Hey folks! Here's another chapter! Hope it didn't take too long!
'Anti-Stella is up to something nefarious, and she's using Stella to make it happen! Can Tootie, Timmy and Cosmo put a stop to Anti-Fairy World's latest evil plan?'
A jagged blue lightning bolt struck a tall, thin, purple tower at exactly 12:00 o'clock. It marked the start of another bleak, depressing day in Anti-Fairy world. The tower which had been struck belonged to one Anti-Stella Anti-Persimmon Anti-Stellar, who was currently floating about in circles in her circular room. Her hands were folded neatly behind her back, and there was a look of calculated cunning on her face. Nearby, a muscular, leather-jacket clad Anti-Fairy reclined on a dark-purple sofa, eating chips.
"Anti-Florence." said Anti-Stella, breaking the crunchy silence.
"Whum?" muffled Anti-Florence through a mouthful of chips.
"I've come up with a plan to successfully conquer the Fairies." she said. Anti-Stella was always direct and to-the-point. She didn't dilly-dally, she didn't beat around the bush. That's what Stella did, and as everyone knows, Anti-Fairies are stark opposites of Fairies.
"Oh? Good job!" said Anti-Florence, sticking up a greasy, crumby thumb.
"We Anti-Fairies have always tried to use force to conquer our Fairy adversaries, which has never worked. Therefor, my plan involves trickery and deceit." continued Anti-Stella, ignoring her companion's gesture of congratulation. "We have often failed because the Fairies have caught on to our plans. I intend to render the Fairies so stupid, that they won't have a chance against us."
"Mais alors, so what if they're stupid? Won't make any difference to us." said Anti-Florence, shrugging, "Most Anti-Fairies are violent idiots, anyway."
"Obviously," said Anti-Stella, icily, "You are one of those idiots."
Before Anti-Florence could give an angry retort, she was suddenly inches from his face, snarling.
"Fairies and Anti-Fairies are attached by a feedback loop. Any change made to a Fairy DIRECTLY affects their Anti-Fairy counterpart. If we make all the Fairies stupid, we will become exceedingly SMART, which will enable us to control the Fairies. UNDERSTAND?"
"Yes ma'am." said Anti-Florence, looking peevish, but also cowed.
"Good. My plan is as follows…" said Anti-Stella, turning away from Anti-Florence to gaze out the window, into the cloudy grey sky…
"Look out, Chin!" shouted Cleft, the boy-chin wonder, pointing to a gauge on the side of a large, shaking machine. The gauge's needle was quivering in the red zone. "We may have overloaded Farm-Boy's pig laser by running too much electricity through it, but now it's going to explode!"
"Right you are, Cleft!" said the Crimson Chin, "Let's get out of here!"
"Tootie, why are you watching the Crimson Chin television show?" asked Florence, popping up next to Tootie, who was sitting on her bed, watching the aforementioned show intently.
"Timmy likes this show, so I'm trying to learn more about it, so we can like it together!" said Tootie.
"Ah." said Florence, nodding. "Stella?"
Stella appeared.
"Hi Florence! What's up?"
"I need you to pick up the shopping," said Florence, handing Stella a list, "I'm trying to figure out what to do with that giant iguana."
Florence jerked a thumb at the large iguana from their encounter with Florence's cousin Guillaume. It was sitting, curled up behind Tootie's bed, looking a little sad.
"Why don'tcha just wish it away?" said Stella.
"Tootie says it would be sad for the iguana to stop existing." replied Florence.
"Oh. Yeah." said Stella, nodding in agreement. "Well, I'll go do the shopping then! Bye-bye!"
She gave Florence a quick kiss on the cheek, then patted Tootie's head, then disappeared.
She reappeared in the middle of Fairy world, and looked around. The shopping mall was nearby. Stella made a beeline for it, checking out her list.
"I need…" she began, out loud, only to bump into someone, causing her to start backwards. The bump had sent a static shock right through her, momentarily disorienting her. When she looked up to see who she'd hit, she gasped.
