Once and Future Wizard

Chapter 5



"Luna, what do you think about Merlin?"

"Oh! I like him!"

"Well yes. And?"

"I love his cheekbones."


"I think the thestrals have a liking to his cheekbones too."

"Okay Luna but what else?"

"He's very...I don't know..he's very special."

"Uhuh. Go on!"

"It's as if he is different from us but same. Different but same. I call it special."

"Is he even one of us?"

"What do you mean, Harry? Of course he is one of us. I can't under-"

"I don't know-he's really weird."


"Special and weird."

"Special and special."

Harry grinned at Luna, who returned it with a simple smile. He had been thinking about Merlin that entire week but he never went far with it. Brushing off all thoughts, he bid farewell to Luna and head down to the Great Hall for lunch. As he neared the Hall, he saw Merlin and Hermione, sitting opposite each other and laughing. Harry frowned at this. He had no say in their interactions but it felt so wrong. He arranged his robes and walked towards them. Merlin looked up and smiled.

"So where's Ron?" he asked.

Harry stopped in his tracks and opened his mouth to reply but bit his lip before anything escaped. "He's studying," Harry muttered.

"Who are you kidding, Harry? Ron and studying? Great combination!" Hermione chuckled.

"Well, it wouldn't be that funny if you just gave him a chance!" Harry barked. It came out louder than expected.

Hermione was startled. "I'm...I'm sorry. You alright, Harry?" .

Harry nodded his head in an indifferent manner and sat down next to her. He looked up and found Merlin poking at his potato salad with a fork. Harry stared at him for a long time. Merlin dropped his fork and stared back at him. He had an apologetic look on his face and smiled at Harry.

"Well, I better get back to my dormitory. I need to do my..my write-up for...runes..yeap, runes," Merlin stuttered. He got up and walked out of the Hall without looking back at Harry or Hermione.

"See what you have done! He just walked out without a goodbye!" Hermione said.

"He had a write-up to do!" Harry replied.

"NO! He didn't! We finished our write-ups on Eihwaz last week!" Hermione replied through gritted teeth.

Harry stared straight into Hermione's eyes. "Sometimes I wish you could really open your eyes and see the people who actually matter!"

This. This was what he wanted to prevent that entire week. But he had involuntarily caused it to happen. He dropped his gaze and drank a goblet of water. He gulped it down in one go and ignored the sharp pain that struck his chest. It had to be known. And Hermione had to be the first. But before he could part his lips to say anything at all, Hermione burst out.

"Harry, do you like me?"

Harry nodded and then froze. He had not heard what Hermione said but guessed it went something like "HARRY, do you like me?". This was not going well. No! No! No! It was not supposed to go this way! He just lay there staring into the brown oasis of Hermione's eyes. But she looked back with a raised eyebrow. "Do you?"

"I'm feeling sick!" Harry responded and sprinted out of the Great Hall. He had no idea where he was headed to but he ran. He liking Hermione? How could she say or even think about that? Maybe she liked him? But she liked Merlin, didn't she? Or maybe she didn't? What might be going on in her mind now? What about Ron? Harry skidded to a stop. Ron! He forgot about Ron! His main aim was to talk to Hermione about Ron! Now, he had to go back to Hermione and clear up this situation which also meant double-double awkwardness!

Harry clapped his hand to his forehead and sighed. Why was this happening? It was all because of him. Actually, it was because of Ron. It was Ron who had whined to Harry about Hermione and wanting to tell her something but not being able to because of Merlin. Wait! This started because of Merlin. Ron was that was exactly when Harry knew whom he had to talk to. Not Hermione, not Ron and not himself. It was Merlin.

He whisked around and then, "BANG!". Harry's head started spinning and his eyes blurred. He was swaying around until a hand swung around his arm and brought him to his feet. Harry blinked to realise that the figure who had helped him was none other than Merlin.

Harry blinked furiously this time. He had wanted to talk to Merlin and Merlin was here. It was too real to be an illusion. "Merlin," Harry acknowledged him. Merlin nodded his head with a polite smile before replying with a, "Harry Potter."

Harry smiled and placed his arm around Merlin's shoulders. "I need to talk to you. Let's try the library maybe?".

"No. I'll say it here and now. I don't like Hermione."

"Sorry what?"

"Whatever you and Ron are thinking, it's wrong. There's nothing going on between 'Mione and me. We are good friends."

"How did you know? I didn't say anything-"

"I could read your expression. So many years...I know you too well."

"Sorry what?"

"Nothing! Nothing. Please stop assuming."

"You should have said so. It was so awkward there."

"We okay?"


They both shook hands and smiled. But Merlin felt restrained and restricted. If this was really Arthur, they would've hugged. Not in a way people would have judged but in a way people would have admired their friendship. Merlin held back from doing anything stupid. This was just the beginning stage of their destiny. A stage full of doubts and suspicions. A stage where no one could be trusted. It was the exact stage the King and the Wizard had to go through to strengthen their bond. Merlin did not like starting all over again. He felt tired and weak. But he had to fight on.

Because right then, Harry had his own set of doubts on Merlin. And Merlin had his own set of worries for Harry. He could not afford to think of such things but he was not going to make another mistake. He had already lived a life full of regrets and he was not going to repeat it. Merlin turned around and walked to his dormitory, engulfed in a sea of thoughts. The premonitions were coming true. Something was going to happen. Something big. Something bad...

Author's Note

I know you all want to kill me because I have not uploaded for more than 6 months. And I deserve to be killed. But hopefully, I'm back with a bang. I tried to improve on a few grammatical errors here and there. I also experimented with writing in Harry Potter/Arthur's POV (kinda) and ending it with Merlin's POV. I am not sure if you guyz like it but if you would want me to alternate with Harry's and Merlin's POV, I could do that. But if you all prefer to stay with Merlin, then I am just as glad to do so. Do give me your truthful comments be it on grammar, vocabulary, the story as such (it hasn't actually started but yeah still..), the pairing (Merlin/Hermione) or anything else you would like to see in the story. Thanks :)