[Disclaimer] Everything Twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer

[A/N] I felt like writing something a bit different today and so I did. You need to feed the bunnies when they come to you. There aren't many Bellice stories out there that focus on gender dynamics and I really wanted to write one. The result is below. I hope some of you will enjoy my little story down there. Thanks for taking the time to read my work. I appreciate your interest a lot.

The Girl Next Door

I hate this house. That's the sentence I repeat in my head over and over again while I start the third attempt to get my clothes into this closet. When I manage to close its door I sigh in relief. It's past seven now and I have spent the entire day unpacking countless boxes. The house Mom has rented for us is small and old. It's just a matter of time before something is going to break and there is no way we can afford to get anything repaired. Being poor sucks.

For a moment my fingertips circle over the silver-framed picture of me and my father. Then I shove it under a book in my nightstand. I don't want to be reminded of him. The memory is too painful.

Mom is already gone when I walk down into the kitchen. She has started her new job yesterday and has already developed a dislike for her boss Mrs. Newton.

Why did we have to move here anyway? I get that she needs a new start after the divorce but couldn't we have started over at a nicer place? Let's say like New Orleans for example? Instead we're stuck in Forks, Washington. It's a tiny little nothing of a town with a population of less than 4000 people. Mom says she likes small towns and I didn't get a say in this.

There is nothing but a piece of cold pizza in the fridge and as the microwave is still in one of the unpacked boxes I decide to just eat it cold. There are people that like eating cold pizza from the day before. I am not one of them.

Hopping on the kitchen counter, I nibble halfheartedly on the pizza and look out of the window. It's raining-again.

I can see a boy in a leather jacket kneeling down next to a black motor-bike in our neighbors garden. The engine roars a bit when he starts it and a bit of muddy grass end up on his jeans.

Nice ass, I think when he bends over to wipe it away. I finish my meal and decide to do some grocery shopping. Taking some money out of the jar in the kitchen cabinet, I write down a list of things we need. It's too bad you can't buy sunshine.

When I walk outside a few minutes later the rain has almost stopped. The air smells so fresh, it's amazing. I take a deep breathe to absorb more of it.

"Hey there," the boy with the bike greets me cheerfully. When he looks up from his bike, I notice two things. First is a pair of the most beautiful brown eyes I have seen in my life and second is the fact that the boy is not really a boy. At least I think she's not a boy. Why does she dress like one?

"Don't you say hi to strangers? We're neighbors so it would be polite to at least greet back."

"Hi," I whisper. "I'm Alice."

"Nice to meet you Alice." she states, wiping her hand at her jeans before she holds it out to me. Her fingers are warm when I shake her hand. I don't want to let go of it.

"My name is Bella Swan. If you need anything just let me know."


"Are you shy?"

My cheeks turn pink. I can feel the heat streaming into my face. I am not shy, never was, never will be. And what does it matter to her anyway? I ignore her question and change the subject of our conversation.

"I need to do some shopping. Can you tell me where the bus station is?"

"Just walk down the street. You can't miss it."

"Thank you."

"Bye Alice, it was nice talking to you." she states and turns around. I catch myself staring a bit too long at her backside and that instantly irritates me. What the heck is wrong with me?

I walk down to the bus station and wait for the stupid bus to come. Two hours later when I return home, I store the groceries into the fridge and make myself a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows in it. It's so cold outside that I wonder if it's going to snow. That would be nice though, wouldn't it?

For the rest of the evening I flip through the TV channels with a thick blanket wrapped around me. There is nothing interesting on and I start to feel terribly bored. I miss my friends back home and I don't like the idea of being the new girl at school too much.

The next morning I wake up on the couch. My back is hurting and I groan when I try to stretch a bit. Great, it's the first day of school and you almost slept in. There is still enough time for a quick shower and an alibi breakfast that consists of a gulp of milk straight from the box. Then I grab my bag and keys and rush out.

"Running a bit late, Alice?" Bella's voice echoes next to me when I walk down the street to catch the school bus.

"Forgot to set my alarm last night," I tell her. "Do you know when the bus is coming?"

"Ten minutes ago. Do you want to drive to school with me? You could also walk but that would make it difficult for you to make it to school in time."

I take a look at the motor-bike standing next to her and shake my head. It's probably not a good idea to ride something like that in this shitty weather.

"Are you scared?"

"No, why would I?"

"You don't look like a girl who rides motor-bikes. We can take the truck. It's more comfortable."

