A/N: It has been so long since I posted this story. I am truly sorry for making you guys wait. I have been really busy.

Closing the main entrance behind him, Elijah walked to the car in a hurry while pressing the button on the car key to unlatch the lock. As he got inside the vehicle, he shut the door and tucked in his seat belt, ready to start the engine.

He then glazed at the passenger's seat, feeling abandoned when he saw that Kol wasn't looking back at him with an arrogant smirk.

Elijah turned his head back to the steering wheel, inserting the key in the ignition starter with an empty expression.

"Here we go," the Mikaelson thought, referring to the lonely road trip he was about to embark on.

As he stepped onto the accelerator pedal, the Mercedes moved, getting out of his front porch to the road that was surrounded by old elm trees.

The road was clear, no cars seen or heard apart from Elijah's navy automobile.

He was eight miles away from his villa and still, trees were appearing in different shapes and colour.

Elijah drove with a facade, covering the emotions that begged to be shown, until he saw an oak tree that stood out from the rest, the thick branches that almost touched the soil.

He slowed down the vehicle, not worrying about any cars driving by, and stopped, gazing at the large plant.

A shaky sigh escaped from the Mikaelson's throat, as he tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, creating a beat that he knew long ago.

The tree looked so similar, so similar to the one that held so many memories of his human days, when they hid from monsters, not become one.

He chuckled softly at the images in his mind, but stopped when he thought of a certain scene from the past that never bothered him until now.

"Let us race to the top!" Kol challenged his brother, directing to the tree that was planted in front of them.

"I am afraid it is too dangerous, Kol. You'll get yourself hurt." Elijah declined, sad when he saw his 7 year old brother's eyes widen in disbelief.

The Mikael's younger son got down on his small knees and looked up at his brother, holding his hands together as he begged, "Please? I will not get hurt, you are here to protect me. Always."

Elijah stood there for awhile, trying to abstain, but sighed in defeat, unable to resist Kol's plead. "Very well then, who is going to do the honours of counting?" he asked, a small smile appearing on his face.

Kol grinned widely, showing his teeth, "I will!" he yelled happily before counting from one to three.

When the number three was shouted from Kol, the small boy immediately went to the tree, climbing as fast as he can while Elijah -purposely- was behind him.

The older brother stopped for a while, pretending to catch his breath so Kol could win by a landslide, although he knew he would be held against it for a very long time.

"Yes!" Kol shrieked in victory when he reached to the high point, hugging the thick branch so he won't fall.

"Unbelievable..." Elijah whispered, earning a laugh from his little brother.

"Believe it, 'Lijah, because I won you!" he showed off, his arms still wrapped around the branch.

"Oh well, let's get down then." he suggested as he began to climb down.

A few branches later, Elijah jumped off from the tree, his feet landing on the ground and he turned around, surprised when he became aware of the fact that Kol did not follow him down. As he looked up, he saw his brother holding onto the wooden pole that he had been clinging onto for a while.

"Kol, get down!" Elijah shouted so the younger boy could hear him.

"I can't."

Elijah was confused for a moment until he realized why.

"Do you know how to climb down?" Elijah asked.

"No." Kol admitted as he gripped the branch tighter to look at his brother.

The older Mikaelson sighed, cursing silently for letting Kol climb the tree. He tried thinking of a solution, but nothing came to his mind as he paced back and forth. Then he heard his brother call out for him.

"I'm thinking, Kol!"

"I'm going to jump off!" Kol shouted, thinking that this was a great plan.

"Are you deranged?! You will break your bones!" Elijah growled, afraid for his brother's well being.

"But you will catch me! Will you not?" Kol asked with confidence. "You will save me. Like you always do."

Elijah bit his lip, thinking about the risk he will be taking, worried if he'll be able to catch his dear brother without causing him any harm. But, Kol's word lingered in his mind, and it warmed up his heart, knowing this is what he thought of him.

The wise one sighed, opening his arms and ordered, "When I say jump, you jump. Do you understand?"

"I do!" Kol replied as he smiled, trusting his brother more than the brother himself.

"Alright... Jump!" Elijah yelled, causing Kol to leap from the oak tree.

Elijah stepped back, with his arms spread like a safety net and unexpectedly, he felt an impact on his chest, making him fall backwards onto the ground.

Two noises were heard, one was Kol's laugh and the other was Elijah's moan of pain.

As Kol rolled over, he saw what was wrong with his brother, and the smile on his face was replaced with a look of disgust. He stood up quickly, backing away as he pointed to Elijah's shoulder, that was out of place. "What is that?!" Kol bawled in horror.

The older Mikaelson groaned, looking over to see how badly the joint was damaged. "It has been dislocated, Kol." Elijah answered, distress recognized in his voice.

"How do we locate it?!" Kol asked, feeling bad that he was the one who caused it.

Elijah stared at his brother, wondering if he should let Kol help him. "I don't think you sho-"

"Please? It is all my fault you are like this. Let me fix it." The young boy pleaded.

"If you say so, brother." Elijah replied before telling Kol what to do, "You need to grab my shoulder, Kol, and pull with all the strength you have."

"What?! Are you sure?" Kol cried in disbelief.

"Yes. Do it!" Elijah demanded as his right hand gripped the soil beside him, preparing himself for the agony that was to come.

"Alright..." Kol sighed worriedly as he kneed down to his brother who was laying horizontally.

The younger kin took a hold of his shoulder, biting his bottom lip when he heard his brother's quiet grunt.

"Should I count?"

"I rather if you didn't," Elijah winced out.

'I will just do it in my head, then.' Kol thought to himself before he started counting from three to one, very slowly.

The sound of the bone being put to place and the growl coming out of the elder's gritted teeth made Kol cringe, as if he saw a baby deer being chased by a group of hunters.

"Are you okay?!" Kol, as of now, had the courage to ask him.

The older brother sat up while he held the wounded shoulder blade, "Much better, Kol."

Silence then disrupted the two males, and abided for a while until Kol had something to say.

"I'm so sorry, brother!" Kol apologized before jumping on his lap and wrapping his small arms around Elijah, being careful not to hurt him.

"No worries, Kol, no worries." Elijah whispered as he planted his lips on top of his little brother's head.

" I told you that you would save me!" Kol yelled with pride, "You always will won't you? Always and Forever!"

The first born son chuckled before responding, "Of course I will, little one. Always and Forever."

A/N: Hi again! I would appreciate it if you can leave a review on what memory I can do next! :D