Sorry it's been a long time coming guys, I've had a writers block. But I finally made myself sit down and write the chapter, and I know it's a bit short but I didn't want to take any more time on it. Anyway, here it is. The long awaited chapter 17! :)

Chapter 17


About an hour later the boy woke and started crying for his mother. I started and quickly rushed over to comfort him. Sean and I had been sitting on the floor talking quietly about our future.

"Kate.." he had said, "what if one day we had children of our own, two or three of them, just running around the place. I think I would like that." I had agreed as I had been thinking about having children someday for quite some time.

"Shh shh ," I whispered, "it's ok, we'll find your mummy." I looked over to Sean, silently asking for his help in finding the boy's mother. His response was to stand up and huge whispering "Of course." into my ear. I smiled up at him and opened the stable door and was, well I wasn't exactly surprised but I was shocked at the amount of carnage there was. Everything was strewn about; the trees branches were broken, the fences were knocked down, leaves dirt covered everything with dust still floating in the damp air, clinging to every surface. Including me and the boy. Taking in a deep breath to avoid breathing in the floating dust I ran towards the house.


The hours passed slowly that day. After we had come inside Puck insisted that we all have a wash because we were all filthy and cold. The boy had not wanted to though because, I think, he was fairly distressed and feeling lost. Eventually he calmed down enough to have a bath.

I looked outside, the dust still swirled even hours after the storm had passed and the sun had risen. Perhaps the day would turn nice and sunny and the dust would settle, but I wasn't sure.

"Sean," called Puck, "are you ready to go? Because we're leaving now." I drew my gaze away from the window and wake towards Puck, enveloping her in a hug.

"Of course I'm ready to go," I laughed, "I am the man, am I not. Usually we men are ready before your gender." I grinned, wondering what the consequences would be for me saying that.

"Hey!" Puck exclaimed, smacking me on the arm, "that is NOT true." She turned and stalked away in mock anger as I laughed after her. I walked over to the door and assessed the situation outside. It was not nearly as dusty as it had been a few hours before and the air seemed clean enough to breathe now.

"Let's go, the air isn't as dusty now." I shouted to Puck who appeared a few seconds later with the little boy in tow. He seemed nervous and afraid but I think that was just because he was away from his mother and father.


We walked into town and the little boy clutched my hand tight. I had asked him his name but he hadn't said a word and I was worried. I didn't know if he was like this all the time but I knew it was unhealthy for him to not be talking at all. With him not communicating I couldn't tell if he was hurt or if he was frightened. I just wanted to find his parents so he could be safe, and they were probably from the mainland so there was little chance of me knowing them.

After a few hours of walking around town I heard a shriek.

"Jason!" A woman ran towards us in hysterics, "Oh Jason, I thought I'd lost you. Thank the lord you are safe." He clutched at the little boy, who we could now put a name to; Jason. She started crying and thanked Sean and I over and over, thanking us so much that she soon became incoherent.

"Richard!" yelled the lady, "Richard, I've found him." A man ran over and hugged the woman and Jason. After that followed an hour of the woman, who was called Jessie, and the man called Richard thanking Sean and I over and over again. We eventually told Jessie and Richard a final time that everything was okay and they didn't owe us anything and left.


We returned home safely and as I looked around at all the rubble on the ground I sighed. We would have a lot of cleaning up to do. I had wanted to take Puck away today and ask her, but this day was not near perfect enough. I would wait until tomorrow.

"Puck," I called out "do you want to start cleaning up now or later?" It took a minute but Puck's reply came to me from the stable.

"Sure, I guess we may as well start now. There's no point in putting it off." I looked up and caught my breath as Puck walked out of the stable. It wasn't that she looked any different than usual, but in that moment I loved her more than she would ever know. My heart was thumping as I walked over to her and took her hand. I leaned over and kissed the top of her hand, gesturing to the mess we had to clean up.

"Shall we." I asked with a smile. Grinning back at me, Puck pulled me along and gave me a kiss before running off and starting to clean up. Every few minutes she would look over to me and grin.


The cleaning wasn't the fun part, but teasing Sean was. I would look up and send him little kisses and I could see him getting more and more annoyed with the cleaning up. After about two hours when we had half finished cleaning up the rubble Sean finally had a little grumble and went inside. I laughed, I knew that cleaning up was one of Sean's least favourite things to do and he made sure that I knew that. Him going inside and preparing lunch was just an excuse for him to get out of the cleaning up for a little while. But I let him.

Hours later that night as Sean and I were getting ready for bed Sean turned to me, and, with the most serious and hopeful facial expression, asked me a question.

"Puck," he took my hands in his and gave me a soft kiss, "would you like to have a picnic in the woods tomorrow? Just us and not another soul?" His eyes were so hopeful and excited that there was no way I could refuse. I wouldn't have wanted to refuse anyway but his eyes made it that much easier for me to say yes. I was a bit shocked and confused as to why he had been so serious about it, it was just a picnic in the woods.

"I would love to go for a picnic, Sean."

"Yay!" Sean enveloped me in a huge hug and spun me around before setting me down again. "I love you, Kate Connolly." I smiled softly at his whispered words.

"I love you, too, Sean Kendrick."

I had no idea what was to come the following day from my saying yes to a picnic in the woods. Certainly not what I had expected.


I was ecstatic as I lay in bed that night with Puck by my side. Every different scenario I could come up with was running through my mind, preventing any sleep that may have come. I could not settle with any way I would ask her that one, most important question. I would have to decide by tomorrow though. I rolled over to look at Puck. She was asleep, and looked so peaceful. I sighed and gently wrapped my arms around her so as not to wake her and slowly slipped into sleep myself.

Ok so I know it wasn't the greatest chapter and it took me FOREVER to write it but I finally did! Well I hope you liked it and I'll try to get chapter 18 up sooner than I got this one up. And I think by now you all know what is going to happen in chapter 18. As always, any advice on the story or my writing is welcome :)

Also guys I have mega exciting news! My sister just got engaged. YAY! I'm so happy. *little celebratory dance* The ring is amazing! And I got a boyfriend! Ok you probably don't care so I should really stop now, you're probably bored if you're still reading this. So please review :D