"Hello, Stella." said Anti-Stella, levelling her gaze at her counterpart. Stella balled her hands into fists.
"What are you doing here?!" she cried, glaring at Anti-Stella, "You better not be trying to hurt anyone!"
"No, I am not here to cause harm, in fact, quite the opposite." said Anti-Stella, approaching her counterpart. She put on a pitiable, contrite expression, and clasped her hands. "I've decided to reform. I want to help my fellow Anti-Fairies become good magical beings."
"You do?!" said Stella, her jaw dropping.
"Yes! I do." said Anti-Stella, nodding vigorously, "But I can't do it all on my own. The other Anti-Fairies would never agree to reform, which is why I want to build a machine that makes Anti-Fairies good, a sort of Goodinater, if you will."
"That sounds wonderful!" said Stella, her eyes brimming with tears. Then she frowned. "But how can I tell you're not lying?"
"I'm not." said Anti-Stella, flatly.
"Oh! Okay!" said Stella, cheerfully. Then she frowned again. "Waaaaiiit… How do I know you aren't lying about not lying?"
Anti-Stella gave a loud sigh and waved her wand. A lie detector appeared in a puff of black smoke and she hooked herself up to it.
"What's that?" asked Stella, looking at it curiously.
"It's a lie detector. When you tell the truth, it dings and blinks green." said Anti-Stella. The lie detector dinged and blinked green. Stella clapped.
"Say something else true!"
"I want to build a machine that will change Anti-Fairies for the better."
The machine dinged and blinked green, again. Stella was greatly amused.
"Okay! I believe you!" she said, happily, "Now, say something false!"
"I don't find your antics irritating or mind-numbing."
The lie-detector buzzed harshly and blinked red. Stella clapped with glee. Anti-Stella rolled her eyes and snapped her fingers. Anti-Florence appeared in a puff of black smoke, seized Stella and disappeared, along with Anti-Stella.
Stella showed up back at the Tremmorten household, smiling widely.
"Stella, did you get the groceries?" said Florence, "I was wrong about the flies, Iguanas are herbivores.."
"Flo, the best thing just happened!" said Stella, ignoring her partner and doing a pirouette, "I just saw–"
"You didn't get the groceries?" interrupted Florence, looking exasperated, "Oh well, I suppose I can just conjure them up…"
He waved his wand and a dozen items appeared on the floor next to him. Several of them were not the items themselves, but rather, items that rhymed with the items he wanted. Florence cursed and waved his wand again. The mistakes were corrected. He sighed.
"I'm going to feed the Iguana, watch over Tootie for me, alright?" said Florence, picking up a head of lettuce and waving it nervously at the large Iguana. Stella looked slightly hurt that Florence had cut her off, but she shrugged and whizzed over to Tootie.
"Tootie, Tootie, guess what?!" said Stella, excitedly.
"Not now Stella," said Tootie holding up a hand, "I'm trying to figure out what's the coolest thing in Crimson Chin episode twenty-five so I can discuss it with Timmy… Ooh, I hope it's the shark-men, I'm never sure if they're really as cool as I think they're supposed to be…"
Stella's shoulders sagged and her face fell. It was obvious everyone was busy… She decided that she didn't need to tell them about her encounter with Anti-Stella. Instead, she decided to begin the extra-special super-mission she'd been assigned by Anti-Stella to help her.
"I'm counting on you." Anti-Stella had said, looking very seriously at Stella. Nobody had ever counted on Stella before. She felt important.
Stella withdrew the list she'd been given by Anti-Stella. There were a lot of names on it. She knew she had her work cut out for her, but she wasn't the type to shirk.
A few weeks passed. Florence was making progress with the iguana. He'd been looking for zoos with the perfect balance between 'well enough funded to care for its animals' and 'not well enough funded so that it would take an animal mysteriously left on its doorstep'.
Tootie had been making progress on the Crimson Chin TV series. She didn't find it particularly interesting, but she watched in dutifully all the same. Timmy would be delighted to know she knew all about his favourite show!
