Elwin – Eternal Love

Note: I wasn't 300 years late with this chapter! *cough a little bit but not 300 years exactly which is good cough* *happy dances into sunset*

Just a note, I am going on holiday today, so I will probably wait until after my holiday and write it along with another chapter to update with.

(This chapter is mainly just fluff between Legolas and Elwin, because the last chapter was mainly to try and move the plot along, and also they've been mad at each other for a while and I want them to be happy. So yeah, not a long chapter, but a least lots of fluffles :3 )

Beta'd by the incredibly awesomeKatie akaUnrequited Hate who totally didn't just type this and who totally isn't hopingLiciwon't readthisthrough again before posting the chapter but she probably (totally) will *troye sivan voice* bYEEEE

(^^ Subtle, Katie… ^-^ thanks for beta-ing for me, though!)

~ Chapter 8 ~

The next morning, as I slowly eased myself back into consciousness, I found myself still tucked tightly in Legolas' arms. He was holding me against his body and I could feel the gentle and steady rise and fall of his chest against my back. His eyes were open, though they were clouded and dim, telling me that the Elf was not quite awake yet.

At first I was surprised to still find Legolas' arms wrapped around me, but it did not take long for me to sink back into the warmth his body radiated, smiling to myself. "What time is it?" I asked aloud, the tone of my voice raspy and not yet accustomed to the early hour.

Eyelids fluttering, the light and colour slowly returned to Legolas' eyes. He stretched his neck to check the others behind us, all still sleeping soundly. "Dawn is just breaking, or at least I assume. Still early."

I liked these little moments between us, when everyone else was asleep, with the blackened pre-dawn violet breaking through the thin slits of windows that hunghigh above our heads. They were quiet and intimate, but we still had the comforting presence of those we love scattered around us.

The space between our lips closed and I instantly drew in my breath and held it for the remainder of our kiss; it would take some time adjusting to as I was still not quite used to this level of intimacy with Legolas, or even harbouring such emotions. Soon, however, I felt the softness of his lips leave my own, though Legolas kept close to me.

Our time alone together, however, was short and we only had a few more moments before Aragorn roused, soon to be followed by the Hobbits and Gimli. Gandalf seemed to already be awake and going about Edoras – or speaking with Théoden, which was more likely – and I suppose we were to join him soon.

Legolas squeezed my hand one more time before we pulled apart and sat up, just as Aragon's shadow fell over us. He raised an eyebrow with a bemused smirk, but Legolas just smiled brightly at the man. "Sleep well?"

Aragorn scanned the distance between us for a second longer and I swear I could almost see the cogs working in his brain – in fact I was pretty sure that Aragorn already knew what was going on but was too polite to say so in front of the two of us.

After a short while, Aragorn nodded slowly. "A small amount, though it was better than I have in a long while – at least after things had calmed down, that is. Come," he knelt and extended a hand to help first pull me to my feet, and then Legolas, "we must meet with Gandalf and Théoden, they will be expecting us."

Our meeting in the main hall was little more than going over what had happened with Pippin the night before (though the King and Gandalf would most likely stay behind after the rest of us had left to continue conversing) and Gandalf reassured us again that the young Hobbit was recovered and had not let slip any information on Frodo or the Ring.

"We have been strangely fortunate. Pippin saw a glimpse of the enemy's plan in

the palantir." We were almost breathing a combined sigh of relief until the Wizard continued with, "Sauron moves to strike the city of Minas Tirith. His defeat at Helm's Deep showed our enemy one thing: he knows the Heir of Elendil has come forth." Gandalf looked over to Aragorn and nodded and I tried not to look surprised – I really did not know much about the backgrounds of my friends (though my memory was not what it used to be, and Aragorn had not exactly made it obvious by parading around in a glittering crown half the time). "He thoughtMen to be weak," Gandalf continued, "but there is courage and strength still, perhaps enough to challenge him. Sauron fears that the peoples of Middle Earth will unite, and will not risk this. If the beacons of Gondor are lit then Rohan must be ready to answer."

"And why should we ride to Gondor's aid?" Théoden cut in, tone laced with bitter spite. "What did they do for us when we were clawing for our lives at Helm's Deep? What do we owe Gondor?"

"I will go," Aragorn suggest, earning a hard glare from both Gandalf and Théoden.


"But they must be warned!"

Gandalf leant low to Aragorn's ear and muttered something that I could not hear; probably something that Théoden would not be too happy about Gandalf saying, which explain the secrecy at least, but what those words actually were I did not know. Then, turning away from Aragorn, Gandalf pointed one gnarled finger at Pippin, who was sitting close beside Merry across from us. "I will be the one to ride to Minas Tirith, and I will not be going alone, Peregrin Took."


