
"Ok, but no surprise attacks this time!" She said as her brother put her on his shoulders. He's strong.
"Do you guys wanna play?" he asked me and Red. Red said yes.
"Uhh…Percy… I don't know how to…um…swim." I said embarrassed.
"Oh, that's okay. I'll teach you if you want." He suggested. Red didn't look to happy about it.
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Percy had his chest pressed against my back. He was teaching me another swimming technique. Rachael had gone home. She had to finish a book report to do over the summer. She let me keep her swim suit saying it was too small for her anyways. It had been at least 7 hours since she got here this morning. At 3, Carol had said she was cold and left the pool. We were now alone in the pool. Percy kept saying a bunch of stuff about how some sort of fish used this technique to be really fast. I wasn't really listening. I was just watching him, and feeling his warm muscle filled body against mine. When he talked he sent shivers down my spine.
"Uh, Annabeth are you listening?" he asked awkwardly letting go of me.
"Maybe…" I said with a slight smile.
"I'm boring you aren't i? Do you wanna go in the hot tub before getting dry?"
"Yeah, that'd be nice, and no, you weren't boring me." I said stubbornly.
"Really?" he asked sarcastically.
"Yes, really. I was just distracted." Well it's the truth.
"By what? Surely not by this?" he gestured at his six-pack. I just laughed not saying anything that might give me away. He grabbed me like a potato sack, my hips on his shoulder and my hands on his back, man was he strong. He got out of the pool and threw me carefully into the hot tub. He got in too. It felt nice.
He then sat next to me and put his face an inch away from mine.
"So this, doesn't bother you?" he asked. I just shook my head.
"And this?" he whispered on my neck huskily. I shook my head again.
"Too bad." He pulled away and sat on the other side of the tub. He stared into the sky like he was deep in thought. After a couple of minutes I broke the silence.
"So… Do you wanna take a shower first or should I?"
"You can go first. If you want, me and my sister could help you unpack afterwards." He said back to his normal self.
"That would be fine." I said getting out of the tub. He did too. We got dried and he turned the hot tub off. He put on his flip flops and grabbed his t-shirt. I put mine on too and wrapped the towel around me.
As we made our way to the third floor, I wandered why he had acted like he didn't have a girl friend. He didn't actually cheat on her, he just didn't exactly show restraint. Well, I don't think Percy's the type that cheat. He just isn't, even if I've only known him for a day. He led me to my room than made his way back to his.
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Hope you guys liked it! Review please!