It was just a normal day for Fairy Tail. The guild was having it's usual daily all out fight. As usual Natsu and Gray started it. Erza was sitting at the bar, eating her strawberry cake, so absorbed in it that she did not notice anything.

Mira and Lucy were sitting at the bar chatting about couples in Fairy Tail, when Levy walked up. "Hey guys! What are you talking about?" Levy asked as she sat down. She regretted asking when Mira and Lucy looked at her with a strange look in their eyes. It looks like they were up to their match making again.

"What?" Levy asked, kind of creeped out by the looks they were giving her. She was even more creeped out by the side ways glance they gave each other after she asked.

"Soooooo…. Levy, How's your relationship with Gajeel coming along?" Mira asked. Levy sighed. "Oh no! Not this again! Is it that obvious? I can't let them know how I feel about him!" Levy thought frantically for something to give them.

"Like I told you guys before, we are just friends." Levy stated. She hoped she was convincing. Apparently she was not. "Nice try Levy! I remember what you said when you found out he was going to a different place other than where the guild members were to train!" Said Lucy.

"You remember that!" Levy said shocked. "Yup!" Lucy said "And I also told Mira!" "Come on Levy! You can tell us how you really feel!" Mira cooed. Levy sighed. "Alright. I really like Gajeel, happy?!" Levy whispered, hoping that Gajeel would not hear her. When Mira and Lucy heard this, they squealed so loud that they caught a certain person's attention (*hint hint*).

"Will you two calm down!? What if he hears you?!" Levy said desperately trying to calm them down. When they didn't, Levy decided to bribe them. "Lucy! Mira! If you two don't stop, I will tell Natsu and Freed how you feel about them!" That stopped them dead in their tracks. They gave her a look that said, "You can't be serious!" She gave them one back that said, "Try me!"

After they calmed down, Mira asked "So why haven't you told him how you feel about him?"

"Well… I'm kind of afraid." Levy said. "Of what?" Lucy asked, curiously. Looking at the ground, Levy replied, "What if he doesn't like me back? What if he just wants to be friends? If He doesn't like me, then everything will be awkward between us. I don't want that to happen. I don't want to ruin our friendship that has taken so long to create. I admit we had a rocky start, but still. It took a lot of effort to get to where we are and I don't to mess it up!"

When she finished, Levy looked up and saw the "Are you kidding me?!"looks on their faces. Mira was the one who spoke what she was thinking first. "You mean you did not notice how he looks at you?! How he treats you compared to the rest of us?!"

"What do you mean?" Levy asked. "Are you kidding?! Do you not see how much gentler he is around you? I heard he complemented you when you took down Freed's runes single handedly! Nobody was able to get through because of how airtight they are! But you were able to take them down! He was impressed by what you did!" Mira said.

"That doesn't mean he likes me!" Levy stated. "Well what about Tenrou Island? He seemed pretty excited to go with you? He did seem pretty upset about how you were talking about yourself, saying that you were not very strong." Levy stopped to think about it. "You know maybe he does like me!"

"You know what? A mission would be the perfect way to confess to him how you feel?" Lucy said. "Really?" Levy asked. "Yeah! As long as it is one that you both could do!" Mira said.

"That's a great idea! I'll go look for one now!" Levy said and then ran off in search of a good mission. There were so many different ones to choose from. She had to pick just the right one. She was thinking of one that had fighting for him and something different for her.

After looking for moment, she spotted it, the perfect mission for them to go on together. It was a two-part job. First they had to get a document back from the bandits that stole it. Then they had to translate it. It had fighting for him and translating for her. It was perfect! Now to ask him! She looked around the guild and spotted him having a heated conversation with Pantherlily. She took a deep breath to calm herself down and begins to walk over.

(To be continued)