So now it's officially over... That's very sad...

Once again, thank you for everyone to ready and interacting, you don't know how much it means that you take time out of your busy lives to read!

The song I used is JLS- Take A Chance On Me

I own nothing.

"So t-that, that is h-how I h-had Blake." Marie Anderson slurred to a couple who she couldn't actually remember who they were or why they were there.

"Blaine." Cooper corrected her.

"Who's Blaine?" She asked her elder son.

"No, he's called Blaine, not Blake." Cooper sighed as he tried to take the drink out of his mother's hand. "Seriously, mom. How much have you had to drink?" Cooper was getting frustrated as he helped Marie up when she fell on an attempt to lean against the bar.

"Your father's here w-with his new little pet, I need to, t-to drink lots and loads." She slurred again, pointing in some direction, probably where she last saw Tony Anderson.

"Well it is his son's wedding..." Cooper mumbled. "I'm so sorry about my mother, Mr and Mrs Hummel, she has a bit of a... erm... Problem, I suppose." Cooper smiled apologetically at Burt and Carole Hummel.

"Oh... That's Kurt's mom a dad! Why didn't you tell me that before I started drinking?" Mrs Anderson swatted her son's arm, harder than anticipated.

"It was nice to see you Mrs Anderson, you too Coop." Burt smiled at the mother and son before awkwardly walking away with Carole linking his arm.

"Blaine, get m-me something, I-I'm gonna hurl." She told her son as she clutched her stomach.

"I'm Cooper, Blaine's the other one." Cooper rolled his eyes as he took his mother outside, this was going to be a long wedding..."

"You can do. It's only getting married, it's only spending the rest of your life with the same person. I mean, it's not as though you're getting your dick wet anywhere else, even when you weren't with him so-"

"Santana, will you shut up?" Blaine snapped as he straightened out his tie.

"I'm giving you a pep talk. Isn't that what best men do?" She asked, frowning at Blaine through the mirror.

"You're not my best man." Blaine rolled his eyes, it's not as though Santana was actually listening to him, but it was worth a try.

"I basically am." She mumbled, just as there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it, we wouldn't want you to rip your suit, would we? It was pretty hard to find a designer suit made to fit a 10-year-old." She mumbled the last part as she stood to get the door. Blaine continued to smooth down his suit, making sure that everything was perfect. Just has he was fixing the lapels, he noticed Santana come back around the corner, followed by someone he didn't think would turn up at all...

"Dad...?" Blaine turned around, wide eyed.

"Oh, it was your dad? I was going to ask if he was like your escort or something?"

"Santana, please can you go?" Blaine left out a breath.

"Sure, but if he touches you... Use my rape whistle, it's in my purse." And with one last glare to Tony Anderson, she was out the door.

"Wasn't expecting you to come..." Blaine told him after a few moments of awkward silence.

"You're my son Blaine..." The elder Anderson shoved his hands in his pockets.

"I know, but... I don't know. I didn't think you'd want to." Blaine hung his head. The elder Anderson ran a hand through his greying dark curls, just like Blaine's. There was a moment of silence between the pair; Blaine went back to trying to perfect his suit even more.

"Do you love him?"


"Kurt? Do you really love him?" Tony Anderson clarified.

"Dad... I'm about to marry him, of course I love him." Blaine laughed slightly.

"I just want what's best for you son," Blaine opened his mouth to tell him how he hadn't been there for him, how he'd fucked up so many times and just needed his dad. "And before you say anything, I get that I haven't been there. I should have been and I can only offer my apologies; but I'm here now... Aren't I?" He added, taking a step closer to his younger son.

"I guess... Thanks dad." Blaine sighed as his father pulled him into a tight embrace. Blaine could feel the tears threatening to fall but he couldn't, not here, not now.

"I've just seen your mother." Tony told his son.

"Oh yeah? How drunk are we talking?" Blaine didn't look surprised, which surprised his father.

"She was telling Mr and Mrs Hummel about how proud she was of her son, Blake, for marrying their son." Mr Anderson said to the younger Anderson with a smirk.

"Blake sounds like a hell of a lucky guy." Blaine laughed back. Truth be told, he missed his dad. Having him back was something he'd dreamed of for such a long time and for him to be here now, made this day so much more perfect.

"What if he changes his mind?"

"He won't."

"What if he's left the building already?"

"He hasn't."