But, while they'd had time to think, they'd begun to wonder about Stella. She'd been acting oddly lately; popping in and out of wherever they were and grinning furtively.
After two solid weeks of Stella popping in and out, Florence finally decided to ask her about it. He knew he should have asked earlier, but he hated confrontation, and if the meeting turned ugly… He enlisted Tootie's help, for moral support.
"Stella..?" he said, nervously, approaching his fellow Fairy Godparent. Stella, who was looking at a list, quickly stuffed it into her pocket and turned around.
"What's up, Flo?" she asked, cheerily.
"I… well… I… eur…" Florence stammered and twisted his hands together before finally forcing out his question, "What have you been doing all this time? Where have you been going to?"
"Oh! That…" Stella looked a little unsure, but then she brightened. "Well…I was gonna surprise ya… but what the hey! I've only just finished the list! Come with me!"
Stella whipped out her wand and gave it a twirl. In a loud 'surprise!' poof, the group appeared in a dark, cavernous chamber filled with softly glowing lights and whirring machinery."
"Stella!" said a voice from the shadows.
Stella, Florence and Tootie spun around to look in the direction of the voice. Anti-Stella floated out of the darkness wearing a pair of thick rubber gloves and a smock. She was oil-stained and glaring, which made her look intimidating. Her orange eyes -so similar to Stella's, yet so unfamiliar- glowed like hot coals.
"Ah. You brought your friends. But I suppose this is better. There is no way they can stop me anyway."
"What are you doing, Anti-Stella?!" shouted Tootie, taking a step forwards and glaring angrily at the Anti-Fairy.
"Why, hasn't Stella told you?" said Anti-Stella, innocently. "I'm making a machine that will help the Anti-Fairies become better…"
She snapped her fingers. Anti-Florence and another Anti-Fairy appeared. Anti-Florence approached Stella menacingly, then stopped and scowled.
"Um… come with me." he said, seemingly uncomfortable that he wasn't throwing his weight around.
"Okay!" said Stella, cheerfully.
"Stella!" shrieked Florence, flying to her side, "What are you doing?!"
"It's okay, Flo!" said Stella, seemingly oblivious to the way Anti-Florence and his cohort moved to flank Florence, "I'm helping to make the world a better place!"
"Yes, yes," said Anti-Stella, impatiently, "Quickly now."
Florence attempted to race towards Stella and prevent her from going, but Anti-Florence grabbed his hand. A loud popping, zapping sound arose as both magical creatures winced. Green sparks emitted from the place where their bare skin touched, and both of them seemed to be feeling ill effects. Tootie hoped whatever was happening would make Anti-Florence let go, but instead, Anti-Florence made an effort to squeeze Florence's hand tightly. Florence went pale and slumped over in mid air; Anti-Florence grinned, sweat standing on his brow, and dropped his opposite's hand.
Meanwhile, the lights were coming up all around the chamber, illuminating many blinking computers and a great glass dome in the middle. The dome was set on top of a large metal base covered in blinking lights and exposed diodes, punctuated by a large gauge that was pointing to the very far edge of green.
The dome was filled with Fairies. Despite their baleful surroundings, the Fairies seemed fairly content. Some played with small objects, others chewed on snacks, still others simply floated in mid air. A soft bluish aura was issuing from the fairies, filling the dome with a softly glowing blue light.
Anti-Stella waved her wand and a tube dropped from the ceiling. The tube sucked Stella into it and then deposited her inside the dome. Blue aura immediately began coming off of her. She smiled and waved to Tootie, who was supporting a slowly recovering Florence.
"Now my plan is complete, and you can't do a thing about it!" said Anti-Stella, smiling with lidded coal-bright eyes.
"No way!" shouted Tootie, "Florence–"
But in that moment, Anti-Stella flicked a switch on the wall. A loud humming filled the chamber as well as a metallic grinding. The ceiling began to open and a great satellite dish rose from the ground. The dish swivelled about and then stopped. Its antennae crackled and then permeated the area with a soft blue ray.
