So the big day is finally here, the wedding! I hope you enjoy reading it and please let me know what you think!

When you walk into the throne room suddenly everyone stands up and you become very nervous, you're trying to see around Eowyn and Dis whether you see Kili, knowing that his face will make you calm, but it does not work and the veil does not make it easier.

"Just breathe, you're doing very good." Theoden whispers beside you.

You throw him a grateful look and then look before you again. Thorin and Dis take their place on the front bench and Fili deviates to the left to take his place alongside Kili while Eowyn goes to right and then you see him, your groom, your love, your life, your Kili. He seeks your eyes and your smile automatically when they find each other. You see how he lets his eyes glide over your body and when he looks at you again, he has such a loving and grateful look in his eyes you almost become shy. In front of the step Theoden turns you to him and gives you a kiss on your cheek. When you turn around Kili reaches out his hand to help you up.

"You look breathtaking, my love." whispers Kili.

"Thank you." you answer.

When you look before you you suddenly see Balin standing. You had no idea that he has the power to perform a marriage but you're glad it is no stranger when you look in his familiar eyes. You also notice that Kili is still holding your hand.

"Dear family and friends, we have gathered here today to witness and celebrate the wedding of Prince Kili and Liana. Surrounded as we are by those we most love, let us turn our hearts and minds to the two before us who wish to bind their lives together, in peace, and in love, thus celebrating the beauty and joy of life. If any person here can show cause why these two people should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your tongue."

It falls deadly silent in the throne room and you take this gelegenheid to look around, Dis and Throin are sitting on the front row, Thorin looking very much like the King he is and Dis already with a cloth to wipe away the tears. Then your eyes land on the bench directly behind you with the two empty places and your heart falls, so does your face but when Kili softly squeezes your hand you look at him.

"They are with us, Liana." he says, smiling at you.

"Who gives this woman to be married to this man?"

"I do." Theoden says and then he turns and sits down.

"Liana and Prince Kili, I bid you to take each others right hand and look into each others eyes."

You both do as he says.

"Will you honor and respect one another, and seek to never break that honor?"

"We will." you both say and Balin steps forward to bind the first cord around your joined hands.

"Will you share each other's pain and seek to ease it?"

"We will."

Second cord is draped over your hands

"Will you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may grow in this union?"

"We will."

Third cord is draped over your hands.

"Will you share each other's laughter, and look for the brightness in life and the positive in each other?"

"We will."

The forth cord is draped over your hands.

"Is it your intention to bring peace and harmony into your every day ways of communicating?"

"We will."

The fifth cord is draped over your hands.

"And when you falter, will you have the courage and commitment to remember these promises and take a step back towards one another with an open heart?"

"We will."

Then the cords are being tied together by Balin.

"Now you are bound one to the other with a tie not easy to break. Take the time of binding before the final vows are made. To learn what you need to know, to grow in wisdom and love. That your marriage will be strong, that your love will last in this life and beyond. I understand that they have written their own vows. Groom, will you please read your vows now?"

Balin takes a step back and when Kili gives you and encouraging nod you take a deep breath.

"When I was a little girl, I dreamed that someday I would be swept off my feet by an enchanted Prince to live happily ever after in his castle. As I grew older, that dream faded away and I stopped believing in fairytales. I almost stopped believing in love altogether, untill I met you. You showed me true love does exist and that everything is possible. I had never in my wildest dreams dared to hope someone like you would come into my life. Someone with whom I can express my fears, someone who gives me a shoulder to cry on, someone who honors me and someone who gives my life meaning. I love you more than I can ever say, my beloved Prince . "

"My beautiful Liana, from the first moment I saw you, I knew that you would be mine one day. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you and when the time comes to raise a family together. I promise to be faithful, to be as selfless as I can be, by putting you, us, and eventually our family above all else. You are my one true love and you make me happier than I could ever imagine and more loved than I ever thought possible. I am blessed to be a part of your life and I can't imagine my life without you. I vow to you that I will love and comfort you, protect you from evil and warm you in my arms."

You smile at each other and Balin takes that as his sigh to step forward.

"May I have the rings?"

Both Eowyn and Fili step forward and place the rings in Balin's hand.

