Coach Boomers was actually a little ecstatic and worried about approaching Faveau with her new status. Principal Powers had just sent him a text message on his cell phone after the lunch bell rang to bring Faveau to her homeroom. He was pretty sure Powers was just fed up with Medulla and some of the other teachers treating Faveau like some new... thing for show-and-tell. What were they? Eight? Boomers didn't rightly give a crap, though. He hadn't escorted a new student into the ISO zone of Sky High in almost four years since Warren Peace started school. The ISO zone stood for "Indeterminate Student Organization" where students who wanted to be a hero but did so using more villain-like strategies studied. The ISO zone was deemed too... blunt of a name for gray-area students, so Powers then called the ISO zone the AHD, or Anti-Hero Division. That's where students like Warren Peace and soon Faveau Cazadora took their core classes. Electives, lunch, and PE were taken with the heroes and sidekicks.

"Medulla?" Boomers called.

"Yes, Boomers," the scientist replied, turning slowly.

"Is Dynamo still down there with that zombie that came through?" Boomers asked.

"Sorry, guys," Faveau said, hustling to sit at the table with her lunchbox to eat the rest of its contents. She liked talking to Firefly and Charlie while they ate. It made her feel a lot better to hear Charlie fussing about her mother's poor decision at making her wear a poodle costume to school, but the two had to leave or else the cops would come and ruin everything. As she hopped to a nearby table to eat the last of her strudel, she asked politely, "Excuse me, Mr. Medulla. What time is lunch over?"

"Another seven minutes, my cute, little Poodsy," Medulla cooed, gushing at Faveau's adorable voice. She sounded much better when she was happy. He then said, "I can give you another five or so to finish your little pie there."

"Thank you!" Faveau said, face lighting up instantly.

Boomers could then see why those seniors were messing with Faveau. She had a gorgeous smile. He then rolled his eyes at Medulla's babying towards the girl. He didn't have time for this! Poodsy Poo had to get to homeroom. The AHD was a very unique place and only specific students or personalities could be registered into it. As an example, Warren had a very good heart and was a sweet kid his freshmen year. It wasn't until some senior-year bullies decided to pick a fight with him that he used his fire power to make a point clear: you don't mess with Baron Battle's son. When others began to fear him, he did a 180 and became more of a recluse and a bit villainous. He was intimidating, tall, dark, and brooding. Boomers and Powers watched over him, though.

He was still a sweet kid at heart. He helped an elderly woman who was being mugged by some crazy teenage girl and he risked his life saving a man from drowning. Some new villain dubbed Kraken wanted revenge on his old boss at some company. No one's caught the crazy yet. In truth, Warren was technically a hero by these deeds alone and was relatively more advanced than his student body. Not wanting to get rid of such potential, Powers listed him in the AHD. Boomers wondered if Warren ever mentioned this fact to his new friends and girlfriend. The AHD was a secluded area in Sky High and no heroes or sidekicks were allowed to step foot on those grounds.

What never occurred to Boomers before was whether Sue or Gwen or Royal Pain or whoever knew about the AHD. No, that was impossible. Powers helped open the ISO zone almost twenty-some years ago. It was still new. Even then, whoever that girl's name was had already been dubbed a sidekick then a hero and never once showed an anti-hero's personality. Neither did her goons. They were extremes. It was either white or black for them. They weren't gray-area kids. Faveau was definitely a gray-area kid. He managed to read her entire file throughout all of his PE classes up until lunchtime. Her record was impressive. Even the databases she had access to for any mission given to her was astounding! She had real talent, but the civilians in her city filed complaints on almost everything she did. Collateral damage, medical expenses, a few funeral expenses, business closures, foreclosures. You name it, they complained about it. For a moment, Boomers had to compare her amount of damage to the Commander's record. Unfortunately, the amount of damage Faveau accumulated within her three years as a hero almost evenly matched the Commander's within his ten years of being a hero. That was a serious problem.

That could have been why he was so ecstatic for her to be in the AHD. Warren actually volunteered to be her mentor, too. They were a perfect match! They were advanced students, had sickeningly good hearts, and they both genuinely wanted to do some good. If their powers could be trained to be less destructive, they would make an astounding team. He would be their trainer, too! Credit's gotta go somewhere, right?

"Hey, Dynamo," Boomers called, stopping Faveau from leaving the teacher's lounge after she finished eating. "We're stealing you from Medulla for the rest of the day. Change outta that stupid get-up, will you?"

Faveau took a deep breath, placed both her hands on Boomers' shoulders, and said with extreme relief, "Thank you."