Her truck is a rusty thing that looks as if it's going to fall into its pieces any minute. Yet, I am thankful that I don't have to walk to school in the icy rain.

"Are you in my class?" I ask her, holding my hands a bit over the heat. Why does it have to be so terribly cold here?

"Are you freezing?" she asks, turning the heat a bit higher. "You're not exactly dressed for the weather today."

I look down at my grey dress and the leggings. I need to talk Mom into giving me money to buy some sweaters and other warm clothes.

"I didn't expect it to be so cold here in Washington."

"We talk about your definition of cold when winter comes. Are you going to be a junior?"

"Senior," I mumble, wrapping the thin silk scarf a bit tighter around my neck. My curly hair looks like some bird has tried to build a nest in it when I check my reflection in the rear view mirror.

"That's great. You'll be in my class. Do you like school?"

"Not really." I tell her honestly. "Do you?"

"That depends." Bella says when she kills the engine in the school parking lot. I step out and take a puzzled look at how she's dressed again. Is she really going to school like that? Dressed like a boy?

"Is something wrong?"

"No," I tell her quickly." Everything is fine."

"You just looked at me for a full minute."

"That's not true." I try to protest while we walk to the main entrance. I can see how two dudes stick their heads together and chuckle as we pass them by.

"Ignore the idiots. This school is full of them."

I tell her goodbye and head for the principal's office. His secretary hands me a sheet of paper that I need to get signed by my teachers before I give it back to her.

All eyes are on me when I enter the classroom a couple of minutes later. This is the embarrassing part. The teacher forces me to introduce myself in front of everyone. I stutter a few sentences about me and my mother moving here from Mississippi. Then I sit down next to a blonde girl in the last row.

She ignores me most of the time and nibbles on the end of her pen. I try to concentrate on the rambling of the teacher but his words don't seem to find a way into my brain. Trig is an unnecessary waste of time.

Bella is sitting on a seat at the window. I watch fascinated how she runs her fingers through her short cropped hair. It's a beautiful color between red and brown. Why did she cut it this short? I bet it would look lovely if she'd wear it long.

Her eyes meet mine and a grin flashes over her face. She doesn't have any make-up on but her eyelashes are still long and silky. I blush again and quickly look away.

"You've noticed the dyke, haven't you?" the blonde who is sitting next to me whispers. "That's Bella Swan. She's a freak."

"Why?" I ask back, moving my chair a bit closer to Lauren's. Her name is Lauren, right?

"Just look at her. She dresses like a guy. Jessica has caught her sucking faces with another chick at the movie theatre. This is just sick."

"Hmm," I mumble. So, Bella is gay? That's nothing bad, right? Why is Lauren so bitchy about that?

The rest of the morning goes by painfully slowly and when it's finally time for lunch break, I'm starving.

I'm just about to put a plate with a chicken sandwich on my tray when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"I wouldn't eat that, if I were you." Bella tells me, placing a bottle of apple juice on her own tray.

"I like chicken."

"The mayonnaise on that sandwich tastes like soap. You should take the pizza. That's the only thing in this place that's halfway eatable."

I follow her to an empty table in the corner of the room and sit down. So, it's pizza again, I think, taking the first bite. Tomorrow I'll bring something from home.

"You don't have to sit with me." Bella says, opening the lid of her bottle. "That could give people a wrong impression."

What kind of impression? I wonder. Then Lauren and a curly-haired brunette walk by and ask me if I want to eat at their table.

"No, I'm good here." I tell them, taking another bite from my pizza.

"Make sure she doesn't rape you." Lauren snarls, walking away with her heels clicking on the linoleum floor. What a stupid cunt.

"Why is Lauren such a bitch to you?"

"Doesn't matter, I don't give a shit about what comes out of her useless mouth."

"Is it true what she said about you? You're…gay?"

Bella leans a bit closer to me and I can feel the skin on my forearm breaking out in gooseflesh when her thumb brushes lightly over my wrist.

"Does it matter?"

"No, it doesn't. I was just curious."

"Curious is good. Let's just say I like girls—a lot."

My heartbeat increases and I barely manage to eat the rest of my pizza. There is something about her that makes me incredibly nervous and I don't know what I'm supposed to do with that.


During the following weeks I get to know more of my classmates. Most of them have known each other for years and it's difficult to get into that circle.