"Prince Kili, if you will repeat after me? I, Kili, take thee, Liana, to be my lawfully wedded wife. Secure in the knowledge that you will be my constant friend,
my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. On this special day, I reaffirm to you in the presence of Mahal and all those in attendance my sacred promise to stay by your side as your faithful husband in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good times and the bad. I further promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve all of your goals, laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live."

Then Balin cuts loose the strings and gives Kli the ring which he slowly slides on her finger. After Liana made the same vow to Kili she slides his ring around his finger.

"And with the promise that Prince Kili and Liana have just given each other, I pronounce that they are husband and wife. You may now seal the promises you have made with each other with a kiss."

Balin then steps back and Kili slowly reaches for your veil and places it over your head. When your eyes lock you smile at each other and you feel his hands framing your face to bring you close to him. When your lips meet in a soft gentle kiss the throne room erupts in loud cheering and clapping. You smile against his lips and lay your arms around his neck to pull him closer and Kili carfully deepens the kiss.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the loving couple Prince Kili and Princes Liana of Durin."

Kili lets go of Liana and they turn to the guests, everyone stands up and claps and cheers. Slowly you walk from the step, and down the aisle to the large doors. From corner of your eye you see that Dis and Thorin and Fili and Eowyn walk behind you. Back in the hallway, the doors close and immediately Dis gives you a warm hug.

"That was so beautiful." she says.

You smile at her and then it is Eowyn and Fili's turn to congratulate you.

"Liana," you hear and you look at Thorin, "I've said it once, but I like to say it again, welcome to the Durin family."

He gathers Liana in his arms, and this time she answer his embrace. When he lets her go she walks to Kili who awaits for her with open arms. Liana walks into it and automatically your lips find each other. The two completely merge together, as if they are alone, trying to make up for being without each other the previous evening and night and when someone clears his throat Liana lets him go blushing.

"Sorry." she says softly.

Kili let his arms lie around her and Liana lays her head on his shoulder.

"The guests are being guided into the dining room and when everyone's ready they will come get us. At the end of dinner you you will both retreat back here, with guidance, so that everything can be prepared for the feast." Dis explains.

Liana nods and after having waited for a moment they are being guided to be placed behind the door in the same position as before but with the difference that Liana and Kili lead the way and behind them is Dis and Thorin and the back Fili and Eowyn. When the doors open, a silence falls over the room and all eyes are again focused on Liana. Unlike when she was accompanied by Theoden she is not nervous now for the simple fact that she now walks alongside Kili, as husband and wife. Arriving at the increase Kili steps up first and Liana takes her dress first with one hand as to not step on it and with the other she takes the hand that Kili offers her. He gives it a soft kiss before they walk over to the table and sit down. The rest sits down too but Thorin remains standing and everyone's eyes move from Liana to the King.

"Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of my nephew Kili and his wife Liana (there goes a shiver through her) I want to thank all of you that attended this memorable day, the first day of their bound lifes together. I raise a glass to the love that they share. After witnessing their oath to one another to together pursue their path, now is the time in order to celebrate with food and good wine! "

After a loud applause, everyone starts to eat and soon the party is in full swing with elves and dwarves and men talking together, laughing and eating. It is not long before Eowyn gets the willies and Fili almost begs to dance with her and he gives into her only too gladly. Liana looks amused and Kili when a hand on her knee lays she looks at him.

"Are you happy, my sanmizim?"

"More than I ever thought I could be." she replies.

"One lananubukhs menu," he whispers softly before he gives her a kiss, "you would also like to dance?"

"No, maybe later."

Kili nods and takes some food for himself after he has given some Liana.

Fili and Eowyn completly let themselves go all the way on the dance floor where it is now very busy. They whirl and twist around each other and occasionally Fili takes her in his arms a moment to give her a kiss and to whisper something which makes her laugh. After a while she takes Fili's hand and pulls him to the side.

"What's wrong?" he asks immediately.

"Nothing, I just need to go to the bathroom."

"Do you want me to wait for you?"

"No, that's okay."

Eowyn gives him a kiss before she walks away and before Fili walks back to the table. Very far he does not come because halfway he gets blocked by Gazia who immediately begins to pull him along to the dance floor.

"Gazia please, I do not want to dance with you." he says immediately.

"Do not be silly, of course you do."

