And This is it….
So enjoy, this is the last actual chapter of AFTER THE SUN ROSE
Whoo this has been more than two years in the making…
After 89 chapters and more than 170,000 words…
This is it.
See the AN at the end :)
I am not JKR
Chapter Fourteen
The End of the End,
Harry looked up from the paper, across the kitchen to his wife who was currently feeding their 16 month old daughter her breakfast. They both grinned in understanding.
"Hey Lilikins! Look baby girl! It ca-a-a-a-ame!" he sang flailing a scroll about in the air.
"Hey Ted, did you get something in the post this morning?" Harry asked nonchalant.
He suddenly had to pull back to see the paper that was an inch from his face.
"It's here, we have to go, TODAY! It has to be right now!" he hopped excitedly over to Ginny and brandished it about in her face as well.
"I see that son, your dad works today though, you know he has the trials for his last mission coming up in a week or so." She said
Teddy turned towards Harry, and he was forcibly reminded of his pouting face from when he was just a baby.
"But dad! Please! I NEED to go today, I can't wait! Please." He pled.
Harry looked at Ginny who was smiling slightly. "Why don't you get them all ready, Teddy will help you with Jamie so it doesn't take as long, and I will go into the office for an hour and then take the rest of the day off." Harry said, ruffling Teddy's bright blue hair.
"I will, I will even make him take a bath!" Teddy said, running out of the kitchen,
"It's a shame we don't have something to bribe him with on a daily basis." Ginny chuckled, shaking her head.
Harry laughed as he walked towards her and gave her a kiss, before bending to kiss the porridge covered toddler in front of him. "Alright Princess, behave and I will take you shopping for toys in an hour." He said with a grin.
"I think the princess here has enough toys." Ginny rolled her eyes.
"So is there a chance that we will make it through this without any publicity do you think?"
"Not on your life, and a lot of that has to do with the fact that this is Teddy. He is the son of two war heroes who died in the final battle. Two very very well known war heroes. He is Harry Potter's Godson but was raised as his son. Not to mention the reporters love him because he metamorphs randomly and they find it amusing to catch his different looks. He was orphaned because of Hogwarts, where he then lived until he was two, and now he is going back. This is a huge deal. Add in the Chosen ones three kids, the fact that Al is completely understandable now and Lily can walk and yell and cause mayhem, and James is, well he is James. There is no way of getting out unscathed."
"Right, I guess I will be back in an hour, wouldn't want to miss the fun." He grumbled.
Even with the reporters, Harry was glad they had not missed this day. It was made even more hectic as Ron and Hermione opted to join them. With all three of them and then Ginny, being a star chaser for Holyhead before the kids, and their kids, moving from one place to another was a nightmare, but it was doable. Teddy was bouncing around, the epitome of hyper with James following him step for step.
"I'll tell you what, why don't you two take him to Olivander's and leave the babies with us, we will go over to Florean's and get some ice cream." Hermione said.
"I'm commin with Teddy!" James yelled, clinging to his older brother's hand for dear life.
"It's fine, we will take these two with us and then meet you for ice cream." Ginny said with a grin.
"My wand, for the love of Merlin we are buying my wand!" Teddy squealed. "And I am actually allowed to use it and everything."
"Not out of school you aren't." Ginny corrected quickly.
Teddy rolled his eyes and Harry laughed. "Yes love, because that ever stopped any of us."
"SSssshh he doesn't need to know that."
They watched nostalgically as Teddy and James ran ahead together, no one approached them but Harry did see one or two flash bulbs go off.
"Do you remember the first time we brought him to diagon alley?" Harry asked as he watched James hop into a fighting stance and the pair pretended to fence with sticks they had found on the ground.
"How could I forget, you nearly decimated the entirety of wizarding press that day." She chuckled.
"It wasn't that bad." Harry muttered, embarrassed.
"It was completely that bad." Ginny replied stepping up to the old door.
"Teddy, come on, in here." She pointed.
Harry picked his five year old up and hoisted him onto his shoulders as they walked in.
"Ah, I expected to see you in here this summer. It is lovely to see you again Mr. Potter, Miss. Weasley, or rather should I say, Mrs. Potter." The extremely old man said softly.
"Mr Olivander, I am glad to see you again." Harry said with an outstretched hand.