"What if his dad tells him he can't marry a guy?

"Oh Kurt, will you shut up!" Mercedes shouted and Kurt snapped his mouth shut. "Blaine won't change his mind, he's still here and his father will say none of the sort so will you shut up before I wrap my hands around that little throat of yours." She added with her forefinger and thumb pressed to her temple.

"You're right. I can do this, everything is fine." Kurt was convincing himself more than anyone else in the room. "I need a cigarette."

"You don't smoke?" Mercedes frowned.

"I need something to calm me down. I bet Blaine's calm, oh god. I can't do this. I'm going." Kurt threw his arms up and started pacing the room, not actually leaving it. That was the final straw for Mercedes, she stood from the arm chair she was sat on and grabbed Kurt's shoulders firmly. Kurt tried to struggle away from her but Mercedes slapped him hard across the cheek.

"Kurt will you please for the love of god shut. Up." Kurt stood in shock while holding his cheek.

"I swear to god if I have a hand mark on my face in any of these photos I will make your life a living hell."

The ceremony went swimmingly, once Kurt had gotten over his panic attack. After all these two had been through, Kurt honestly didn't think they'd make it to here, but seeing how Blaine had changed and how he'd grown with confidence and love over the years was something Kurt would never forget. How Blaine had constantly put Kurt first and had been there even when Kurt had thrown it back in his face. But it worked both ways, Blaine was far worse than Kurt. Getting the younger boy to actually trust his was the first step, then getting his to admit his feelings was another, but being stood with Blaine, hearing the boy tell his vows was something Kurt never ever thought he'd hear.

"So... What'd you think so far?" Blaine asked was the after party was in full swing.

"So far? Blaine, it's basically over." Kurt giggled as the pair danced around the dance floor like they were 16 all over again.

"I wanted to give you one more thing, I-I mean it's not much but..." Blaine stuttered slightly.

"Blaine, honey, you're stuttering." Kurt lifted his chin so they were eye to eye. Kurt would never get over how just having Blaine look into his eyes was like falling in love all over again.

"Just, just wait here." Blaine pressed a soft peck to his lips before running onto the miniature stage at the back of the room, facing the dance floor. "H-hey guys." Blaine said nervously into the microphone.

"That's my boy! I love you Blake!" Marie Anderson slurred, causing half the room to break into giggles.

"Love you too, mom." Blaine rolled his eyes before continuing. "First off, I'd like to thank everyone for coming today, I'm so glad I got to share this perfect day with you all... But there's one thing I'd to sing to my husband." Blaine grinned at that, he'd never thought he'd be able to call someone that, let alone Kurt. "Kurt," Blaine turned to his husband. "I remember back in high school, I was a massive jerk to you... I'm pretty sure you remember that too." Blaine sighed, silently cursing himself. "But all that aside. I remember looking at you a panicking, I remember looking at you and think 'what are the chances of this guy actually looking twice at me?' So I did the craziest thing I've ever done in my life and thinking of it now, I'm too sure why I did it. But it worked; it put that beautiful smile on your face, even if you did insult me straight after... But that doesn't matter because in that moment, I realised how stupidly in love with you I was." Blaine looked over at Kurt who was beaming, which made Blaine's smile impossibly bigger. "So for that, I sing you this." Blaine gestured behind him where the music started to play.

You're so scared to fall in love,
Cause you end up in the dust,
Every time every time.

Now you see us all the same,
Like our words are just a game,
Spitting lies, dirty lies.

I know you know
there's something here,
But you cannot get past the fear.
I can help you make it clear.

So when you feel like trying again,
Reach out, take my hand,
See how great it could be,
To fall in love with someone you can trust,

Who would never give up,
Cause you're all that he needs.
Baby take a chance on me,
Baby take a chance on me.

You give 100% but you've never seen a cent,
They're so blind, they're so blind.
Cause I'm looking at your face,
And the world's a better place,
In your eyes, lovely eyes.

I know you know
there's something here,
But you cannot get past the fear,
I can help you make it clear.

So when you feel like trying again,
Reach out, take my hand,
See how great it could be,
To fall in love with someone you can trust,

Who would never give up,
Cause you're all that he needs.
Baby take a chance on me,
Baby take a chance on.

Blaine stepped off the stage and walked over to where Kurt was stood in the middle of the dance floor, the man had tears in his eyes. Blaine took his hand as he sing the last few lines to him.

