*Disclaimer~ I do not own Yumeiro Patissiere, Kashino, Ichigo or any of its other characters. I do, however, own the idea of having a dark side of the Sweets Spirits' and the characters under that. Please enjoy!*

~Epilogue in The Dark Kingdom of Sweets~

The sky was a dreary grey color and all the sweets spirits were in their kitchens practicing their skills. That or in the Hall of Magic. In the dark side, they believed in practicing witchcraft was well.

"Try it one last time," Nima spoke in a deep voice- or at least a deep voice for a girl.

Nima had long black hair that cascaded down her back, and she always wore green and purple. She was the Dark Sweets Spirit partner of Pemma. Pemma had short hair, and it was a deep violet shade. Her eyes were a flaming gold color and she always wore green and black.

Pemma lifted her hands gingerly for the fourth time. "Lenda Machinto," she chanted as a vase flew across the room, smashing into a million pieces.

"Perfect," Nima replied with a devious smile. The two were obviously planning something.

Pemma had been going to St. Marie academy for as long as Ichigo, Kashino, and the others. She was originally in Group A with them before Ichigo arrived. Watching from afar, Pemma's blood was seething for revenge. She had fallen in love with Kashino, now not only were the two separated, but Ichigo had become closer and closer to him. She had to do something about it. She had to.

"Do it again," Nima urged with delight. The enchanting words were spoken again as another vase flung across the room more violently. "You're ready," Nima spoke softly and deviously, "You're ready…"

~Back in St. Marie~

Ichigo arrived in French class not a second too soon. Hurrying to her seat, the lesson began. French was definitely not her strong suit.

"Okay," The teacher called at the end of class, "Remember, you have to complete pages 113-115 for homework."

All of the students started filing out of the classroom. Ichigo and Kashino decided to walk to their next class, Cooking, together.

"I already finished those pages yesterday," Kashino said, trying to break the silence.

"Ugh, how will I ever finish this…" Ichigo said sadly, knowing she'd never get past the first question. "Figuring it out in class it hard enough!"

Kashino wanted to help her to get closer to her, but he was too "cool" to suggest it. He just kept a straight face as they continued down the stairwell.

"Lenda Machinto," The words were spoken softly yet strong from a distance.

Suddenly Ichigo lost her footing, but not in her clumsy way. Her head hit the railing as she tumbled down the steps, falling face-first on the white tile flooring. Kashino, used to these falls, waited for her to jump back up like she normally did… but she was motionless.

"Ichigo, get up," He spoke, trying to conceal his worry. "I-Ichigo…" He whispered reluctantly taking a step down. A small stream of red started to spread out. Blood.

"ICHIGO!" Kashino yelled as he ran down the stairs, skipping steps. "Ichigo!" He yelled again, turning her over to face him. The left side of her head was bleeding. Ichigo never got this injured in a fall…

Kashino picked her up, carrying her to the clinic. The nurse wasn't facing her at first. "Ichigo fell again?" She said amused, turning around and instantly dropped her papers. "What happened?!" She yelled.

"She fell down the stairs… But how did she get this hurt?" His voice was a whisper, his hands covered in her blood.

"Get her to the Emergency room. IMMEDIATELY! She's losing too much blood," The nurse was already dialing 1-1-9.

By the time she was in a doctors' office and starting to heal, she was still unconscious.

"She's lucky to be alive with all the blood she's lost," the doctor said. "She should wake up in a couple hours."

The hours passing felt like an eternity as he sat in the green chair by her bed. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open.

"I-Ichigo!" Kashino shouted, running over to her, "Are you alright? Are you hurt? What happened?" Thousands of questions flooded his mind.

"What..?" She said confused, her eyes showed a hint of fear. "W-who are you?"

"I'm…" His voice drifted off, "You don't know me?" His voice was sad.

"Of course not... Where am I? How do you know my name?"

"Your name? What's the last thing you remember?" How could she know her name but not his? How arrogant is he… Why should he care if she doesn't know his name?

"Well… I went to school yesterday, went home, went to sleep, and woke up here." She recited.

"Went home? What do you mean? You live in the dorm," Kashino was really confused now. "At St. Marie."

"What's St. Marie?"

Kashino was in complete shock now. She seemed to have forgotten everything up until when she transferred.

"You don't remember? You transferred to a school for the culinary arts… You're the second most gifted there." He said back with a hint of blush, he couldn't believe he just complemented her. She better forget this, too…

"Who's first then?" She asked.

"Me of course!" Kashino shouted back arrogantly.

"Just please… Go away. I don't know you. I don't know what you're talking about."

The doctor started to shoo Kashino out of the room at her request. The last spoken word before the door slam was Kashino's shout, "Ichigo!"

Welp, I hope you liked it! Should I write more? I probably will soon…