Ollivander nodded in his odd way and peered at Teddy.
"I expect you would be Theodore Lupin?"
"Potter-Lupin." Teddy corrected, suddenly seeming shy.
"Right, Potter Lupin of course, son of two incredibly strong wizards and Godson of the savior of the world." He said.
"Savior of what? Huh?" Teddy said.
Harry swallowed hard, he supposed he should get more in depth with Teddy about what his role in the war had been. He knew he was involved but nothing farther really. That may have been an oversight on his part.
"Well step up here, let's get your measurements. Which is your wand hand?"
After a nudge from Harry teddy walked forward and held out his arms, watching the tape with some trepidation. "Uhm, left." He said, uneasily.
"Righto. Let's see what we have here. The man handed Teddy several different choices in wands, Teddy's once excited face had fallen when after twenty minutes they still had not found a match. "Well this is an unusual combination, and I rarely use this wood, I happen to have been on Holiday when I found a particularly fine specimen. Here you are, Dog Wood, 10 inches, and unusually enough, hair of a thestral."
"I am sorry. Did you say hair of a thestral?" Harry said.
"Indeed, I have only ever had three of its kind. All from different males of the breed. It is rare to acquire as one can not actually see a thestral excluding seeing an unfortunate even of course. This is the only I have left. It is quite swishy. Try it out."
Teddy slowly reached, Harry's confusion seeming to make him nervous.
"Go on Teddy, try it out." Ginny urged.
As soon as the want touched his hand bright pink stars shot from the end, Teddy's hair changed from blonde to blue to green to pink, his eyes flashing every color of the rainbow, settling on bright blue. He looked at Harry, astonished.
"Well well, a meatamophagus like your mother eh? That makes sense, I should have asked to begin with. Thestral hair is great at rendering the user unseen and unlike other wands, it rarely if ever, changes allegiance. You will also never find yourself lost as long as you have your wand. Whenever you feel as if you don't know a way, just look to your wand young sir. Good day."
Teddy looked as confused as Harry felt as they walked from the shop.
"You know, that old tree in the back of Hogsmede…The one with everyone's initials, it is a dogwood." Ginny said hugging him closely. "And your father, and myself, we have both ridden a thestral before. They are incredibly special."
"What did he mean if I ever am lost? How would I get lost?"
"I don't know son, but at least you know how to find your way." Harry said ruffling the bright pink hair. "Are you aware that your hair is pink?"
Teddy blushed and shook his head, rendering his hair a happy sunny yellow. "I hate it when it does that."
They had finished their icecream when Harry and Ron decided to take Teddy to buy his owl. They were looking into cages of mini scops and huge barn owls when they heard Teddy shout.
"This one dad!" he yelled.
They made their way to his side where he stood in front of a large solid black barn owl, his head was tucked under his wing and he was hooting softly in his sleep. The store owner approached him.
"He is a beautiful owl, he will stand out in a crowd though, so if you are looking for something more integral, he's not it."
"I want him." Teddy insisted.
As if he understood the owl pulled his head out and fluffed his feathers, he looked them in the face and hooted. While his entire body was black his face was a perfect light white/yellow.
"It's him he's perfect dad! I'm going to call you moonbeam."
"Moonbeam?" Harry asked, looking at the owl, intrigued.
"Yeah, look his face looks like a full moon in a black sky!"
"So it does." Ron said with a smile.
"We can call him Mooney! Like my dad."
"Well that settles it. We'll take him with us now."
He was staring at the column that stood between platforms 9 and 10. He had just watched a dark headed little boy run through pushing a trolly. The owl in the cage seemed to purr almost as it swung slightly in his hand. He was finding it hard to breathe. His mind raced back over the last eleven years, separating it into memories that stood out in his head, vivid, colorful images that brought as much sorrow over him leaving home as they did smiles of how amazing his life had been up until now.
He was laying on the couch drifting in and out of sleep. His arms were wrapped protectively around the baby who was laying sprawled out on his tummy nestled into Harry's chest. His hair was shock blonde and laying in soft ringlets, his little lips pouted out slightly
"Hey noisy." He said as he reached into the crib to grab the wailing baby boy. "SSShhhhh." Teddy calmed down as he felt Harry close and heard his voice. "Hey little man, who knew you had those lungs, they had to come from your mum." He kissed the little boy fondly and walked to the kitchen to grab a bottle. He saw Ginny on her tip toes trying to reach a clean one in the cabinet and he smiled at his amazing fiancé.
