Sorry it took so long to post this first chapter. I had to write a base plot-line after I received all of the characters, which took longer than I expected. I've also been working weekends so I haven't had much time to get on except to check favs and pms. Enjoy the chapter and expect a shorter wait for the next update!

After the Marineford War, Whitebeard had fallen, Gecko Moria was announced killed in battle, and Blackbeard had given up his title as Warlord. To make matters worse both Fleet Admiral Sengoku and Vice Admiral Garp had resigned and become Instructors. After Akainu became the new Fleet Admiral, Akoiji left the Marines. With all of this instability, the world government was worried. The order of the world was supposed to revolve around the three great powers: The Marines, The Warlords, and the Emperors, or Yonko. All three of the powers were unstable and this meant that the world was only a few steps away from being thrown into chaos. If anything else happened, the foundations of the world would be shaken and peace and stability would cease to exist. The world needed heroes. This is the story of one of them...

It was a sunny, crisp morning at the base. Marines went about their duties and the docks were busy with incoming and outgoing ships. In a small and modest room, Marine Commander David L. Porter slammed his fist on the alarm Den Den Mushi for the 11th time. The poor snail was getting tired of this abuse and decided to connect to a source that had greater chances of rousing the young Commander.

"WHAT ARE YOU STILL DOING IN BED COMMANDER?! GET YOUR BOOTS ON THE GROUND AND TO THE COURTYARD NOW!". Screamed the now infuriated Captain Tashigi. The snail was silent for a moment, and when no response was given it continued to rant. "The new recruits and transfers are already waiting and someone needs to welcome them to the facility." Again the snail paused and again the albino youth made no effort to reply, except to roll over and feign sleeping. The captain decided a new tact was necessary. "If you had been there already you might have had a chance to chat with one of the pretty new non-comms. I'm sure they would have been more than happy to talk to their new Commander." This different approach caught the commander's attention.

"Ok Captain, I'm up." Sitting straight up in bed and pushing his hair back, the young officer decided that now was a good time to go to the courtyard. Jumping out of his bunk, he threw his jacket over his shoulder and proceeded to walk towards the center of the base. The green courtyard was surrounded by four archways, each arch leading to a different area of the base. Above the arches was a walkway where David now found himself, scanning the slouching marines for anything that resembled an attractive female. He noticed one red-headed choregirl with a hat yelling at a broad shouldered seaman apprentice, something about his rank being just about as worthless as his mother. Tucking her face into his mind, he continued his walk until he was directly above the squabble. Personally he wanted to see what would happen if he let this continue, but then the captain would chew him out for letting his men act like animals. Yawning, he slid his jacket off his shoulder and put his arms into the sleeves one at a time, stretching as he did so. He looked over the railing and promptly jumped down into the courtyard, his jacket flapping in the wind, just as the argument was about to come to blows.

"Commander on deck!" The albino officer put his hand to his head in a smart salute and smirked as all of the marines jumped up and returned his salute, every single one of them holding their breath for an expected berating of their laziness. The commander then opened his crimson eyes and stared into each soldier's face with as much intensity as possible. Many either looked past him at the wall or averted their gaze. Everyone stood straight up in their salutes for a few minutes, a few started coughing and fidgeting. Then a loud snore was heard from the front of the formation. The commander's head was tilted down and a large bubble was emanating from his nose.

"HE FELL ASLEEP?!" The assembled marines all cried in unison. Should they try and wake him up or just wait? A short, redheaded girl walked up to the front of the formation of gaping marines and stared up at the lazing commander. Then to the shock of the company she proceeded to knock on the officers head with her knuckle. "Hello, anybody home?" After a few more knocks she grabbed the still sleeping officer by the jacket and launched him over the heads of the now horrified soldiers into the fountain in the middle of the pavilion. He awoke with a start and looked around, wondering how in the world he ended up in a fountain.

The now fully soaked commander stood up and lowered his voice. "Would anybody like to tell me how I ended up here? I certainly would not like to punish the entire company for the acts of one traitorous marine." There was venom in his voice and all of the marines gulped. No one wanted to be a snitch, but whatever this angry officer was going to do to the rest of them was probably going to painful. He looked around at the fearful marines until he noticed one face with no fear, but instead defiant and staring right back. "Soru" he whispered under his breath. He disappeared and reappeared directly in front of the now startled choregirl. He leaned down, his eyes covered by his hair, and asked, "What is your name Marine?"

