Diamond of the Day

001. Introduction

His vision swam as he tried to steady himself.

What just happened?

He rubbed his head where a large bump was beginning to rise. His vision clearing, he began assessing the situation

No other damage seemed to have been inflicted to himself or anyone elseā€¦ Save of course for the lad who had run full tilt into him; who was rubbing his head and shooting him a nasty glare.

"Oi, next time, watch where you're going!" He snapped.

Arthur quirked a brow, "And who are you to talk to me that way?"

He smirked, replying, "Merlin. Who are you?"


A/N: The Merlin madness has infected me completely! So here is my set of 100 drabbles. (OMG I just found out a drabble is 100 words! I thought it was 500 or less. Yikes! So this is going to be another challenge!)

Please send me your reviews and feedback.

Hope you all enjoy!