I still don't like Lauren one tiny bit more than on the first day but Jessica turns out to be okay. She likes to gossip but at least she's fun to go shopping with.

Mom is working most of the time and I rarely get to spend time with her anymore. This is not how I imagined our life to be like. I'm lonely and I miss Dad. He calls me once a week but I know that he's busy with his new family. He has replaced mom with a younger woman and me with a pair of screaming twin boys. Maybe he doesn't love me anymore. The thought is painful and I try to push it away from me as good as I can.

Today is the first halfway sunny day and as it's a Saturday I grab a blanket and a magazine to spend a bit time outdoors. Bella is in the garden again, working on that death machine again. Death machine is what her father has called it when she crashed it against the trash cans across the street. She still refused to let him sell it and I admire her for being so brave. If I'd had an accident I wouldn't want to come near that bike ever again.

"Enjoying the sunshine, Alice?" she asks me, crossing her arms in front of her chest. She's rolled up the sleeves of her shirt and I can see the outlines of a tattoo on her left arm. Doesn't it hurt when you get one?

"Huh? Earth to Princess Alice, are you here?"

"What? Oh, right, I just thought I would spend some time outside. Maybe I get a tan."

"Don't get your hopes up too high, princess. What are you going to do tonight?"

"Nothing," I tell her. I spread the blanket on the grass and sit down on it, kicking off my shoes. "You?"

"I'd like to go out with you but you would probably say no to that."

"Why do you think that?"

"Just a feeling, princess," she tells me. "Is that supposed to be a yes?"

"It's not a date." I state. "We're just going as friends, right?"

She grins and walks back into her house, whistling through her teeth.

My heart is in my mouth. I can feel a weird tingling sensation deep down in my belly. Maybe I'm hungry again?

The sun doesn't stay out long and I head back inside to prepare for my non date with Bella. It shouldn't matter to me how I look on it and yet I spend almost two hours in the bathroom throwing clothes around me.

Finally I decide on a pair of skinny jeans and a purple top; purple looks good with my green eye-color. I apply some eyeliner and lip gloss. Not that bad, Brandon, I tell myself. The doorbell rings and I quickly grab my handbag before I open the door.

"Wow, you look pretty. Too bad it's not a date."

"Thanks," I mumble nervously. "Where are we going?"

"Port Angeles. Have you been there before?"

"Last week with Jessica. It's nice there."

I try to protest when Bella tells me to sit down behind her on the bike. This is scary. It's loud and the wind feels like countless needles on my skin. I hold on to her as if my life depends on it, probably leaving bruises in her skin. Finally when she parks the goddamn bike I can't feel my legs anymore.

"That was great, wasn't it?"

I nod my head and take off the helmet. What a waste of time to try straightening my hair, I think. My knees tremble when I stand up from the seat and before I can fall over her arm is around my waist.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, I think so. I'm just a bit dizzy."

"Then you should eat something. The pasta at this place is excellent. You like pasta, don't you?"

During the entire evening she's nothing but lovely to me. It's so difficult not to like her. I don't get why the girls at school can't stand Bella. When you look past the hard surface she's the nicest person ever.

"What are you thinking?" she asks, running her fingertip over the edge of her glass. "Is there anything you'd like to know?"

"Why do you dress like a boy all the time?"

She smirks and lifts the glass with the coke to her mouth to drink before she answers me.

"I don't dress like a boy. I just wear the clothes I like."

I choke a bit on the piece of mushroom in my mouth. There is heat inside me. Why is it suddenly so warm here? It must be from the ride on the motor-bike.

"Does the way I dress bother you?"

"No, no it doesn't. I just think you could have it easier if you'd try to be a bit more feminine."

"How would that be easier?"

"I don't know. Maybe they would talk less behind your back if you did that."

Bella sighs and places her hand on mine. At first I want to pull back but it feels too nice to do it. Her lips curl into a smile while her fingers start caressing mine very gently.

"You're a very beautiful girl, princess."

"Why do you call me princess all the time?"

"Do you mind?"

"I don't know." I whisper, my mouth suddenly feeling dry.

We finish our dinner and when we step outside again it's freezing cold. I shiver and a moment later Bella wraps her leather jacket around my quivering shoulders.

"No," I protest. "You're going to get cold yourself."

"I'm used to this weather. Don't worry about me. Do you want to go for a little walk before we have to drive home?"

I tell her yes and when she takes my hand in hers I can clearly feel my heart beginning to race in my chest.

