I came up with this idea last week when my friend was in hospital waiting to have her baby and we all sat around thinking of ways to hurry the process along. I don't own The Mentalist. Enjoy.

To say that she was annoyed would quite possibly be the understatement of the year. She was hot, bothered, sore, tired, angry and pregnant. Oh did she forget to mention that? Yeah she's pregnant; to Patrick Jane none the less and worse than that (it's not that bad really.) She is overdue, their baby still hadn't come.

So here she was sitting in her office, Cho's office? Waiting for Jane to finish an interrogation for another team before he joined her on leave. She'd already been away for 3 weeks. Jane was supposed to join her but they got a tricky case. Today was his last day. They had both decided to take a year off – much to the dismay of Bertram. He had been calmed a bit when Jane stated that case files could be sent to their house and Jane would look at them from home; he'd put his foot down on coming into the CBI – not wanting to leave Lisbon and their baby.

"There you are." Lisbon looked up to be met by blonde curls and a killer smile.

"Here I am."

Grunting she tried to push herself off the couch without much luck.

"Teresa" Jane rushed to help her "you have to be careful sweetheart."

Gripping Jane's forearms for balance she looked up at him "I want this baby out Patrick." She confessed after she was safely on two feet.

"I know" Jane cooed brushing her hair out of her face.

"Do you think it's because our baby doesn't want to meet us?" She knew she was being silly but she was 41 weeks pregnant and her hormones were shot.

"Teresa" Jane sighed "our baby does want to meet us. I know somewhere in that beautiful head of yours you know that."

She nodded "I do, it's just." Her hand absentmindedly ran over her round stomach "I was supposed to go into labour last week." She sighed in frustration.

"How about we go home, put on some music and I will give you a back massage." Jane suggested as he leaned down to capture her lips.

"Sounds wonderful."

Jane smiled lovingly as Lisbon waddled into the bull pen to say goodbye to the team.

Lisbon could not wait until the day that she could get in and out of a vehicle without needing a forklift or other person to help her. Jane had banned her from driving a few weeks ago when she was involved in a minor accident. Thankfully she and the baby were okay but Jane was adamant. No way was anyone going to harm his girlfriend or his baby. So there she sat in the passenger's seat with the safety belt stretched over her stomach.

Reaching over Jane gently rubbed her belly "home?"

Smiling brightly she nodded her head "please."

"Of course and here's something to read on the way." With a rather ridiculous flourish that somehow suited him Jane handed over a few pages of white copy paper.

Carefully unfolding it Lisbon began to read. "Is this?"

Jane nodded. "I've highlighted the ones that I thought I could help with."

Lisbon looked down at the paper again Ways to naturally Induce Labour. Lisbon shook her head as she read through the list. "When she we start?"

"How about now?" Before he received and answer Jane turned the car towards the river.

"Where are we going?"

"Look at number 9."

"Go for a bumpy car ride." Before Lisbon could fully register Jane was driving his blue car along the river bank. She braced herself as best she could while she bounced up and down in her seat "this is not fun."

Jane replied by smiling at her. Instead of avoiding the bumps and holes as you would normally do Jane instead headed from them.

Lisbon closed her eyes and tried to breathe.

"Having fun my dear?"

She shook her head in response.

"Any contractions or water breaking?"

She shook her head again. "Can we go home now?" Lisbon hugged her belly.

"Of course." Taking the next exit (well a gap between some trees) Jane made his way back to the apartment they shared. "I guess we can cross that one off our list huh?"

Lisbon said nothing and only leaned her head against the window it was going to be a long day.

Jane turned off the car and looked over at Lisbon. He smiled lovingly at her asleep against the window. The last year had been insane. Grace had shot and killed Red John after both Jane and Lisbon had been held captive by him. Jane's eyes closed as he thought back to that his time as Red Johns captor.

The room was hot and tiny it kind of reminded Jane of the basement that Rachel had him locked in. This wasn't a basement though it wasn't as dark and he couldn't see any stairs. Slowly he moved his head to the left to see if his fellow captor was awake.

"Jane" the voice next to him whispered.

"Lisbon" he smiled. He'd never been so glad to hear her voice.

Lisbon felt like her head was about to split open as she tried to sit up. "Where are we?" She croaked.

Jane looked around as he tried for the millionth time to undo his cuffs "I'd say probably a bunker."

"Is Red John?"

Jane nodded "he's around somewhere."

Lisbon looked him straight in the eyes "Jane. Patrick" she said softly "I'm pretty banged up" she looked down at her obviously broken legs and the blood that was pooling underneath her "if we, if I don't make it out of here I want you to know that I love you."

Opening his eyes Jane was back in his car watching a very pregnant and very sleepy Lisbon. Her saying those three little words had pushed him to hold on, to want to survive. Grace may have saved him from Red John but Lisbon had saved him from himself. Reaching over he touched his sleeping beauty on the shoulder.

"Teresa" he whispered sweetly "Teresa my love we're home."

Her cute little nose scrunched up as she tried to avoid waking.


"M'sleeping 'atrick."

He smiled fondly at her cute childlike language "I know but we're home."

Slowly her eyes opened and she found she was face to face with the window. Slowly she pulled back and turned her head in the direction of Jane's voice.

"Hello sleepy" He smiled.

"We home?" She wondered as she pouted which Jane thought was damned adorable.

Jane undid her safety belt and kissed her on the temple before exiting the car and moving to help her out. He felt bad for her. Being pregnant had been hell on her.

He walked behind Lisbon as she waddled into the foyer of their apartment complex.

"I look like a beluga whale." She sighed placing her hands on her belly.

"Beluga whales are cute. But you don't look like one my dear; you look wonderful."

Lisbon scoffed and rolled her eyes.

Tugging on the hem of her shirt he forced her to face him. "You're beautiful" he informed her earnestly. "You carrying my child, our child is the most sacred and amazing thing I have ever witnessed."

"What about Angela? How did she look when she was pregnant with Charlotte?"

He shrugged "I didn't appreciate how beautiful she looked but she did."

Lisbon smiled lovingly at him "I'm sure she knew Patrick."

He returned her smile and headed towards the stairs.

Lisbon frowned.

"Number 4." He announced.

Walking up and down stairs she read can help move the baby and induce labour. Sighing she gripped the handrail and very slowly followed Jane up the 4 flights to their apartment.

She used to be able to fly up flights of stairs chasing suspects and protecting witnesses and protecting Jane from himself but now, now everything hurt and took sixteen times longer. "I hope you're worth all this hassle baby Jane." She knew the baby was worth it, every single second of it.

I really hoped you like chapter one.