"What–What is this?!" yelped Tootie, looking around quickly, trying to figure out what effect the rays were causing. There didn't seem to be any fires or explosions. Nothing suggesting a violent take over. She turned to ask Florence, but flinched when she saw him. He was floating in the air, looking confused, his eyes unfocused.
"Où suis-je?" said Florence, tipping his head to one side. He turned to Tootie. "Tootie! Qu'est-ce-qui se passe?"
Tootie stared, open mouthed.
"Florence! What are you saying?!"
Florence flinched. "Tootie! Je ne vous comprends pas!"
Tootie turned on Anti-Stella. "What did you do?!"
"I simply harvested the stupidity from several idiotic Fairies to nullify the IQ of all of Fairy World while pretending I was making a machine to reform Anti-Fairies." said Anti-Stella, airily. She flickered her gaze to Florence. "It looks like M. Florence has forgotten how to speak or understand English. What a shame… I guess you can't make wishes anymore."
The Anti-Fairy grinned wickedly at Tootie. "But don't worry… I'm not a monster. I'll send you two home."
Anti-Stella waved her wand. As Tootie disappeared in a puff of black smoke, the last thing she heard was a soft, triumphant voice whispering: "Enjoy the new world…"
When Tootie reappeared in her room, she quickly turned to check on Florence. He was looking a little surprised. Then he smiled.
"Ma maison!"
He dived towards the mouse cage, but forgot to turn into a mouse. He crashed into the cage and dented it. Tootie rushed to his side as he began to cry.
"Ow! Ça fait mal… Où est Stella?"
Tootie assumed he was asking for her Fairy Godmother. She desperately tried to communicate to him what had happened, but she didn't know a word of French. She debated what to do as she patted Florence on the head to calm him down.
She decided that she first needed to check if Anti-Stella's machine had really made all Fairies stupid. She looked out the window then, to see it raining frogs. She sighed.
"That doesn't look good."
Who else had Fairies? Remi? She could visit Remi. But no… she didn't have her Winslow disguise, and besides, if what was happening to Florence was happening to Juandissimo, she'd be out of luck.
Then it hit her. Timmy! Of course! She'd been so preoccupied she'd forgotten all about her true love. He and Wanda, Cosmo and Poof would be able to help!
"Okay Florence," said Tootie, nervously, causing Florence to look up at her, "I wish I was at Timmy's house."
He didn't understand. She'd have to go on foot, in that case. She sighed. Now she'd need to somehow ask Florence to disguise himself.
"Florence, can you disguise yourself as a… a kitten?"
"Quoi?" Florence still didn't get it. He pouted. "Je m'ennuie… J'veux jouer un jeux!"
Tootie could make neither heads nor tails of this. She thought hard. His tone and body language suggested boredom. Was he bored? She tried to think of some way to entertain him and also make him disguise himself… then she had an idea. She raced to her closed, rooted around in it and then retrieved a ball of yard.
"Florence! Kitty! Meow! Meow!" she said, waving the ball at Florence. Florence's eyes brightened.
Florence grinned and nodded, then changed into a little blue cat. He gambolled up to Tootie and leapt upon the ball of yarn. Tootie quickly scooped him up and carried him outside. She rushed down the streets, avoiding treading on frogs, hoping to get to Timmy's house before Florence changed back accidentally.
When she arrived at Timmy's she rung the doorbell a couple of times, impatiently. Mrs. Turner came to the door.
"Oh, hello Tootie!" she said cheerfully, "Is this about the Sugar Cream Puff's outing next Sunday?"
"No, Scout Mistress Turner," Tootie said politely, "I need to see Timmy. Um. Homework assignment."
"Alright!" said Mrs. Turner. She let Tootie run inside and mount the stairs to Timmy's room. She burst in the door. Timmy was standing inside, babbling furiously. He jumped when he heard the door swing.
"Ssh! Timmy, it's me!"
Timmy looked only slightly relieved.