In a second she hid her fear behind a mask of anger and loudly stated, "Reina Chase, rank choreboy, sir!" All of the marines had already taken a step back and some were amazed that the diminutive girl would show so much nerve to a commissioned officer that she had just assaulted. Many were thinking that the seemingly unstable commander may just attack her right there. Then the unthinkable happened.

Looking up the wet albino smiled and said, "Thanks for waking me up, I was thinking that this was going to be a boring unit where everyone's a stiff. But I I'm pretty sure I was mistaken!" He smiled bigger and playfully went to punch the surprised Reina Chase in her arm. Out of instinct she blocked it and then looked back up as David's smile wilted. "Obviously someone is still a little pent up. How about we go out on the town, drinks are on me guys!" He proclaimed to the now slack-jawed marines. This was probably the most insane commanding officer any of them had ever seen. Who in the world goes to a bar at 11:30 in the morning?


The bar was empty except for a few bums when the marines entered. The owner was expecting trouble until he saw David. "Hey, my good friend, please take a seat!" He knew that whenever David showed up there was bound to be a sackful of berris at the end of his outing. Everyone began to disperse around the bar into groups and began complaining about their lives and in general enjoying themselves. A few games of cards were started up and some of the men were throwing knives at most wanted posters. The piano player for the bar started up a lively jig and a couple groups of already tipsy marines began to poorly try and sing the lyrics they thought went with the song. A somewhat larger group was playing liars dice and were angrily accusing each other of various fakes. Reina Chase was watching the dice game from the bar, leaning forward a bit to get a better view.

"Hey, have a beer and stop being so quite!" said a somewhat drunk Commander David, while holding two glasses in his hands. Sitting down beside her he offered up one of the glasses. "Come on, it'll take the stress of the first day off. If anything else look at it as a peace offering." He continued good naturally.

Reina grabbed it with both hands and took a sniff, eyeing the beverage warily. David started to drain his and looked sideways at her when he noticed she wasn't drinking. "How do I know you didn't do anything to it?" She asked while frowning at him. He didn't answer until his container was empty, sat it down, and breathed a sigh of content.

"Seriously, you act like a guy has never bought you a drink. Just accept my gift and enjoy, I promise on my honor that I did nothing to your drink" He answered, smiling at her and gestured at the bar keeper to get him a refill. "If you like I'll give you this one and I will take that old, possibly drugged one." He handed her the new drink and started to drink the old one.

Reina looked around and then whispered under her breath. "It's just that I've never really drank any alcohol before." This got a sputtering of foamy beer from the commander and he looked at her with disbelief.

"This is gonna be your first beer?" He stood up and slammed his now empty glass on the counter, getting the attention of the whole bar. "Everyone, this is Reina's first taste of the greatest beverage ever created!" proclaimed the now ecstatic albino. Everyone stopped their games and stared at the choregirl at the bar. She looked down at the drink with a stern face and took her first sip. In an instant her eyes widened and she spit out as much as she could. Everyone laughed and went back to their games.

"That stuff is terrible, how do you drink it?" She yelled angrily at David and looked back down at the mug with disgust.

"Well no one really likes the taste of cheap stuff like this, but it makes me feel better." He then finished his second glass and leaned back on the bar to relax. She looked back at the offending liquid and took another sip. A few minutes later she finished the rest of the drink and proudly set it down on the bar.

"It's not so bad, just takes a while to get used to." She stated, denying the bartender's offer for a refill. Everyone's attention was soon brought to the door as a black haired, pony-tailed Lieutenant walked into the bar. He looked around and then marched to the bar where David and Reina were standing.

"Commander, why do you think it is a good idea to have these men out of the base when they should be finding their knew quarters and familiarizing themselves with the layout of the place?" He asked while glancing at the rest of the marines. A few went ahead and walked out the door but some were a little drunk and didn't feel like leaving just yet. "Hey Lieutenant jerkoff, why don't you go ruin someone else's fun?" slurred a burly Chief Petty Officer. He walked up to the Lieutenant and leaned on the bar. "I don't feel like leaving yet," he flipped out a knife, "got it?" The drunk marine smiled thinking that he would just intimidate the officer into leaving.

