Hey, fellow Evil Charming shippers, Evil Regals, or Oncers, thank you for checking out my latest story! For those of you who are following my Once Upon a Myth story that will NOT be abandoned. The next chapter is already half way done :) I am an Evil Regal first and foremost so I ship Regina with happiness. I'm new to the Evil Charming ship, but the writers on here are stellar and made me fall in love with a ship I hadn't even considered before.

This is an AU that was inspired by an amazing video called Follow Your Heart by MissRoberta066601. I encourage you to check it out. Though the video is the inspiration for this fic it won't follow the video exactly. I've added my own twists and turns and mixed up the timeline a little. Also, all mistakes are mine and I apologize for them. Anyway, please let me know what you think!

Disclaimer: I don't own Once Upon a Time or it's characters.

A groan escaped perfect red lips as Regina glanced down at her appointment book. SHERIFF, written in her neat scrawl, glared back at her as if the word itself was mocking her. Brown eyes found the expensive silver watch that adorned her petite wrist and a growl rose up in her throat as she realized she only had a few minutes to prepare before she would have to listen to the woman currently ruining her life stumble over budget reports and crime statistics. For once, Regina was glad that Emma was chronically late to everything. Except of course when she needed to pick up Henry. The blonde was always on time for that. Regina just wished she was as punctual when dropping Henry off. The more time he spent with Emma the less time he wanted to spend time with Regina.

A familiar stab of pain sliced at her heart and she rubbed her hand over her chest in an obviously foolish attempt to alleviate the ache. Regina had cast this curse to ensure she received her happy ending and when Henry had come into her life she had been sure she had finally achieved it. That had all changed when he turned 10 and found out he was adopted. His book of fairy tales had only caused him to pull away even further. Regina had yet to be able to get her hands on that book, but she was sure if was full of lies or at the very least half truths.

"Madame Mayor, Sheriff Swan is here for her biweekly budget meeting."

"Yes, please send her in," The less time Regina had to spend with the blonde the better off her day would be. The door swung open and by the way Emma dragged her feet as she approached Regina's desk the brunette figured Emma probably felt the same way about her.


Later that night, Regina and Henry ate dinner together in an awkward silence. Regina pushed the food around her plate as she struggled to find a way to break the barrier that had firmly planted itself between her and her son. Regina used to look forward to dinner with Henry. After hours of tedious legalities and petty disputes it was a relief to come home and sit with her son while he excitedly talked her ear off about his day at school. She remembered how Henry's face would get as red as the apples on her tree whenever she praised him on his accomplishments. She remembered how they would laugh together as he got ice cream all over his face during dessert. Unfortunately, it seemed those days were over and no matter how hard Regina tried she couldn't get them back.

"May I be excused?" Henry asked sullenly, jarring Regina from her memories of happier times. She sighed and fought to keep the sting of hurt away from her already bruised and battered heart.

"Yes." He rose quickly, as if he was afraid she would change her mind and force him to spend more time with her The pain in Regina's chest intensified. On his way back from placing his dishes in the dishwasher she put a hand on his arm, which he instantly pulled back from. "Have you finished your homework?"

"It's Friday," The young boy replied with a roll of his eyes.

"Lights out by ten, Henry. And that includes flashlights," She called out to him as he ascended the stairs. With another heavy sigh, Regina cleared her own dishes and packed away the leftovers. When the kitchen and dining room were once again spotless, Regina entered her study and shut the door. She started a fire, poured herself a tall glass of apple cider, and finally let the silent tears fall.

"I will destroy your happiness if it is the last thing I do."

Purple and black glittering smoke billowed around the room engulfing everything in it's path. Regina watched as a specter as her dream self let her head fall back and spread her arms wide as the curse worked it's magic. She heard Snow's cries and she glanced at the young girl and Red cowered together on the floor at The Evil Queen's feet. Suddenly, James, Snow White's Prince Charming, appeared behind Regina, drawing her attention away from the destruction around her.

"You can't do this! It's not who you want to be!" The Prince called to her dream self drawing the woman's attention. His voice was desperate and his eyes were wet with tears. Who does this man think he is telling her what she can and cannot do? And how the hell would he know who she wants to be? But as Regina thought this, her dream self looked like she might crumple under the weight of her heavy heart and soul.

