Chapter 31: The Journey Home

It was a beautiful afternoon as Bao started his journey to get back home. The world was warm and full of life as Bao trekked from the cave and went in a random direction. Now we can find Bao standing inside a swamp biome as he wonders why he ever went into the swamp. Bao observed what he could inside the swamp from where he was standing and noted that it seemed to be quiet. "Welp, nothing risked, nothing earned I suppose" Bao muttered to himself as he continued his walk through the swamp. "God, I hope I don't run into any slimes or spider jockeys"

As the sun was setting, Bao shouted "God damn it, I hate walking!" as he slowly made his way forward through the swamp. He wondered if he could find any shelter before nightfall or he would be swarmed with zombies again. "This is good exercise at least" he said as he sat down next to a tree to relax. As he thought about now to get home an arrow suddenly passed his head and stuck into the tree he was leaning on. "I got you now!" shouted the familiar voice of Skelly. Bao quickly jumped up and started running into the trees to avoid arrows. More arrows passed by him as he quickly navigate up and around trees. "God damn it, how the hell does she always find us" Bao said to himself as he ducked behind a tree to avoid another arrow. "You won't get away this time!" Skelly shouted again as she made her way closer. Bao continued to sprint away but noticed that the tree line was getting closer and soon he would be running into open space. Not hesitating one bit Bao rushed out of the trees and saw a small cabin sitting in the middle of the open field in the middle of the swamp.

Quickly looking at his options he instantly opened the door and ran in, slamming it closed as soon as he got in. Finally safe for a while, he let himself fall down to the ground and let his lungs recover from the chase. "Damn you, I'll get you yet even if I have to wait here all day!" Skelly continued to rant from the outside. Sighing, Bao stopped listening and observed the room he was in. It was a single square room with no windows that was sparse with furniture. There was only a bed and crafting table with a single torch lighting up the middle of the room. "Ahh, hell" said Bao as he sat on the bed. "I wonder who would build this out here, I don't think it was any of the old group" he said talking to himself. Bao shook his head a bit before looking at the door and seeing that it was night time. "Zombies will be here soon you know" said another voice making Bao jump off the bed. Panicked, Bao looked around the room for the source voice before seeing a figure standing in a dark corner of the room near the door. "Alright who are the heck are you" said Bao pulling his fists up.

The figure started chuckling, showing it was clearly female now that he was paying full attention. "Forgot me already, I'm hurt" the figure said as she walked into the light showing it to be Heroinebrine. Lowering his fists Bao let out breath before sitting back down. "Don't do that, you'll kill me with a heart attack long before I get mobbed by the zombies and skeletons." muttered Bao as he relaxed a bit. "So what are you doing here anyways" he said looking at Heroinebrine curiously. "Well, I have to admit it is rather boring just wandering around, so I figured I would watch your progress, and I have to say picking a random direction is a very good way to get lost" giggled Heroinebrine as Bao crossed his arms and sighed. "Not, like I have any better plan" Bao said as he laid back on the bed. "True...true…, so any idea how to escape the zombie hoards and arrows this time, I believe they have surrounded the entire cabin by now" she said. Bao then began turning his body around on the bed, lying on his face and let out a long groan, it was clear that he really had no idea what to do.

Looking exasperated Heroinebrine pulled out a bow and a bag full of arrows before setting it down in front of him. "These should help you, and you should head left from the door to get home, should only be a couple days travel from here" she said as she started to walk back into the shadows. Turning his head and seeing the gear, Bao pushed himself up and thanked her for the gear. "It's no problem, besides I like watching you try and either fail spectacularly or succeed in the most strangest ways" she continued as she was fully back into the shadows. "Well, at least someone is enjoying this" Bao said as he looked around and noticed that she was gone. Bao rubbed on the back of his head and got up, walking towards the gear he tied the bag to his back and picked up the bow. The bow felt good in his hand, and pulling out an arrow he quickly turned around and shot the wall behind him. "Not bad" Bao said as he turned towards the door and looked out the small holes. Outside, he could see multiple zombies and skeletons watching him from the forest. "Even with this bow, I doubt I could make a run for it" thought Bao as he tried to figure out a way to escape that was better than run outside like an idiot and hope he survived.

While, Bao was looking for a better way to escape, two figures could be found talking to Heroinebrine. "Thanks again for telling us where he is" said Skelly as Rot nodded. "Yeah, he'll make decent food for my zombies" Rot said as he turned his head back towards the house. Smiling a bit Heroinebrine walked into the shadows and disappeared. "Oh, I wonder how he will get out of this mess" she thought as she appeared on top of one of the trees near the cabin.

Back with Bao he stood near the door and had his hand ready to open it. "God I wish I had a better idea than this!" he shouted as he opened the door and shot two arrows at the closest zombie killing it with a shot to the head and chest. Quickly turning left, Bao started running for the trees again as zombies started walking towards him. Bao started shooting more arrows to try and make a hole in the hoard before ducking to avoid some arrows that flew above his head. "God damn, it" Bao thought as he pushed some zombies out of the way before breaking into a sprint to get into the trees again. More zombies had begun to surround his position, which caused the arrow fire to slow since there was now a wall of meat between him and the arrows. Noticing the lower amount of arrows he was getting, Bao smacked a zombie in the face his bow making space for him to continue to pass the hoard and into the trees and making a break for it, but he didn't make it far before being nearly shot in the back by and arrow which thunked right next to the tree he was running pass. "You nearly got away again, to bad you won't get another chance" said Skelly stepping out from behind a tree with an arrow ready on her bow. Bao quickly pulled out an arrow and aimed at Skeley. "Well, it seems we are at an impasse then" he said as they both aimed arrows at each other. "Good thing I got you then!" Rot shouted as he jumped out from behind a tree ready to bite. This sudden attack surprised Skelly and Bao as he let his arrow fly in surprise before swinging his bow wildly hitting Rot in the face which sent him flying towards Skelly. Skelly quickly moved to avoid the arrow as she prepared to return fire, but before she could Rot's body flew into her face and knocked her over. Thanking his sweet luck, Bao quickly ditched the two and made his way deeper into the swamp.

"ROT I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" was all Bao heard as he ran his way home with Heroinebrine watching all of these events unfold. "Oh yes, this will be very amusing" she thought as she watched Bao run away.

-Chapter End-

Alright, another chapter finished after so long. College and life is college and life and all that. I'm also transferring to a university soon. But, in my defense. Blame Bao for this, since this was his chapter to type. -shadowspark101.

-P.S Mystic here, sorry again, College had finished but I had to do some exams over the entire summer and winter vacations to apply for a volunteer position.