It was another normal day at Mesa High. I walk into first period, Math... My worst subject. I go to the back like any other day and sit the furthest away from the teacher. He knows I suck at math and helps whenever I'm alone because he knows i like to keep to myself and go my own pace and i respect him for that, it means ALOT. The bell hasn't rung yet and many students haven't entered the classroom yet so i stare out the window.

It's so cold out being December 21st, the first day of winter. I love the winter time... at my house where theres a fireplace, my favorite plush chair, hot chocolate whenever i want, my grandma's sewn sweaters. i know lame right? Wearing my grams sweaters, actually there really warm and fuzzy like cotton, can't really tell my gram made them. They don't have those crazy designs other kids have, there weird! Raising a teenageer had helped her be like a mom, ya know being caught up with the latest trends. Mostly because we go shopping together and my sense of fashion is very well known across the state of New Mexico because of Lemonade Mouth, and they seem to love my style. So we don't complain.

Another thing about winter is the snow. I love the snow but i don't really play in it. I don't know why, I don't think I can mess up something so beautiful and peaceful ya know?

Then there's the holidays. For me, it's just another day because everyone gets together with their family and have fun and all but I just have my gram. I'm not ungrateful, heck no. I love spending it with her, i guess I'm just jealous or something but im happy with what I have.

My mind seems to wander off for the remainder of the time. The only thing that pulls me out of my thoughts is the bell. The teacher starts going on about theorems which surprisingly I understand. So, I just do the work he passed out because all he's doing is going over the homework which I know i got right. Then I feel something tap my shoulder. I turn around and see Wen and automatically my mood changes. I give him a warm smile and nod at him.

" Stella said to meet up at lunch, she has a couple new ideas for gigs or something. I don't know I wasn't really paying attention"

" And why is that?" I ask back

" Oh... uhm no reason, just thinking I suppose..." he looked away quickly and i thought I saw him blush... Why was he blushing..? weird...

" Anyway.. thought of any new songs lately?" he rejoins the conversation

" oh yeah! I have a couple ideas but I can't seem to go anywhere with some of them"

" We can work on that later then" he smiled.

I smiled back... gahh I love when we hang out and write songs. He just gets so into his.. our music when we write. We just fit.. as songwriters of course... right? No Olivia pay attention to the board. But I already get this stuff so why look at the board when the convo wasn't over. I started having a little argument in my head debating on whether or not i should keep talking to Wen. I don't even remember why i stopped, I look back over and he's concentrating on a proble.. Oh well. I get back to doing my second packet I've been working on, i was already on the back finishing my second to last proof. The last part was SAS Side Angle Side.. I go onto the last proof thing and i find myself stumped... SHOOT, quadratic equation... I look around the walls and see if anything would help me considered his walls are full of posters and helpful hints on everything math possible. I didn't see quadratic... of all things, no quadratic. Damn... I decide to ask Wen.

" Psst. Wendell .." i nudged his shoulder, he hates his real name... LOL

" What Olivia Anne..?" he fired back playfully ( I don't know if it's really her middle name but i made it up sooo, yeah. I thought it was pretty :) )

" Do you get the last question ?"

He looked at me like i was crazy. " You're on the last question? There's like thirty of them! I'm only on five..."

" Oh.. nevermind"

" No no.. letmmee look at it..." he flipped his packet over and pondered over he knew it or not " Wait, what packet are you in Anne?"

" The second one.. why?"

He just stared at me.. "You're serious?"

" Yeah...?"

" I;m on the first, how did you do all of those so quickly? You're usually the one struggling."

" I get this..?"

" Well obviously... but I don't"

I playfully gasp " The great math Wiz Wendell Gifford doesn't understand !"

He pretends to be hurt then smiles and just nods and becomes serious again.

" I could help you out sometime..?" I whisper. He smiles and nods. Our conversation short lives when the teacher walks by and gives us stern looks and points to the board which clearly states "INDEPENDENT. NO TALKING" The remainder of the period was quiet like was intended. I finished wayyy early and turned my packets in and everyone looked at me like I had two heads. I got back to my seat and pull out my spiral notebook A.K.A. my songbook. It has all of the songs the band has wrote like Determinate and She's So Gone etc. I Get this idea in my head.. more like a melody. I look around the room for inspiration but being in a math classroom there isn't really any inspiration here, which sucked, alot. I find Wen eyes and he smiles, noticing the songbook out and returns to his work. I have writers block the rest of the period. The bell finally rings and i can't wait to get out there fast enough but I'm pulled back by a hysterical Mo.

" What Mo? What is it?"

" Have you been on the internet lately?!"

" No... why?"

She practically attacked her phone and started searching something. " Look"

I take the phone and I can't believe my eyes.. We have a fanpage with like 10,000+ followers! I mentally scream and give Mo a huge hug. She starts rambling wondering who made it and stuff.