"While I love this view, why don't you take the baby and change him for me so I can use magic and make a bottle faster." He said as he held the baby out to her. Smiling widely she took the blue sleeper clad baby.
"Come on little one lets get you cleaned up and fed."
"GBLGBLGLGJ AGHAGHAGH." He said insistently. Harry shook his head.
"Come get it. You think you are big. Trying to crawl at seven months, come on." He said with a smile and holding his hands out. Teddy poked out his lip and looked back at the ball.
"Agggggghhhh BLBLBLBLBL" he yelled. Harry laughed and watched his godson closely just incase he started to fall. Andromeda and Molly had both said that he wouldn't crawl until he was around 9 months old but Teddy was lifting his knee very carefully and trying to move his hands. He fell onto his tummy and cried out. It broke Harry's heart but somehow he stayed where he was speaking excitedly in encouragement.
"Get back up. Come on you, you are going to be a chaser huh?" Teddy got back up on his knees and rocked once more quickly lifting his knees and then much to Harry's elation and surprise, he went. Straight for the quaffle. Harry cheered and picked him up when he got there throwing him into the air. "That's my little man! You did it your daddy is probably saying that his son is a genius." He assured him nuzzling his fat baby neck. But Teddy did not appreciate this kind of praise and squealed to be let down. Laughing at the small boy Harry sat him down in front of his prized ball. To which Teddy clapped his hands and smiled.
Once on the floor it took Teddy no time to realize Harry's inexperience with mobile children. He took off faster than Harry could catch a snitch. In fact Harry couldn't catch him. He was a good deal slower without his firebolt. The baby crawled behind sofas and under tables, he uprooted bookshelves and magical tools. Harry only just caught the heavy cauldron right before it squished his godson. Parchment flew and ink splattered.
UNC!" he yelled happily and clapped his hands. The four adults looked at each other quizzikly and then back at the baby. Teddy looked less than pleased with this response. He tried again,
"UNC. UNCA UNC." He hollered excitedly at Harry's stunned face.
"He, did he just, did he just say my name? Was I his first word?" Harry stuttered. The baby continued to clap and smile at them all squealing UNC merrily in the background. Ginny nodded and kissed the baby's head. Andromeda smiled brilliantly.
"Well, we've lost him completely now Ginny. He thinks his name is Unca. So Ginny, how do you think he will react when his first son says Dada?"
With that one phrase Teddy looked Harry straight in the face with a bemused expression, if an infant ever wore one,
"Daddaaa?" he said softly
Teddy's first birthday party, the first time he had been sick, TEETHING (the nightmare that it was), Christmas and Birthdays all played through his mind.
"What wrong little man? It is 2 in the morning."
Teddy wiped his eyes and rubbed his running nose.
"I dreamed bad." he cried.
Completely understanding the effect of nightmares, Harry lifted the covers and let the five year old climb into his arms. It took a few moments for him to settle into the crook of Harry's chest.
"What did you dream?" he asked the still whimpering little boy.
"I was really bad daddy, and you said I was so bad you weren't my daddy anymore. I don't want you to go away. I need you." he cried.
Harry could feel the hot tears on his chest and he stroked the soft blonde curls that they only ever got to see when he was too sleepy to think to change it. He kissed his head before speaking again.
"Teddy, we told you we are always going to be mummy and daddy. That will never ever change. If we weren't we wouldn't have to punish you when you were bad, we would just give you to someone else to do it. We have to make sure you behave because you are ours, baby. You will always be ours."
"But what, when mummy gets a baby in her own tummy, like Auntie Audrey? And then you will be his only one daddy, you won't need me, specially if I do bad things." he muttered.
Harry was stunned silent for a moment. He didn't realize this had ever bothered Teddy.
