It took another three days of research and experimentation for the staff to work out the right incantation to reverse the banishment. Professor McGonagall had a small recollection of an artifact in Professor Dumbledore's archives that could help identify spell reversals, a pair of stones that glowed when the words of a spell were spoken to them. The original spell would inspire the first to shine, and the reversal would cause the other to shine similarly.
They worked tirelessly to pick apart the pronunciation of the original spell, using the ancient book's writings as a guide and the Pensive to access the memory of the sound of Seamus Finnigan's sneeze. The professors worked around the clock, relieving each other when fatigue was too great to continue, and repeatedly refusing Granger's offer to help. They kept themselves isolated, afraid the dark magic they were dabbling in would pose too much of a threat to the inexperienced students.
At night Harry only invaded Draco's dreamworld for brief encounters, careful not to rob him of the restorative sleep he needed. He passed the hours of the night wandering around the school but always returned at daybreak to be there when Draco awoke. Draco felt more rested in the mornings but regretted how little time it left them to enjoy each other's touch.
They passed the days getting to know their new feathered companions and spending time with Weasley and Granger. They took a carriage into Hogsmeade to purchase four perches, handcrafted from the finest materials at Draco's insistence, of course. They tried to attach bands to each of the birds' legs to easily tell them apart, but the birds would have none of it. So instead they had to find differences in their plumage to identify them. They spent some hours trying to teach them to come when called by whistle, and amazingly they were even able to hear Harry's invisible whistle as well as Draco could.
"I don't understand why my," Harry struggled for the right word, "non-being doesn't affect them. They see and hear me and touch me like anyone else."
"Phoenixes transcend life and death" Granger said after Draco translated. "They're practically immortal, and they can bring anyone back to life with a single tear, even if they're on their very last breath. So you being not quite alive might not matter to them."
"They're the perfect pet for an invisible wanker like yourself," Draco teased. He flinched reflexively as Harry's reflection took a swipe at him, leaving a brush of warm resistance against the side of his face.
Just then front doors of the school flew open and Professor Sprout ran out breathlessly. "There you are! Come now, Filius has figured out the counter-incantation."
They leaped to their feet and ran after her, the mirror bobbing along obediently behind them with the four birds perched on top. They rushed to the Headmaster's office and burst in as the other staff were crouched around a pair of stones that glowed pinkly atop a stack of parchments.
"What does it mean?" Harry asked. "Draco, ask them what it means."
"Harry wants to know if this means we can put him back in his body now," Draco said lightly, although his heart was beating so hard that he was certain everyone in the room could hear it.
"It means we can try," Professor McGonagall's mouth was set in a tense line.
They trooped down to the Charms classroom and arranged themselves around the glass case. The life-death meter's needle sat stubbornly between the two marks. Draco retrieved Harry's shoes from the glass case and set them on the floor. Everyone was silent.
Draco looked up at Harry's reflection and saw fear in his eyes. He reached out to the warm resistance where he stood and smiled encouragingly. "The worst that can happen is that it doesn't work. It's not going to make things worse."
"I hope not," Harry said nervously.
"Mister Malfoy," Professor Slughorn instructed, "Please kneel before the shoes and place your hands on them. One hand on each."
"Try to position them so you'll touch both the shoes and Harry as he steps in," Professor McGonagall added.
"Everyone get a good look," Draco said as he lowered himself to the floor. "This is the one and only time you'll see a Malfoy bowing at another man's feet." Harry chuckled and stepped gingerly into the shoes. Draco rested his hands along the sides of the trainers with his fingers trailing up the warmth of Harry's ankles.
The life-death meter hopped. It rose to the three-quarter mark, just below the word Alive. Professor Slughorn withdrew his wand and with a practiced gesture uttered a complex series of noises that sounded more like the clearing of sinuses than a spoken language. A flash of light emitted from the tip of his wand and spread across the space where Harry stood. For a brief moment Draco could swear he saw the outline of the other boy's body before it faded away.
"It moved!" Granger shouted. Sure enough the life-death meter had hopped again, bobbing within a mere millimeter of top and then sinking to the three-quarters mark again as the light of the spell dissipated.
Slughorn tried the incantation again,, and again Harry's outline became briefly visible, the needle hopped, and sank back down.
"What's wrong?" Weasley asked. "Why can we get so close but still not bring him back?"
Harry was silent, but in the mirror his expression was twisted and distressed. Draco looked up at him and felt his heart breaking. Why couldn't he fix this for him?
"It will be okay, Harry," he said softly. "I promise."