" Maybe Stella did, she did say we have big news to hear.." i think out loud

" OF COURSE! LIVIA YOU'RE A GENIUS!" I smile at her then she soon finds Scott waving at her. She drags me along and tells Scott my theory. He just nods his head and smiles at her lovingly. Gahhh there soo cute.. but just a little too cute on occasion. Like this one time I accidentally interrupted a make-out session that none of us wanted to find out about. We bid each other goodbye and go off to second period... then third then lunch. I go to our Bands original table and take a seat. I'm usually the first there bc my class is just next to the cafeteria. I also pack so I begin eating when i realize I forgot my drink.. again. But I don't mind because i prefer Lemonade over what I have at my house anyway. I begin my journey to the basement when I'm rudely interrupted by none other than Patty. JOY .

" Oh hey Olivia!"

"Hello.." Why is she talking to me..?

" Oh my gawsh i love your outfit!" she squeals. OH .

" Oh.. thanks.?" I look down at my out which is my usual girly attire.. A forest green designer long sleeve with "Love" in cursive written in pale pink around on the right hand side on my chest from Kohl's, dark wash skinny jeans and boots with my hair in my"signature braid" .. nothing really new...

" Oh come on, don't be like that, I just complimented you!"

I say thanks again and try to walk by but she steps in front of me yet again. " Uhm... can i help you with something..?"

"OH how foolish of me. I wanted to ask about your band, Lemonheads!"

" Uhm.. its Lemonade MOUTH" i correct.

" Right right, Lemonade Mouth. Anyway, hows it coming? New gigs, songs? Anything of the sorts?"

" Uhm... sorta why?" I'm confused, why does she care?

" Oh no reason, just wanted to make sure you guys are still doing the whole band thing ya know? Things are spreading like you guys broke up or something big." she says nonchalantly. My eyes go wide, I mumble something non understandable and walk to the basement. Is this what Stella had in mind for BIG news? of course not. Stella created this band, why would she quit now? Patty must being messing with my head or something...

I get my lemonade but stop when i hear on the phone and hear. "Lemonade Mouth".. i jolt to a stop and creep to the door. I don't quite understand what she's talking about but it's definitely about our band. I hear her hang up and rush back to the cafeteria. Everyone made it to the table and greet me.

" Where were you? I was thinking you ditched us or something!" Stella joked. I had to smile at that.

" NO of course not! I just overheard thats all.."

"ABout...?" Mo questioned

" I'm not really sure but she definitely said "Lemonade MOuth""

" Really? She's only our manager Olivia" Charlie stated. OH YEAH... I feel dumb...

" Oh. yeah... I forgot" I look down at my food and suddenly I'm not hungry anymore.

" Are you okay?" Wen asks softly. I nod but I know they know I'm lying. It becomes silent... " Is Lemonade MOuth Breaking up?..." i whisper which seems almost un-audible

" Why would you ask that?" Scott speaks up

" I just.. i mean.. So i went to get a Lemonade from Mel's and... Patty" I was cut off mid-stuttering when Stella scream " PATTY!?" I nod. Everyone seems just as surprised as Stella was.

" What did Patty do Olivia?" Charlie asks.

" Okay well she was all like rumors are going around about us breaking up and something big is gonna happen, I didn't listen anymore and thats when I walked away all confused.

" Why would she say we're breaking up? I mean we're having band practice after school right?" Mo added. We all nodded.

" Because it's Patty, i bet Ray put her up to this. She's only his little puppet." Stella muttered through clenched teeth.

" She didn't seem mean about it. She seemed like she cared, she even complimented my outfit... which was odd but still."

" … Oh Olivia, always seeing the good in people..." Charlie laughed. We all nodded at that. I mean he was telling the truth, I did. There's even a goodness in Ray, I know there is, it just hasn't been discovered yet.

" So... what do we do about it?" Scott asked.

" Nothing" I said but at the same time Stella said "Revenge" and we just gave each other looks as did the whole band. "What? we still don't know for sure what their up to if they're up to anything at all, let's just play it by ear and then we'll deal with it okay?" Stella looked like she was going to say something but didn't which I was thankful for because i didn't want to talk about anymore. We continued our lunch discussing song ideas and what to do for rehearsal and band related things. I caught Wen looking at me, he went pink and I just smiled at him, I can't really do anything else. I mean what you do if you caught your crush looking at you?

Soooo what did you guys think? of course this is just an intro but i have many tricks up my sleeve, I'll also do other POVs from other characters. SOme things to look forward to is Ray trouble, Tour, hospital visits, heartbreak, foul language, rebellion... etc the usual XD I DON'T OWN ANYTHING... sadly, except my ideas! I might also make the characters a little OCC at times but I'll you all know when I do. OH and when they're writing songs, I'll give credits to the actual singers/groups that they belong to. Hope to see you all in the next chapter!

P.S. I don't really care if I get reviews or not, yeah I'd love feedback but I'm just happy my ideas can be shared, thats all! Later !