"I'm not like you." I say, when we sit down on a bench in a nearby park. "I'm sorry if I gave you a wrong impression."

"You're giving me exactly the right impression. Did you have a girlfriend before?"

"No, of course not, why would I? I am not gay."

"You're not gay." she repeats, leaning a bit closer to me. Her breathe is hot against my mouth. Then I feel her lips on mine. She's tender, so very tender and I don't find it in me to tell her to stop. It feels too good.

"Lesbo action straight ahead!" some drunken lowlife growls next to us. I cringe and pull back from the kiss. The taste of her mouth is still on my tongue.

"Can I join you? Threesomes are hot."

"Piss off, asshole, before I hurt you where it's really painful." Bella warns him, wrapping her arm a bit tighter around my shoulder. The dude hisses some profanities through his teeth and walks off, throwing a can of beer against a wall.

"Are you alright? That was just some poor idiot who had too much alcohol. You don't need to be afraid."

"I'm not afraid."

"Good. I won't let anything happen to you."

She pulls me on her lap and I sigh deeply when her lips find mine again. Her tongue is like hot velvet when it glides into my mouth. This is nothing in comparison to the few kisses with boys I had back home. Lust begins to pool between my thighs. I can feel myself beginning to get wet. I can't get wet from kissing a girl, can I?

"You're so gorgeous." Bella hums against my ear. "I wanted to kiss you from the first moment I saw you."

"I've never kissed a girl before."

"Does it feel good?"

"Yes," I breathe. "It does."

"Then there's no reason to stop, princess." She mumbles before she kisses me again. I lose track of time and when Bella finally drives us home again it's past midnight. Mom is sitting in the kitchen, waiting for me. Great, now I'll get grounded for god knows how long.

"Where have you been?"


"With whom?"

"A friend." I tell her, pulling out some diet coke from the fridge. "We were in Port Angeles and lost time."

"Mary Alice, I don't have the nerves to worry about you. You can't go out that long without talking this through with me. Are we clear about that?"

"Yes, Mom, I'm sorry."

"Good. Now go to bed. It's late."

I plant a kiss on her forehead and walk up the stairs. After brushing my teeth and changing into a knee-long shirt I head back to my room. There is a new message on my cell when I pull it out of my handbag.

Are u still up? B.

Quickly I type a reply.

Yes :)

Her response comes a minute later.

Was your mother mad at you for breaking your curfew?

A bit. I type. What about your Dad?

C is working tonight. Can I call you?

I glide under my blankets and cuddle against my pillow before I dial her number.

"Hey princess,"

"Hi," I whisper. "I was lucky Mom didn't ground me."

"I should have brought you home earlier. I just enjoyed being with you so much that I didn't want to end it."

"We see each other at school every day."

"That's different." She clears her throat before she continues. "I don't get to kiss you there, princess."

My face is on fire again. There are butterflies in my stomach. At least I think there are. I've never felt this way before.

She suggests that she wants to cook lunch for me tomorrow and I agree, knowing that mom is going to work anyway.

The entire night I toss around on my bed, unable to find sleep. Whenever I close my eyes, I can practically feel her warm lips against my mouth again. When I finally manage to pass out, it's already getting light outside.

I'm tired when I wake up around noon and terribly hungry. I take a shower and apply the melon-scented body lotion I bought on my last shopping trip all over my skin. I throw on some clothes and try to fix my hair a bit before I walk over to Bella's house.

She lives with her Dad and I wonder what he thinks about his daughter being a lesbian. Does he know? He must know, right?

"There you are, princess." she greets me, pulling me inside before she kisses me softly. Her lips taste a bit like chocolate. I love it.

"I made some chicken roast. Do you like that?"

"Yes, that sounds good." I tell her, taking off my jacket. "I can't cook much more than water."

"Living with Charlie meant that I had to starve or learn how to feed myself."

"Where's your mother?"

"Florida. I don't see her very often."

We eat and I almost climax in my mouth when she pulls some delicious chocolate mousse out for dessert. I could die for everything chocolate.

"Tastes good, doesn't it?"

"It's divine. You didn't have to make all of this for me."

"I know. I wanted to. Do you want to see my room?"

I follow her upstairs. Her room is small and crowded. There are books all over the floor. I pick one up to read the title. Is that a book about lesbians?

"That's a good one. You can borrow it sometime if you want to."

We sit down on her bed and I flip through the pages of the book while she starts caressing my neck.