"Right now's a bad time Tootie!" he said in a strained voice, "Wanda and Poof are acting really weird."
"I know, that's what I'm here about! I can tell you why!"
Tootie checked out the room as she said this. There was a big red couch in the middle of it, facing a large TV. The TV was playing some kind of television show that was eliciting brainless giggles from its viewers every time an inane joke was uttered.
Cosmo and Wanda were sitting on the red couch, eating popcorn and laughing their heads off. Poof was nearby. He was in the form of a balloon, and he kept blowing himself up and then letting all the air out, whizzing around in circles and making a sputtering, flatulent sound. It seemed to amuse him to no end.
Florence, seeing the flickering television, changed back into a fairy and glided over to join Cosmo and Wanda.
Timmy approached Tootie.
"What's going on?"
"It's the Anti-Fairies!" said Tootie, urgently "They've made some kind of Stupid-Machine that affects Fairies! Florence is so dumb he's forgotten how to speak English!"
"Well, that explains it," said Timmy, glancing at the couch, "Wanda and Poof just started acting like idiots, right out of the blue." He scowled a little. "Cosmo's still his usual self, though."
"We have to stop the Anti-Fairies! Look outside!" cried Tootie, motioning to the froggy storm.
"I know! Frogs! And all the fire-hydrants have turned disco-patterned!" said Timmy.
"Weird." said Tootie.
"I guess it's from a bunch of wishes stupidly gone wrong…" said Timmy, beginning to pace. "And without Jorgen being smart enough to enforce the rules, some pretty crazy stuff might happen… We need to get to Anti-Fairy world and stop the machine… but how?"
Tootie thought. She thought about the huge machine, and any weaknesses it might have. She thought about the glowing lights, the metal base, the tube, the gauge…
The gauge..!
A memory floated to the surface of her mind from what seemed an age ago. A gauge, a gauge pointing to red, heralding doom to a certain pig-laser…
"That's it!" cried Tootie.
"What's it?" said Timmy.
"There was a gauge on the side of the machine," explained Tootie, "And you said Cosmo's been unchanged by the stupidity-ray… That might mean that Cosmo's the stupidest Fairy in the universe!"
"So?" said Timmy, uncomprehending.
"If we get Cosmo into the machine, his super-stupidity might be so much that it'll overload the ray and make it explode!"
"Thats it!" cried Timmy, pounding his fist into his palm, "Great idea!"
"You think so?" said Tootie, batting her eyelashes.
"But not perfect," said Timmy hastily, backing away, "We still need to get to Anti-Fairy World without them knowing who we are, and trick them into putting Cosmo into the machine…"
"Well, Stella was helping the Anti-Fairies by bringing stupid Fairies to the machine…" said Tootie, thinking about Stella's 'surprise'. Timmy looked shocked. Tootie waved her hands frantically, "She was tricked! She was tricked into it! They told her the machine would make them good!"
"Well then, the only way we'll get in is if we look like we're stupid Fairies, right?" said Timmy.
"Yeah!" agreed Tootie. Then she frowned. "How do we do that?"
"Well…" said Timmy, slowly, "It's a long-shot, but once, I wished I could switch places with my Godparents. You can't wish a kid into a Fairy, but you can switch powers with one!"
"But if we turn ourselves into Fairies, won't we be affected by the stupidity ray?" asked Tootie, shrewdly.
"I don't think so," said Timmy, thinking hard, "When I turned into a Fairy, I didn't know anything about magic. I think our brains stay the same, so the ray won't affect us…"
"Well, I think you better test it on me, first." said Tootie, "Since you've got the only Fairy that understands you or will be able to complete a wish even half-well."
Timmy looked mystified.
"Cosmo." clarified Tootie.
"Right!" said Timmy. He paused. "Are you… sure you wanna go first?"
Tootie smiled widely at Timmy.
"You care!"
Timmy scowled and hunched his shoulders.
"Cosmo, I wish Tootie and her Godfather switched places!"
