Jethro and Kalick show off their Kids

Last Chapter! Thanks to everyone that took the time to read it


Jack waits patiently on the chair in the Living-Room as he waits for his Son and GrandKids to come home. His head snaps up at the sound of car engines and he quickly gets up to open the door only to stop at the sight of Leroy holding to bundles
"Hey you want to meet them?"
Jack nods as he steps to one side to let them in and gently holds out his arms. He looks down into the clicking childrens faces and smiles "They are wonderful...what are their names?"
Jethro smiles as he softly strokes the females face "This is Zalena Ann Gibbs...and this-" he gently strokes the male "-is Simon Logan Gibbs"
Kalick moves closer and smirks as he wraps his arms around his Mates waist from behind "We decided to name the female after our Zalena and Jethros Ann"
Jack nods as he leans down to kiss her forehead, smirking at the way her clicks grow in volume before turning to the boy "And what about his names?"
Jethro smirks as he leans back against Kalicks chest "We named him after Marks and Michaels characters...Simon from West Wing and Logan from Dark Angel"
The old man chuckles as he leans down to repeat the move "Little Zalena and Simon...they are perfect" he looks up and smiles at his Son "I am so happy for you both" with that he passes them back "Abby has organized a Team Barbeque for this Saturday, with Mark and Michael...that ok?"
Jethro nods and takes a seat on the sofa, smirking as Kalick squeezes in behind him, before sighing as the twins nuzzle his chest "This is going to take a while to get used to"
Kalick chuckles as he softly nuzzles the Mate Collar "Luzardians breastfeed their young until they are five...but seeing as they resemble a more humanoid appearance, you will do it until they are two and a half years"
He narrows his eyes but then sighs as the twins click to one another while suckling from him "Fine but no longer" with that he shuts his eyes as a lethargic feeling descends over him and he quickly drifts off.
Jack smiles at the sight and decides to leave them to it as he helps the others in getting the nursery ready.

A wide smile crosses his face as he enters the garden " they are" he smirks as Abby, Kate and Ziva rush over for a look while Tim and Jimmy wait for their turn. He shakes his head before gently passing Zalena over to Kate while passing Simon over to Ziva "Be gentle"
They nod as they start cooing at the clicking babies.
Kalick nervously growls as he watches them with his Offsprings but turns as he feels his Mates warm body pressing against his back
"They are only looking and they won't harm them"
He sighs as he leans back into the warmth "It's hard, as my Kind are naturally protective and we don't allow others to even glance in our Offsprings direction until they are at least two months...they are only a week old"
Jethro nods as he kisses his neck "I understand, but as they are our Family...I don't mind them holding the Twins for a while" with that he spins him around for a kiss "Now lets eat"
Kalick smirks as he allows the Warrior to lead him away while keeping an eye on the Women holding his children.
He shakes his head as he accepts a burger from Gerald and passes it over "Now eat"
He grimaces at the greasy thing and states "Nah...I'm good"
Jethro narrows his eyes "You forced me to eat that fleshy thing Duck took out of the least you can do is eat that!"
Kalick growls "That was full of nutrients that because you are not needed! This however is just left over flesh that has been chucked together and formed a greasy product!"
He just stares at him and smirks as Kalick grudgingly begins to eat it "See! It isn't that hard" with that he accepts another and happily munches it as he watches the Twins being passed around.

After half an hour he walks over and takes his children back from Mark and Michael "Hey"
Zalena looks up with her bright eyes and makes a happy clicking noise as she nuzzles her Fathers chest.
Jethro chuckles and watches as Simon copies his Sister "I think they're hungry"
Mark frowns "Y-You're breastfeeding!?"
He rolls his eyes "Yeah...the Collar has changed my DNA and so I can breastfeed"
Michael peers closer "But you don't have tits?" at the raised eyebrow, he rolls his eyes "I don't have lady boobs"
Mark shakes his head "Michael! I really can't take you anywhere!"
Jethro chuckles "It's fine Mark, as for 'boobs'...I'm fine with the size they are! Now, if you'll excuse me" with that he heads inside, after saying goodnight to everyone, before mounting the stairs to his room. He lays on the bed with his back up against the headboard and his feet flat against the mattress as he rests the Twins against his thighs before unbuttoning his shirt.
Kalick slowly enters after his Mate and scoots in behind him "Hey Jethro"
He smiles and kisses him "Hey Kalick" only to chuckle as he hears two impatient clicking noises and turns back to the Twins who are currently trying to nuzzle his chest "Ok! Ok, give Daddy a chance!"
Kalick smirks as he rests his chin on his Mates shoulder as he watches his young suckle "They are perfect Jethro...absolutely perfect"
Jethro smiles as he gazes down and gently strokes their small faces "Yeah...that they are" he lets out a sigh "I can't believe how wonderful my life is"
He frowns as he licks his neck "What do you mean?"
He bares his neck and shivers as a tongue licks across the Collar before answering "It wall started with an Invasion and the End of the World...and now I am here, with my Family and friends" he turns slightly to look him in the eyes "I'm in love with a Man...a half-Luzardian Man, who has given me the gift of our beautiful children and who loves me in return"
Kalick gives him a dazzling smile as he kisses him "I am the lucky one to have a Mate like have accepted both sides of my Heritage and haven't, in any sense of the word, taken advantage of your hold of me" he shrugs "The thought has never crossed your mind in the ways you can use my power for your personal gain"
Jethro just smiles as he snuggles back against him "All I ask is that you don't harm yourself and others...other than that, all I want is your love both for myself and our children"
He nods as he gazes down at the suckling Offspring "And that you have, now and forever"
He sighs in happiness as he basks in the warmth of being with his Mate "This is a new beginning in our one door closes, another opens"
Kalick smirks as he gently tightens his arms around him " a new chapter of me, you and our children"
Jethro smiles as he gazes down "Amen to that"
With that both men stay curled up together as they bask in their love of one another and the new lives they have created, together forever.