[Disclaimer] I still don't own Twilight.
[A/N] Thank you for all the reviews on the last update. I will try to finish this story up for you.
Check out my new Bellice project. It is called Second Chances.
Special dedication to the best wife ever for putting our little man to bed so I can post for you and enjoy trash tv.
*Chapter 10*
I didn't remember fully anymore how it felt like to be a human.
In my vampire mind the memories of my first life got clouded.
It was getting harder to remember how strawberries tasted or how it was to get tired and fall asleep.
The dreadful burning in my throat brought me back to what really counted.
The now and the prey i was about to attack to quench my thirst.
I glimpsed over to watch Alice sinking her teeth into the neck of a mountain lion.
She had her eyes closed. A muffled groan escaped from her mouth.
I enjoyed watching her hunt.
With Edward it had never been like this. With him, it had felt like a competition.
I wanted to run faster than him. Hunt the more challenging prey and so on.
Alice on the hunt was a mesmerizing sight.
I loved the look of calming relief on her face.
It was like watching a graceful dance that finished up with an asleep looking animal on the ground.
She looked up and smiled at me.
"You need to hunt too, not just watch."
I jumped from the rock I had been sitting on.
The blood of the doe was warm. It tasted bitter as I swallowed it greedily.
I could feel the soothing sensation it was having on my body.
It had been too long since I had fed. I had pushed myself to a point where it was starting to be painful near humans.
Trying to keep other vampires in check was time consuming.
"You stole the last good tasting prey from me."
Alice was next to me in a flash.
She pushed me playfully into a pile of dried leaves.
"Bella, I saw you deciding to leave the mountain lion to me...cause you love me."
I kissed her. "True."
"Fall is my favorite season. I love all the beautiful colors you can see in the forest."
I kissed her mouth that still tasted of venom and her last prey.
My tongue touched the side of her velvety bottom lip.
"When are the others coming back to the house?"
"An hour."
We were going to make every second of it count.
I ripped the top part of her tank top open and closed my lips around one of her hard nipples.
She moaned when I let her feel my teeth. Lightly at first. Then I bit down harder.
I could feel myself pulsing between my thighs as Alice grinded her lower body against mine.
I wrapped my hands around her delicate waist, trying to get her even closer.
The trembling in my voice was audible.
"Will it be like this forever? That I need you so badly."
Her hand moved between our bodies. I felt her tug on the zipper of my jeans.
Seconds later she let her fingertips dance featherlight over my throbbing sex.
I could feel myself clenching her fingers when she pushed two of them inside me.
My body trembled. I moaned as a first wave of sweet gratification waves washed over me.
"I need to taste you now."
I turned us over so Alice was laying underneath me now.
She looked so beautiful to me.
Her eyelashes fluttered as she closed her eyes with a sigh. I could smell how wet she was.
My fingers fumbled underneath her skirt.
"No underwear?"
"I knew we were going-"
Her words died in a suffocated cry of pleasure as I pressed my lips against her bare mound.
I licked her slit. My teeth grazed the top part of her throbbing clit.
She came in my mouth only seconds later.
I gave her a confused look.
Earlier this morning I had wondered why she had brought one along to our hunting trip.
There was a set of extra clothes for both of us.
My Alice was always prepared.
I noticed a white box.
My eyes widened as I noticed the far from innocent content.
The one part of it was like a kind of leather belt. You could adjust the glass dildo to it.
It was filled with thick pearls inside of it.
How would it feel like to have this deep inside me?
I pressed my legs together as my inner muscles tensed.
"Please, Bella!"
Alice was kneeling now. Her bare skin glistened beautifully in the reddish sunlight.
Quickly, I adjusted the belt around my hips.
I lifted Alice up on my lap, with her back towards me.
My hips moved back and forth.
She trembled. Her body tensed.
I tugged on her nipples while she cried out in pleasure.
"I love you. I always loved you, Bella."
She reached to the top part of the toy. I could feel the vibrations against my clit.
My movements got rougher. I screamed as both of us trembled through a row of endless releases.
I held her close to me afterwards.
Her smell was beyond divine to me now.
"I always loved you."
I kissed all over her neck.
She turned to look at me. Her iris was black. An undeniable indication of either hunger or a vision.
"We are getting married."
I smiled against her lips as I kissed her mouth tenderly.
"Before it starts snowing."
She kissed me deeply.
"Are you upset I wouldn't let you propose? I just got so excited!"
I laughed. My fingers twisted into her tangled curls.
"You got leaves in your hair. "
"So, do you."
I handed her the clothes from the bookbag.
"I am sorry I ripped your top."
"It was from the last season. No big loss."
She helped me to get some twigs and leaves out of my hair.
"I want to marry you. I just couldn't decide how to ask you. It is...challenging to surprise you."
Alice kissed me.
"Challenging but not impossible."
I understood. She was daring me to surprise her with the wedding.
I would find a way.
"Fell into a pile of leaves during your hunt?"
I punched Emmett hard in the chest for his comment.
The grin on his face didn't vanish for the slightest second.
I had lost a great amount of my newborn strength. It was too bad.
"Alice and I are getting our own place when we get married."
Rosalie hugged first Alice, then me.
"I am very happy for the both of you."
"We need to tell Nes too." I stated.
Upstairs I could hear a door slam. It was followed by the howling of Jacob wolf running down the stairs.
He was outside and out of sight in a flash.
Alice sighed, rubbing her temples as if she was trying to soothe an upcoming migraine attack.
"Renesmee is in her room waiting for you."
I rushed upstairs.
My daughter's face was red. Her eyes looked moist.
"Did you cry, sweetheart?"
"Go away!"
"You seem upset? Did you and Jacob fight?"
She sniffed. I felt the warm palm of her hand against my cheek.
Her memory floated my mind. I could see her asking Jake about his first kiss. It was followed by him confessing how he and I had kissed not once but twice when I was still human.
I pulled her into a tight embrace.
"I punched him in the face."
"Only the first time."
I sighed.
"Look, sweetheart, that was long ago. I was never in love with Jake. We were better off as friends."
"He went away."
"He'll come back."
"Not for a while. He says I need to grow up first."
I pressed my lips against her hair.
"That will be soon."
Too soon, I thought with a sad smile on my face.
I needed to brighten the mood.
"Guess what, sweetheart?"
I smiled at her.
"Alice and I are going to get married!"
"Really? That's great, mom!"
She gave me a big hug.
"Can I be your maid of honor?"
"Of course. I wouldn't want anyone for it than you."
I pulled her closer and whispered.
"Do you want to help me surprise Alice with the wedding?"