Natasha is the first to wake up from her small group. Her sig sauer pistol in her hand just in case anyone she deemed untrustworthy could enter. Natasha had been tricked to many times to be any more trustworthy then she already was but Katie and Ella seem stable at the moment.

The music plays which wakes up Katie and Ella and soon Mr Jackson speaks again.

"Morning students" Mr Jackson smiles "Now yesterday saw only two deaths…..tut tut tut I'm afraid some are slacking. You really shouldn't because if you…..beep…beep…..beep…..BOOM"

Natasha growls slightly at Mr Jackson jokes.

"Now let's get on with the deaths from yesterday. Student number 61: Kelly and student number 60: Becky. That is all, I would like to inform you all that you have been here for nearly two weeks and have missed on a lot of homework. Don't worry though, your teachers have saved a large stack of the work for you. Happy killing!"

Natasha takes in a deep breathe at the news of hearing her friends die. No matter how hard she tries to she can't breathe out.

Paul, Tom, Jake and Carlos open a door to an abandoned mansion which lies on top of a large hill. It looks pretty good. Obviously owned by a rich woman who loved to own designer clothes and funny hats. A double bed but no traces of male clothing so either owned by a single woman or a lesbian couple (seems unlikely though since the clothes are all of same sizing and there's only one wardrobe).

"Well where you think the BR act started" Carlos asks the groups

"No idea" Tom sighs "What about why it came to America"

"Same reason it was invented, we got too arrogant. Teenagers thought we could get away with anything" Paul sighs "Let's set out sleeping arrangements.

Carlos can have the double bed tonight, Jake on the couch and me and Jake will have to sleep on the floor. Spare us some pillows so it'll be a bit more comf…"


A bullets hits a wall of the room and the four boys turn to see Taylor smirking almost stroking herself and caressing her legs seductively.

"Hello boys!" she smiles


Another bullet and the boys run. They can't go through the front door but the back door is available.


They rip open the front door and out they come one by one. Paul, Tom, Jake and then Carlos. Carlos turns his head to check to see if Taylor is catching up. Big mistake. The second he turns his head an inch a bullet rips into his ear and bursts out of the other side. Taylor blows a cute kiss to him before seeing Paul, Jake and Tom trying to run down the hill.





The four boys collapse down the hill and Taylor blows some hair out of her eye before walking back into the house.

Down at the bottom of the hill lies the body of Paul, Jake and Tom…..but they aren't dead. Paul seems fine except for a few cuts from falling but no bullet wounds. Jake has one in his shoulder but Tom is covered in them.

"Sh…shame" Tom manages to cough out "Got killed by the sexy bitch, always did want to fuck her"

"Gross" Paul laughs but slightly cries "We'll go back up, we'll go to the house and kill that whore"

"Paul" Tom laughs "She has a gun. Once you get a gun that feel free to blow that bitches brains out, but not now, don't risk your lives at the moment. It's suicide"

Tom coughs a little before remaining still. Paul and Jake slowly stand up and walk away. They wanted to stay but they couldn't be sure whether Taylor was still chasing or whether another psycho is coming.

But they did promise one thing. Taylor's blood will spill the floor.

Eleanor picks up some blades of grass wondering if it's possible to eat them. She and Ashley might run out of food soon and Eleanor had to consider other options.

"Tick….tock" she hears a voice whisper

"Tick tock"

"Hello" Eleanor calls out "Is….is anyone there" stupid question to ask but she thought it could be a friend

"Tick tock"

Grace steps out from behind her tree pointing her gun at Eleanor and laughing.

"Tick tock" Grace repeats smiling like an insane child


Eleanor runs at the sound of the gun shot sprinting through the forest. She didn't move far from the building she and Ashley lived in so she must be there soon. YES she thought as she sees the large building in the distance. Just got to out run Grace. She can see Ashley looking out through a window smiling not yet noticing Grace chasing her and then




Three bullets enter Eleanor and she collapses to the ground. Grace hops around like a rabbit that had just had someone steps on its foot. She half laughs yet half cries before running off all the while Ashley looking on in shock. She felt as if she was the one shot instead. The worst thing is, she didn't even get to say goodbye.



63. Ryan – student 57

62. Daniel – student 13

61. Owen – student 33

60. Kieran – student 40

59. Kayley – student 23

58. John – student 30

57. Chloe – student 21

56. Cara – student 24

55. Callum – student 46

54. Peter – student 31

53. Doug – student 27

52. Cameron – student 62

51. Markus – student 29

50. Megan – student 47

49. Gabriella – student 63

48. Penny – student 43

47. Lauren – student 32

46. Edie – student 49

45. Ellie – student 28

44. Amy – student 14

43. Gabby – student 56

42. Zack – student 25

41. Mike – student 41

40. Ted – student 15

39. Liam – student 50

38. Eve – student 39

37. Jenna – student 26

36. Dylan – student 38

35. Jessica – student 52

34. Lisa – student 58

33. Charlotte – student 44

32. Olivia – student 59

31. Lynette – student 17

30. Imogen – student 45

29. Molly – student 12

28. Theresa – student 3

27. Rebecca – student 34

26. Alice – student 37

25. Kelly – student 61

24. Becky – student 60

23. Carlos – student 6

22. Tom – student 7

21. Eleanor – student 11


Annamaria – student 1

Paul – student 2

Lewis – student 4

Ella – student 5

Taylor – student 8

Abi – student 9

Katie – student 10

Amelia – student 16

Natasha – student 18

Jake – student 19

Kirsty – student 20

Ellis – student 22

Zane – student 35

Natalie – student 36

Grace – student 42

Lucy – student 48

Joe – student 51

Shauna – student 53

Derek – student 54

Ashley – student 55