"I can't keep living like this, James."

"You don't have to, my love," Regina frowned in confusion at his declaration. "We're free now, Regina. We can go back to the cabin and have the life we've always dreamed of."

The cabin. Memories flooded through Regina's mind as she watched James plead with her dream self.

"Not after the things I've done. Not after you've had a child with her," She watched herself snarl as they both glanced at Snow White. "There is no happiness left for me in this life."

"I love you, Regina. I will always love you," James pulled her dream self into a passionate kiss and then ran towards the large stain glass window on the other side of the room. He crashed through it and fell to the water below.

Regina's eyes flew open and she quickly sat up in bed. She looked around for a moment, confused and disoriented as a life she hadn't remembered until now swirled around her mind. Something pushed her from her bed and she shoved the covers away before quickly changing into yoga pants and a sweater. After checking on Henry she ran from the house and jumped into her car. As she guided the Mercedes out of her driveway her mind relinquished control to her heart and it lead her towards the woods. Regina parked the car and let her feet lead her where they wanted her to go. She ended up at the bridge and she stopped, suddenly very afraid of what she would find.

Squaring her shoulders and reminding herself that she was a Queen for gods sakes she began walking again. As she neared the water's edge she could make out the form of a man lying on his side with his legs in the water. Feeling her heart seize with fear, Regina ran the rest of the way and collapsed beside the man. She ran her fingers over his face lovingly and bent down. She placed her ear close to his lips and almost cried out in relief when she felt his cold breath hit her skin.

"James," She sobbed, burying her face in his neck. She pulled back. He was deathly cold. Whipping out her phone and thanking the gods she had thought to bring it, she called 911. Once she had informed the operator of their location she pulled James from the water. He was dressed for this world in blue jeans, a white t shirt, and a button up red plaid shirt.

How was that possible? Had he been here the whole time? If he hadn't, then where had he been for the last 28 years? If he had why hadn't she come across him before? And why hadn't she remembered he even existed until now? The curse wasn't supposed to alter her memories. Sighing and glancing at the woods anxiously, but seeing no flashing lights yet, Regina let herself lay her head on James' chest right over his heart. It thumped strongly beneath her ear and she let it comfort her. She breathed in his scent and tears filled her eyes. She sat up and stared at his lips. She felt her body begin to lean closer to his almost as if it had a mind of it's own. She was mere inches from pressing her lips to his when she heard the sirens of the ambulance. Regina jumped back and quickly stood up to help the EMTs find them.

"Regina," James breathed, his eyes remaining closed, but Regina was already too far away from him to hear the love filled whisper.

"Madame Mayor, I need to ask you a few questions," Whale told a very anxious Regina once they had made it to the hospital. "Where did you find this man?"

"By the bridge. He was lying unconscious on the shore. Is he going to be alright?" Regina asked, not taking her eyes off the door to the room where they had taken James.

"We'll do everything we can. Do you know his name?"

"No, I've never seen him before," Regina lied. "I don't care what you have to do, but you will save him, Whale, or so help me I will destroy you," Her eyes flashed dangerously. If she still had magic she was sure her irises would have turned a deep purple.

"Yes, Madame Mayor," Whale stuttered as he rushed into James's room. Regina let herself sink into one of the hard plastic chairs behind her and fought the urge to cry.

Regina sat alone lost in her newly remembered memories for an hour while she waited for news on James' condition. Just when she felt like her head might explode a nurse approached her cautiously.

"He's going to be fine, Madame Mayor."

"Has he regained consciousness?" Regina asked feeling her body sag in relief.

"No, Dr. Whale is keeping him sedated for the rest of the night to give his body a chance to recover."

"I'd like to see him," Regina replied, her tone leaving no room for arguments. The nurse nodded and brought Regina to James's room.

"He's very lucky you found him when you did," The nurse commented. Regina shot her an intimidating look and the nurse took her leave. Regina stayed by the door for a few moments, just taking in the sight of him. Eventually, she approached the bed.