"Okay Timmy!" said Cosmo, distractedly. He turned around and waved his wand. In a moment, Florence was stripped of his wand, wings and beret. He didn't seem to notice. Tootie, on the other hand, found herself becoming very light. She floated into the air, suddenly in possession of a pair of silvery, translucent fly-wings. A crown appeared above her head and a wand slid itself into her hand.
"How do you feel?" asked TImmy, nervously.
"Light." said Tootie. She floated from side to side. "This is weird!"
"But not stupid?" Timmy verified.
"Nope. Pi is still 3.141."
"Huh?" said Timmy.
"I'm fine!" said Tootie, exasperatedly, "Now you go!"
"Cosmo, I wish I switched places with Wanda!" said Timmy. Cosmo complied as he had before, and soon Timmy was floating towards Cosmo and beckoning Tootie over.
"Lets go, Cosmo!" said Timmy, "We have to save the world from the Anti-Fairies!"
"But I wanna watch more Mr. Young!" cried Cosmo, pouting.
"You can always watch it when you get back," said Timmy, exasperatedly.
"But it only comes on sometimes!" protested Cosmo.
"You have magic! You can just poof it on!" snarled Timmy.
"Oh yeah!" said Cosmo. "Oookaaay."
He got off the couch and floated over to Timmy.
"Say Timmy, you look awful floaty today!" he remarked.
"Yeah yeah, we gotta go to Anti-Fairy world! I wish we were there!"
Cosmo whimpered. "But we can't poof in there! It's dangerous!"
"Then poof us to the edge, but do it NOW!" cried Timmy. "I wish we were at the edge of Anti-Fairy world!"
Cosmo waved his wand. The three Fairies appeared above a large bank of clouds, which seemed to get darker as they continued into the distance. Behind a mass of curly, barbed-wire-like thorns, a large splintered sign rose out of the clouds proclaiming "Anti-Fairy World!", pointing sharply towards a spiky purple rainbow.
"C'mon Cosmo, lets go!" said Timmy, yanking on Cosmo's arm.
"I'm scared!" said Cosmo, shivering.
"Don't be scared Cosmo, we're here for you!" said Tootie, patting Cosmo comfortingly on the back."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes!" said Tootie, "Now LET'S GO!"
The three Fairies made their way through the dark, dilapidated streets of Anti-Fairy world.
"Which way do we go?" said Timmy in a low voice, looking around at the eerie stone buildings apprehensively.
"Towards the huge satellite dish!" said Tootie, pointing.
When the three Fairies finally reached the building with the satellite dish, they were stopped by two Anti-Fairies, toting wands.
"Stop!" said one Anti-Fairy, holding up a hand, "No fay are allowed to enter these premises!"
"Duuuuhhh we're just here to do the thing Stella said to do duuuuuhhh…" said Tootie, hoping this would convince the guards of their dull-minded trustworthiness. The Anti-Fairy guards squinted at them suspiciously.
"Oh yeah..? Stella, you say? Here for the 'thing'?"
"A big special machine that helps Anti-Fairies be nice!" said Timmy, also putting on a simpleton voice. "Dooooyyy." he added, for good measure.
The guards seemed to relent a little. "Hmm… Your story seems to be credible… but tell us, what is two plus two?"
"Duhhh… Five?" said Timmy.
"Ooh! Ooh! …Fourteen?" said Tootie, waving her arms.
"Kumquat!" said Cosmo, confidently.
The Anti-Fairy guards parted and then escorted them to the inner chamber.
"Ms. Anti-Stella," called one guard, "These Fairies have shown up, they say they've been instructed to enter the machine by the Fairy known as Stella."
Anti-Stella frowned a little. "They weren't on the list."
"Duuuuhhh, Stella said we'd get in!" said Tootie quickly, hoping Anti-Stella would take the bait, "We really wanted to help…"
"Yeah!" said Timmy, "We sure do wanna go in the shiny glassy thing!"
Anti-Stella smirked. "A little more idiocy won't hurt. It can only serve to strengthen us. Very well."
