Disclaimer; I own nada zilch nothing! Just borrowing them for the moment but will give them back safe and sound.

Chapt Summary; Jethro thinks how life has changed before rescuing Abby


Jethro sighs at the state of what his City has become within a month of their Visitors...he lifts a hand to run his fingers through his graying hair (Seriously...you're only thirty and already going grey!). He lets his mind wonder as he sits down on the rubble of which was once his home (We stood no chance against those creatures) at that thought he looks up to spot the massive Ship which hovers above them (Still don't know why they chose to come here out of all the places to go). He leans back but keep his senses on high alert for any noise (I wonder if Kate was able to keep her Daughter under control today?...Ziva doesn't seem to have the same problem with little Timmy, although knowing Abby she has proberly dragged him off somewhere!) he chuckles at the thought of the two of them going out to investigate and shakes his head as he gets up to stretch himself before heading off to find his troop something to eat.

He spots an old shop which looks like it still has stuff in it, he glances around and quickly makes a dash inside. A smile crosses his face as he realises he has made the jackpot and quickly empties the shelves in the sack he had brought with him (This should keep us going for the rest of the week and possibly the next!). Once finished he swings it around over his shoulder as he checks that the coast is clear...once sure, he keeps to the shadows as he attempts to get home but just as he rounds a corner he pauses at the small clicking noise (Shit!). He cautiously peers out from his hiding spot and notices two of the seven-foot Lizard creatures standing not that far away from him and watches with a frown as one of them gestures towards a bush. As the other stalks towards it, his blood runs cold as the creature pulls out Abby by her hair
"Oww! Let me go!"
Jethro quickly places his bag onto the floor as he quietly makes his way towards them.
She looks at the horrible creature with teary eyes as it drops her onto the floor while baring its very sharp teeth in a gruesome smile. Abby wipes the tears from her face before getting up and hitting the thing in the crotch with a rock.
The Lizard screams in pain and lashes out.
Abby screams as a burning sensation runs across her neck as she tries to get away.
Jethro picks up the first thing he spots, which happens to be a sharp looking piece of glass, and pounces on the back of the creature, who attacked the young Girl, while plunging the weapon into its neck with all of his strength.
She watches her Savior through the tears as he nearly rips the creatures head off while the other one runs off.
Once the Lizard drops to the floor and keeps still, he gets off and wipes the green-sticky blood from his face as he looks up "Abby? You ok?"
She shakes her head as she runs into his arms "My neck hurts!"
He nods and calmly pets her hair "We'll get Ducky to look you over...Now, why are you this far away from Head-Quarters?"
Abby looks up "You have been gone for ages...I wanted to know if you were Safe, Bossman!"
He sighs and releases her as he checks the creature out, he takes the odd looking knife and then takes a brick to cave the things head in to make sure it's dead (You don't want happened to Chris to happen to you now do you!) he shivers at the memory of watching as Chris was gutted by the creature he had thought he'd killed. Once sure it'll stay dead he picks her up and heads back to collect his bag but pauses as he has the feeling of being watched. He quickly scopes round and as he doesn't spot anything he decides to take a different route back to the others with the goods and young Abs in his arms.