Faveau was beginning to grow suspicious of Coach Boomers. It felt like they had been walking in the same spot for hours. At some point, like right now for example, she just stopped walking behind him and watched him pace back and forth. He was reaching out for something but could only find air. They were outside in the middle of campus. No one else was outside per se, but it still looked weird for a grown man to be absent-mindedly searching for something that wasn't there. Faveau was glad she changed into something else that wasn't furry or had tight spandex sticking to her legs because the sun would have enjoyed torturing her right now. She pinched the bridge of her nose, feeling the leather edge of her fingerless gloves on her forehead, and took another deep breath.

"What the hell are you looking for?" she asked, dropping her hand to her side.

"That stupid door!" Boomers replied, reaching out again to find nothing. "I know there's a switch floating around here somewhere. I hate invisible entryways!"

Faveau rolled her eyes, took her book bag off her back, and opened it. She pulled out a handheld metal detector and stood up to position it at her viewer's height. She started from her and Boomers' left, going up and down with the screen to see anything amiss, and then finally spotted a strange lever about 14.2 degrees from her horizontal position. She walked towards the switch and pulled the lever down. Two hover boards covered in grass and dirt emerged from the ground and waited for their riders to hop on. Boomers shot a glare at the girl before stepping onto one of the vehicles and sighing with a distinct eye roll.

"Don't get cocky," he said to the girl, watching Faveau adjust the power on the board like she's ridden one before. She probably has considering her record. Before she directed the vehicle towards him, she grabbed her bag and reached inside of it to take out a notepad. He could see her writing his name down and some other numbers and letters underneath it. He decided to ask her what she was doing later and then said, "Follow me."

Faveau nodded and watched the man ride on the board with some unease. She could tell he wasn't quite used to hovering technology, so she stopped moving the board and pulled her notepad out again to write down some more things. When she was done, she noticed Boomers was a good distance away from her and she proceeded to ride at a normal speed to catch up to him. It only took her a few seconds to reach him. He was still riding a bit slow. Fed up with riding half-a-mile an hour on a vehicle that could go 200 miles an hour at its peak, Faveau slowed down to ride behind Boomers and adjusted his board to accommodate his speed and comfort. Boomers was about to question her until he felt the board riding smoother than usual. It almost felt like he was riding on air!

"What'd you do to it?" Boomers questioned, impressed by the sturdiness of the board.

"Adjusted it," Faveau answered, riding next to him until she was hovering in one place. "Try to move forward."

Boomers did as told and was surprised by the smoothness of the ride. He then said, "Huh! You must be an expert at these things or somethin'. That'll come in handy for your new class schedule. Let's go before you're late."

Faveau watched Boomers fly around in different patterns, having fun with the board now that it's more to his riding standard, and smiled at the man. As she followed him, she noticed that there was a beaten pathway they had to follow to get to a strange tunnel. She hadn't been to many parts of the school if the cafeteria, gym, and Medulla's mad science lab were anything to go by, but she was sure none of the other students mentioned having to go to tunnels for class. She had seen Chelsea's schedule at third period, but she said all her classes were in the buildings. As she followed Boomers through the tunnel, she saw the words "ISO ZONE" written along the walls leading out of the tunnel.

"Iso zone?" Faveau whispered to herself. "Like isolation zone?"

Wanting to question Boomers, Faveau rode a little closer to him to inspect his facial expressions but he seemed happy just riding the hover board for the fun of it. It wasn't suspicious enough to interrogate. Soon, the end of tunnel filled their eyes with sunlight and the exited the tunnel to enter a new part of the campus. There weren't many buildings around and they all were just one-story. The lawn had plenty of space for the students to just hang around during lunch, but there were too many hover boards and other low-passenger number vehicles parked in a lot next to the tunnel for that to be the case. Plus, the cafeteria was more like a coffee shop with its outdoor sitting area to the left of the them. It was connected to a main building that stretched out like an L shape. There appeared to be three other buildings acting as islands on this new part of campus, but Faveau didn't have time to inspect it. Boomers had already parked by the lot and started walking to the entrance of Homeroom Hall. Faveau parked her hover board next to Boomers and followed the man with a new suspicion. What section of the school was this?

Boomers opened the door to the hall, letting Faveau enter first, and closed it behind him. He nodded for her to follow him and looked around as he led her to one of the rooms in the back. He heard a few teachers' voices poor in through the doors and saw pictures of different alumni who graduated from the AHD. What was the AHD? When they finally reached Room 113, Boomers knocked on the door and a feminine voice reached their ears.

"Come in!"

Boomers entered the room and said, "Got the transfer student you were looking for, Ms. Powers."

Principal Powers peeked behind Boomers' shoulders to see Faveau walking inside of the room with some suspicion but more curiosity. She smiled at this and said, "Ah, Ms. Cazadora. Welcome to your new life within the antihero division."