"James," Regina breathed quietly. Her shoulders sagged and she placed one hand on the bed by his own. Their fingers were just shy of touching, but Regina didn't move any closer. She felt tears fill her eyes and fought to keep herself from crying again. Guilt overwhelmed her as she struggled to understand how this had happened. "I'm sorry, James. How could I forget you? How could I let the best memories of my life be taken from me?" She bowed her head in shame and anger. She let her fingertips brush his and then looked back at his relaxed features. "I don't know how this happened or where you've been for the last 28 years, but I will find out. You'll be safe. For as long as I'm alive, you'll be safe."

James stirred and Regina could see he was struggling to open his eyes. She left the room quickly, a few tears escaping to slide down her cheeks. As much as she wished she could stay with him and see if he had his memories she knew she had to see someone first. She may not know how this happened, but she had a pretty good idea of who was behind it. She'd go home and check on Henry and then she would get her answers.

Regina entered Gold's shop with her head held high and fury in her gaze. Gold watched her with that amused twinkle in his eye that he always seemed to get when she was in Evil Queen mode. It was the look of a proud parent and it made her skin crawl.

"Good morning, Madame Mayor. To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Cut the crap, Rumple," Regina seethed as she stopped in front of him and crossed her arms. Mostly to keep herself from strangling him.

"So, it's Your Majesty this morning, is it?" Rumple teased, smirking slightly as she tensed.

"I found James last night," It was Regina's turn to smirk as she caught the flicker of shock in his eyes. No one else, except for maybe Belle and Regina's mother, would have caught it, but Regina knew her master almost as well as he knew her.

"Did you now?" He asked, his voice and demeanor back to his usual annoying calm. No longer content to play this game with him she stepped into his personal space and narrowed her eyes.

"What did you do?!" She hissed through clenched teeth. Gold transformed then from calm sleazy businessman to the conniving cruel imp that he really was. He gripped her by the throat and swung her around so they switched places. Her back pressed painfully into the edge of the display case he now had her pinned against and she bit back a groan of pain.

"That man makes you weak, Regina. Remember, dearie, I know you, I created you," Regina tried to pull away, but Gold slammed her more forcefully into the glass case. "You might have resisted at first, but eventually you would have reached out to him. Tried to rekindle the love you two shared all those years ago. I couldn't let that happen."

"You don't make mistakes, Rumple. So, how was I able to remember him and why now?" Gold sneered and released her. Regina rubbed her back and waited for his answer.

"I believe that has something to do with the blonde you've allowed to remain in this town. Your curse is in danger of being broken, Regina. Either by Emma Swan or by her Daddy," He smiled as she bristled.

"What are you talking about?"

"Should you open your heart to him again, or what's left of it anyway, the curse will break. That's why I've kept him in a kind of stasis. Like the sleeping curse you tried to use on Snow only without the regrets and extraordinary measures needed to break it." Regina felt her anger swell and she took a threatening step towards her former teacher.

"I should kill you-"

"You know you can't," Gold replied with a twisted smile. "A condition of me giving you the curse was that I would remember everything and retain my magic even if I couldn't use it. I may not be able to use the power of the Dark One's dagger, but it is still the only thing that can kill me." The two enemies glared at each other for a few moments before Regina grabbed her purse from the counter and headed towards the front door.

"Stay away from James," She warned as her hand closed over the door handle.

"Might I suggest you do the same, dearie," Gold suggested causing Regina to pause. "Unless, you want everyone waking from their 28 year nap?" Regina shot him one last nasty look before exiting the shop and slamming the door behind her.

Regina found herself walking to the hospital and taking the elevator up to James's room. She paused outside the door seeing through the window that he was awake. She knew she should back away before he caught her staring, but she wanted... no she needed to see his beautiful blue eyes again. So, she waited for him to catch her gaze and as soon as he did she turned to walk away.

"Wait, please," James called out. Even though she knew there was a very good chance that he had no idea who she was and would therefore not be her James she couldn't help but enter his room. "You're the mayor, right?" Regina felt her heart sink as she plastered a fake smile on her lips and nodded. Even though she had been expecting this it still broke her heart. "Then I guess I should be thanking you. One of the nurses told me you were the one that found me. You saved my life. Thank you, Madame Mayor," He smiled, setting Regina's body on fire. Even after all these years he still had the same effect on her.

