Ezra POV

Ezra always thought that first day of school nerves were something that only happened to Kindergarteners when they began school, and freshman on their first day of high school. He took a deep breath, in an attempt to calm himself as he began to write his name on the chalkboard. As the bell rang, he turned around and waited for the last few students to file into their seats.

"Hello, my name is Mr. Fitz, and I am your new English teacher. I'm going to try to learn all of your names as quick as I can but I won't make any promises. Now for today I'm not going to make you do anything hard. I just want you to write a short essay telling me about yourself. Once you finish, you can start on your reading for tonight, which I'll put on the board later." Ezra scanned the room full of blank faces; teenagers who obviously stayed up too late and weren't happy that their summer was officially ended. "Any questions? No? Okay, get started."

He sat down in his desk chair and let out a quiet huff. In an attempt to familiarize himself with their faces, and that's when he saw her. She was leaning over in her seat, whispering to the blonde sitting next to her, and they both laughed. She tossed her hair behind her shoulder before leaning over in her notebook. As she wrote, Ezra noticed that the girl was using a pen, a sign of a true writer. A true writer knows that your let your emotions pour through the pen, and you only fix your mistakes once you are finished and have reread your piece.

Ezra was admiring the girl's soft curls when she tore her eyes from her paper and looked around the room while tapping her pen. Her eyes met Ezra's, and she smiled. He cleared his throat and began looking through his lesson plans for the week. Try as he might, his mind couldn't seem to focus on anything other than the girl with the thick brown hair and wide eyes. He knew he couldn't be in a relationship with one of his students. Even though Ezra had just graduated from college and the age difference was insignificant, he was supposed to be a figure of authority to this girl, not be looking for a relationship with her.

His thoughts wandered back to Jackie for the millionth time since they had broken up. Ezra still couldn't believe that he had almost married her, and she had turned out to be nothing but a manipulative woman, and a cheater. If Jackie knew that Ezra was thinking about her currently, she would have smiled coyly, thinking that she could get whatever she wanted. He had come to realize that what Jackie did to him was a blessing. Their relationship was not what a relationship should be, by his standards. It was purely sexual, and when they weren't in bed together, they were out partying and drinking with their college buddies. Ezra's college years were over now, and he decided that he can't be foolish in his actions like he was when he was with Jackie.

Ezra was more than thankful when the bell for the end of class rang and broke his train of thought. The students exited the classroom one by one while giving him a head nod and mumbling their "thank you's" and "have a nice day's". The girl of whom his thoughts were wrapped around stopped by the door.

"You go ahead, Hanna," She said to the blonde girl, "I'll catcrih up with you in a sec," She walked over to Ezra's desk, where he averted her eye and pretended to be shuffling papers. She stopped right in front of him, as Ezra tried not to think about how he wanted to run his fingers through her hair, and how he wanted to kiss her full lips, and how he wanted to wrap his arms around her waist curve right now and…

Ezra shook his head to clear that thought. He knew he couldn't let his thoughts wander like that. Not here, now now.

"First day got you frazzled?" She said with a laugh. Her smile was truly beautiful.

"You could say that," Ezra smiled back at her.

"Both my parents are teachers, so I know what it's like. My dad is a professor over at Hollis, and my mom decided to become a teacher again now that we're back in Rosewood. She works here, have you met her? Her name is Mrs. Montgomery." The words she spoke were steady. Ezra thought that she was obviously very mature for her age.

"To be honest I've met so many teachers in the past week I can hardly remember a single name. I'm sure I've met her but I can't put a name to the face." Teachers had to be at school a week before students did, and the five days of getting settled into the school had flown by for Ezra. "And you are?"

"Aria. Aria Montgomery." She held her hand out, and Ezra shook it. Of course her name was as beautiful as her face.

"Pleased to meet you, I apologize for staring at you in class today, you just look very familiar." A statement, which of course, was a total lie, but Ezra didn't want the most beautiful girl in the world to think he was a creep.

"Probably in the Rosewood newspaper, my friend Ali went missing last summer. Right when I moved back here I learned they found her body. My friends and I are the center of most news articles, since we were the last ones that saw her." Her face fell as she talked, and Ezra could tell that it was a difficult subject for her to talk about. He put a hand on her shoulder.

"If you need to talk to someone, you can come to me anytime, Aria."

"Thank you, Mr. Fitz." She smiled at him.

"Please, outside of class, it's Ezra. I want my students to view me as a friend, not just a mentor."

"Well then, it was very nice to meet you Ezra. I should really be going though, I'm meeting my friends in the cafeteria. I'm sure you'll meet them in your classes later today." She turned to face Ezra as she stood in the doorway.

"Do you want your door open or closed?" She asked, her hand wavering by the door handle.

"Closed, please. I don't have class this period and I want to get some work done." She shut the door behind her, and Ezra leaned back in his chair while covering his eyes with his hands, asking himself what on earth he was getting in to.

Hey guys! I'm probably going to leave an author's note at the end of every chapter, I like to connect with my audience on a personal level. First thing first, thank you for reading thus far. Though this is an M-Rated Fan Fiction, it's not going to be hard core porno. There will be adult content (drug reference/sexual content/mild language) but nothing extreme, and the entire plot will not revolve around it. Lastly, I would really appreciate it if you would leave a review. If I get ten reviews, I'll post the next chapter by Friday. If not, I'll just post it next Tuesday. I'll try to post at least one chapter a week. Next chapter is from Aria's POV, see you then!