Hell's-FunnyHome, momoXvolturi, xmenfan33, Brazen Hussy, DarylDixonsWife, LittleMeep, Honest review, xLuvStruckIdiot, nerdsdoitbetter, Lilone1776, charlieWarlieWoo and Guest, thank you all for taking the time to review. It helps to know what I'm doing right and wrong.

Chapter 13.

Izzy sat in the apartment nursing Sawyer, she was exhausted. Sawyer had spent his first night in his new world crying and feeding. As soon as morning came the boys left the building. Izzy couldn't blame them, Sawyer's cries sounded like a mixture of a car alarm and an injured animal.

Daryl had taken watch duty on the wall just to get away from the loud squealing baby, and Merle had gone to get some baby supplies for the journey ahead.

The door swung open and Merle entered with a large rucksack on his shoulder.

"Well look at that." Merle dropped the rucksack on the floor. "You can tell he's my boy."

Izzy smiled down at her son, who was still feeding. The new-born seemed to be a bottomless pit.

"How so?"

Merle sat next to Izzy on the bed. "He likes your titties as much as I do."

Izzy rolled her eyes at Merle's crudeness. Sawyer finally decided he was full and unlatched himself from his mother. Izzy adjusted her nightdress covering herself back up.

"About last night." Merle rubbed the stubble on his chin slowly.

"It's fine." Izzy just wanted to forget Merle's outbursts.

Merle gave a light snort like laugh. He knew why Izzy wanted to dismiss the subject so quickly. She didn't want him to bring up the subject of her and Daryl. Merle wasn't blind and he wasn't stupid. Izzy could deny she had feelings towards Daryl as much as she liked, but Merle saw a spark in her whenever she spoke to Daryl.

"Yeah, it's fine." Merle stared down at his sleeping son. "You know there ain't no-one ever come between me and Daryl. Not even a woman."

Izzy held her breath for a second. She knew what Merle was getting at.

"Whatever I feel for Daryl, whatever I felt for him, I chose you. I can't do anymore for you Merle."

"I know I'm just makin' sure we're all on that same page, you, me and Daryl." Merle took Sawyer from Izzy's arms. "Because I'm not lettin' anyone pull my family apart."

Merle pulled himself off the bed and slowly walked around the room with Sawyer in his arms. He started to reminisce about Daryl when he was a baby. His little brother had been a great deal smaller than Sawyer and a hell of a lot quieter.

"When are we leaving?" Izzy asked.

"We're gonna give you time to heal up and then make a move." Merle scrunched up his nose. "My boy needs changin'"

Izzy shuffled up in the bed. "Well bring me our son and a clean diaper."

Merle placed Sawyer on the bed. He handed Izzy a fresh diaper.

"Daddy's going to change your poopy bum, yes he is." Izzy cooed in a baby voice.

"No he ain't." Merle backed away.

Izzy's arm shot out. She grabbed Merle's good hand and pulled him towards her.

"Yes you are, now stop being a pussy."

Merle sat down next to Izzy, waiting to deal with the fresh gift his son had just left for his parents.

The wall had been extremely quiet and boring this morning. Daryl fidgeted and yawned, he was tired. Sawyer hadn't shut up all night. The only time the boy shut his trap was when he got fed.

"Are we keeping you up Dixon?" Martinez teased.

"Shut up." Daryl yawned again. "Damn baby didn't stop cryin' all night."

"And you three want to leave Woodbury with a howling baby in toe. It's suicide."

"It's fine." Daryl bit back.

"It's stupid if you ask me." Martinez played with the bill of his cap.

"Well I wasn't askin' you." Daryl snarled.

Heavy work boots could be heard climbing the ladder. Daryl turned around to see an Asian man standing behind him.

"I'm here to take over from you."

Daryl handed his gun over to the man. Daryl could have brought his crossbow to the wall with him but he wanted to save all the bolts he could for the journey ahead. He climbed down the ladder and headed for home.

As he walked down the street Daryl started to think about the danger of moving Sawyer and Izzy. The plan seemed simple before Izzy had given birth to a banshee, but now they were going to have to rethink their plan. Daryl and Merle wouldn't just be fighting walkers but they would have to deal with The Governor and his men.

As Daryl approached the apartment he noticed Merle smoking outside. Merle offered his brother a cigarette.

"How's Iz and Sawyer?" Daryl smirked. "Still can't believe you let her name the boy after our dead dog."

Merle chuckled. "They're both good. As long as the boy is fed he's pretty happy."

Daryl lit his cigarette. "It's going to be hard to get them both back to the farm."

Merle stubbed out the last of his cigarette. "We'll manage brother, we always do."

Daryl blew a perfectly formed smoke ring into the air.

"What about you and the others?"

Merle ran his tongue over his teeth. "So is this what your problem is?" He crossed his arms over his broad chest. "You're worried I'm goin' to ruin your little family?"

"Didn't say that." Daryl blew another smoke ring.

"Let me tell you somethin' baby brother, those pricks got what's comin' to them." Merle squinted at Daryl. "Bet your new family ain't goin' to be to impressed you lied to them."

Daryl shrugged. "I was lookin' after Izzy."

"Bet you a penny and a fiddle of gold you didn't tell your old pal Rick we was plannin' on robbin' that camp blind."

Daryl stubbed out his cigarette and flicked it into the street.

"Bet you haven't told Izzy that either."

They both stood locked in a staring competition. It was at this point Daryl would usually back down, but not this time. In the months Merle had been missing Daryl had learnt he didn't need his brother as much as he thought. Daryl Dixon was his own man. Rick had come to rely on Daryl, taken him with him on supply runs trusted him with group information. Izzy had trusted him to protect her and her unborn baby. Yes Daryl was a man of worth and not even Merle could take that from him.