"Regina... Regina Mills," She extended her hand and he shook it. Their skin touched for mere seconds but it was enough to reawaken a part of her heart that had been dormant for decades. James's face softened at the name and his lips turned up in a half smile.

"Regina, a name fit for a queen," He muttered softly. Pain flared within her and Regina forced another smile and began to back away. "I'm sorry, I don't know where that came from. I didn't mean to upset you."

"It's fine, you just reminded me of someone," Regina admitted sadly.

"I'm David by the way. David Nolan."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Nolan."

"Please, you saved my life, call me David," He glanced up into her eyes and felt his breath catch in his throat. She had to be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, but there was pain in her eyes and all he wanted to do was take it away.

"Regina then." The two stared at each other for a moment longer before a nurse interrupted them.

"Well, Mr. Nolan, your tests all came back clear. I've spoken with Dr. Whale and he sees no reason why you can't go home today."

"I wish I knew where home was," David replied with a nervous smile.

"You don't remember who you are?" Regina asked surprised. She knew he wouldn't remember being James, but she had assumed he would have Storybrooke memories like the rest of the people living under her curse.

"I remember my name, but nothing more than that," David told her.

"There's an Inn not too far from here in the center of town. I'm sure Granny would have room for you," Regina suggested.

"I don't have any money."

"Granny has never turned away anyone in need," Regina assured him with a smile. "I'm sure she'd allow you to pay her back once you've found a job. I'll even put in a good word for you," She teased with a wink.

"I'll just go get those discharge papers," The nurse said excusing herself. Regina barely noticed her go as she studied James...no David. He was looking at her with a sense of wonder and confusion in his eyes.

"What?" She asked with a smile as a blush started to creep up her neck under the scrutiny.

"Why are you being so kind to me? You've already saved my life and you came to check on me. Now you're keeping me from being homeless."

"People in towns this small take care of each other, David," Regina felt the intense urge to comfort him and so she took his hand hesitantly. She couldn't help the small smile that graced her lips when he interlaced their fingers. "I can't imagine how frightening it must be to wake up in a strange place with no recollection of who you are, but if you ever need anything..." She trailed off with a shake of her head as she found herself lost in memories of another life lived.

After taking David shopping for some clothes and getting him settled at Granny's, Regina had returned home to find her son sitting on the steps.

"Mom, where have you been all morning?" He asked suspiciously. Regina had felt hope flare within her when she had seen him waiting for her, but it quickly deflated at his tone. He hadn't been worried about her, he had been worried about what she might be doing.

"I left your breakfast in the microwave," Regina replied cooly. She refrained from ruffling his hair when she passed him and climbed the stairs.

"I found it. Where were you?" He asked again following after her.

"Oh you know, working on a new curse, killing puppies to use in my potions," Regina replied with a roll of her eyes.


"Oh relax, dear. I couldn't sleep last night so I went for a walk. I ended up by the bridge and found a man there. He was very badly hurt so I took him to the hospital. I came home to check on you after I knew he was going to be ok and then I wanted to check on him."

"Who is he?"

"His name is David Nolan."

"Is he from around here?" Regina could practically hear the wheels turning in her son's mind. He was clearly trying to figure out who David was in the book. Regina wondered what it said about her and James. She doubted it told the story correctly if it was even in there at all.

"I don't know. He has amnesia. All he can remember is his name."

"Don't you know everybody in town?"

"Almost everybody. It's a small town, Henry, but still big enough where I couldn't possibly know every single person. Especially, if they never have anything to do with the Mayor's office or your life," Regina paused as she reached her door. She turned to face her son and braced herself for the excited expression that was about to grace her son's features. "I've asked Emma to come and get you. She'll be here any minute."

"Why?" Henry asked suspiciously, but excitedly.

"I thought you might want to spend the day with her. Besides, I didn't sleep last night so I'm going to try and get some rest. I've told her to have you home for dinner," Regina allowed herself to ruffle his hair this time, but he was already running towards his bedroom by the time her fingers touched his hair. Regina watched him go sadly. "I love you."

Henry sat across from Emma at Granny's as they both sipped on a hot chocolate. He was very concerned about this new development in Operation Cobra. Who was this man? How had his mom really found him? Henry looked up at Emma and decided to let her in on the news.