Suddenly the phoenixes atop the mirror started twittering and chirruping, as though conversing amongst themselves. One by one they jumped down with wings extended and tail feathers trailing behind. Two of the birds hopped towards Harry and cried sharply, as though driving him back. They herded him out of the shoes with extended beaks and wings. They hopped until they stood on either side of him, and the other two hopped forward as though inspecting his shoes. Then as one, they each leaned forward and tilted their heads.
A shimmering teardrop fell from the first phoenix's eye, landing inexplicably in mid-air on the invisible space that Harry's right foot occupied. The second shed a tear on his left foot. The other two birds shed a tear on each of Draco's hands. He watched as the water trickled down his skin and fell with a tiny plop onto the insoles of the shoes.
"Try again," Granger whispered.
Harry stepped back into the shoes and Draco extended his fingers up the warmth of his legs. The life-death meter jumped dramatically so it was nearly touching the Alive mark. Draco could swear the air beneath his fingers became more substantial, more resistant.
"Now, Professor!" Granger cried.
Professor Slughorn raised his wand and thrust it firmly while uttering the complex congested syllables. An intense flash of light burst from the tip of his wand and bathed the hallway in its rays. Draco flinched but forced himself to squint up at the brightness above him. Before his eyes the air thickened, condensed, darkened, and finally became solid. As the light faded the life-death meter tipped that tiny remaining distance to the top and pointed unswervingly to Alive.
Harry blinked in surprise and looked around at the group, who stared back in slack-jawed stunned silence. He looked down at Draco, who was motionless, still grasping his ankles. A tear escaped the corner of Harry's eye and he tentatively smiled.
"Hi," he said softly. "Can you see me?"
Draco realized belatedly that tears were streaming down his face. He scrambled to his feet and threw his arms around Harry, driving him staggering back to the wall. He mashed his mouth against the other boy's, covering him in desperate, tear-stained kisses. Harry curled his arms around him in return and squeezed back with his own grateful embrace.
Draco eventually released his lips and gasped for air as they butted their foreheads together. His hands raked through Harry's hair and stroked his back as though reassuring himself that he was really there.
"I love you. I love you so much," he whispered. "Don't ever leave again."
"I love you, too." Harry's tears started anew. "Don't ever let me go."
Draco kissed him again and again, and felt the agony of separation melt away. He didn't care that they were surrounded by friends and colleagues who were impatiently waiting for their own chance to welcome Harry back. The way he saw it, he got first dibs. They could shake Harry's hand and hug him once Draco had his fill.
"Oh sod off, Malfoy," Weasley's voice invaded the moment. "Let someone else have a turn."
Draco stepped back reluctantly, but kept one protective arm wrapped around Harry's waist. "All right, but just one kiss."
Granger flung herself at Harry and hung off of his neck, weeping openly at the sight of him. Her tears stained the collar of his robe as the grief of losing her best friend poured out of her. Weasley gave him a manly back-thumping hug and a handshake, although his eyes brimmed with tears, too. Each of the professors hugged Harry and congratulated him on enduring the dark spell, and he thanked them profusely for their time and energy.
When the last person had embraced and welcomed him back, they stepped back and regarded each other introspectively. Finally Professor McGonagall waved her hands in a blustering dismissal and shooed them to the Great Hall for a much deserved meal. They shuffled collectively down the corridor towards the stairs, leaving Harry, Draco, the mirror, and the four phoenixes behind.
"Minerva, Filius, Horace, Sybill," Draco addressed the birds, "Let me fix that for you."
The four birds hopped off of the mirror and Draco transfigured it into an extra-wide perch that could accommodate the quartet comfortably. They fluttered and roosted delicately with a few pecks and a chirrup here and there as they resettled. He levitated the perch and beckoned it along behind as he and Harry made their way down the corridor. Harry grasped Draco's hand tightly, and Draco firmly returned the pressure.
"Are you hungry?" Draco asked. "You haven't had any food in almost a week."
"That's not what I want right now," Harry said shyly, peeking from the corner of his eye.
"That's what I had hoped you would say," Draco smirked.
They picked up the pace and hurried back to Slytherin house. The four birds returned to their perches in the common room as Draco dragged Harry by his hand to the bedroom. They stumbled through the door and latched it behind them, hands raking at each other's clothing.
Draco tore open Harry's robe, scattering buttons and ripping the fabric. Harry whipped his glasses off and tossed them carelessly onto the desk as Draco slipped his tie free from his collar and rapidly unbuttoned his shirt. Harry pushed Draco's black turtleneck up and yanked it over his head, then dropped his mouth to Draco's chest for his first real world taste.
"Merlin," he sighed. "You smell so good."