"Listen sport, you have two mummy's and two daddy's because you are so very special. You have a mummy and a daddy who loved you so so so very much that they shared peices of themselves to make you, and your mummy shared her tummy to help you grow. They loved you so much they went out and made a better world for you to live in and gave you to me and mummy to raise you and make sure you had a good life. We are your mummy and daddy because we love you so much we chose to share our hearts with you, and you own every little piece of them both, and when we have a baby in mummy's tummy it our hearts will just get bigger to make more love, you will not lose the pieces of us that are yours, because you are too important and we love you too much to ever let you go. And I promise, brother or sister, if it is anything like me and mummy it will get in trouble and get whippings too, there is no possible way around it." he said into the whispy soft hair.
"Do you want to be my daddy?" Teddy replied through a yawn.
"Yes, I do, but more than that, I love you so much that I need you to be my son."
"I love you daddy." the sleepy content voice said, before snuggling deeper into his arms.
"I love you too little man." Harry murmured into his not so little boy's ear.
"Dad! Earth to Dad!" Come in dad!"
Harry's eyes refocused and he saw that Teddy had reemerged without his trolly.
"Teddy, what are you doing?"
"Mum says if you don't come on you are going to miss me leaving. Don't you want to say goodbye to me?"
Harry grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, ignoring as he tried to wiggle out of it.
"No Teddy, noting in me wants to tell you goodbye today. Are you sure you can't just stay home with me forever?"
Teddy laughed and pulled away, Dad, I can't stay home forever. I have to go to school. And I am going to miss the train."
"Eh, I can fly you in a car, I know the way. Just don't forget some water."
"You are so weird." He pulled Harry towards the barrier.
"You have no idea." Harry muttered "I am going to miss you so much."
"I'll miss you too. But you still have the babies."
Harry stopped once more and turned Teddy to face him. "It doesn't matter how many kids that I have Teddy, you will always be the first, you are the one that made me realize it was all worth it."
"What do you mean?" Teddy asked, cocking his head sideways.
"Remember how I told you about the war, and how so much damage and death came from it?"
Teddy nodded, "Kind of hard to forget that conversation dad."
"Right, well, I used to think it was all my fault, for a long long time I nearly hated myself for it. But then someone, someone who knew just what it was to have an extra special godson, made me see that above anything else, you were worth it. It didn't matter what else had happened, you were here and safe and mine. And I will always always remember how after everything, you made my heart happy."
Teddy hugged him tightly again before they turned and yanked him through the wall. Harry and Bill loaded the trunk and owl onto the train while Teddy hugged a crying Ginny.
"Mum, I am not going to disappear and never come back." He grumbled into her chest.
"I am going to miss you so much Teddy bear." She kissed him and he wrinkled his nose.
"I love you mum." He said quietly, Harry nearly missed it over Victoire's sobs.
Harry patted his ten year old niece's back. Teddy turned and hugged her tightly.
"It's ok Vic, In a year you are coming with me and we can hang out every single day."
"Nu ugh you will want to be with the people in your year." She whimpered, wiping her tears.
"No way, you are my best friend. That will never change Vic." He hugged her and kissed her cheek. "Keep Jamie out of trouble for me."
At that James threw himself at Teddy's legs, swiftly followed by Albus.
"We don't want you to leave!" James wailed.
"Don go Teddy pwease!" Albus cried, tears pouring down his face.
"Awe, come on short stuffs. You are going to have so much fun while I am gone, I am so jealous. And who is going to wake me up before the sun on Saturdays, who is gonna play quidditch with me? No one as good as you two." He said with a smile ruffling each of their hair. Harry smiled, Teddy had yet to return his hair to its colorful state, it was Potter black and his eyes shone in the same green as Teddy and Harry's, a color he unintentionally frequented.
"But we love you." James sniffed.
"I love you too little guy. Jamie you are be good and don't forget that while I am gone, you are the biggest brother."
"Protect Lily and Al."
"That's right, you protect them and keep them safe."
"From big dogs and dragons."
Teddy laughed. "That's right, and don't let Daddy pick out their clothes alright, or yours either." James nodded while Harry, Ginny and Bill all laughed.
He picked Lily up and spun her around. "I love you princess!" he said, smothering her with kisses.
"Yuv You!" she giggled happily.
"You be a big girl and remember, no boys." The train sounded a warning whistle.
"NO NO boy." She chanted.
"I am the only boy you love, right."
"Muhum." She nodded. "Wuv bub!"
