A/N: Okay so the name doesn't sound very relevant to the story at the moment. There is a lot more to come and you will see where I got idea in the end.I hate titling my stories.it's the hardest part (mainly because I'm really bad at it.). This is my first Zelda fanfic.certainly not my first fanfic lol. I'm in a real Zelda mood because I did a picture on the wall in a kids bedroom from the game (you know the one where Link is petting Epona.I spent a whole day painting it!!) Okay so I'm changing the story a bit but just a bit. In my fic Sheik is separate from Zelda. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON. I've said it now so I don't want any reviews by whiney; whingey people saying Zelly and Sheik are the same person. There is extreme and I mean EXTREME Zelda bashing in later chapters!! The first three are my fave chapters of this story. This is also AE (Alternate ending). Well read on!

Disclaimer: I don't own Zelda 64 even though I wish I did.

Suffer the Consequences: Part 1

Link jumped from Epona's back. He winced as this sent jolts of pain from his broken ribs. He turned to his steed ignoring the pain and stroked the mare's long face gently. He smiled soothingly. "I think we'll rest here tonight" he patted her. Epona snorted and bobbed her head up and down as if agreeing with him. Link chuckled and rummaged in his bag until he found a carrot. "Here you go girl" Epona snatched it from his hand and munched greedily. She nuzzled his hand searching for more. Link smiled and went to get some wood for a fire. He struggled to get it back to the campsite. His ribs ached. He dropped the wood and put some dried grass on top of it. Epona eyed the grass greedily. Link found the pieces of flint and tried to start a fire. When he finally had a fire going he replaced the pieces of flint in his bag. There was a rustle in the bushes behind him. He whirled around sword in hand. A rabbit dashed out. Link quickly grabbed his bow and notched an arrow. He took aim and let an arrow fly hitting the target with practiced ease. He went to retrieve his quarry. It was a plump rabbit he noted with satisfaction. He reached down about to grab it by its ears when the creature's head jerked up and it sunk its teeth into his palm.

"Dammit!!" Link cried out. He shook the animal off and kicked it breaking its neck. It was dead.this time! Tears sprang to his eyes as he looked at his injured hand. Blood ran from the wound dripping to the ground. He nudged the animal with his foot before picking it up. He dropped it near the fire and skinned it placing it on a makeshift spit over the fire. Then he walked to the nearby stream and thrust his hand into the cold water ignoring how painful it was. When he withdrew his hand it was numb from the cold. It was still bleeding but at least it was clean. He sat by the fire turning his meal before he went searching for bandages in his bag. He dipped the linen strips into some water before wrapping them around the wound. The wet bandage would cause it to bleed more but this meant that nay impurities would be bled from the wound and the linen would tighten when it dried. His right hand had been injured so he used his left to secure the bandage. He held the bandage with his left hand and pulled the strip with his teeth. However every time he left go with his mouth, the bandage would loosen. Eventually he got it tied while it was still relatively tight.

Epona sensed her master's discomfort and lay behind him. She nuzzled his shoulder and he turned with a slight smile and patted her gently. He grimaced at the pain in his ribs. She laid her head on his shoulder and snorted into his ear. He laughed softly before leaning back against her stomach and twisting so that he could stroke her neck. "You're such a pet Epona.but you're not getting anymore carrots until the morning." She snorted indignantly. He pulled himself up and took his now cooked rabbit from the fire. He ate a bit before setting it aside and leaving the rest for the morning. He pulled his Ocarina from the bag and lay back against Epona again. He began to play and Epona listened contentedly as soft and sweet melodies floated from the instrument. After half an hour of playing his hands fell to his lap and the music stopped. Epona realized her young master had fallen asleep. Navi floated down from a nearby tree and looked upon the sleeping boy. "Worn out." she murmured sympathetically "It is all too much for him.he is but a boy." Epona tossed her head in agreement. "I am not sure if he will be able for Ganondorf." she sighed.

Link opened his eyes drowsily. His sleep had been full of nightmares and visions of what was to come. He sat up and coaxed the fire until there was a small flame. He threw more of the dried grass on it and some more wood. He looked at his hand; the bandage was bloodstained but dry. He wondered if he should change the ones around his ribs but decided against it.too much trouble and too much pain. He picked up the rabbit from last night and took a few bites before throwing it down. He got some water from the stream and drank quickly. Navi floated to his side. "Maybe you should take a day off Link.you're still not fully healed after the battle at the temple." "I'm fine" he said softly "Don't worry about me friend." He picked up his bag and poured the remaining water on the fire quenching it. He mounted his horse "C'mon Navi!" He turned and rode off. "Stubborn boy!" Navi muttered "This is totally against my better judgement!" She flew after him angry at being ignored. Link was trying to figure out where the next temple was when something jumped from a tree. It bashed straight into him knocking him from Epona's back. He rolled along the ground. He gasped in agony and got shakily to his feet drawing his sword. His eye's widened in horror.

Well what did you think? That was some cliffhanger eh? I'm gonna have it at PG-13 for now but the rating will go up to NC-17 later on. I'll only tell you one thing; it's not Ganondorf.or Ganon! I love cliffhangers dances around happily they are a sure-fire way of getting readers to come back and I can assure you that this fic only gets better!! Well, Let me know what you think???