OKhey guys, wow this is crazy I haven't uploaded an update in like a year! So I just re-read my story and checked the reviews ect. and realized that even recently people have been looking at my story! Which I think is just brilliant.

I have been feeling some inspiration to start writing again so I'm going to finish this story I'm not sure if it will be just this book or a trilogy but then after that I have another two ideas for new stories which I think are pretty awesome.

Also keep in mind if you review on my story for this chapter you will get a mention at the top of my next chapter, once again thanks so much for the support, here is the next chapter.


I remove my knife from my belt and push the blade in the animal's chest. It winces before falling back. I remove my knife from its wound and turn around waiting for another to attack. None come though.

I look to Haymitch then to Finnick who are stabbing their way through the monkeys. Then I look to a swarm of them, they are attacking something, someone.


I run over and start frantically stabbing the creatures. One by one they drop.

Finnick sees what is happening and runs over helping me to get to Mags. I feel a claw slice across my hip, reopening the wound on my hip. A small shriek escapes my lips. I had pretty much forgotten about the cut until now.

My hand flies to my hip and applies as much pressure as I can while using my other hand to fend them off with my knife. Haymitch comes over as well and Finnick lifts Mags up.

In an instant the remaining monkeys just leave. It's as if the Gamemakers want them back now kind of like the fog.

I look to Mags. Her wounds are too deep, and there are too many. Finnick kneels down her head on his lap and stares her in the eyes. A tear rolls down my cheek; this reminds me too much of when Rue died.

Mags presents a small smile before saying "You're a good boy Finnick, Remember that. Also, remember who the enemy is."

Mags eyes loll back and Finnick wipes his hand over her face to close her eyelids. He gently lays her head down before abruptly standing up. I see a couple tears fall down his cheeks as he storms away.

"She was his mentor, in his Games," Haymitch whispers to me.

Her words replay in my head, remember who the enemy is. I know exactly what she means. The enemy isn't the other tributes, it's the Capitol.

I sit next to mags body so they can't take her away yet. I should do something for her; maybe sing like I did for Rue? No that was for Rue and only Rue. I see a flower patch only a couple meters in front of me, it gives me an idea. I grab them in bunches and decorate them over her wounds.

I finish by putting some in her hands. "Don't worry. I know who the real enemy is," I whisper to Mags.

I get up and walk away. As I do I bump into Finnick. "Thank you," he says.

"It's ok," I mumble, embarrassed that he was watching me.

I watch as Finnick walks over to her still body, he whispers finale goodbyes before leaving so that he is out of the way of the hovercraft.

"What now?" I ask. "I guess we fight the real fight," Haymitch replies.

The three of us sit on the beach in hushed whispers discussing and planning. The death of Mags has almost been an awakening to what is really happening. We have been so concentrated in on survival and killing the others that we have forgotten what the true fight is.

So we are discussing and planning a way to fight back.

We have been talking and are realizing that we do not have enough numbers. Three of us against the entire capitol and parts of District 1 and two? We don't stand a chance. We won't be able to gather a whole army yet but first we need a few more allies to help us escape from the games.

"We need to team up with the careers," Finnick whispers afraid the cameras will be able to hear us.

"That's ridiculous!" Hamish exclaims in a hushed tone.

"No I get it they are the fittest and strongest if we are planning on getting out of here they're our best bet," I say almost defeated.

"We can try but why would they trust us? How would we tell them?" Haymitch asks.

"We will have to confront them with our weapons down," Finnick replies.

"Alright. They are in the cornucopia right?" Haymitch questions, looking at me.

"Yea they stick there during the day and then hunt at night fall, as careers usually do," I reply. Then we have to go soon before it starts to get dark.

We have to swim the climb up the rocks to get to the cornucopia. Haymitch and Finnick being larger and stronger than I am move up the few rocks to the cornucopia at a much faster pace than I do.

I hear angry shout of the careers and I see Finnick draw his trident. "Wait!" I yell as I reach the top of the rock to face the careers.

"Just wait we have a proposal," I say desperate and out of breath.

"Like what?" Brutus practically spits out.

"We become allies", but before I even finish the sentence they attack obviously taking absolutely no consideration to the offer, I didn't even get to explain what the allayment would actually mean.

Finnick and Brutus have somehow both lost their weapons during the fight are now attacking each other in a fist fight. Haymitch finally kills the tribute he was fighting and we are both ready to run.

I look to Finnick to see Brutus is on top of him repeatedly punching his face. I run over, behind Brutus and plant my knife in his bad. He freezes immediately and drops in a heap on top of Finnick.

Finnick struggles but manages to push all of Brutus' dead weight off of him. Finnick's face is bleeding almost everywhere and already has bruises forming but I don't think anything is broken.

"Let's go," Haymitch says hurriedly.

We start running from the cornucopia and then swimming to the beach, but this time in the opposite direction to the way we came from.

We finally wash up on the beach exhausted; it has gotten very dark very quickly and the waves are a lot bigger making the swim much more difficult. Once everyone has recovered we get up and start to walk.

Suddenly a loud deep roaring kind of sound emerges from the beyond trees. I start to look to see what it is but Finnick yanks my arm and starts screaming for me to run.

I flash a quick look behind me and am faced with the odd sight of palm trees disappearing almost being sucked down one by one. Then I see the cause a giant wave is chasing us.

My adrenaline kicks in and suddenly I'm sprinting faster than I ever have before not willing to die like this, not willing to die for absolutely nothing but the capitols entertainment.

Thank you please remember to review!