sorry for the long delay but I had writers block and haven't had much time lately, I wouldn't expect updates often I just can't seem to find the time at the moment.
BadazzEXE - about the whole DBZ villains being involved, I was considering it but you'll have to wait (and hope i continue this) and the main characters as plot devices I can't decide which characters to include and which not to.
Ultimate Black Ace – you were right about the whole Gohan being branded as a cheater, I tried to fix that a little in this chapter. thanks for letting me know
Benji-C - I didn't think of Gohan being able to heal someone, definitely an interesting idea I just worry that Gohan would become too overpowered.
123GOHANZ - I can't answer that. (mostly because I haven't decided yet)
final-zangetsu - I'm not sure yet.
A week had passed since the first floor boss fight. After the defeat of the first boss, players that hadn't left the starting city were inspired to go out and start levelling, and many had teleported through to the main city of the second floor – Sukiru. The city Sukiru was heavily based around levelling up ones skills, almost half the city was designated to blacksmithing, tailoring and leatherworking.
While the first floor seemed to be designed to get one used to levelling and combat the second seemed designed to teach the players about skills.
So I was exploring one the last unmapped regions in the second floor – whilst every region had been mapped by one person or another I preferred to map each area myself as often times others missed important details or useful information.
Trudging through the dense forest, that seemed reminiscent of the rainforest in reality, I heard the almost constant cries of different creatures, the air was very humid and made mapping this region a pain. The only sight was differing leaves and branches that crossed and obscured anything further than 3 metres away.
It was then that I stumbled upon a clearing with many tree stumps and long grass almost as high as the waist. The clearing is much brighter than the surrounding forest. Looking at the clearing it was impossible to miss the tent that is unmistakably Mongolian. The Yurt (I remembered from my studies) had a small fire next to it with the faintest of smoke rising into the sky.
As I stood there the yurt rustled and out stepped a heavyset man in a white Gi, he was bald, had blue eyes and stood at almost 6 foot 6 inches but the most noticeable feature was the painted whisker on his face. The golden question mark above his head told me he had a quest for me and was an NPC.
"I am the infamous turtle master. Do you wish to learn martial arts?" the NPC stated. He's supposed to be master Roshi? I can't wait to tell the others. Holding back my laughter I nodded.
"Follow me then." The NPC said before turning around and exiting the clearing. For the next ten minutes the NPC lead me through the undergrowth before stopping in another clearing, this time much smaller and instead of a yurt in the centre was a rock the size of a bear. The NPC walked over to me pulling a paint brush from his Gi, drawing whisker on my face he said;
"Now you are under my tutorage once you can destroy the rock I will be able to teach you." The NPC said sounding almost bored.
I stared in shock at the NPC for a few seconds to see if the NPC was joking, before walking over to the rock and drawing my sword. Running through several katas and most of my sword skills told me that destroying the rock was possible, as upon being hit a health bar appeared however whilst it was possible the rock had a massive amount of health and my sword was losing durability much faster than it was destroying the rock. Giving up on the sword quickly, I thought about my options. Minutes passed as I considered what to do then I realised that whilst the rock had an unbelievably high health it didn't regain any health so whilst It would take a long time I could wear it down slowly, the only problem being if I left the area for too long the combat would be considered ended and the health would return to full so I couldn't repair my sword every so often. Leaving me only one option to bring the rock down incredibly slowly with martial arts since my fists and feet didn't have durability.
The next few hours were filled with me flowing through different katas slamming into the rock with precision and accuracy, pausing only to check the rock's health. Whilst I could simply stand in front of the rock and punch it repeatedly stringing attacks together increased the pace and number of hits per minute. As the sun set behind me I inspected the damage I had done, the rock had many chips and small cracks around the edges whilst it health was in the yellow. During the course of the day I had struck every section of the rock at least once which showed me there were no parts of the rock that would give me a critical hit.
Throughout the night I continued attacking the rock, my form slowly slipping and my hits becoming sloppy due to mental exhaustion. As midnight neared I reached the midway point only halfway after all that? Sighing I got back to trying to kill the rock, By the time dawn had arrived the rock started showing signs of my attack – deep cracks began spreading across its surface and larger chips fell off. It was then that my DPS increased as attacking the cracks gave an increased damage; it was like a critical hit but not nearly as much of a boost to damage.
Before noon I had reduced the rock to red and soon after defeated the rock, which crumbled into nothing upon my last hit.
"Well done!" Turning to the voice I realized the NPC hadn't moved all night was I that focused that I forget him?
"Now I shall teach you the basics of martial arts, it will be up to you to master it."
