Right, so here is my attempt at another fanfic. Hopefully between this and my other fic I can keep up the motivation to keep updating. So enjoy and feel free to review.

'Djsj' - thought. "Djsj" - speech

Disclaimer- I own neither Highlander, Sword Art online or any other associated character or universe portrayed in this story. No Profit is being made from this story

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'This was his own fault' he supposed as he glanced around himself at all the panicked faces. 'My instincts told me that their was something fishy about this whole thing, and yet against my own better judgement, I did it anyway'. I suppose what they say about age leading to wisdom really was a load of rubbish, not that that should have taken me this long to figure out.

It was just that I could never help himself when it came to the really big and history changing things. Oh sure, I proclaimed myself as the ultimate 'survivor', the man who sees trouble and immediately heads the other way. When getting to know me, or more usually whatever me Ive decided suits my needs at the time, people usually came to this conclusion very easily on their own. And, indeed, I actively encouraged them to. But if anyone really knew my real history, something I spent ten years with the watchers as well as countless others elsewhere ensuring that no-one did, then they would start to see that for a survivor, I'm was always suspiciously close to the most ground breaking events and discoveries.

I of course would claim it coincidence that I just so happened to have befriended Albert Einstein, and then been hanging around when he made most of his discoveries. It was just bad luck that I somehow had to duck out of that life because of a little thing like dying from radiation poisoning(surprisingly not the first time I'd done so, but that's a story for another time) in a very public place. And again, so what if the history books technically left out that the fateful flight where Amelia Earhart disappeared, she had a passenger onboard. I had been, and indeed still was, wherever she was in the world, good friends with Amelia and it was bad luck when we had crashed in the ocean. One more reason why I dislikes it.

But this one had to take the metaphorical cake. My escapades have caused me to be repeatedly killed, tortured, chased and generally terrorised before, but having my mind locked within a game was a new one even for me.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh". 'Oh' I thought ' the screamers have started. Every tragedy has them I supposed but that didn't make them any less irritating to me.I suppose that it may just be my cynicism shining through but I really wished they would stop. At this point Kayaba Akihiko had just reached the part of his little tutorial where everyone got a mirror. It took all my considerable years of practise in staying in character to keep my facade of a terrified grad student stuck in a death trap with no hope, to keep from bursting out laughing when the 'woman' who had been screaming at such a high pitch, and indeed still was, was actually a man. A portly, middle aged man who was now standing in a very short skirt, in the middle of the plaza, still screaming like a little girl.

It was at this point I realised I was in shock. Yes, I had experience dealing with the unknown and unexpected, but even an immortal might not survive a blast of high powered microwaves to the brain, and even if I did who knows how much of who I am would be lost. At my most cynical I would laugh, and joke that maybe that was a good thing, that I could use a few less of my memories, or even laugh that it seems like someone already tried it on me with how little I could remember of my beginnings.

But the uncomfortable truth was, I was terrified of losing who I was. I may claim not to remember a lot of the time and its almost true, but thats not because I can't. Immortal memory was an amazing thing, and regardless of how long you lived you didn't just forget. It was so strong that even our quickenings, after being separated from our bodies, still retained large chunks of our memories. And despite all the things that I should want to forget, I never would, both by fact and by choice, because they helped make me who I am. And If I had to take the bad memories in order to keep the good, well, then I would just have to live with it.

So even the chance that this death game of Kayaba's could rob me of some of that had me terrified, and thinking back on how I, Methos, self-proclaimed oldest living immortal, cynic, survivor and mastermind had come to trapped here with the 30,000 other players in the mousetrap that was Sword Art Online.