The tube once more dropped from the ceiling and snaked towards them, then sucked all three fairies inside the dome. The inside of the dome was humid, and sound was warped as if they were underwater.
"Okay Cosmo," said Timmy, turning to his Godparent urgently, "Do what you do best!"
"Corn dogs?" asked Cosmo, "There's no batter in here."
The aura that was beginning to issue from Cosmo spiked a little, and glowed brighter than the rest.
"Uhh– Sure!" said Timmy, "Um, Cosmo, where do, uh, where do Corn Dogs come from?" asked Timmy, hoping to speed the process.
"Oh, that's easy!" said Cosmo, "Schnitzel land! Land of the free wieners! Its capitol is Bratwurstalania, but the favourite tourist location is Sausageston, home of the giant Hot-Dog-asaurus!"
"It's working!" said Tootie, watching Cosmo's aura grow brighter and brighter, "Keep going!"
"Uhh, Cosmo!" said Timmy, "Tell me about how airplanes fly!"
"Well that's easy!" said Cosmo, cheerfully, "The humans put magic peanuts in the under-part of the plane, to attract magic peruvian flying squirrels! The squirrels fly around, eating the nuts, and their nut-farts fill up the under part of the plane with gas so it floats off the ground! For jets, they include cherry sodas so the squirrels' burps power the spinny-pushy-thingies!"
Cosmo's aura was blinding now, and panicked voices were coming from outside.
"We're almost there!" cried Tootie, "We just need one more push!"
Timmy thought for a moment, then shouted: "WHEN'S WANDA'S BIRTHDAY?!"
"I DON'T KNOW!" shouted Cosmo. There was a thunderous buzzing sound, Cosmo was obscured by a blinding blue flash which obliterated everything. All Tootie could see was white, all she could hear was rushing, all she could feel was pain. Then… slowly… things quieted down and came back into view… She was lying on top of a piece of rubble. The rubble stirred.
"Oh gosh! Timmy!" cried Tootie, rolling off of him and floating into the air. Timmy coughed and sat up. He also floated into the air and peered around.
The entire room was wrecked. Pieces of machinery and stone were laying everywhere, and the ground was strewn with groggily stirring Fairies. One of those Fairies rushed to Tootie and Timmy, sobbing.
The two females embraced.
"You're a Fairy!"
"How'd you recognize me!"
"I may be dumb, but I know my goddaughter! Ohh Tootie! I've been so– So STUPID!"
Stella proceeded to sob into Tootie's shoulder, shaking. There was a rumble. A pile of rubble a few feet away broke open. Anti-Stella rose from it, looking livid.
"YOU!" she snarled. "YOU!"
"NO YOU!" shouted Stella, turning around furiously to glare at her opposite. "How DARE you trick me into making all of Fairy-World stupid!"
"You'll pay for this!" retorted Anti-Stella, "I was THIS close to finally doing what even Anti-Cosmo could not!"
Both counterparts rushed at each-other.
"Stella, NO!" shouted Tootie.
Stella and Anti-Stella locked hands. The zapping, popping sound rose again with a great shower of green sparks. Both magical creatures struggled, as if arm-wrestling. Cosmo appeared next to Timmy, looking very nervous.
"Oh no! They shouldn't be touching!" he said, biting his nails as he watched the two females do battle.
"What's happening to them?" asked Timmy, fearfully.
"Anti-Fairies and their Fairy opposites aren't supposed to touch!" said Cosmo, "It's like– Uh– Wanda explained it once, it's like–"
"Anti-Matter and Matter?" asked Timmy. Tootie and Cosmo looked at him, surprised.
"What?" said Timmy, "I watch a lot of Sci-Fi!"
"I think that's right!" said Cosmo.
"Then shouldn't they just cancel each other out?" said Timmy.
"I hope not!" cried Tootie. She turned to Stella and egged her on. "Go Stella! You can win! I believe in you!"
Sweat was pouring down Stella's forehead, her teeth were gritted and every muscle in her body was clenched. Anti-Stella was in a similar condition. They squeezed each other's fingers as tight as they could, Anti-Stella's sharp nails digging to Stella's hand.
