Also, I want to thank all those who reviewed, THANK YOU YOU AMAZING PERSONA'S! :)
Now then without further ado, the disclaimer!
William: Casey10rok doesn't own Code Lyoko, although she really wants too. So she can set Odd and Aelita up, and make William more part of the Lyoko Warriors.
"Yumi..." I turned around in the dark place, looking for the source of the voice. "Yuuumiiii..."
"Who are you?" I said, as I looked around. Then all of a sudden, a bright light appears and I cover my eyes with my arms. Then, the light disappears and I find myself looking at the face of...
"William?" I asked at the figure. William smiles.
"Hey, Yumi." He says, he waves his hand, motioning me to come over to him. I run toward him, but, everytime I run, I just got father and father away from him.
"William!" I yelled, "I'm not getting any closer!" I kept trying to reach him by sticking my hand out to him, but he just got farther and farther. William smirked.
Then the voice of William changed to a voice I know too well.
"Hello, Yumi." William said, his regular black pupils turned into his sign.
"Xana." I growled out. I stopped running and instead, looked at him in the eye. "What do you want with me and William?"
"What do I want?" Xana-William chuckled. "I don't want anything, Yumi. All I want to do right now, is show you..."
Xana-William paused and smiled at me, creepily.
"...the future." Then, another bright light appeared, and I covered my eyes with my arms again. But when the lights died down, I saw...
"Me?" I said, as I looked at my other self. I heard her crying as she was bet down next to what looked like a hospital bed. And on the hospital bed was William. I froze and looked at his lifeless form.
"William!" I said, and raced over to him, but when I tried to touch his hand, my hand just went through.
"What?" I asked myself, and tried to the bed, but my hand just went through again.
"William," I heard my other self say, and I looked at her, tears were coming down her face, and she sniffled, "I'm so sorry. I-I didn't want this to happen to you.."
"What is she talking about?" I asked, and suddenly a cloud of smoke appeared, revealing Xana-William. I instantly took a step back, and showed my fist.
"I won't try anything," he said, reading my mind, and I cautiously put my hand down. He turned back toward my other self and William, "Do you know what this is?"
I slowly shook my head.
"You, Yumi, are going to be the reason why this boy dies. He trusted you Yumi. But because of your hate for the boy," Xana-Wiliam evilly smirked, "you backstabbed him."
"I'd never!" I said, rage building up inside of me, "I know that I don't like William a lot, but that doesn't mean I going to hurt him!"
Xana-William just chuckled.
"William?!" I quickly turned my attention to the other me as she shook William's body, her eyes wide. "William?!" I heard the beeping of the heart moniter begin to slowly slow down. Then, I realized what was happening.
"No!" I yelled out, as I tried to grabbed William's hand, forgetting that I could only pass through people. "Dang it!" I yelled out, tears beginning to stream on my face.
"Don't leave me William! Don't leave me!" My other-self cried out, as she cried. "Somebody, please save him!" She yelled, and pressed a button near the bed. A buzz noise was heard, and a couple of seconds later, a couple of nurses and doctors swarmed in.
"What happened?" A doctor asked my other self.
"I-I don't know! He just-"
"It's starting to become code blue!" A nurse interrupted.
"Hurry! Get the defibrillation!" Another doctor said, a nurse nodded and quickly rushed to the other side of the room, grabbed them, and put them in postion on top of William.
"Miss, you need to be out of this room immediately." The doctor who was talking to my other self said.
"No! I won't leave him again! Not this time!"
"Miss you need to go!" The doctor urged a bit angry.
"CLEAR!" A nurse said, and pressed the defibrillation on William's now bare chest, where his body shook as the electricity in the defibrillation shocked him.
"CLEAR!" The nurse said again, as a few nurses helped her.
"WILLIAM!" I yelled out, tears burning my cheeks, I felt like I couldn't live anymore. This was all my fault.
All my fault.
All my fault.
Xana-William laughed at me, as the whole world turned black, and I was the one falling.
When I came to, I gasped. "WILLIAM!" I yelled out, the images of William dying returning, "WILLIAM! WILLIAM! WILLIAM!" Tears began leak out of my eyes, and I felt a lump in my throat.