"Emma, have you heard about-"

"The guy your Mom found passed out by the bridge?" Emma asked, cutting him off with a smile. "Yeah, Ruby can't stop talking about it. Apparently, Regina personally drove him to Granny's and took him shopping for some clothes."

"Who do you think he is in the book?" Henry asked with a furrowed brow. Emma sighed and rolled her eyes.


"Is that him?" Henry asked as he watched a man he had never seen before exit the animal shelter. Emma looked where he was gesturing and nodded.


"He looks like Prince Charming," Henry exclaimed excitedly. He had always wondered where the Prince had been and now he was here. He noticed Emma looked confused so he elaborated. "Snow White's husband, your dad. Why would my mom be nice to him?"

"Maybe not even Evil Queens can't resist his charms," Emma teased with a chuckle. Henry gave her a look that both told her he was not amused and looked frighteningly like his brunette mother. "What? That was funny."

"Here take my book," Henry said as he slipped it out of his backpack when they arrived at his house.


"I think my mom has been looking for it. Please, Emma?" Emma looked into his desperate eyes and couldn't tell him no.

"Fine," She walked him up the walk and then ruffled his hair. "Goodnight, kid."

"Night, Emma," Henry replied with a smile before sullenly walking into his house. He didn't even spare a glance at Regina as she stood in the doorway.

"Thank you for taking him today, Ms. Swan," Regina said cooly.

"Anytime. So, I heard you were quite the hero last night."

"Excuse me?" A perfect eyebrow arched and Emma realized she probably should have just left well enough alone.

"David Nolan," When Regina's eyes flashed and her jaw clenched in anger Emma really wished she hadn't said anything.

"I know you and my son believe I'm this horrible witch from some fairy tale land, but I'm not so heartless that I would leave a man to die!"

"Whoa, sorry. I didn't mean it like that," Emma assured her raising her hands in a placating gesture.

"Goodnight, Ms. Swan," Regina snapped before slamming the door. Emma sighed and walked back to her car. As she slid into the front seat of her beloved bug she glanced down at the book. She had yet to actually read it very carefully. She certainly didn't believe in the curse, but this book was important to her son and good mothers took an interest in their children's interests. Right?

After arriving home, dinner with Mary Margaret, and a couple of beers in front of the TV, Emma finally climbed into bed. She found she wasn't that tired and she looked around for something to put her to sleep. She saw Henry's book and grabbed it before getting comfortable. Sighing, she opened the book.

"What the hell?"

It was true that she had never read this book cover to cover, nor had she ever paid that close attention to it when Henry would read it in front of her, but she knew this story hadn't been the first one before. The book started with Prince Charming and Snow White's wedding. So how the hell had it suddenly changed? Confused, Emma began to read...

"Whoa!" James nearly tripped over a root as he came to an abrupt stop upon seeing who he had just knocked off their horse. He could only see this person from the back, but it was very clear that the man he had just tried to steal from was in fact a woman. She was wearing brown leather pants with tan riding boots and a green and gold jacket that fell to her knees. She had long raven hair that fell in a braid down her back. When she turned around to face him his breath stuck in his throat. She was without a doubt the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on. Her smooth skin was a sun kissed olive color and her eyes were a deep warm brown. She had a brown leather shirt on that buttoned in the front and barely covered the swell of her perfect breasts. She wiped her gloved hands on her pants and shot him an angry look.

"Look what you've done!" She exclaimed, motioning in the direction where her horse had kept running. "I was almost free and now I have to wait for her to come back," The woman shook her head in annoyance and looked at him expectantly.

"Your... horse will come back?" James asked, unable to form any other coherent thought.

"Yes, she'll run until she's satisfied her need for freedom and then she'll come back. She always does," Regina explained, confident in her horse's loyalty. "Were you trying to steal her or kill me?"

"I-I'm sorry," James stuttered, his face burning in shame. "I was traveling and bandits overtook my carriage," He faltered in his explanation as the woman crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "I was the only one of my men to escape with my life. I saw you riding by and-"

"You thought you would knock a woman off her horse and then steal it?"