"Come here," Draco drew him up to his mouth and kissed him deeply as his fingers worked the enclosure on his trousers. He shoved them to the floor, then removed his own in one smooth movement. They paused for just one breath as their warm skin made first contact. Then Draco propelled Harry backwards to the bed.
Harry laughed as he flopped onto the pillow and Draco climbed on top of him. They pawed at each other eagerly, licking and tasting as though everything needed to happen at once. They rocked against each other, rubbing together and groaning with pleasure. Draco worked his way down Harry's neck and ran his tongue up the groove alongside Harry's throat. Harry tipped his head back to give him access and moaned softly as the sensation set off goosebumps all over his body. Draco moved down to his arms and ran his tongue across the goosebumps, kissing every bit of skin he could find.
"I need you," Harry gasped as Draco gently sucked his nipple.
Draco nodded and slipped his hand between his legs, tracing eager circles around Harry's entrance. Harry grunted desperately, his eyes glazed and feverish with want. Draco inserted one, then two fingers and played gently as the other boy's body accepted the invasion. Harry tilted his hips and welcomed the pressure gratefully as Draco's fingers worked gently. He whispered a wandless spell and conjured a slick palm, which he quickly ran over his knob and then pressed forward. He entered slowly, savoring the tightness of Harry's body. He could feel the other boy's muscles contract and relax as he pushed, slowly at first, then with more confidence.
They moved together, breath heavy and eyes locked in the thrall of intimacy. Draco grasped Harry and stroked eagerly as he thrust again and again. Harry's cheeks were flushed and his lips parted slightly as he gazed up into Draco's eyes. Draco leaned forward and kissed him briefly, too short of breath for anything more.
"I love you," he whispered as he pushed, the heat of climax rising in his belly.
"I love you," Harry nodded, his eyes unfocused and fluttering.
Draco could tell he was close. The bed creaked in rhythm and they gasped and moaned together as the heat rose. Suddenly Harry threw his head back and cried out, biting his lip to muffle the sound. The sight of him climaxing pushed Draco over the edge, and he came like a hammer strike, pushing furiously and grunting involuntarily.
The delicious sensation passed gradually, rolling back like the tide as their movement slowed. Draco finally slipped free and dropped to the mattress beside the other boy. Harry immediately rolled into his arms and breathed heavily against Draco's pounding heart.
"Stay with me," Draco said between breaths. "Forever and ever."
"I'm not going anywhere," Harry said, squeezing his arms around him.
"We have to do this again," Draco said, pulling his head back and admiring the other boy. He reveled in the sparkling clarity of his emerald green eyes.
"Definitely." Harry grinned, dropping another kiss on his lips.
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooo
It was almost midnight, and the students and staff were gathered in the Great Hall to count down to New Year's. Harry and Draco were outside in the snow, watching their four feathered companions soar and wheel against the starry night sky. They walked hand-in-hand, enjoying a comfortable silence that seemed like such a luxury now that they had more than a voice to connect them. Their boots crunched through the ice-capped snow as they strolled leisurely down towards the lake.
"It's not going to be easy," Draco said. "Everyone still thinks I'm a Death Eater."
"We'll probably make the gossip column in the Daily Prophet," Harry shrugged. "I don't care."
"Borgin and Burkes are going to know those were their phoenixes," Draco added.
"But they also think you have a way of seeing their secrets," Harry reminded him.
"Some people may not like the idea of the two of us sharing a life," Draco said a little quieter.
"I don't care about some people," Harry stopped and pulled Draco in close.
Just then the clock tower on the school tolled midnight and a great show of brilliant streamers and fireworks burst to life in the sky above the rooftop. The phoenixes cried out in protest and dove towards them, fluttering around their heads in an agitated cloud of glowing red and golden feathers.
"All right," Draco said sternly. "That's quite enough, get down here."
The birds landed, each taking a shoulder for a perch. They folded their wings and cocked their heads at the dazzling display in the sky, cooing inquisitively in their throats. Draco eyed the one on his right shoulder, the one they had named Minerva. It tilted its head to peer at him, and then butted its head against his ear.
"We look like utter berks," Draco said with cool disdain. The other bird, the one they had named Filius, plucked delicately at his hair for attention.
"We look like pirates," Harry laughed, reaching up with both hands to offer Sybil and Horace a nuzzle.
"That doesn't make me feel any better," Draco said.
"Happy New Year, Draco," Harry grinned as the fireworks glinted off of his glasses.
"Happy New Year, Harry," Draco smiled in spite of himself.
They leaned together and kissed, their hands lightly gripping each other's coats. The Phoenixes extended their wings for balance and encircled them in a ring of red and golden feathers. Then, as one, they leaped into the air and took flight.