Title: Cough Syrup

Author: SakuraRyuu

Prompt: Cherry on Top Challenge - Raspberry Ripple

Genre: Comedy, Family, Romance


Rating: T

Warnings: Sexual situations.

A/N: Inuyasha and all characters in this fan fiction are the property of Rumiko Takahashi.

"You're pregnant." Kagome had told Sesshomaru over breakfast. Surprised, he let his morning paper ease slowly to the table and onto his plate. The yolks of his sunny side up eggs were staining the news.

"Yes." Kagome took another bite of her Cinnabon flavored oatmeal, looking at him just as blandly. If he wasn't going to be excited she would reign in her emotions as well. "If you would like to see the pregnancy test I could go get it out of the trash in the bathroom, but that's pretty nasty since I peed on it and all."

He was suddenly out of his seat and had her in his arms, swinging her around in circles. She laughed gleefully in his ear, her head thrown back in abandon. He didn't miss the chance to lay a kiss on her neck.

"We're going to have a baby," his whispered in her ear. As it sank in he yelled, "We're going to have a baby!" Sesshomaru kissed his wife soundly.

"I know, isn't it wonderful?!" Kagome kissed him back. Suddenly she paled, and he quit swinging her around the room.

"Are you ok?"

"Yes, just let me sit down a second or I'm going to be sick." Resting her hand on the table for balance she sat back in her seat slowly. She smiled up at him apologetically. "I get a little queezy sometimes."

Taken aback he said, "Well, that's new." He pulled his chair up next to her and sat in it sideways, taking her hands in his. "So, what happens now?"

"I believe a trip to the doctor is in order. When my stomach settles I'll give them a call and make an appointment."

"No need, I'll take care of it. You just sit for a minute." He left her sitting at the table while he wandered into the kitchen, looking through his cell phone for her doctor's number and called. Explaining his wife was newly pregnant he took the first available appointment they had, then asked what he could do for her unsettled stomach.

The receptionist told him saltine crackers and ginger ale or Sprite usually worked best, but to expect some morning sickness or vomiting. If it became excessive before Kagome's appointment he should call back so they could get her a prescription for something to make it stop. She also advised they buy a copy of "What To Expect When You're Expecting." She said it was one of the leading books on pregnancy and they would find it very helpful.

Thanking the woman for her help he disconnected the call, then pulled up the Amazon app on his phone and ordered two copies of the recommended book. Returning to his wife he reiterated what he had been told, and wrote the appointment date and time on the wall calendar by the refrigerator. Taking his phone out again he called his job, informing them he wouldn't be in for the day, and also making arrangements to not be in on the day of Kagome's first OB appointment. He returned to Kagome's side with a package of crackers and a glass of Sprite on ice with a straw. Just the way she liked it.

Smiling up at her husband she took the glass and crackers before he took away her glass of orange juice and bowl of oatmeal. She could hear him cleaning them out before loading them in the dishwasher. He returned a few minutes later and sat back down in his chair, which was still next to hers.

He noticed the open package and some of the Sprite missing from her glass. "Feeling better?"

"Much, actually. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Standing back up he replaced his chair in its usual spot and offered Kagome his hand. She took it and stood. Unexpectedly he swooped her up in his arms, causing her to squeal. "Get your snack." He took a step toward the table and leaned down so Kagome could pick up her drink and crackers.

"Where are we going?"

Sesshomaru started walking to their room. "Back to bed."

Kagome looked confused. "Why?"

He whispered at her, "Because I've wanted you naked and underneath me since you told me you were pregnant."

Once he got her settled into bed her worshipped her body from head to foot. It was the most sensual experience either of them had ever shared. Knowing her healthy, feminine frame carried a life inside it that he helped to create put him in a state of awe. As she traveled his body she was enthralled with him like never before, knowing he had helped create what lived inside her. It was as if they were rediscovering each other, looking at their lover in a new light, their perspective irrevocably changed.

The couple reemerged hours later for lunch, Kagome refreshed from a nap and starving.

"What sounds good?" he asked, standing in front of the fridge, looking inside.

"Sherbet." It was her favorite afternoon snack. "I should have some raspberry ripple left."

"You don't want real food?" He had never asked about her diet before, but she had never been pregnant before. "Or fruit? Or something other than junk?"

"I will have you know sherbet is not junk. It's better than ice cream." She retrieved her treat from the freezer and grabbed a spoon from the drawer. Settling down in the den she flipped on the TV. He joined her a few minutes later, curious about the strange look on her face.

"What's wrong?" He took a bite of his turkey club sandwich.

"It tastes weird. Like cough syrup." She took another bite, crinkling her nose.

"Want some of my sandwich?"

"No, thank you." Another bite and another grossed out look.

"If it doesn't taste good stop eating it. It could be bad."

"But it's not. The expiration date still has four days on it." She double checked the bottom of the container. "Yup, four days."

"Why do you keep eating it if it tastes bad?" He took another bite of his sandwich.

"Because it used to taste good." She pouted into the carton, then got up and threw it away. Sitting back down on the couch she took the offered half of Sesshomaru's sandwich.