The lieutenant closed his eyes and put his hand on his sword's hilt. "Due Flash Strike" he said under his breath. In a second he drew his sword, swiped the marines knife out of his hand and also took off the bill of the marines hat. The marine flinched and slipped off of the bar, crashing into the table of liars dice players. Most of the marines stood up and filed out of the bar, pointedly avoiding walking next to the Lieutenant. Even though his sword was back in it's scabbard, they had all just saw how quickly and accurately it could leave it. Most had not even realized he had drawn his sword until the drunk marine crashed into the table.

"Over doing it a little, Lieutenant Jack N. Vernandez?" laughed a smiling David. He looked over to Reina. "This guy may only be a Lieutenant, but that's because he just got done with his ensign training. Give him a few months and I bet he'll be a commander like me, no problem." He walked over to Jack and patted him on the back, looking down at the still unconscious marine. "Well, you tagged em, now you got to carry his lard ass back to the base." He laughed walking out of the bar.

"I didn't touch him, it was his own clumsiness that caused this. Also, he wouldn't be here if you had done like the Captain said and showed the newbies around." He answered bluntly, following David out of the bar. Reina looked around and then a thought struck her.

"Hey, I'm not a newbie! I've been a marine for over a year now and been in 5 different units!" She screamed at the swordsman. Both him and David turned around. David had a questionable look on his face.

"Then how are you still a choregirl?" He asked.

She stopped and thought for a second. "Well why don't you tell me how you're already a commander? I bet you have a family member with a high rank or something. You don't even seem that strong from what I've seen so far. If you think just buying me a drink and being my commanding officer is gonna earn you my respect, think again." With that she pulled her hat down and pushed both of the officers out of her way and stomped out towards the base. After she left, both of the marines picked up the Chief Petty Officer and started to drag him back to base.

Jack looked over at David and asked, "Why do you always pick the crazy ones?" Sometimes he just didn't understand this guy.

"Yeah commander what gives? That gal seems to have a temper problem to me." Groaned the now awake marine. Both of the officers immediately dropped the soldier flat on his face and continued to walk back towards the base. They were too into talking about what kind of woman a marine officer should have to notice a group of bandits start to walk out of the dark alleyways. They only stopped when they were completely surrounded and they were still talking about the traits of the perfect woman.

"I see we got ourselves a couple of walking moneybags, eh boys?" Called the leader of the bandits. He was a tall man with a fat nose and slicked back blonde hair. He wore a dark green trenchcoat with black spots on the shoulders and a large sword in a yellow sheathe. His henchman all laughed in response and drew their weapons, a mix of knives and clubs. They all waited for their leader to tell them what to do. Just about then David and Jack looked around, took an assessment of the threat level, and walked out of the rough circle of bandits.

The leader did a double take as the two young marines walked past and ran in front of them while pulling out his sword and raising it above his head. "Fools! I am Yareej Abershaw, a bandit with a bounty of 12,000,000 berris and I will not be ignored by a couple of brats like you!" He grinned when he saw a bit of recognition in the albino's eyes. "So you've heard of me? I am the only bandit on this island who dares to rob marines! Now hand over your berris or we'll take em' from you by force." He swung his sword in an arc to emphasize his point.

David looked back at the group of bandits and then back to Yareej. "You take them and I take him?" He questioned Jack with a grin. "Sure commander, but-"

In a flash Reina dashed out from behind some boxes and smashed a bandit in the side of the head with a chakram, blocked a club with another chakram in her left hand. The club stuck to the chakram and she pulled it to the ground. She then spun in the air, sent the bandit flying into a wall with a kick and landed back on her feet. "Enough talk, who wants some!" She yelled. The bandits charged and the battle began in earnest.

Before David could attack Yareej, more bandits poured onto the streets and cut him off. Three of them rushed at him knives and attempted to stab the commander. David stood straight and waited for the attackers to get closer. At the last second he said under his breath, "Tekkai." The bandits arms were jarred from the impact and they all dropped their knives to grasp their aching limbs. David loosened up and jumped down on one hand and spun in a kicking motion around him and yelled "Rankyaku Amane Dachi!", sending a blue shockwave of energy around himself.