Faveau looked at the other students for a moment, taking note of how different they all were compared to the heroes and sidekicks she was with a few days ago, and then remembered the pictures in the hallway on the way here. She then said, "That's what the AHD stood for."

Powers smirked at this, wondering just how well she would put all of the pieces into place before she had to explain things, but deciding to just speak instead. Some of the students were interested in Faveau from her looks alone. They had their own suspicions but they were curious also. Perhaps wondering how she wound up having to be isolated all of a sudden. While most of the students there had their own reasons for being registered in the AHD, Faveau was only in school for a day. It usually took you until expulsion to get into the AHD in a day. Is that what happened to her? If that's what they were thinking, Powers would have commend them because they were pretty close to the truth.

"Ah, you must mean the pictures in the hall," she said, guiding Faveau to an unoccupied seat. "Those are graduates from different years who were in the AHD. We haven't had a new recruit like yourself here in some time. This group is a totally isolated department where young adults like yourself become acquainted with others like them in a different setting. This department was set up after the school was founded to support heroes who have 'alternative' ways and views to saving the day. Ideally, we want all of our heroes to save lives to their peak abilities, but you know just as well as I do that there are some people you either don't want to save or shouldn't save at all because you know things can only get worse every time you try. These kinds of heroes require a more personal approach in development. The students you see before you are going to be with you until graduation. Every class you take from here will have at least two or three students from this homeroom seated next to you or around you. Class, say hi to your new roommate."

"Hey," a teenage girl said.

She was a black girl like Faveau but of a lighter complexion and had green hair and dark makeup. She wore a black jacket with white and silver lining and black tights. Her leggings were black-and-white stripes, and her converse had white skulls on them with a few silver studs on the heel. She reached her hand out for a shake and was pleasantly surprised when Faveau took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before smiling gently. A boy with blonde hair hidden underneath a black baseball cap turned around in his chair on the chair's leg and his left heel and leaned forward to nod at Faveau. Faveau took an instant notice to the boy's freckles along the top of his cheeks. It made him... look fairly attractive and almost mischievous. He was wearing a deep blue muscle shirt and shredded light blue jeans with black and blue high-top Adidas shoes.

"You're pretty hot for a newbie," the boy complimented.

"Real classy," the black girl scoffed.

"It's called honesty," the boy said, keeping his chin on his forearm. From the looks of it, he was pretty ripped by the arms. He then said, "You should try it out every now and then, Keisha."

"Lay off her, idiot," another girl chimed in.

She was behind Keisha and also wore dark makeup, but she was clearly a goth from the rest of her clothes. She wore a tight-fitted dark red dress that brought out her pale skin beautifully and dark red lipstick with black eyeshadow. Quite a few girls wore either dark makeup or more dark-colored makeup in the homeroom. She then took notice to Warren Peace sitting behind the goth girl and another boy sitting behind her. The other kids sort of had mixed feelings towards Faveau. Some were interested, others didn't care, and some were more curious as to why she was there.

"I'm Anna," the blonde-haired goth said. "That idiot that's flirting with you is my cousin, Legend. We heard Peace was your mentor."

Faveau looked back to said young man and nodded before saying, "Oh yeah. You're the one who blocked Medulla's door traffic this morning. Pleasure, Mr. Peace."

Warren grunted before leaning back comfortably at his desk. Anna and Keisha turned to look at Warren before turning back to Faveau. Legend was permanently attached to her desk at this point, so the girls rolled their eyes and started speaking to their new classmate.

"We'd love to tell you a little bit about your mentor, but Legend is a little too infatuated with your hairstyle," Anna said, pinching Legend's cheek harshly. When he yelped, the blonde then said, "So how'd you end up here?"

"Trouble with the welcoming committee," Faveau replied, feeling an unnerving stare at the back of her head. Of course, once she turned around, Warren was just looking at her but the boy next to him was also staring. She then asked, "I'm sorry. Who's the guy sitting behind me?"

"Ramone," Keisha answered. "Like the band. He never really says much other than the occasional 'hey' or 'later'."

"I hear he's shy around cute girls, too. Probably the main reason why he doesn't talk much," Legend said.

"I just don't talk to you," Ramone growled, glaring at Legend. "Doesn't mean I don't talk."

All four teens surrounding Faveau and Ramone, even Principal Powers, stared with wide eyes at Ramone. This dude never spoke! He didn't even argue! Since when did he start snapping at people?

Faveau looked at the gaping faces and slowly turned to Ramone to speak. He definitely was a hottie much like Legend. It almost made the whole ordeal funny. She said, "I think that means you're too awesome for words."

Ramone smirked at Faveau's comment and said, "Gracias... La Caza."