"No! To be fair I have never seen a woman ride like that before. I thought..." He trailed off as he felt his face burn a brighter shade of red.

"You thought I was man?" The woman smiled widely, her eyes twinkling in amusement.

"That doesn't upset you?"

"Sometimes I wish I was a man. Men have freedom," Regina replied her smile dimming slightly.

"Not all men," James admitted, thinking of his own life.

"You said you were traveling with others? Are you a noble?"

James shrugged, uncomfortable with the title. "Kind of."

"What kind of answer is that?" The woman giggled bringing a grin to James's lips. Her laugh was one of the sweetest melodies he had ever heard. "If you would like, you may wait with me and when Rocinante comes back I will help you to find your way back home. I can tend to your wound while we wait," The woman said as she moved closer to him to inspect the small cut on his chin.

"That's very kind of you, but I'm fine." James assured her as she came even closer. As her body neared his he felt his heart rate accelerate.

"To put my mind at ease then?" The woman smiled so sweetly at him that he couldn't refuse her.

"Alright," He agreed, letting her slowly wipe at the wound on his chin with a small cloth she had pulled from a brown leather satchel that was looped around one of her shoulders. She was so close to him now that their body heat and breath mingled. James struggled not to blatantly stare at her. Her touch was so gentle that he felt himself lean into it. Her other hand came up to run her fingers over the back of his head and he felt a jolt of pain. Ouch!" He cried pulling away slightly. Regina chuckled, bringing a smile to his lips as he moved back towards her.

"Don't be such a child," She chastised in amusement. "You have a large bump on the back of your head. You might have a concussion," The woman informed him as she searched her bag for something else. She produced a small canteen of water and she dabbed the cloth with it and pressed it gently to the back of his head.

"You know you still haven't told me your name."

"You haven't asked nor have you told me yours," The woman replied slyly. James chuckled softly.



Regina. Was there anything about this woman that wasn't breathtakingly beautiful? "A name fit for a queen," He murmured. Regina's eyes darkened and she pulled away from him. Frowning and unsure why he had upset her he placed a hand on her forearm softly to keep her from withdrawing from him further. "Wait, I didn't mean to upset you. I only meant it was a beautiful name for a beautiful woman."

Regina chuckled at the line. "You don't talk to many women, do you?"

"Not one's as beautiful as you. Nor one's that ride as wonderfully as you." Regina blushed and cast her eyes downward as if she wasn't used to receiving such compliments.

"It's going to be dark soon. We should find shelter," Just as the words left her pink lips the sound of hoofbeats could be heard. Another moment later her horse appeared and stopped beside her. It nuzzled her stomach gently and she raised her hands to stroke the mare's face.

"Your horse," James exclaimed, shock covering his handsome features.

"Good girl," Regina giggled as she handed her horse an apple from her bag.

"She actually came back," He couldn't believe it.

"I told you she would," Regina moved closer to him and used her fingers to gently close his hanging jaw. She kept her fingers cupping his jaw for a moment longer and then pulled away. "Close your mouth, James, and help me start a fire."

James shook himself out of his shock. "You don't need to stay with me. Your horse has returned-"

"And you might have a concussion. What kind of person would I be if I didn't make sure you were ok?"

"I did knock you off your horse, I would understand," James replied still feeling guilty about it.

"I'm not leaving you alone," Regina insisted, her shoulders squaring in determination.

"You're a stubborn one, aren't you?" James asked causing Regina to smirk.

After starting a fire in a small clearing and finishing the bread and remaining apple in Regina's bag for dinner the two sat close together on the ground. After a few moments of nothing but the noise from the forest, the crackling of the fire, and Rocinante munching on grass a few feet away as the only source of sound, James asked Regina something he had been wondering about all through dinner.

"Where were you riding to so quickly?" Her eyes darkened again and he hurriedly tried to assure her. "I'm sorry, you don't have to tell me."

Regina smiled softly at him. "Just away from here."

"What's wrong with here?"

Regina sighed and picked at the grass by her feet. Even though she refused to look at him, James could see the pain in her eyes and all over her face in the light of the fire. "I was forced into a marriage with a man who doesn't love me and never will. Not that I blame him for that as I will never love him either."

"Why would he marry you if there is no love between the two of you?"