Yareej's eyes widened as he saw the shining blast send his men flying. He swung his sword sideways with both hands and reflected most of the blast to his side. Confidently he smiled and laughed at the commander. "You call that an attack? I easily deflected that pathetic blast!"

Confused, David pointed at his sword," Is it supposed to look like that?" The bandit leader looked down at his sword and jumped. It was now roughly in the shape of a half-oval and the edge was almost flat. He held it up to his face and cringed.

"Aw, I stole this from a sword-shop years ago!" He looked back to where the marine was and he was gone! Where in the hell did he go? He looked around and saw only the rest of his men fighting that serious swordsman and the red-haired girl. He looked up as a shadow fell over his face. He saw the albino marine twenty feet in the air with one leg raised above his head. He started to run as he saw that same blue energy forming on the commanders foot. "What kind of brat are you?!" He screamed over his shoulder.

David smirked and brought his foot down. "I'm one of those brats you don't fuck with. Now taste my "Rankyaku Sen!" A spherical blast of energy shot off of his foot and nailed the fleeing bandit in the small of the back. Yareej Abershaw went flying forward and crashed into wall. There was a loud explosion and the middle of the wall crumbled on top of the bandit. Only his legs were sticking out and they twitched every couple of seconds.

The two marines and the rest of the bandits stopped to gape at the carnage. David landed on the ground facing the fallen bandit leader and turned around smiling to the rest of the bandits. "And that's why I'm a Commander!" The rest of the bandits fled in fright, most of them dropping their weapons. Reina about took off after them.

"Come back you milk-drinkin' ninnys, I'm not done beating your faces in!" Lieutenant Jack grabbed her by the shoulder and calmly let go as she rounded on him.

"Seaman Recruit Reina Chase, the fight is over. Now let's get back to the base, you need to familiarize yourself with the grounds just as much as everyone else." When she didn't budge and looked back at the fleeing bandits he said in a sterner voice, "That's an order." As they started back towards the base she stopped and thought for a second.

"Hey I'm not a Seaman Recruit, I'm a choregirl." She looked at him with lopsided eyebrows. Jack looked to the back of the still walking Commander David.

"Battlefield commission, don't you believe she deserves it Commander?" He said and started to follow the officer. David stopped and looked back over his shoulder. Smiling he gave her a thumbs up.

"It's OK by me, but I'll run it by the Captain, just to be safe. Oh and whoever wants to claim the bounty on that guy has to carry him to the stockade. Personally I've already carried enough sweaty, smelly men for one day. What about you Lieutenant?" He asked in a strangely professional voice.

"I'm good." He stated simply and continued towards the base.

Reina stopped and started to drag the unconscious bandit from the rubble. Why would he defeat this guy and then just throw away the reward and the fame for defeating a wanted felon? Is it to make me look better? She hooked a chain to his ankle and dragged him behind her. Maybe this unit won't be as bad as the others. With a small smile on her face she quickly caught up to the two officers, with Yareej Abershaw bouncing along behind her.

Can't believe I finally posted my first real chapter! I think my bro Potentialauthor18 was right, once you get over that first hump, things will be easier.

David- Yeah man, you finally posted one chapter after 20 days! Whoopdy doo! You should give yourself a medal.

Aaron- Sure, I'm not running multiple stories like Ruby and P18, but this is my first time and I kinda excited.

David- This is your first time? Whoo, let's get wasted! (Promptly passes out before he contracts alcohol poisoning)

Aaron- Great, now I have to write the bounty board. Also you creators may have noticed that Yareej Abershaw's bounty was 12,000,000 berris. I forgot that they started that high so everyone else's bounty will be raised accordingly. Names will be added as the characters appear. (The values are just for fun and will not reflect the real story bounties.)

Bounty Board

Reina Chase-(+12,000,000 berri for Yareej Abershaw): 12,000,000 berri

David L. Porter-(+5,000 berri for wall repair costs): 5,000 berri

Jack N. Vernandez-(+60 berri for hat repair cost, +200 berri for broken bar table): 260 berri