"I love you too baby girl." He kissed her and handed her off to Ginny, who was crying harder, he allowed her to kiss him once more.
"Teddy come on, I got a compartment!" Ollie yelled from the train.
Teddy nodded and waived behind him, running to meet his friend. He hopped onto the step before turning looking panicked and running back to Harry, who had been looking devastated. He threw himself into his arms.
"I though you forgot about me."
"I love you, behave, and buy candy, and if you sneak around, please don't tell me. Oh and there is something in your bag that was once mine, and Remus' I think you should have it, and if you pass it down to one of your brothers, well don't tell me that either." He joked.
Teddy nodded. "I love you so much Dad, I'm gonna miss you."
"I love you too Little Man." Teddy smiled at the name and then ran off and got onto the train, waving out of a window of a compartment.
Harry lifted Albus into his arms, Bill did the same for James, they were both waiving happily. Victoire was tucked in between, both waving and crying. He felt Ginny's head on his shoulder, and he leaned to kiss her temple as they watched their little boy be taken away from them.
The scarlet wall had seemed to fade into nothing as he stared at it. The quiet in the house was suffocating, which was odd seeing as Teddy was certainly not the quietest of the children in the house, come to think of it, even with Lily unable to fully talk, Teddy was the quietest, though that didn't mean he was quiet at all, the other three were just abnormally noisy.
"Harry love, the wall isn't going to go anywhere." Ginny said softly, slipping into the office after putting a crying James into his bed.
He looked up at her and smiled grimly. She looked beautiful, her hair had been pulled from its ponytail and lay in unassuming waves down her back. She was wearing a simple purple string tank top and a pair of stretchy short shorts, she was obviously ready for bed herself. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her down into his lap.
"You alright?" she asked as he buried her face in her hair.
"We did good right?"
"That depends on what you are thinking about." She said with a chuckle, he often forgot that people couldn't see inside of his head.
"Teddy, we did good with him right? Remus and Tonks, they would be proud?"
She turned so she was facing him, her knees on either side of his hips. "He is amazing. They would be beside themselves with the man he is turning into. He is caring and compassionate, he loves his little brothers and sister. He listens, most of the time, and he is respectful, again, most of the time. We did wonderfully with him, and he turned us into pretty amazing parents too, if I do say so myself."
"I can't believe he is gone."
"It is surreal. And oddly bittersweet."
Harry nodded in agreement. She kissed his lips softly. "So tell me, are you happy?"
"Of course I am, why would you ask that?"
"Well you were so set on being Uncle Harry, and failed miserably, you couldn't be more his daddy had I had him myself. All of your well laid plans of being a perfect Godfather and the cool uncle, went in the bin. How do you feel now, now that he is gone and off to Hogwarts."
"I wouldn't change a thing, not one. And I can only hope that his stay at Hogwarts is less eventful than my own." He said with a smile.
"Well, I am sure tonight for him is rather exciting. Any predictions on his house?"
"I am going to say Hufflepuff, he is a lot like Tonks. What do you say?"
"I am calling Gryffindor, he has parts of Remus and was raised by you, he has been thrown into the courage and confidence pool." She joked.
"I love you so much." He said.
"I love you too." She replied, bemused.
"I wouldn't change anything about that either, none of it, not the waiting or the wanting or the sex classes with Malfoy. You were worth everything I have ever waited for, lost or given up. I would be nowhere without you."
She smiled and kissed him deeply, pressing herself against him. "Mmmmm, well I can think of somewhere you can be with me."
He laughed as he continued to kiss her. "I like the sound of that Mrs. Potter. How long do we have?"
"Everyone is asleep for the night, you have all the time you need." She said, kissing his neck as he lifted her into his arms.
"Hmmmm, then you are all mine." He laughed as they passed the three kids' rooms, "until the sun rises that is."
Aaaaaannnnnddd BREATHE
Holy Crap I can't believe it is done!
Well, kinda, the next gen story is already up :)
It starts with Teddy in Hogwarts and will follow all the way through the Potter kids.
I hope you read it and I hope you like it.
Thank you for every review, favorite, PM and alert for this series.
I am in disbelief that we finally got here.
I hope you liked it and I can't thank you all enough.
Head on over to my profile and click on
Soar Into The Sun