"You… Can't… Win…" said Anti-Stella, with effort, "…You're weak… Fairies are… weak… thats why it was… so easy… to subdue your little partner…"
Stella's eyes flashed.
"You… touched Florence?!"
"Not ME, you imbecile!" snarled Anti-Stella. Her anger seemed to be winning over, Stella was falling back. But then Stella braced herself on the ground.
"So thats why… he was looking ill… when I saw him last…" Stella suddenly jerked forwards, bearing down upon Anti-Stella, who looked suddenly panicked.
"I can… forgive you for this…" said Stella, pushing Anti-Stella steadily to the ground, "But you never… ever… hurt… Florence!"
With a great burst of green lightning, Stella let go of Anti-Stella's hand and the Anti-Fairy flew across the room. Stella was also blown back by the shock. Tootie flew forwards to catch her. Stella looked green and her face was shiny with sweat, but she weakly stuck up a thumb and smiled to show she was alright.
The group looked up quickly to see the newly conscious Fairies poofing away. Anti-Florence stood in the middle of them, having been the one who shouted. He knelt down and lifted Anti-Stella into his large, well-built arms.
He looked up at the group, fury glowing in his dark blue eyes.
"You better watch those cracks, you Goody-Pinkers!" he roared, "You'll pay for this!"
Cosmo grabbed Timmy's arm, Timmy grabbed Tootie's arm, and Tootie had her other arm slung around Stella. Cosmo waved his wand and all four of them reappeared in Timmy's room.
Inside, Florence was pacing in circles, looking extremely anxious. Wanda was also looking nervous, but she was occupying her time with feeding Poof. When the four Fairies appeared, Florence leapt at them, relief breaking over his face.
"Stella! Tootie!" he flung himself at both of them and embraced them tightly.
"Cosmo! Timmy!" cried Wanda.
"Poof Poof!" Poof chimed in. Cosmo rushed to his family and gave them a hug as well.
Timmy tossed his wand to Wanda.
"I wish we were back to normal!" he said. Wanda caught the wand and waved it just as Cosmo did the same. Timmy dropped to the ground with a thump, and so did Tootie.
Florence was fretting over Stella's condition so much that he'd barely noticed the return of his magic.
"Hi Flo…" said Stella, weakly.
"Stella," said Florence, his face a mask of worry, "Are you alright? Are you safe? What did they do to you? What happened?"
"You're not… mad..?" whispered Stella, looking surprised.
"I am furious!" said Florence, "But I should have listened to you before, I should have asked what you were doing before it was too late. So it is also my fault. And besides, I am much more glad to see you and Tootie safely home!"
"We destroyed the Stupidity-Machine by putting Cosmo in it and overloading the system." explained Tootie.
Cosmo smiled proudly and puffed out his chest. Wanda gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"At least your brainlessness comes in handy sometimes." she said, smiling. She turned to Tootie and TImmy.
"So the Anti-Fairies were trying to make us all stupid? I assume because that would make them all smarter, so that they could take over the universe?"
"Pretty much." said Timmy.
"That Anti-Cosmo… he never runs out of ideas." said Wanda, shaking her head. "Thank goodness we can always put a stop to them."
"Actually, it was Anti-Stella who built the machine." said Tootie.
Wanda frowned.
"I've never heard of Anti-Stella… I suppose we'll just have to keep an eye out for her, won't we, Timmy?"
Timmy nodded.
Then it was time to go home. Timmy begrudgingly accepted a sloppy kiss on the cheek from Tootie before Florence poofed her and Stella home.
"You'll never trust an Anti-Fairy again?" asked Florence, raising his eyebrows at Stella, as they crawled into their cage for the night. The way he said it seemed more like an order than a question.
"No way!" agreed Stella, "I'll never ever ever ever ever trust one again!"
"Good." said Florence, smiling gently, "I trust you."
Thanks for the reviews! Hoping for more! Have a good day! :) -TS