A/N - I'm not sure if this has been done before, but SERIOUSLY, travelling with the Doctor on your period can't be easy. Because he's innocent (sorta) and oblivious, and you don't really get a chance to lay down and wish death upon yourself.

This is only going to be five chapters, just so you know.

Disclaimer - I don't own Doctor Who. I only own my OC, Emma Walker.



"Wake up!"


"Rise and shine, there are adventures to be had and planets to be discovered!" The Doctor jumped onto the bed, bouncing up and down as he hovered over Emma. "Wake up!" He yanked the covers off, laughing when he saw her curled up in the fetal position. "Come on, you've been asleep for eight hours! It's time to get up and face the day!"

"No." Eyes closed, she reached out for the blankets. He pulled them farther back. "Give me my warmth back or I'll pinch you, I swear to God."

"Okay!" He decided that was a good time to lay down on top of her. He quickly realized his mistake when he felt her knee slam into his thigh, thankfully just missing...other parts. "Oi!" He scrambled off of her. "Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."

She sat up, giving him the cruelest glare she could muster. She almost felt pride when he shrunk back. "Who woke me up?" She climbed out of bed, one hand on her lower back as pain shot through it. "Right, just let me get myself together and we'll be off."

The Doctor watched her leave, leaning back against the pillows with his hands behind his head. She was barely gone for a minute before he heard her yelling out a string of expletives. He furrowed his brow in confusion and jumped up, running out into the hallway. "Emma?" He knocked on the door that lead to the toilet. "Are you alright?"

"You've got to be kidding me!" He heard a crash and the creak of a cupboard being opened. "Oh, of course! Toilet paper, razors, wrinkle cream! Why the hell is there wrinkle cream? Everything but what I need!"

"Emma?" He raised his hand to knock on the door, but it swung open before he could. He gulped when he saw a very angry and disheveled Emma standing in front of him. "What's the matter?"

"I need to go shopping."

"What?" He frowned. "The TARDIS has everything you could possibly need. What is it?"

She sighed, crossing her arms over her chest. "Sorry to burst your bubble, but she doesn't have everything. Take me to the shop, or I won't hesitate to rip off your-"

"Alright, alright!" He held his hands up. "We'll go."

The Doctor twiddled his thumbs, watching them as if his life depended on it. Emma had been gone for nearly ten minutes and he was starting to get bored. He would have gone with her, if it hadn't been for her punching his arm when he tried to follow her out the door. He was pretty sure he had a bruise. He hopped out of the chair when the door opened, stumbling over his own feet. "What took you so long?"

She glared at him and reached into the bag in her hand, pelting a package at him. He fumbled to get a grip on it. "I got you something that might make you piss off for a while."

"Jammie Dodgers?" He grinned. "Wonderful!" He went to tear the package open, but stopped. "What else have you got?" Through the clear bag, he could see a green square. "Is that a box of tea bags? Oh, tea and Jammie Dodgers!"

"No!" She yanked the bag out of his reach. "Look, I'm going to go to the loo and then bed. You are going to...tinker with the TARDIS engine or whatever it is you do when I'm not around. Okay?" She didn't wait for an answer, just spun on her heel and made her way up the stairs.

"Wait! I woke you up to go on an adventure!"

"I'm trying to care, Doctor!" She yelled back. "I really am!"

A/N - Alright, I'm writing this because I thought it would be funny. And relatable. Well, not relatable considering the Doctor isn't real...but I think all us girls can agree that at some point in the month we just wouldn't be having fun while travelling if he was real. I don't know. Let me know if I should post the other four chapters!