An Interrupted Proposal

Author's Note: Okay for a game as amazingly awesome as Soul Nomad there is an unimaginably small amount of Fanfiction for it (and even less GigxRevya *sniff*) so I simply must contribute despite my little to none writing skills. I hope you enjoy reading the story and even more so hope that this might make you want to write some of your own. I mean come on people the SN Archive needs and deserves much more love!

Anyway I digress, this Fanfic is about Juno's ending from Soul Nomad (Female Main Character) with some " alterations".

One year later…

-At the Nereid Palace-

Juno: I'm sorry I had to ask you to help with the babies…

Revya: It's okay. It's a baby boom!

Penn: Maaan! Everyone's too busy with these stupid babies to play with me!

Hey, how come there's so many kids, anyway?

Juno: W-well, you see... it's because the soul cycle's back to normal... and now that they can have kids again, they...

No, no, I don't mean that. I mean, whose kids are these?

Are they Endorph's? Or that eagle-eyed guy we found drifting at sea? Or maybe that guy from Raide?!

Revya: Penn, why are your eyes twinkling...?

Juno: My dear Penn, I think you'll be all grown up soon enough.

That's how it has to be, but I'll still be very sad.

Penn: Hey, Sis!

Revya: What is it?

Penn: Marry me!

An unknown person waiting outside the Palace overhears the conversation

?: … %$ #%!&#%!?

-Desperado theme begins to play in the background-

Gig storms into the Nereid Palace, scythe in hand, forcefully stepping between Penn and Revya.

Gig: Woah, Woah hold it right there!

Gig points his weapon of destruction towards Penn oblivious to the Death God's fury.

Gig: You! The Fish pimp! What did you just try to ask my soulmate?!

Penn: I asked her to marry me!

Gig's eyes narrow into slits

Penn: I wanna marry her because Juno likes her and she like to play with me, so I have lots of fun. I just ….really like her!

Gig: …..I don't think you quite understand what you're saying brat

As those words are being spoken, a menacing aura, begins to surround the Master of Death. Juno protectively tries, to move toward Penn and Revya prepares to reason with a murderous Gig. Unfortunately before either of them could do a thing…

Penn: Oh, and her boobs! I really like those!

-Rock 'n' Rocks theme begins to play-



Juno: Penn Run!

Chaos, destruction and slaughter ensue.

Revya's thoughts: ….and he says he doesn't get jealous

The End

And the Lesson of this story is don't ever try to take what is rightfully Gig's weather that be something like his hot pods or as we just learned like his soul mate.

Please Review if you enjoyed

And even better than reviewing go and right some SN Fanfics!

Sincerely, TheSoulsDepths.