Hello readers,

You don't know me, But I… I'm sorry, I can't rip that line off. I just can't. Anyway, I know that I haven't updated in a few months. But, because I feel bad about it, I am going to explain why I haven't updated in a while. I know that some of you are thinking that this is me just making up an excuse. And the truth is, that they'd be right. But, think what you want, I'm going to explain myself in truth.

The main reason I haven't updated anything is because I don't have anything to update with. I've had a serious case of writer's block and coupled with work, school and the lack of desire to writing, I've just been down-right lazy. There I said it. I will not however, say I've got nothing. As it stands, I've got two chapter skeletons written out for Carry On, but the issue is applying the meat. Unfinished won't get finished (lol) until after Book six of Carry On. The Dragon's Wrath has a chapter almost done, with over 4,000 words written and about to close up. I do have to put in a little more research than the others, mostly because of Kung-Fu Panda not having much to go on. So, my biggest thing with The Dragon's Wrath is coming up with ways to tie the Kung-Fu Panda Lore with Pokémon.

I'm not asking for pity or anything. I'm just letting you guys know that I'm not dead and what my current state of affairs is. Luckily, Summer will be rolling in soon and I'll have more time on my hands to write and to make time around work. But I wouldn't hold my breath on any updates yet. Best bet would be early July, maybe earlier if I get ahead of schedule. So, in between now and then, I'll be trying to make time for writing.

Until Next Round,

John Marros


Since my fics are of Pokemon, I was hoping any readers would be interested in tapping into their inner trainer and maybe provide some OC's for all three fics, especially for Carry On and Unfinished. Here's the template I'll provide for your OC's:









It would be greatly appreciated and would help me write out the scenarios for chapters. you can drop them in my PM box or on my twitter account, at symbol JohnMarros.