"I saved his daughter's life and... every King needs a beautiful Queen at his side," Regina admitted sadly.

"Are we talking about King Leopold?" James asked surprised for probably the sixth time since meeting Regina. She was definitely an interesting woman who was full of surprises. Regina tensed, clearly taking his exclamation as some kind of threat. "Hey, I won't make you go back," He promised, resting a hand on her shoulder hesitantly. He let his thumb caress her shoulder blade when she relaxed at his touch. "Do you really wish to give up all that power?"

"I don't want power, I want to be free," Regina insisted, tears filling her eyes.

"A sentiment you and I seem to share," At her inquisitive look James elaborated. "I had a twin brother who was traded in a deal with Rumplestiltskin-" Regina stiffened beneath his touch and James found he hadn't even realized he had never removed his hand from her shoulder. "You've heard of him?"

"He helped me banish my mother to another realm for which I am grateful, but he wants something from me. I don't know what, but something tells me I'm not going to want to part with it when he finally asks."

James removed his hand from her shoulder to cover one of her smaller hands with his own. Worry clenched in his gut uncomfortably at the thought of Regina owing that glittery monster. "You're right to be weary. You should stop all your dealings with him. Nothing good can come from working with him."

"He saved me from my mother. My mother was...still is I suppose a very powerful witch. She killed someone I loved and forced me into the marriage with Leopold. She cast enchantments around the palace grounds to prevent me from escaping, but now that she's gone I can leave at will. He helped me," Even as she said the words her voice wavered.

"That doesn't mean you can trust him. What are your instincts telling you?"

"To stay as far away from him as possible," Regina glanced up at him, but her face was unreadable. She shifted her hand and he thought she was pulling away, but instead she intwined their fingers. He felt his whole being swell with warmth. "Did he hurt your brother?" She asked gently, encouraging him to continue. He had never shared this story with anyone before, but he felt like he could trust her. She had already shared so much with him.

"No, he gave him to King George and his wife. I didn't even know he existed until the day the King's guards showed up. He was supposed to kill a dragon for King Midas and in exchange King Midas would give King George gold. My brother died before he was able to kill the beast so King George ordered that I do it, so he wouldn't lose out on his money. He threatened to kill my mother if I didn't comply," James felt his heart constrict at the thought of his mother, alone on their farm. He prayed to the Gods she was alright.

"And did you slay the dragon?" Regina asked pulling him away from his depressive thoughts.

"I did," James replied, laughing when she smiled and raised her sculpted eyebrows in surprise. "I was more surprised than anyone. I was a poor shepherd who had never picked up a sword in his life," Regina giggled, glad to see the light come back into his eyes. She found herself hoping no one would ever completely take that light from him. It dimmed slightly in the next moment, but didn't disappear. "I thought it would be over after that, but King George insisted I stay to take my brother's place in his court."

"I guess you and I have more in common than we thought," Regina remarked, unable to keep herself from comparing James to Daniel. It was hard not to. James was gentle, warm, and caring just as Daniel had been. Not to mention they were both incredibly handsome men. Regina felt as safe with James as she had with Daniel and she wasn't sure how she felt about that.

"You'll be free soon," James assured her pulling her from her thoughts. She smiled softly, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"I don't believe I'll get very far before my husband finds me. Perhaps, if I had been able to run away before the wedding, but now...I'm his," Her eyes dropped to the fire and a single tear ran down her cheek. James scooted closer to her and used his free hand to wipe the tear away gently. She looked in to his eyes and the softness and caring in them caused her heart to beat wildly in her chest.

"You don't belong to anyone but yourself and any man that believes otherwise doesn't deserve you," James told her, his voice soft and honest. Regina smiled through her tears.

"You're a good man, James," James smiled at the admission and Regina felt herself leaning towards him. She saw his eyes glance at her lips before looking back in to her own. She felt her soul, made cold from Daniel's death and her wedding to Leopold fill with warmth. They were both hesitant, but eventually their lips met. It was soft at first and then grew more passionate. A feeling of safety, love, and lust washed over both of them. Regina felt James's tongue trail slightly over her bottom lip and she allowed him entrance. The fact that he had asked permission rather than shoving his tongue roughly past her lips started to heal Regina's cracked heart. Regina felt herself melt into the kiss and she brought her hands up to cup his face. With both hands now free, James placed them on her back and pulled her closer. Rocinante chose this moment to whiney loudly and the two broke apart breathlessly. Without James's soft lips to cloud her mind Regina instantly realized what she had done. She was a married woman and she loved Daniel. She looked at James. "I'm sorry-"

"Don't be sorry. I'm not," James replied smiling. Regina couldn't help but smile back.