Izzy had been watching the stare out from the apartment window, with neither Dixon backing down she decided to intervene.

Izzy placed the Bjorn around her body. She picked up Sawyer and nestled the baby in the fabric.

"Let's go for a walk."

Izzy left the apartment. As she stepped outside both men turned to look at her.

"Sawyer and I are going for a walk. Anyone want to join us?"

Both men joined Izzy's side. Daryl peered down at Sawyer.

"He doesn't look so squashed up today."

The comment had made Merle stare down his son.

"What do you mean?"

"Well when he first came out, he was all wrinkly and his face looked like one of them pug dogs."

Merle took a closer look at Sawyer. When the baby was born he hadn't noticed a squashed face, or wrinkles. He had just seen a perfect baby boy.

"Daryl that's my child you're calling a pug." Izzy scolded him. "He's good looking. Like his mother."

"Hey." Merle protested. "He gets his looks from his old man."

Izzy threw Merle a cheeky grin as she slowly walked down the street. She was still in pain from the delivery but she needed to get out of the small, stuffy apartment. Izzy was starting to get cabin fever being cooped up all day.

Sawyer soon became the centre of attention in the small town. Babies in the apocalypse seemed to be like some sort of beacon of hope. Izzy sat on a bench close to the apartment soaking up the sun, it seemed like every person that past wanted to look at Sawyer. All the people would say how handsome he was and pinch his checks, making Sawyer grunt and moan.

Merle and Daryl soon grew weary of all the baby talk and decided a drink before dinner was in order. Both boys were reluctant to leave Izzy and Sawyer at first, Izzy shooed them away. She wanted time alone with her son in the fresh air.

Izzy could easily get lost in Sawyer for hours. He didn't do a lot. He was just a baby, but to Izzy he was the most glorious being on the planet.

"He's beautiful." The Governor's smooth voice made Izzy jump.

Izzy held her son closer to her warm body. She gave a large contented sigh.

"Yes, yes he is. He's perfect."

The Governor took a seat next to Izzy.

"They only get better. First words, first steps."

Izzy slowly looked away from Sawyer. Her eyes scanned The Governor's face. He was looking down at Sawyer with a look of pure love.

"Do you, did you?"

The Governor swallowed, he nodded sadly. "A daughter, Penny. She got shot by a group before Woodbury." The Governor stared deep into Izzy's eyes. "Which is why I'm asking you to reconsider leaving. Merle and Daryl can protect you from all the walkers in the world, but people, well that's a different matter."

"Merle and Daryl wouldn't let anyone hurt Sawyer."

"I didn't let anyone hurt Penny; it was out of my control. It happened so quickly." The Governor cocked his head. He could see his words were having an affect on Izzy. "I don't want you to go through the pain of losing a child."

Izzy felt an immense feeling of sorrow and sympathy for the man beside her. She was starting to think Merle and Daryl were wrong about him. The Dixon's weren't well known for trusting people, maybe The Governor was just trying to help.

"Would you like to hold him?" Izzy gently picked Sawyer up and placed him in The Governor's arms.

Sawyer fussed for a few seconds and then he started to cry. The Governor rocked him, but Sawyer continued to cry.

"He must be hungry again. I best get him home for feeding."

The Governor handed Sawyer back to Izzy. "Let me walk you home."

Merle and Daryl reappeared. Merle looked at Izzy rocking his crying son.

"Hand him here." Merle held his arms out. He gave The Governor a dangerous look, warning him away from his son.

Izzy placed Sawyer in Merle's arms. The baby took a few moments to settle in his fathers arms.

Merle didn't like Izzy being around the Governor alone, he knew how the man worked. He could charm his way around most people and Izzy always liked to believe everyone had a good side.

"Let's get back, baby needs feedin'." Merle walked off with Sawyer in his arms.

Daryl ushered Izzy forwards. He threw an icy glare at The Governor as he walked away.

Merle slowed down as he approached the apartment door. He waited for Daryl and Izzy to join him before entering the room.

"What were you talkin' about?" Merle asked as he placed Sawyer down on the bed.

"He was just warning me about the dangers outside. Did you know he had a daughter?" Merle's body went ridged at the mention of Penny. "She died and The Governor was just saying how he thought it would be safer in Woodbury."

"Did he tell you how he keeps Penny locked in a room?"

Izzy eyes widened. "But she's dead."

Merle handed Izzy a blanket to cover herself while feeding Sawyer. "She a biter now, he keeps her alive by feeding her on bits of people who betray him."

Daryl screwed up his face. "That's sick."

"He's a sick fuck." Merle answered.

Merle picked up Sawyer letting Izzy sit down on the bed. Once Izzy was settled he handed her Sawyer.

"It's his daughter Merle. How can we judge him for that, what would you do if Sawyer got bit?" Izzy rubbed Sawyer's cheek. "They might find a cure one day."

"Izzy he is a psycho." Merle stated bluntly. You got to trust me we need to leave."

Izzy sighed she didn't want to argue. "I trust you Merle." Izzy smiled as Sawyer started to feed. "Sawyer is going to love the farm."

Izzy yawned she smiled as she pictured Dale's face when he saw his newest family member. Merle kissed her forehead. The countdown was on and both Merle and Daryl were ready for the fight ahead.

I noticed a bit of plagiarism going around on this site. I may be a rubbish writer, but I'd rather be called a rubbish writer than a thief. You know who you are.

On a different note I've just been surprised with a holiday so my next update won't be for a couple of weeks. This is also why this chapter is so short, I wanted to update before I go. Very sorry.