Jade came into the room ticked off.

"I am going to kill Cat," she yelled.

"Gee Jade," Tori said, "You sound mad."

"Oh," Jade replied sarcastically, "Do I? I didn't notice. Of course I'm the hell mad. Cat dumped bush peas all over my head when I tried to make her eat them."

"Jade," Tori said, "When you're angry you're scary. You can't go around treating people like animals and not expecting any reaction to your behavior."
Jade glared at Tori.

"Well you know what," she said, "I'm not liking this. I'm used to being in control and I'm used to getting people to do things by intimidation. It's what my dad used to do to get me to listen and now I can't even control Cat!"

"Jade," Tori said, "Did you ever think about being positive?"

"Yes," Jade said, "I'm positive that I'm pissed off at Cat for dumping Bush Peas all over my head. I'm positive that I hate not being in control and I'm positive that I hate that there are things happening in my life that I can't make different."

"Hang on a second," Tori said pretending to play a violin.

"Vega what are you doing," Jade asked annoyed.

"I'm playing a song for you on the world's smallest violin. Jade you're an actress for crying out loud. You know as well as anyone and better then most that if something goes wrong you don't have a fit about it. You don't whine and cry and stomp your feet and we certainly don't act in a hurtful way. We change what we are doing. When we have a fit and when we give up we are basically letting our character control us. That brings me to another point. You need to stop getting mad. It doesn't help the situation in any way shape or form."

"We? WE? Are you the one who has a father who doesn't appreciate anything you do? Are you the one that has a kid that was kidnapped? Are you the one who has absolutely no control in her life? Are you the one that's been through hell and back? Are you the one who's been- what is with this we? Vega when you're in my shoes then you can talk we. I have the right to get mad. I have the right to act the way I do."

"That's not the way you used to be," Tori said, "and that's not the way you should be. Jade face it you have more issues then parent magazine."

"I don't read that crap," Jade said.

"Jade stop," Tori told her, "My point is that you need to learn to get along with people. I'm telling you this as a friend. You're letting yourself be defeated."

Disclaimer: I don't own Victorious. This story taking place at the same time as the second in my BROKEN BUT NOT DESTROYED series so read that if you want to understand about Jade's child being kidnapped and all the things she's going through.