"You should get some rest," She told him, putting some distance between them. "I'll wake you in two hours."

"I'm not tired. You should sleep, though. You have a busy day of freedom ahead of you tomorrow," His sounded so sure of her freedom and Regina wished she could share his confidence.

"If you have a concussion and you go to sleep you might never wake up. I don't mind staying awake with you." Realizing she wasn't going to back down James nodded.

"Thank you, Regina," He glanced at the ground in sadness. "You're the first person to show me true kindness since I left my small farm and mother behind."

"You can't go visit her?" Regina asked unconsciously moving closer to him again.

"King George won't let me outside of the palace with a horse on my own. He knows it's too far to walk and not risk getting caught. He only allows me to travel with a group of his guards."

"I could take you there tomorrow," Regina offered sincerely. James smiled but shook his head.

"I could never go home to stay. King George would hurt my mother," He replied sadly.

"I'm sorry this happened to you, James," Regina told him taking his hand in her own.

"I'm sorry you were forced into a marriage that you didn't want," They both stared into each other's eyes. Their souls recognizing the sadness and hopelessness in the other. A wind rustled the leaves of the trees surrounding them and Regina shivered. "Are you cold?"

"A little," Regina admitted. James leaned back against the tree behind him and opened his arms. "Oh no, I couldn't," Regina blushed even as her heart screamed at her to accept the comfort.

"I'm not going to try anything," James promised. "Do you trust me?"

Did she? Regina was surprised to find that she did. So, she smiled and sunk into his comforting and warm embrace. She nuzzled her face into his chest slightly as he wrapped his arms around her protectively. James was relishing in the feeling of her in his arms when her next sentence, whispered softly, brought a wide smile to his lips and tears to his eyes. "I trust you."

The next morning Regina and James walked back to the spot where they had met. Once they reached it Regina pointed down the road. "So, just follow this road west for about 5 miles and you'll reach the border between King George's land and King Leopold's."

"I've been that close this whole time?" James asked flabbergasted and a little embarrassed.

"To be fair you did get hit in the head," Regina replied causing them to share a laugh.

Regina moved to mount her mare, but James placed a hand on her shoulder gently. She stopped and turned to look at him. "Thank you for staying with me last night, Regina. And thank you for listening."

Regina smiled widely and placed a kiss to his cheek. "It was really nice to meet you, James," She said, her voice mirroring the sincerity that had been in his last statement.

"I hope you find freedom," He shook his head suddenly nervous. "Wherever you're going, if you need anything..." He trailed off with a sincere smile. Regina smiled gratefully at him and they both realized that, sadly, they were out of stalling techniques.

"Goodbye, James."

"Goodbye, Regina."

James gave her one last smile and then began walking in the direction she had told him led to the castle. Regina mounted her horse and couldn't help but glance back at him with a look of longing. When he disappeared around a curve Regina shook her head and pushed her horse into a trot. It was time for freedom.

By the time Emma had finished the last page of the story her eyes were wide and her mouth was hanging open in shock. She flipped through the rest of the pages to find that the rest of the book was now blank.

"What the hell?" She might have been able to convince herself that she had missed this story, but she knew there had been more before tonight. She glanced at her clock and realized it was too late to call Henry. She would have to wait till the morning to ask him about the book. Her mind felt like it might explode as the possible ramifications of a storybook changing it's own words swirled around inside her head. She shoved the book away from her and it landed with a thumb on the floor. Emma placed a pillow over her head in an attempt to muffle her own thoughts, but they still roared in her ears. It didn't look like she was getting any sleep tonight.

Despite her fear and frustration, Emma couldn't help but want to know the rest of the story.

Would you like to know the rest of the story? Review to let me know! :) Thanks for reading.