Ok, this is MY thought of how Kudley began! :) No, not really, just their first kiss! :)
It's a stormy day. It's around sunset, 6:30pm. Dudley and Kitty were still at tuff. They are dating, and went out on a few dates. However, Dudley wanted to kiss, but he didn't know if Kitty was ready for big jump with him. But, what Dudley didn't know is that Kitty wanted to kiss him too.
"Should I kiss her? I don't know what to do!" Dudley thought.
It's getting late. Kitty packed her things up and grabbed her coat. She looked out the window and it was raining. (oooh shit, she's a cat and cats don't like water). She headed and saying goodbye to Dudley. But, before Kitty could leave, Dudley stopped her.
"Yes, Dudley?"
"Why don't I give you a ride home?"
"That's sweet Dudley...But um..."
"Please? I know how much you hate the rain."
"That's true... But I couldn't let you do that."
Dudley got a little upset. Why didn't she say yes? (Dude, I would say yes). Anyways, Kitty walked away, leaving Dudley alone. He sighed and packed his things too. Outside, Kitty was in the rain. She couldn't get her car started. She tired everything. Dudley saw her out the window. He felt so bad for her. (Awwww! True love right there).
"Shit! Stupid car...Looks like I'm walking home." Kitty said getting all wet.
She began to walk toawrd her apartment. Dudley walked out of the tuff building and called her name. Kitty turned around, with tears in her eyes.
"Why are you crying, Kitty?"
"It's the rain, Dudley."
"Why didn't you take your car?"
"It wont start...So I'm walking home."
Kitty turned around and walked away. Dudley thought of something. He grabbed Kitty's shoulders and spun her around. They were face to face now. He pulled her into a kiss. They both closed their eyes, and Kitty wrapped her arms around his neck. Soon, they pulled apart, and Kitty had a smile on her face.
"I'm not gonna let you walk home alone." Dudley said holding her hand.
Kitty smiled at him. They walked back to tuff, and into Dudley's car. He drove Kitty home, and she thanked him. They waved goodbye, and Dudley went home. As they got ready for bed, they both thought about their kiss.
"I can't beileve Dudley did that! He's purrfect." Kitty said crawling into bed.
Back with Dudley. He was getting ready bed. He jumped on his race car bed and thought about Kitty.
"Kitty's a good kisser...I love her so much."
They went to sleep with a smile on their face.
OMG! MY DREAM IS BEING KISSED IN THE RAIN! Even though I don't really like the rain, that's my dream...Well, also to get married and have kids too.