A golden exclamation mark appeared above his head – indicating a completed quest, As I walked over to him a message box appeared stating that I'd finished the quest the rewards and a short paragraph that was supposedly from the NPC about martial arts. The rewards include a tiny amount of col and experience and a new skill – martial arts. I closed the message and opened my menu, scrolling through I found the skills section. Firstly equipping the martial arts skill into one of my three skill slots (a third had been unlocked at the tenth level) Secondly I opened the martial arts skill and read the description:
Increases hand to hand combat damage, allows use of sword skills without weapons (referred to as attack skills) allows the player to input their own combinations.
Their own combinations? So I can put in some of my katas, this should be interesting. A smirk spread across my face, I had just become much deadlier. Closing the window I saw a golden question hovering above the NPC's head. Initiating the quest I found out that the "turtle master" had an easy quest line that was designed to get the player used to using the martial arts skill.
The rest of the second floor was largely uneventful . . . that is until I found out there were rumours going around that I was a beta tester, a cheater, a "beater". Apparently the player that had called me a cheater after the boss fight had fabricated stories about me suggesting I was scum and people shouldn't trust me, this only become apparent when I went into Sukiru – the main city of the second floor. Players avoided me, spoke about me when they thought I wouldn't be able to hear and giving me dirty looks when they thought I wouldn't notice. Some went as far as to refuse to trade with me when I wanted to sell my drops or repair my gear – though there were some that couldn't afford to turn down business.
The dislike for me was most noticeable during the boss meeting when I was told in no uncertain terms that I wasn't wanted. That was until Agil stood up for me, pointing out that whilst I may have been a beater it didn't matter because we were all in this together and that I would be useful in a boss fight. During the boss meeting, I was told the boss was a giant snapper turtle with high defence, the groupings consisted of a tank group and five DPS groups. The snapper turtle was eight feet tall with a light blue shell and skin that was a dark maroon, the boss room was a long strip of beach surrounded by luminescent water that reached about five feet deep, all this in an oval shaped dome cave that was very dark except for the water. As we entered the room I noticed there were small waves softly lapping at the shore.
"Raaaaaaaa!" the angry cry drew our attention to the boss which stood at the opposite end of the room looking almost proud. Both us and the boss charged clashing in the centre in a crash of shouts and metal striking flesh and shell.
The raid lasted a long time, it was ten minutes before the boss' health reached the halfway mark – which is when everything went wrong. The boss roared again and reared back much like a horse would before slamming back down onto the ground creating a shockwave of force sending anyone near the boss to be sent ricocheting away. This seemed to be a call as not ten seconds later Adds appeared, slithering out of the water were several anacondas. At least half of the DPS groups broke off to tackle the new foes. Simultaneously the boss began to use attack skills, which caused a bleed status to affect the target of the attack. Before long the raid had become a shambles the tanks were panicking as they ran out of potions, the DPS were uncoordinated and too many were trying to deal with the Adds. Deciding enough was enough I grabbed one of the few people I knew in the raid – Agil.
"Agil! We need to do something or everyone is going to die!" I shouted to be heard of the din of battle.
"I know but what?" He replied clearly frustrated.
"get the DPS groups under control and deal with the adds, then come help me with the boss . . . I've got an idea." I said, smirking at the end.
Running over to the tank group I quizzed them on the boss' tactics and also found out that none of them that were left were in fighting shape (most being low yellow or red). Telling the raid leader (who was in the tank group) to go help Agil to organise everyone else I turned and left heading toward the boss.
As I reached the boss I realized that the raid had lost several members from the dropped items surrounding it. With no players near it, the boss quickly targeted me charging forward I unleash a flurry of fast strikes into it's side before jumping back to avoid it's snapping jaws. I soon settled into a rythm of attacking whilst dodging the boss, whilst it was faster than me because of it's stats my experience let me avoid most of it's attacks whilst retaliating with my martial art skills - i had abandoned my sword for the faster, although weaker, punches and kicks of my martial arts. It was not long until I realized that other than a very high defence and it could cause a bleed status the boss was weak, it wasn't very fast and was predictable. This meant that I could easily dodge around almost all it's attacks. A few minutes into my fight with the boss Agil arrived with several groups of DPS to help fight the boss with me.
The next twenty minutes consisted of me attempting to avoid the boss' attacks whilst I was mostly successful I came dangerously close to dying several times, at which point one the tanks took over for a few seconds to let me drink a potion.
As soon as the boss shattered in a million polygons everyone sighed in relief, some wiped their brows and a few sank to the floor unable to concentrate on standing any longer. The only thing that had dropped was a shield that resembled the boss' shell and negated low levelled status effects (like the bleed effect that had just caused a lot of trouble). It quickly became apparent that about a quarter of the raid had died – 11 people in all. The mood after that was sombre and soon everyone left, wanting to put that day behind them.