"No, not really." Fili says and pulls away from her.

Gazia releases him and looks at him with wide eyes.

"I have refused every dwarf here who wanted to dance with me because I wanted to be free when she left." she says with a sign.

"She has a name and it's Eowyn and she is my One."

"How often did she tell you that so you would believe it yourself." she says placing her hands on her hips.

"I do not have to lie accountability to you, go away and leave me alone."

Fili turns around but Gazia doesn't let herself be put aside and she grabs his wrist.

"I just will not let myself be pushed aside by a human!" she hisses through her teeth.

"Gazia please, you're making a scene ..." he says, looking at her in warning.

"I do not care," she now grabs his other hand and pushes him against the wall, "a human and a dwarf are not supposed to be together."

Fili just wants to say something when he suddenly feels her lips on his, for a few seconds he is too astonished to react, giving her the change to tangle her hand into his blonde hair but when he realizes what is happening, he pushes her roughly away from him and with such force that she staggers backwards and nearly falls. Suddenly you can hear a pin drop and Fili looks around. Everyone's eyes or focused upon him, even Kili Liana and the rest of the table look at him with a look of disbelief but which hurts him most is the look in Eowyn's eyes, disbelief, amazement, and even a hint of pain .

"Eowyn ..." he says, and takes a step in her direction but she turns around and runs away.

He feels the anger flowing through his veins and turns furiously to Gazia who is being grabbed by a number of guards at the arms and escorted out. Behind her Thorin appears and Fili's eyes become ashamed as he walks up to his nephew. As he stands in front of him he turns around to the people.

"Continue to celebrate!" He calls immediately and the party continues.

"I'm sorry, I've ruined Kili's day ..." Fili says softly.

"No, you did not, ..." he says.

"Yes, I did ..."

"You have done no such thing,"he says and places his hand behind his head to force him to look at him,"now go."

Fili carefully looks up at Thorin, not quite understanding what he means.

"Well what are you waiting for, go after her." he says and smiles at him.

Before Thorin can say something is Fili gone.

Despite the high heels and long dress that she wears Eowyn is quickly at her chamber and she throws open the door and walks over to the bed, she grabs the bedpost and breathes in and out deeply to get her breathing under control. When she feels a hand on her shoulder she turns with a jerk and when she sees Fili standing she gives a slap in the face him without hesitation. Fili recoils and puts his hand on his cheek.

"Go away."

"Eowyn please ..."

"Were you waiting?"


"For me to leave so you could see her? Well you've wasted no time on it, huh?"

"What are you talking about? She sought out me!"

"You kissed her!"

"She kissed me! She pushed me against the wall!"

"And you just stood there! You did nothing!"

"I pushed her away!"

"Yes, after she stuffed her hand down your pants, which you just allowed!"

Eowyn walks away and Fili takes her hand to stop her and again she gives him a slap in the face.

"Stop hitting me, please, I would never do such a thing, you know this and you also know that you are my One."

"And if I were not? Then would you also be with me?"

"Of course, I've already told you."

"I'd like to believe so badly, Fili."

"Then believe me, Eowyn, please."

Fili puts a cautious step towards her and slowly reaches for her hand, Eowyn sees it happen but allows it, just as she allows him to lace their fingers together and she follows his arm with her eyes and when she his finds his eyes she see the pain in them that she herself felt a moment ago.

"I'm sorry." she says.

"It's okay." Fili answers and he slowly pulls her into his embrace.

Eowyn lets herself be pulled into his arms and she feels his hands over her back.

"It just ... to see her that close to you, almost on top of you ..."

"Do not think about, she's gone, the guards have guided her off the Mountain, she will not bother us anymore."

Eowyn takes a deep breath and closes her eyes for a moment.

"I love you and you alone please believe that and please never doubt my love for you."

"I won't."

For a moment they stay like that, then Fili leans back and looks at Eowyn, he kisses her cheek and gently works his way to kiss her lips. Eowyn gladly kisses him back and soon the kiss is intens and panting they let each other go.

"Why do you not go back down, then I will put Liana's gift under their bed and then I will join you."

"No, I am not leaving you alone anymore, who knows what other women there are still after you, you are mine and I'll never let you go."

Fili laughs and gives her a kiss before he grabs the box with the sword, and together they walk away.