"Yumi! Yumi! Are you okay?!" I heard Ulrich's voice yell frantically. I felt warm arms hug me, but I didn't return the hug.
"Yumi, are you okay?" I thought that was Jeremy's voice. I hiccuped and tried to adjust my vision by rubbing my tears away. It was blurry at first, because of all the tears, before I could finally see clearly. Jeremy, Aelita, and Ulrich were all looking at me, concerned.
"Are you okay?" Aelita asked, worry was the tone in her voice.
"Y-Yea. It's just that..." Tears were starting to from in my eyes, but I quickly rubbed my eye, "...I had a nightmare. It was about..."
"William." Ulrich said, a hint of jealousy in his voice. I nodded, and I sniffled. Ulrich sighed, which I think was a sigh of relief. I was a bit confused until I saw Ulrich's arm. His arm was bandaged and a bit of dry blood was showing through it. And there were a few scratches on his cheek.
"Ulrich, what happened?" I said I quickly held onto his arm and examined it. Ulrich winced.
"Sorry." I said, and I let go of his arm. "What happened?"
"You don't remember, huh?" Ulrich said as he slightly smiled. "Well...what do you remember?"
"Well...I remember that that guy yelled out, 'fire' and...I heard gunshots...that's about it." I answered, trying to clear my mind from the guilt about what I could cause William. The another thought came into my head.
"What about the food? Did we leave it there?" I asked, I prayed that Ulrich wouldn't say yes. Ulrich chuckled.
"No. It's right here." He picked up the bag, and opened it. All of the food was still there. "We didn't eat it because, we wanted to wait for you."
"You mean you didn't eat it because you were waiting for Yumi." Aelita smiled. Jeremy nodded. She turned to me, her smile grew wider. "Ulrich practically made us not eat without you. He was that worried about you."
I blushed, and in the corner of my eye, I spotted Ulrich also blushing.
"Okay, if you guys are going to make us wait longer to eat food, I'm just going to eat anyway." Jeremy said, and brought the bag to the middle of the four us. I was sitting between Ulrich and Aelita, and Jeremy was across from me.
"Alright Einstein." Ulrich smiled, and we all began eating. And for the first time since this whole incident, I was happy to have a moment of peace.
"How are we supposed to sleep?" Aelita asked, and all of us shrugged. We had finished eating a couple of minutes ago, and by looking outside the factory, it was starting to get dark.
"I don't know." Ulrich said, and I looked at my watch.
"It's 7:10 you guys." I said, and all of them looked at me. Then, an idea struck me. "Anybody got a phone?"
"I don't. I accidently left it in my dorm." Aelita said.
"I do." Jeremy said, and as he reached his pocket, he took out his phone. When he looked at his phone, he gasped.
"What is it, Jeremy?" Aelita asked, worried.
"How is my phone dead? I just recharged it this morning, and I didn't even use it at all." Jeremy said, as he pressed buttons on his phone.
"Don't worry you guys, I have my phone." Ulrich searched through his pocket. But when he didn't pull out his hand from his pocket, he cursed. "Dang it. Must have dropped it somewhere."
"And I left my phone at home." I said, losing hope about my plan working. "How do we get a phone? I need it in order to call my parents. I don't think the police have checked my house yet. And if they didn't, I could ask my parents to secretly bring us blankets and pillows."
"That could work." Jeremy said. "But what if the police did come to your house? What then?"
"It's a chance we'll have to take." Ulrich said. "Because I do not want to get sick while being hunted down by the F.B.I.."
"That's two." I counted, as I turned to Aelita. "You in?"
"Sure." She smiled. "What could possibly happen that could be worse than it already is?" I nodded and turned to Jeremy.
"You in too?" I almost pleaded, but kept my voice strong. Jeremy stayed silent for a moment before nodding.
"Yea. I'm in." He smiled. "Like Aelita said, what could possibly get worse?"
But how would we know that things would get a lot worse.
I'm sorry for updating a bit late, but I hope this pretty LONG chapter makes up for it! :)