Later that day, Gandalf emerged from his discussion long enough to pluck up Pippin and lead him to the stables, with Merry stumbling shortly after his best friend. "Of all the inquisitive Hobbits, Peregrin Took, you are the worst of them! Hurry now!" I caught Gandalf saying loudly as Pippin almost lost his footing and scrambled to keep up.

I had not caught the full final exchange between Merry and Pippin, only witnessed it from afar – Legolas and I had sat in silence, looking over the two Hobbits from a balcony, but I am not sure I wanted to hear what their (hopefully not final) words were anyway; it looked fairly heart-breaking, for both of them, and I made a mental note to go see Merry later on to make sure he was okay.

I knew Legolas could tell I was not feeling as chipper as I usually was, and the sudden warmth of his hand on mine made me look up with a jolt. "You look concerned," I told him off the bat and was rewarded with a short laugh.

"You sound so surprised. If you must know, Elwin, it seems there is never a moment when I am not concerned for you – if I ever go grey, then I shall know who to blame!" Legolas' tone was light but his brow was knitted and I immediately felt guilty – I had not meant for him to worry about me, for whatever reason (though, I must say, it was nice knowing Legolas cared).

"It is nothing," I assured him, "just fretting over shadows, as Éowyn would say."

"You know you can talk to me?" The gentle touch left my hand and instead travelled to my shoulder, drawing me closer to his body and making my heart did a somersaults.

"I know I can, but still I–" I sighed, giving into the warmth. I wasn't lying when I said it was nothing, but Legolas was persistent that something was wrong and I suppose it would be nice to get it off my chest anyhow. "I am not sure why I just realised this, but… everything is so big. There is an entire world out there, and we're fighting for it. Us. I know there are plenty of other soldiers that deserve a mention, but in the end it will be us standing beside Aragorn and Gandalf on the front lines. Does that not overwhelm you? And yet, still, here we are, putting our trust into two tiny Hobbits, no different from Merry and Pippin. Not that I do not trust Frodo and Sam, of course," I added hastily. I was a little afraid I had been ranting for too long now, but once I started it was hard to halt the flow of words. "But… it is hard to place my faith in something I do not fully believe myself. W hat if we fail?"

Legolas rubbed my arm and pressed a kiss onto my head. "We will not fail. Somebody has to stand next to Aragorn on the front line and who better than those who he trusts?" Another soft peck, this time on my lips, and I tried to hang onto the tingle that was left behind for as long as I could. "I know it can seem a lot to handle at times… especially as you were not initially intended to join this quest, and I fear you have been dragged into something far bigger than any of us could ever imagine. But I do not regret your addition… even if I did at first," he added with a wince and I could not help but giggle.

"Let us change the subject then, something more cheery, perhaps?" I took a quick moment to think something up while Legolas stared down at me, an amused expression toying with his features. "What do you plan to do after all… this is over?" I asked finally, gesturing to the world around us – 'this' was not a particularly clear way of phrasing the desolation and war occurring in our beautiful Arda, but Legolas understood.

"Return home, I suppose," he replied with a contented sigh, "although I did promise Gimli I would one day show him my father's realm and Fangorn once the darkness has left, and he in turn wanted to show me the Glittering Caves and some Dwarvish caverns… but it would be nice to return home to see my father before I head off again. Besides myself, he does not have any other family, and so I am sure he would want to see me as well." A short pause where Legolas coughed and his gaze fluttered away from mine. "You could come with me. I mean, only if you wished to, of course, I would never–"

I cut him off with a laugh and Legolas gave me a sheepish smile. "I would like that. I cannot even begin to tell you how long it has been since I've been in Mirkwood, andI would like to go back."

"You do not think they will miss you in Firenzei?"

"If they ever did, then I am sure by now they have recovered. Besides, I'd much rather go back with you, if– if that's okay."

A shared smile, and then he kissed me, though it was not gentle and short like the other times. It was more like our first (proper) kiss in the infirmary; full and passionate and needy and brimming with magic. Somehow, I was brought back to clinging to him like a leaf to a branch in the autumn time, and Legolas graciously accepted the positive response. He hooked his hand in the small of my back and I wrapped one arm around his neck, running the other across his chest, and amongst all of the dizziness and fluttering heart beats I had to remind myself stay grounded and possibly not faint.

For now, however, I was content to feel his breath come and go with mine, and what a perfect distraction it was for such desolate times.