Just a quick authors note, Ahem FUCK YOU CARTOON NETWORK FOR CANCELLING THIS BRILLIANT SHOW! anyway post a review on if you think YJ should have been cancelled or not and of course please review my story thanks and I'll get on with this two-shot. Black Canary and Connor bond more next chapter.

A boom sounded throughout Mount. Justice putting the team on high alert as the alarms rang, the loud ringing and red lights flashing continuously didn't calm them down either, Nightwing radioed Miss Martian, Aqualad, Kid Flash and Artemis to meet outside, Zatanna and Rocket were with their mentors and Superboy was outside close to were the sensors picked up the explosion according to his GPS, but he wasn't answering his radio. The team made it outside to see Superboy rage clear on his face, standing in a crater, "Get through to him M'gann and establish a link!" ordered Nightwing, M'gann made the link and connected Superboy.

Each of them were shocked, their eyes wide as they heard Superboys mind, he was screaming obscenities in a fit of rage, people tend to forget he is only 6 years old, his emotions are very powerful and can take over, this was reminiscent of a child having a tantrum and kicking their parents shin, that is if the child was actually half Kryptonian and had super-strength. Superboy turned to see the team staring at him, he roared and pounced on them with incredible speed Aqualad blasted him with a torrent of water but to no avail, Superboy took the attack in stride M'gann pleaded with him to calm down but instead he threw a punch at her narrowly missing as she flew into the air. Nightwing drop kicked him in the face and Aqualad put him in a headlock, he then shot a few volts of electricity into him trying to knock him out but Super boy jumped high into the air, he aimed Aqualad at the ground and they both fell down, the ground coming up to them fast.

Aqualad released Superboy and kicked off him to get away as Superboy smashed into the ground rocking it beneath their feet and creating another crater, M'gann lifted him up into the air but not before he dug his hands into the ground and pulled up a boulder with him, he lifted it over his head and threw it at her, she released him to dodge it all the while they screamed at him to calm down. Kid Flash did various hit and run moves on him but they didn't do anything except anger him more, which seemed to make him stronger.

Someone contact the League! screamed Artemis as she fired off explosive arrows at Connor making him stumble subtlety, Already on it! said Nightwing as he made his way inside the base and to their super computer, the team could barely keep him under raps and once Nightwing contacted the league he rejoined the fight. After what seemed like an eternity they were battered and bruised, they each had scars they knew wouldn't heal perfectly and would remain on their bodies, "Enough!" an authoritative voice boomed overhead which made Connor stop his attack, they each looked into the sky to see Superman lowering himself to the ground, the team relaxed believing that he would definitely be able to stop Connor.

Superboy bounded towards him roaring like a wild beast, landing before him he threw a punch which Superman caught, his eyes filled with contempt, he spun Connor around and wrapped his arms around him holding him tight, "He'll calm down soon." he told the team calmly, Nightwing got up slowly staggering a bit, he put a hand on his now broken right arm that just hung limp at his side, blood dripping from his fingertips, each of their suits were ripped and torn from their battle. Connor had put them each through the ringer, but they didn't judge him, imagine experiencing the world and everything in it for the first time, it is a daunting thing especially for a 6 year old, along with the fact he is in a teenage body with his hormones not making his life any easier, but they knew he would feel horrible for this.

Supermans presence seemed to anger Connor more and more, he roared his lungs out and his muscles seemed to bulge more, he began trying to break free "You're weaker than me, you won't escape." Superman stated calmly, but something was strange, he was actually breaking free, Supes' eyes went wide as Connor became stronger seemingly just from rage. Supes' flew into the air and Connor broke free from his grasp, he grabbed Supes' arm in a powerful grip and smiled at him.

Connor began beating Superman furiously with a flurry of kicks and punches, the team on the ground looked up wide eyed at the beating, each hit sending out powerful shock-waves with a sound similar to thunder, leaves blew into the air and the teams hair blew backwards, Connor spun around, backhanded Superman powerfully and grabbed his hair so he didn't fall, Connor was flying without the aid of Shields which was amazing on its own but he also just destroyed Superman almost. Connor threw him towards the ground and flew down afterwards, Supes' lifted himself up and rested on his knees looking at Connor who seemed to have calmed down massively. "I have had it with you!" Connor shouted "I have kept my anger inside for 5 fucking years over how much of a twat you are, I no longer want to be you! Cadmus programmed me to be your damn replacement and now I realize this and that it's something I really don't want in life." Connor huffed, he looked gaunt like something was wrong underneath the surface.