You got nothing to lose baby,
But you won't know if you don't try,
Please don't leave me asking why.
So when you're ready to choose baby,
I'll be here with open arms,
With the same in love in my heart.

So when you feel like trying again,
Reach out, take my hand,
See how great it could be,
To fall in love with someone you can trust,

Who would never give up,
Cause you're all that he needs.
Baby take a chance on me.
Baby take a chance on,

Baby take a chance on me.
Baby take a chance on.

So when you feel like trying again.

"I love you, so much." Kurt threw his arms around Blaine's neck.

"You don't know what this suit is doing to me." Kurt told his husband as he slammed the door to their hotel room and pushed Blaine up against it.

"I can only imagine." Blaine smirked as he tore his lips away from Kurt's neck.

"That smirk, oh god Blaine." Kurt moaned as he tried to press his body closer to Blaine's. Blaine let out a breathy laugh against Kurt's neck as his lips trailed back up to Kurt's face, peppering him with kisses as he went.

"You like that, baby?" Blaine asked, apparently his old bad boy self was a massive turn on for Kurt.

"Shut up and kiss me."

"Feisty, I like that." Blaine smirked once again before pressing his lips firmly to Kurt's, while grinding his obviously hard erection against Kurt's thigh.

"Bed." Kurt all but moaned out as he tried to push Blaine backwards but the shorter boy refused.

"Nah-uh. I plan on having my way with you up against this door." Blaine told him, looking directly into his eyes, which were almost black with lust. The younger boy didn't give Kurt a chance to reply as he pushed his lips back to Kurt's and started to fumble with his dress pants. Once they were down, Blaine shrugged off his blazer, and then pushed Kurt's firmly off. Kurt then unhooked Blaine's belt and pants, before pulling them down to pool at his feet. Blaine's hands reached around to Kurt's ass and started to knead the flush under his hands before dipping one hand before the waist band and trailing his middle finger up and down the crack, only to find that it was already moist.

"Kurt, have you..."

"Did you really think I was going to sit through my Aunt Sally's drunk speech? Long phone call, my ass." Kurt smirked as he pressed his ass back into Blaine's finger.

"Jesus Christ, you just... Everything." Blaine slammed his lips back to Kurt's before ripping his dress shirt off, buttons flying all over the room. "Did you think of me? As you fingered yourself?" Blaine breathed hotly into Kurt's ear, causing the boy to thrust forward again.

"Yes, oh god, YES!" Kurt moaned and Blaine yanked Kurt's boxers down, before hoisting the older boys legs to grip around his waist. Blaine then pulled his briefs down and got a firm hold onto Kurt's ass, pulling the cheeks apart, so he could rub his throbbing length up and down it. "Only you Blaine, only ever you." Kurt moaned again, setting Blaine off into a course of moans too. Kurt started to push himself down, trying to find the head on Blaine's cock, he was clearly aching for this.

"You ready baby? You want me inside you?" Blaine smirked again and Kurt nodded, he didn't trust himself with full sentences. Kurt started to suck and nip at Blaine's throat, being sure to kiss every inch of the tanned skin beneath him. Blaine removed one hand from Kurt's ass and directed his aching cock to Kurt's opening. They both moaned loudly when Blaine started to push in. "Still so tight... After all these years." Blaine told him as Kurt started to shift slightly, giving the younger boy a sign that he was ready. They started to thrust together, picking up a rhythm. It was amazing how they both knew each other so well, how they both knew what they each liked and the pace they both wanted. Although they'd call it something else, they both knew it was making love. The feelings emitted between them was something neither of them would find with anyone else. The pair started to pick up a speed and fall out of rhythm, they were both so desperate for this, they both wanted it more than anything.

"Kurt, Kurt. C-close." Blaine managed to say. One of his hands left Kurt's ass to start stroking Kurt's neglected dick. Blaine began to stroke in time with his thrusts.

"Oh Blaine, Blaine!" Kurt moaned loudly as he shot white all over Blaine's hand and torso, with Blaine shooting deep inside Kurt. They both stayed in the same position for a little while. Kurt could feel Blaine softening inside of him but he didn't care because right now, he was with the person that he loved more than anything in the world and nothing would ever change that.

"I love you Kurt Hummel-Anderson, so much." Blaine told the older boy once his breathing had evened out.

"And I love you back, Blaine Hummel-Anderson."