"You seem tensed. Try to relax. I won't do anything you don't like."

"Did you have many girlfriends?" I ask her, putting the book aside.

She holds up three fingers and sighs. "But I like you better than all of them together."

"I still don't know if I am gay." I confess, leaning back against her headboard. There is some ring with feathers around it.

"Please don't touch that. It was a gift."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't have to be. It's just old and breakable."

I kiss her on the cheek and squeak when she pulls me around and presses me down. Her tongue pushes between my lips, swallowing a moan that builds in my throat.

"So, you're not sure. Can I make you feel sure?"

A shiver runs down my spine when her hand glides under my shirt and brushes feather lightly over my bra.

"Do you trust me? I don't want to do anything you don't want."

I shake my head and pull her face to mine. My fingers fist into her short hair while she starts massaging my breasts. When my shirt and bra land on the carpet next to her bed I try to cover myself up. This is embarrassing.

"Don't hide. You're too beautiful to hide, my princess." With that she lowers her mouth to my left nipple and swirls her tongue over the sensitive tip. She closes her lips around it and sucks. Oh fuck, this feels good, way too good.

I want to touch her too, but I hesitate because I don't know if she wants me to do that. When she places my hands on her breasts, I understand.

"You still have your shirt on." I whisper. "It's not fair."

She laughs and kisses my mouth before she slowly starts to unbutton the light blue shirt. Instead of a bra she's wearing some kind of bandage wrapped tightly around her chest. It has a bit from unwrapping a Christmas present when I manage to untie it after fumbling around on it. Her breasts are pretty. Round with dusky rose colored nipples. I tug very lightly on one and watch fascinated how it morphs into a tight little nub.

"You're beautiful. Who would have expected something so pretty under these wide clothes."

"I don't want everyone to stare at my boobs. That makes me uncomfortable."

"Does it make you uncomfortable when I touch them?"

"No. That's different. Now, come here. I want to make you feel good."

Her fingers pull and squeeze on my nipples. It feels amazing. By now I'm sure that my underwear is damp. I moan against her neck and enjoy the sensations that spread through me when Bella rubs her upper body against mine.

Then her fingers hook under the waistband of my leggings. It doesn't take long for her to pull them down together with my panties. I feel exposed and quickly pull the blanket over me.

"You're really shy. I like that on you."

She lifts up the blanket and climbs underneath it. Her fingers caress the inside of my thighs, before they gently stroke over the small stripe of black hair on my mound. Why in heaven's name they call it a landing stripe is beyond me. Maybe I should have shaved everything off. Would she like that better?

I can hear her mumbling something under the blanket that I don't understand. Then I feel her mouth against my inner lips, her tongue against my swollen clit. She hums and licks, her movements becoming faster and faster. I grind my hips, trying to get her closer against my sex. My stomach muscles tense. I tremble and when two of her fingers enter me carefully, I explode. The spasms of my climax rock through me again and again, making me feel like I don't have any bones left in my body when they eventually subside.

"So very responsive, my princess." she whispers breathlessly when pulls the blanket away. I hesitate to kiss her back when I taste the slick wetness on her mouth. This is me? Do I really taste like that?

"Fucking delicious, your taste is heaven. I liked going down on you."

She groans against my neck and guides my hand to her jeans. My fingers fumble on the zipper and then finally, finally I can feel the soaked cotton fabric against my fingertips. She's wet, very wet and when I move my fingers over her clit she whimpers. I massage her outer lips and tug gently on them before I focus my attention on her clit again. When she comes a shudder goes through my body. I made her feel like this. I made her come with my fingers.

I wipe them on the sheets before I bury my face against her collarbone. She wraps her arm around me and holds me close. For a few minutes she is very still, her loud breathing the only audible noise.

"Bella?" I whisper, stroking gently over her forearm with my fingertips. The tattoo is big, it covers her entire arm up to her shoulder. It's beautiful, some cherry blossoms falling from a branch.

"Yes, princess?"

"Are you going to tell anyone about this?"

"I don't kiss and tell. Are you worried what people in school would think about you if they knew you are with me now?"

"No. I don't care what they think. I'm more worried about my mother."

"You don't need to tell her right away. Please, don't feel pressured."

I nod and cuddle a bit closer against her side. "You smell good, princess."

"That's just some lotion. Why have you nick-named me princess?"

"I could tell you but then again…why would I? Now, kiss me, princess. We can start worrying about the future tomorrow."