Both of them watched each other, breathing deeply, both exhausted after what just occurred Connor turned and flew away cutting the psychic link with the team, "Connor!" Superman shouted, he tried to stand and give chance but collapsed to his knees, the team were also to weak to follow him. The sky went grey and rain began to fall, Batman, Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter turned up and helped the teens inside to the medical bay. Superman stayed on his knees staring at the wet grass, he was a sorry sight really, someone as powerful as him taken down by a mere child, a black gloved hand reached out in-front of him and he grasped Batmans hand.

Now on his feet Superman looked Batman in the eye, the rain had drenched them both by this point, "Meet me in the counselors room." Batman ordered before turning and leaving Superman in the rain, the team each had their own bed in the medical ward of Mount. Justice, Black Canary and Red Tornado were patching up the team not knowing they still had a telepathic link with each other. They remained silent for a while until M'gann spoke up, O.K... what the hell was that? Nightwing sucked in a breath as Red Tornado set his arm back in place, My guess is it has something to do with Superman. chipped in Wally, Real smart Wally of course it has to do with him.Nightwing said condescendingly.

I know the League mean well but he's the type that needs to be alone. said Kaldur'ahm, Already on it. Artemis being least injured left the ward early and was in the living area, she accessed their GPS signals using Nightwings glove and deactivated Connors GPS signal. His GPS is deactivated. she confirmed amd the team noticeably relaxed.


Superman was sat in a chair in the counseling room, Batman looking at him, "What happened?" questioned Batman, Superman frowned and looked at Batman, "Don't speak to me like I'm an underling." he spat, Batman glared at him, "Don't forget Clark, you are just supposed to represent the ideals of the League, but I lead this team and when something like this happens it's my responsibility to collect the pieces," Batman leant down and stared Superman straight in the face, "you do well to remember that people unafraid of you, still fear me." he said the last part chillingly and Superman looked away unable to face him. "We had an argument." he admitted, "There's more to it seeing as he destroyed you, and how has he unlocked the potential of his Kr DNA?" Batman interrogated, he stood up straight and moved away from Superman, the rain dripped from his cape and onto the carpet as he moved.

"I honestly have no idea how he has done that, from what he said though it seems like he's hated me for years." he leant back into the chair with a solemn look on his face, "You sound like you regret what you have done now." analyzed Batman, he sat in the chair opposite Superman and looked at him, he pulled his cowl down and relaxed. "Clark," Superman looked at Batman and his eyes grew wide for a second, "Hm I should've guessed you were Bruce Wayne." he mumbled, Bruce smirked but only a tiny one.

"We need to talk about how to handle our young ones." Bruce sighed, "Well seeing as you've handled Robin well, it wouldn't hurt getting some advice." Clark admitted.

Back in the medical ward Black Canary got a call on her personal cellphone, something she wasn't used to, she answered it and left the team in the room alone, "What is it Oliver?" she said in a hushed voice, she paced around and raised her eye-brows at the news she received, "Alright don't contact anyone in the League and leave him be please, I'll be there soon." she put her phone down, re-entered the room to tell the team she was leaving for a bit and exited, the team sat there bewildered looking at each other. The rain still poured down outside, Black Canary rolled up outside her and Olivers house, it was a quaint suburban house, the rain kept the neighborhood kids indoors today which she was thankful for seeing as Superboy was sitting with his knees up on the houses doorstep completely drenched.

She rolled the window down, "Connor, come here." she called out to him, he looked up at her, it was obvious that he either was currently drying, or he at least had been even with the rain rolling down his face, she felt for the kid, it pained her seeing anyone of the team like this, Connor stood up and walked over to her. He stood there looking at her a bit, she sighed, opened her arms and he reached in and embraced her, she returned the embrace and let him cry on her shoulder, his back heaving from his sobbing, breaking her heart a little.