"Oh my God..." Anna said slowly. Not only did she hear Ramone speak for the first time since she's known him in Powers' homeroom but he spoke TWICE and gave Faveau a pet name like Coach Boomers earlier.

"I think the apocalypse is coming..." Legend then remarked.

Powers was just as shocked as the other four students surrounding Faveau and Ramone. They hit it off so well within a few seconds, Ramone developed the nerve to make snappy comebacks! Holy crap! She worked her throat to swallow an excited squeal and then asked, "Are there any questions that you would like to ask, Ms. Cazadora?"

Faveau turned her attention back to the principal and asked, "Why is this division isolated? Why not blend it with the hero and sidekick divisions?"

"All coursework for the divisions are blended together," Powers replied. "The divisions themselves are separated so that the students can be around others like them and learn a majority of the same material together. An antihero doesn't have the same thought pattern as a hero. Let's come up with a basic situation. Yes?"

"Your boss holds out on paychecks," a redhead girl suggested. She was the more upbeat and colorful of the antiheroes. No dark makeup or dark clothes. Just some nice linens and a comfortable style.

"Yeah, and a thief breaks in while you're working overtime," a blue-haired Korean guy added. His stance and personality exuded a tough guy. From the callouses on his hands, he looked like a martial arts fighter but the stubbed fingertips also said long hours of typing. He could be classified as a computer wiz kid.

"Good," Powers said, interested in how this would unfold. She actually enjoyed teaching the antiheroes because they were more involved with real-world situations like part-time work and unstable relationships. Regular heroes usually are exposed to these sorts of things later on in life, but antiheroes are arguably the most human to Powers. She then asked, "Would you rather save your boss or help the thief?"

"Do I know the thief?" the Korean boy asked.

"That is what separates you from a hero," Powers says, pointing two index fingers at the Korean boy. "A hero would save the boss regardless of whether they knew the thief or how crooked the boss had been to them. Ultimately, he or she would decide to protect the person who is the most defenseless in that situation even if they don't want to. Notice how no one even thought about why the boss was holding out on money or if the boss was defenseless at all. Your immediate thinking went to the thief. You know stealing is wrong, but who is the real crook? The boss or the thief? If the boss is the real crook, you'll do what a hero wouldn't normally do: protect the thief. If the thief is the real crook, you'll do exactly what a hero would do: protect the boss. Knowing who the thief is might propel you to protect the thief, but you can't guarantee me that you know every thief in your city or this one."

Faveau nodded at those words. The woman was more right than she probably knew. In Mortsunder, Faveau was trained to believe that everyone lies and no man is innocent until you hear both sides of the story in its entirety and completeness. Most heroes - namely the pure and innocent ones that children aspire to be - don't learn that kind of training or law until they are veterans or too old to do things by trial and error. The bell rung, signaling homeroom was done.

"Have a good day, students," Powers said, watching the kids pack up and leave to their next respective periods. She had to stop two particular students, though, so she called out to them, "Peace and Cazadora, may I see both of you."

Before Faveau could even stand up from her seat, Legend handed her a piece of paper and said, "That's my number. If you need an assignment or notes, you can let me know."

Keisha soon wrote her number down and handed it over to Faveau. She smirked a bit and said, "If he gets too annoying, I'll kick his butt for you."

Faveau was speechless. She had never been accepted into any human-based group before. At least not since she was little. What surprised everyone even more was Ramone passing her his number before walking away stealthily. It made Anna's mouth drop and Warren raise an eyebrow in shock. He wasn't sure if Ethan had a chance anymore. Legend and Ramone were not ugly people, and Ramone was beyond smart. If he cared a bit more, he would have been the valedictorian. The fact that he spoke - SPOKE - to Faveau at all was a clear indication that she was a special girl. Warren tapped Faveau's shoulder and nodded to Powers to remind her that they got called up front. She followed behind as they approached the woman. Powers waited for everyone else to leave the room before speaking politely.

"Ms. Cazadora, since you are the new recruit into the antihero division, you are being designated a mentor to help adjust to your schedule. All new and/or transfer students go through this process. Mr. Peace was our transfer from the hero class after a fight on his first day of school. His mentor, Chad Peters, will be visiting you both today to help out," Powers informed, making Warren gasp very lightly and brighten up his mood a little bit. He hadn't seen Chad in a while since he graduated! He missed the old man! Powers then said, "Like you two, he got into a fight on his first day but he wanted to do better and did. He was very good at guiding other antiheroes like yourselves. He'll be here tomorrow. Antiheroes have an earlier lunch than the heroes and sidekicks and a study hall period on certain days instead of homeroom. If you have any other questions, you can ask me, Peace, or some of the students. It looks like you made quite a few friends since your arrival here."